Hoax hits Dutch media



  • Souza and Mo I thank you so much for your hard work.
    I have not the word to explain how important this is for me and for the world.
    I do not often post in here but I read almost everything. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    You can be so proud of what you doing.
    the world needs to become aware of the NWO.
    I'm glad and proud of you both.
    THANK YOU MY SWEETHEARDS <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529

    Love you girls.....<!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • choose ur hand to release the hoax info.
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    Trots op jullie!!
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    congrats Mo you deserve it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • There's something said in the article that I don't like: That the die-hard fans didn't notice the strange things and are only mourning.
    I'm a die-hard fan for almost 20 years now, and I know there's something smelly from the beginning.
    There are die-hard fans who also believe in the hoax.

    I agree,I'm one of them!
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    It's grate news, hope everything will be good till July <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • did they approach you or did you approach them?

    how was the interview done email or over the phone

    was it exciting?
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    awesome!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> my mouth is still open! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    thx MO and Souza!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • There's something said in the article that I don't like: That the die-hard fans didn't notice the strange things and are only mourning.
    I'm a die-hard fan for almost 20 years now, and I know there's something smelly from the beginning.
    There are die-hard fans who also believe in the hoax.

    I agree,I'm one of them!

    Okay, since this is the second person complaining about that, here's what I wrote:

    "The real die hard fans don't even notice what's going on. They just write 'Oh we miss you so much' on the fan forums, that's just how far they get.

    Were we talking about the hoax forums..? No. Please read before you make comments like that.
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    "The ambulance with Which He Was Transported to the hospital three Attempts made to exit the drive way backwards, That makes sense in the Google Earth shows there's a huge roundabout on the property. Why did not speed up the ambulance, and there Were No alarm lights nor sirens? ".

    Very good .. it was something I discussed with some users on our forum .. and some do not agree with my opinion, which is basically this: how do you transport a patient who is dying and not turn the damn siren..
    even if he's already "dead", its strange how they was so "calm" with no hurry to exit MJ's house. very strange actions.
  • MJJuiceMJJuice Posts: 8
    Thank you MO & SOUZA !
    I think this: the fact that you aren't fans of Michael (as I'm not ) is the best thing for all of us,'cos made you objective and your work impeccable.
    ...not as my English ! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    ThanKs again & Happy Easter , to You & to all MJHD members !!
  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    Thanks MO! sometimes sarcasm makes you think more than when someone states something as fact...
    and even if all that the reporter did was make fun of us many will look up the forum and will start doubting things!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Souza and Mo I appreciate what you're doing for Michael and I do like to see news about the hoax death in all other media BUT to talk about Michael's intention about NWO and illuminati sounds to me like a police car that goes to catch the thieves when the siren on. I know that we talk about it all over the internet but adding the newspapers into this could bring more danger to Michael. Maybe we shouldn't have talked about it never on open forums, maybe we should have created secret forums I don't know BUT this way I think we're putting him into more danger. So to me talking about hoax death on newspapers or magazines has nothing wrong but talking about his intention could be worse for Michael. I believe that we shouldn't spread his intention on the print media YET. You say that more people will wake up when you talk in a newspaper about NWO but it doesn't work that way. They don't believe and start making researches about NWO when they read it on a newspaper. It is so hard to convince people even when you show them videos about illuminati or NWO. And people prefer to believe in what they see. I wonder how he is going to be safe when he gets back. This concerns me a lot. But I think it's too late to discuss or talk about. We've already opened Pandora's Box.
  • Omg ... this is fricken' fantastic. It NEEDS to get out there as much as possible. I can't understand why the media in the United States - who continuously gossips - has NOT opened up about this. I am so happy to see it's hitting all the international media. Thank you girls for getting this out there. If the NWO is involved they need to be outed like this. Enough is enough already.

    It pisses me off that NONE of this has been mentioned in our own country. Michael's OWN country for that matter. Instead we are walking around on eggshells with the truth about this hoax.

    None of this is putting Michael in danger. I am sure if he planned something as elaborate as this - his ass is covered. We don't need to worry - we are not on his security payroll. He will be fine. If he didn't want anyone investigating this - then NO CLUES would of been left.

    Get to the Media... wear them down. Let's get some answers!!!!!
  • Souza and Mo I appreciate what you're doing for Michael and I do like to see news about the hoax death in all other media BUT to talk about Michael's intention about NWO and illuminati sounds to me like a police car that goes to catch the thieves when the siren on. I know that we talk about it all over the internet but adding the newspapers into this could bring more danger to Michael. Maybe we shouldn't have talked about it never on open forums, maybe we should have created secret forums I don't know BUT this way I think we're putting him into more danger. So to me talking about hoax death on newspapers or magazines has nothing wrong but talking about his intention could be worse for Michael. I believe that we shouldn't spread his intention on the print media YET. You say that more people will wake up when you talk in a newspaper about NWO but it doesn't work that way. They don't believe and start making researches about NWO when they read it on a newspaper. It is so hard to convince people even when you show them videos about illuminati or NWO. And people prefer to believe in what they see. I wonder how he is going to be safe when he gets back. This concerns me a lot. But I think it's too late to discuss or talk about. We've already opened Pandora's Box.

    Mike has tried to spread his Message by singing, writing and talking for many years. He's not 'around' right now to do it himself, so it needs to be done for him. The Michael Jackson - illuminati connection is nothing new, there are quite a lot of articles on the internet dated way before 06/25/2009 in which it's described. We all joined Mike's Army of Love, but there are still not enough soldiers of love. The believers are a very small percentage of the world population, so the only way to recruit more soldiers is to spread Mike's Message outside the hoax community.

    I'm very sure Mike took precautions, and one of these in my opinion is the use of doubles. By creating duplicates and planting them everywhere, it's getting pretty difficult to determine who the real Michael Jackson is. It's the perfect way to protect the Real Deal. Just look at how the people on the boards are divided about the use of doubles.

    No, I don't think the article put Mike in any more danger than he was before. The more people know about illuminati and NWO, the better he's protected. Just imagine what would happen if something happens to him when he comes back, then people will immediately know who's behind it, then all hell will break loose.
  • mo do you think mike is dead?
  • mo do you think mike is dead?

    No, not at all. What makes you think that?
  • mo do you think mike is dead?

    No, not at all. What makes you think that?

    your not a fan

    i dont regard myself as a fan

    what are your feelings for him?
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    mo do you think mike is dead?

    No, not at all. What makes you think that?

    your not a fan

    i dont regard myself as a fan

    what are your feelings for him?
    Well.. I am alsno not a fan!! I just want to know why this world is so Fu*&ked up!!! I mean they are joking with us! the whole world believe 9/11!!!!! This is the first time I dont believe the Media!!!! and its with the MJ's dead!
  • mo do you think mike is dead?

    No, not at all. What makes you think that?

    your not a fan

    i dont regard myself as a fan

    what are your feelings for him?
    Well.. I am alsno not a fan!! I just want to know why this world is so Fu*&ked up!!! I mean they are joking with us! the whole world believe 9/11!!!!! This is the first time I dont believe the Media!!!! and its with the MJ's dead!

    are you a fan now? thanks for sharing
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    mo do you think mike is dead?

    No, not at all. What makes you think that?

    your not a fan

    i dont regard myself as a fan

    what are your feelings for him?
    Well.. I am alsno not a fan!! I just want to know why this world is so Fu*&ked up!!! I mean they are joking with us! the whole world believe 9/11!!!!! This is the first time I dont believe the Media!!!! and its with the MJ's dead!

    are you a fan now? thanks for sharing
    Well to know MJ better.. I watch videos, songs and some rare footage.. I read about him.. to know what he thinks about this world..
    I didnt do this stuff before 6/25! So I dont think I am a fan!! More ''investigator''... Just like Mo and Souza!
  • mo do you think mike is dead?

    No, not at all. What makes you think that?

    your not a fan

    i dont regard myself as a fan

    what are your feelings for him?

    I honestly don't understand where you want to go with these questions, and I don't see how my answers would add anything to the hoax. But...here we go again, and I hope that this answer (which by the way has been posted many times before) will finally put an end to all the questions:

    We are not fans, so what are we doing here?

    We are not here to find him.
    We are here to speak up for someone that can't speak up for himself now.
    We are here to report all the shit that the mainstream media has ignored or mis reported.
    We are here to support someone that needs support.
    We are here to give members a platform to discuss this matter.
    We are here for him and we will defend him to the bone, whether you want to believe it or not.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    mo do you think mike is dead?

    No, not at all. What makes you think that?

    your not a fan

    i dont regard myself as a fan

    what are your feelings for him?

    I honestly don't understand where you want to go with these questions, and I don't see how my answers would add anything to the hoax. But...here we go again, and I hope that this answer (which by the way has been posted many times before) will finally put an end to all the questions:

    We are not fans, so what are we doing here?

    We are not here to find him.
    We are here to speak up for someone that can't speak up for himself now.
    We are here to report all the shit that the mainstream media has ignored or mis reported.
    We are here to support someone that needs support.
    We are here to give members a platform to discuss this matter.
    We are here for him and we will defend him to the bone, whether you want to believe it or not.

    Mo, I think we can keep repeating this, but some have already made up their minds. If you're not a fan, you have a hidden agenda or something. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Mo, I think we can keep repeating this, but some have already made up their minds. If you're not a fan, you have a hidden agenda or something. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    If not being a fan is considered a crime, we should be hanged, drawn and quartered for it...
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