Hoax hits Dutch media



  • Thank you. So we can assume this is a reputable newspaper and not one that just prints anything that will sell? I am encouraged by seeing this in print. Thanks!
  • whether sarcastic or not, I think it's good they published it.
    Talking about my personal experience, I made some people around me doubtful about MJ death...And now they are also interested in all the NWO stuff...
    This is just me in my every day life;I'm sure many of us are experiencing the same...
    So let's imagine how many people an article can reach..<!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • reputable newspapers are the biggest puppets/weapons of the NWO and lie a LOT, and in a more harmful way than tabloids.
  • I don't think it was very smart of you to say in the article Michael wants to learn the NWO a lesson.
    We don't know for sure he's in hiding because of them and now you wrote that ,they will definatly come after him.

    You just ruined every chance for Michael to come out of hiding.

    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Thank you for ruinig his life......... <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    I'm pissed

    be very proud of yourself ,you just killed Michael for sure
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> What are you talking about? Mo and Souza didn't speak for the newspaper article.. BTW this forum is open for everybody... everyone can read all about what we discuss..
  • Michael always said "Dont believe what you read". So come on alot of people are going to think this is just bogus and garbage. Don't worry about it.

    Personally the NWO comment should NOT have been in the paper. That was just silly. However what is done is done now. No turning back.
  • Michael always said "Dont believe what you read". So come on alot of people are going to think this is just bogus and garbage. Don't worry about it.

    Personally the NWO comment should NOT have been in the paper. That was just silly. However what is done is done now. No turning back.

    Or maybe that´s exactly the intention.

    We´ve been seing some media talking about this latelly.
    The italian and french program, the greek one.... nothing like this.

    This smells fishy to me. I´m sorry and very confussed right now.
  • I don't think it was very smart of you to say in the article Michael wants to learn the NWO a lesson.
    We don't know for sure he's in hiding because of them and now you wrote that ,they will definatly come after him.

    You just ruined every chance for Michael to come out of hiding.

    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Thank you for ruinig his life......... <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    I'm pissed

    be very proud of yourself ,you just killed Michael for sure

    or... "thank you Michael for opening our eyes and trying to make THAT change".. I think this one is better.
  • I agree; any mention of Michael's intentions should NOT have been mentioned. It does concern me that people are publicly broadcasting their opinions about what Michael's intentions may have been, even though this is only their interpretation and theory. This is some heavy stuff that is being projected and thrown onto Michael. Because there is no concrete proof, it's just merely taking the liberty and trying to "re-write" and create a fictitious history for Michael. If the interpretation is wrong, it does harm his legacy and historical life story. Some could go as far as to say it's slander and libel.

    When I die, I truly hope no one does this to me. I'm stating that for the record.
  • And I want to add one more thing to my above post. This possibly causes serious damage control for the Jackson family. It just adds one more thing they have to worry about.
  • CLaudiaCLaudia Posts: 2
    I agree; any mention of Michael's intentions should NOT have been mentioned. It does concern me that people are publicly broadcasting their opinions about what Michael's intentions may have been, even though this is only their interpretation and theory. This is some heavy stuff that is being projected and thrown onto Michael. Because there is no concrete proof, it's just merely taking the liberty and trying to "re-write" and create a fictitious history for Michael. If the interpretation is wrong, it does harm his legacy and historical life story. Some could go as far as to say it's slander and libel.

    When I die, I truly hope no one does this to me. I'm stating that for the record.

    Thank you , you get my point.
    This is as bad as the tabloid press, exactly the same ,guessing and writing things they are not sure about and damaging Michael AND his family
  • I thought it was a good thing that it was brought up. Not a lot of media (local or global) dares to bring these things up (mj related or not/sarcastic or not). So it's a good thing to get some focus on it. It's important to open up debates on the NWO subject. We are not going to solve it by playing secret society like a lot of others do.
  • My reply is not only for CLaudia, but to posters who made similar comments as well.
    I don't think it was very smart of you to say in the article Michael wants to learn the NWO a lesson.
    We don't know for sure he's in hiding because of them and now you wrote that ,they will definatly come after him.

    Sure darling...like no one knew before that we carry out that message through our website. It's a secret website, that no one knows of of course, and for sure it can't be found when you google Michael Jackson hoax. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Those involved in trying to bring Mike down time after time FOR SURE know about the existence of this website, and what Souza and I are focussing on.
  • My reply is not only for CLaudia, but to posters who made similar comments as well.
    I don't think it was very smart of you to say in the article Michael wants to learn the NWO a lesson.
    We don't know for sure he's in hiding because of them and now you wrote that ,they will definatly come after him.

    Sure darling...like no one knew before that we carry out that message through our website. It's a secret website, that no one knows of of course, and for sure it can't be found when you google Michael Jackson hoax. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Those involved in trying to bring Mike down time after time FOR SURE know about the existence of this website, and what Souza and I are focussing on.

    I second that
  • I thought it was a good thing that it was brought up. Not a lot of media (local or global) dares to bring these things up (mj related or not/sarcastic or not). So it's a good thing to get some focus on it. It's important to open up debates on the NWO subject. We are not going to solve it by playing secret society like a lot of others do.

    Indeed, you hit the nail on the head.
  • My reply is not only for CLaudia, but to posters who made similar comments as well.
    I don't think it was very smart of you to say in the article Michael wants to learn the NWO a lesson.
    We don't know for sure he's in hiding because of them and now you wrote that ,they will definatly come after him.

    Sure darling...like no one knew before that we carry out that message through our website. It's a secret website, that no one knows of of course, and for sure it can't be found when you google Michael Jackson hoax. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Those involved in trying to bring Mike down time after time FOR SURE know about the existence of this website, and what Souza and I are focussing on.

    Yes and they do it on every forum where they speak about this openly, they know that we know that's pretty obvious.
  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    there is many other hoax sites spreading the message, some spreading ones similar to our while others spread there own, this is a hoax site and thats what mo and souza do.

    To the ones saying they did bad by getting this out there, take that talk elsewhere, this is a warning.
  • Most of us would probably agree it's important to create discussions around such topics as New World Order. That's not the issue here. The issue is asserting that Michael faked his death because he's going to save us from the New World Order. Become a "savior", of sorts. That is an interpretation and opinion. This is not a small allegation, and not one to be taken lightly. Because of that, these public assertions could actually do more harm than good. It's the truth that we hoping need to prevail, not our assumptions and theories.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    To those that say: It's not good to get this in print, I have news for you ....

    This website is a busy one, millions of people from all over the world visit this site and read about NWO. The Leeuwarder Courant is a small Dutch (Frysk) newspaper. What would 'harm' more, this newspaper or the website? I think the website has a much wider audience.

    Also, it's still all 'theory' and the article states that very clear due to the sarcasm.

    Besides that, the journalist only got the normal hoaxie stuff from us, but he did his homework and read up on the site and the forum and HE decided to mention the NWO.

    Last but not least, Mike did not fake his death as a publicity stunt, he is risking everything for something way bigger. He wants this message out in our opinion, so every paper that has the balls to report it (even though sarcastic) will spread the message. If only 50% of the readers will be interested and read up on it, it's another 50.000 people woken up and that's never a bad thing, whether Mike died or not.

    If you do not agree with this subject, and only think Mike was hot in his Gold Pants and hoaxed his death only to sell more albums, then I'm sorry and sad to hear that.

    The more people will discuss this matter and read up on it, the better. JMHO

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    And having that opinion is ok to a point, it might be someones opinions that having articles revolving the nwo or illuminati or very bad people out there in the public isnt the best thing, and I respect that, but lets be clear, This site and many of its pages and videos revolve around this belief, I wont call it a belief but instead I will call it The stuff that they have worked hard to uncover, if its right or wrong IT WAS THERE FOR THEM TO UNCOVER and if you research like they did alot of it is apparent , forget what they researched for a second, go look for yourself, you will see many people saying that there was BAD people around michael and many where trying to ruin him, and these people dont get spoken too, no one questions them and everyone keeps wondering whats going on with these people.

    so obviously there where scrupulous people around michael and if so , could they be in positions to do it on thier own, are others helping them do wring to him.

    theres so much that needs to be discussed yet its easy to attack mo and souza when they bring some sort of conclusion to something and to do what it takes to get it out there, whatever damage an article does is nothing compared to what these fuckers have done to him his whole life.

    Some information is better then no information, Mo and souza where not living with him so obviously they wont be able to be correct on everything but neither is every other hoaxer out there, leave your nasty comments at the door, OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL CLEAN HOUSE LIKE NO ONES BUSINESS.
  • I see what kind of site this is ,you don't agree with anyone get threated ,you respond and then it gets deleted.

    Yeah right ,just the reason I'm not here anymore,

    you can't say your own opinion, just agree with the rest.

    have fun ,never see me again here

    Then leave. Nobody's stopping you.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    To those that say: It's not good to get this in print, I have news for you ....

    This website is a busy one, millions of people from all over the world visit this site and read about NWO. The Leeuwarder Courant is a small Dutch (Frysk) newspaper. What would 'harm' more, this newspaper or the website? I think the website has a much wider audience.

    Also, it's still all 'theory' and the article states that very clear due to the sarcasm.

    Besides that, the journalist only got the normal hoaxie stuff from us, but he did his homework and read up on the site and the forum and HE decided to mention the NWO.

    Last but not least, Mike did not fake his death as a publicity stunt, he is risking everything for something way bigger. He wants this message out in our opinion, so every paper that has the balls to report it (even though sarcastic) will spread the message. If only 50% of the readers will be interested and read up on it, it's another 50.000 people woken up and that's never a bad thing, whether Mike died or not.

    If you do not agree with this subject, and only think Mike was hot in his Gold Pants and hoaxed his death only to sell more albums, then I'm sorry and sad to hear that.

    The more people will discuss this matter and read up on it, the better. JMHO

  • Whoa! It's in the Dutch paper! That's huge! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    To those that say: It's not good to get this in print, I have news for you ....

    This website is a busy one, millions of people from all over the world visit this site and read about NWO. The Leeuwarder Courant is a small Dutch (Frysk) newspaper. What would 'harm' more, this newspaper or the website? I think the website has a much wider audience.

    Also, it's still all 'theory' and the article states that very clear due to the sarcasm.

    Besides that, the journalist only got the normal hoaxie stuff from us, but he did his homework and read up on the site and the forum and HE decided to mention the NWO.

    Last but not least, Mike did not fake his death as a publicity stunt, he is risking everything for something way bigger. He wants this message out in our opinion, so every paper that has the balls to report it (even though sarcastic) will spread the message. If only 50% of the readers will be interested and read up on it, it's another 50.000 people woken up and that's never a bad thing, whether Mike died or not.

    If you do not agree with this subject, and only think Mike was hot in his Gold Pants and hoaxed his death only to sell more albums, then I'm sorry and sad to hear that.

    The more people will discuss this matter and read up on it, the better. JMHO

  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    There's something said in the article that I don't like: That the die-hard fans didn't notice the strange things and are only mourning.
    I'm a die-hard fan for almost 20 years now, and I know there's something smelly from the beginning.
    There are die-hard fans who also believe in the hoax.
  • haha bribed much <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> ?
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