Does Murray have twitter?



  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    If Michael is gone, then his kids are WITHOUT their father, & it would be all because this dumbass of a "doctor" gave him Propofol knowing damn well it could be lethal. So if that is his twitter, do NOT expect me to feel sympathetic to you as a "father" since you don't even see your kids, don't support them yet took away Michael's life, intentionally or not. He's actually a FATHER & people never thought about him that way & sympathized with him or gave him a break for his sake or his children's so why should anyone give this guy a break? Unless, this isn't all as it seems like someone said, which is possible at this point, anything is...I'm still so confused. I wanna hate CM if Michael is dead, but I don't feel like he is, nothing seems right & if he is I sometimes feel like black CM might not be the culprit maybe someone else is behind all this & he was hired to pretend. Idk... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • lol if i did not look at the name his word choice sounds like something MICHAEL WOULD SAY...what is he is trying to reach us through Murrays name...i mean afterall if this is indeed a hoax then Murray is actually a BIG help...

    those words remind me of something Michael would say <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    And if this is indeed a hoax, then I think that "murray" do not deserve this hating words...He's part of the plan , don't forget that....

    just like MJalive999's video said: A person is unguilty before the opposite is proven...

    And what we are doing now with murray is the same thing the media and the haters did with michael
  • If Michael is gone, then his kids are WITHOUT their father, & it would be all because this dumbass of a "doctor" gave him Propofol knowing damn well it could be lethal. So if that is his twitter, do NOT expect me to feel sympathetic to you as a "father" since you don't even see your kids, don't support them yet took away Michael's life, intentionally or not. He's actually a FATHER & people never thought about him that way & sympathized with him or gave him a break for his sake or his children's so why should anyone give this guy a break? Unless, this isn't all as it seems like someone said, which is possible at this point, anything is...I'm still so confused. I wanna hate CM if Michael is dead, but I don't feel like he is, nothing seems right & if he is I sometimes feel like black CM might not be the culprit maybe someone else is behind all this & he was hired to pretend. Idk... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I cant hate him either.. isnt that wierd??
  • Have you mentioned it sorry if you have

    Please consider that I too am a father, do not judge or condemn me until you have walked in my shoes. Please pray for my family
    i thought he had forgot he was a father to his what 6 kids???
  • If Michael is gone, then his kids are WITHOUT their father, & it would be all because this dumbass of a "doctor" gave him Propofol knowing damn well it could be lethal. So if that is his twitter, do NOT expect me to feel sympathetic to you as a "father" since you don't even see your kids, don't support them yet took away Michael's life, intentionally or not. He's actually a FATHER & people never thought about him that way & sympathized with him or gave him a break for his sake or his children's so why should anyone give this guy a break? Unless, this isn't all as it seems like someone said, which is possible at this point, anything is...I'm still so confused. I wanna hate CM if Michael is dead, but I don't feel like he is, nothing seems right & if he is I sometimes feel like black CM might not be the culprit maybe someone else is behind all this & he was hired to pretend. Idk... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I cant hate him either.. isnt that wierd??
    you may change your mind
  • mj if would seem had so many mean pp around him, its amazing he was/is such a sweety.

    so many pp so unkind, in his life and in his reported death

  • why is he tweeting?
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    why is he tweeting?

    I don't think that this is his real twitter account
  • F**k Conrad Murray ,he is a murderer ,and even if he isn't he gave MJ drugs that he had no Biz giving him. Because MONEY was more important to him than Our Beloved MJ's LIFE . I hope he rots in hell . I am not as divine as MJ in the forgivness dept

    Exactly... so do you not find him tweeting these kind of things slightly bizarre???
    Yes ,but not really he is trying to get the public to feel sorry for him that's why he visited MJ's grave with a photographer . Someone on here { I won't say who} even put out a video ,feeling sorry for Murray . He did not kill MJ ,because he is a live <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I hope we are not heading for a suicide here.

    NOT a real one - God forbid.
    But one as a shocker for the world to see how far they go without hesitation.

    And then Michael coming back - oh I don't want to imagine this BAM.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    H,mm.. just read it. He is a cheeky mofo! "He is a father as well"

    Yeah, yeah... a father to 7 kids by multiple mothers who he cant pay for and doesnt see. Ive heard one is in Grenada!! Not even in the same country!!!

    And he still has his life.. MJ isnt here anymore (wherever the hell he is)

    It seems so strange to me that he would have the sheer bloody cheek to tweet something like this in the public domain.

    Why? A liar, a murderer.. someoone who is a sociopath so doesnt see the irony in his statements or see how they would be perceived.
    Someone courting our sympathy?
    Or something else... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    There is NO evidence that this man has done anything.

    There is however evidence that Doc Murray is speaking on behalf of Michael.


    Did we all see the video?
    Is this tweet different?
    Yes. It is a call.
  • Shouldn't he be hiding under a rock somewhere?

    Why is he on twitter?! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Exactly. He is still socializing on the web. What an odd thing to do when you're about to go to jail. Who is his PR person?
  • lol if i did not look at the name his word choice sounds like something MICHAEL WOULD SAY...what is he is trying to reach us through Murrays name...i mean afterall if this is indeed a hoax then Murray is actually a BIG help...

    those words remind me of something Michael would say <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I really dont want to write everything here, so Im gonna give the credit to this webpage I think she's right.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I have thought that, why it was reported that Murray page was not real it only has a few tweets on it and they say he does not have a smart phone so i suppose they know it came from a smart phone not a computor because he must have a computor for his work didnt they say about a laptop on Michaels bed it might have been Michaels even though he supposed to not know how to use a computor so kf says ,even though he liked ebay. But to the point it has not been mentioned in the uk paper about murrays fake twitter and at the moment they are going mad about bullying from face book and twitter would have thought they would have heard about this and reported it or am I wrong.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973

    The media will manipulate any facts to generate the outcome that will create the most public interest. Things are not always as they seem

    I know they said it was a fake twitter months ago but why wasnt it shut down cancelled but here it is again active.
    Just thought i would show you
  • it does not mean that he is alive
    he cant say anything - i dont believe the murder thing at all

    if mike is dead it was medical negligence
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I agree with you
    but he twittered a long time ago and tmz said it was a fake account he did not even have a a smart phone so the account laid dormant and then this just now so i thought it might be important.
    i dont think cm is s a murderer
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    we do not know if this account belongs to Conrad Murray or even it does I am not 100% sure Conrad Murray is real.

    The fact that TMZ said the account was not real does not give me any comfort at all that it is fake account either, so net net have no idea what to take out of this, besides "...Things are not always as they seem" reminds me "the owls are not what they seem" from Twin Peaks that I absolutely loved <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • the fact is that cm used YT so he could use twitter, and if he has not made much use of it - lend itself to being real,

    the other fakers are on there just as much as we are on this site <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I think only justice can tell about Conrad Murray. I don't understand WHY some fans behave with him, same way people behaved with Michael about child molestation. We don't have everything said, we only have what is said in the media. So I think we should just wait to know what it's all about.
    In my opinion, if Michael died it's only because Murray was not a good doctor...If it was murder stuff, it would be better organised...I mean if murray was paid to kill Michael, do you think he would have panic and hide propofol bottles ?
    It looks more like a doctor who forgot about reality, gave the star what he wa asking, and when he killed him he went back to reality, realizing what he did, what he was becoming and tried to hide all he could.

    So if not a hoax, we should let Murray facing his own reality, and not judge him by ourselves.
  • Have you noticed CM is trying to show that he is into good health. You know thje recent pics of him, at the gym and at the beach. All trying to look like he is into health, so he never would have hurt Michael.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    He is back
  • CM twittered this? Is this for real? Who is back. Links are always nice. Thanks.
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