Im_convincedmjaliveIm_convincedmjalive Posts: 1,409
edited January 1970 in News

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I'm just a OLD fart now, being 41...

Seeing how the youth today looks up to these artists.. Parents WAKE UP CALL!

This is what your children are listening to.
<!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->


  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes the aim of these devil worshippers is to make people forget God, to deceive people into thinking that there is no God or to make them worship an idol. That's why history, biology and so many things have been twisted or kept secret. I really think that their final goal is this one. It's not about money for what it is, money is a means of control. They worship the devil and want to establish his power on this world. Of course God will have the last word.

    Unfortunately I feel that this world has become less spiritual. Don't compare with what is going on in this forum I mean if you consider the whole world it really seems that people have forgotten God, true faith, they have forgotten that God created us for a purpose and that one day all that will come to an end. This life is not forever, we all will have to face death and we must be prepared now. That's why it's very important for people to wake up and pray God almighty, spread love and be kind with people, help the poor and the orphans, smile, be good things.

    Death is not the end it's the beggining of eternity. Which eternity would you like ? This is what I ask myself often and I always pray God to help me walk in the right path, to do things that pleases Him...prayer is very important. I also ask for repentance and forgiveness because sometimes it happens that we do wrong things without noticing it. We can hurt someone with a word or forget to say "hi", avoid a smile because we're in a bad mood...etc. Asking for forgiveness even if you don't know for what exactly is a good thing also.
    Well I could continue longer so I stop here <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> . God bless you all.
  • Their agenda is to make us godless but it is not working, people are slowly waking up and coming closer to god, I myself are closer to god than ever and it feels so good. So whatever Rihanna or anyone else is saying in the music industy I really could care less about what they say.

    Let me share an artist who is against the Illuminati also now, DMX sings about God as well now. Listen to this.

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Their agenda is to make us godless but it is not working, people are slowly waking up and coming closer to god, I myself are closer to god than ever and it feels so good. So whatever Rihanna or anyone else is saying in the music industy I really could care less about what they say.

    Let me share an artist who is against the Illuminati also now, DMX sings about God as well now. Listen to this.


    Thank you for the video. I hope that more and more people will wake up. It gives hope.
  • @MJLOVER1990,

    I did not post this for people to become offended at the subject. I did not post this topic to have people become defensive either. I am a single mother to a 16 year old girl.

    I grew up with DMX and the likes. I am happy to see the change in the artists hearts.

    I posted this for the parents who maybe unaware of this reality of what their children are REALLY listening to.

    God Bless You..
    <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    hmmm i really dont think that people are distancing away from God, just because of music....... i dont think that they are totally to blame...... in my case.... i kinda stopped the whole God and Religion thing.... not because a song had told me to... but because of my education... which was based on a catholic ethos.... and i studied subjects that taught me to think for myself, and make up my own mind about things........ so id say that music wasnt an influence on me in that sense and i really never looked at music in that way at all tbh.
  • @MJLOVER1990,

    I did not post this for people to become offended at the subject. I did not post this topic to have people become defensive either. I am a single mother to a 16 year old girl.

    I grew up with DMX and the likes. I am happy to see the change in the artists hearts.

    I posted this for the parents who maybe unaware of this reality of what their children are REALLY listening to.

    God Bless You..
    <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    I know what you mean, I didn't meant any harm I was just expressing my opinion on how Rihanna and other artists in the Illuminati do this. I'm not a mother myself yet, but when I will be one day I will definitely teach my children about the good things about God and make them aware of thing. But let's hope all of this evil will be out of the world then. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    hmmm i really dont think that people are distancing away from God, just because of music....... i dont think that they are totally to blame...... in my case.... i kinda stopped the whole God and Religion thing.... not because a song had told me to... but because of my education... which was based on a catholic ethos.... and i studied subjects that taught me to think for myself, and make up my own mind about things........ so id say that music wasnt an influence on me in that sense and i really never looked at music in that way at all tbh.

    Yes but they don't only use music as a vehicle but almost everything. I remember when at school we learned about Darwin and the evolution which is totally false, the big-bang... This world is just so perfect and complicated at the same time that it had to be like that from the very start and there must be a creator. If you dispatch every piece of the computer you are using and put it in a box than you shake it strongly (big-bang) then open the box what will you find ? Surely not a computer. You have to put the pieces together to make the computer. So the same for this world. No way this is by chance. Well I'm not going to convince you this is just some things that makes me believe.

    I think that this post was to show that most often music is an important thing in people's life and that subconscioulsy it can shape people's mind into thinking in a certain way especially young audiences. Same thing for all medias.
    Religion itself has been twisted to say least so you can imagine the power they have. Plus it has not began in recent years they are working from a long time ago.

    I would like to know what made you stopped on believing in God. If you don't want to answer it's ok but I'm interested to know what kind of things made you feel differently. Thank you.
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    hmmm i really dont think that people are distancing away from God, just because of music....... i dont think that they are totally to blame...... in my case.... i kinda stopped the whole God and Religion thing.... not because a song had told me to... but because of my education... which was based on a catholic ethos.... and i studied subjects that taught me to think for myself, and make up my own mind about things........ so id say that music wasnt an influence on me in that sense and i really never looked at music in that way at all tbh.

    Yes but they don't only use music as a vehicle but almost everything. I remember when at school we learned about Darwin and the evolution which is totally false, the big-bang... This world is just so perfect and complicated at the same time that it had to be like that from the very start and there must be a creator. If you dispatch every piece of the computer you are using and put it in a box than you shake it strongly (big-bang) then open the box what will you find ? Surely not a computer. You have to put the pieces together to make the computer. So the same for this world. No way this is by chance. Well I'm not going to convince you this is just some things that makes me believe.

    I think that this post was to show that most often music is an important thing in people's life and that subconscioulsy it can shape people's mind into thinking in a certain way especially young audiences. Same thing for all medias.
    Religion itself has been twisted to say least so you can imagine the power they have. Plus it has not began in recent years they are working from a long time ago.

    I would like to know what made you stopped on believing in God. If you don't want to answer it's ok but I'm interested to know what kind of things made you feel differently. Thank you.

    well i think the main thing is that it was really a thing of that the more i learned and studied religion, and going to mass i kinda started questioning things..... i wondered how God could exist... kinda of a what is God? phase and how could a "puff of air" create a world in seven days. it was something that i began to question how someone could rise from the dead and proclaim to have all these powers.

    it was really that i couldnt see the logic in it all. i remember in class that we had a discussion at one time and we were talking about Jesus christ, and i had burst out with "is there any proof that Jesus christ Existed?" and i got an answer of " yes according to a census taken at that time Jesus Christ as a person did exist" and i took it and accepted that yes ok he existed as a person, but as the son of god???

    the thing is that i kinda think that there is possibly something there...... as there are somethings that i think that cannot be explained by science or man for that matter.

    so i really i just became skeptical of it all.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I don't believe that Jesus is God nor his son. Jesus is a messenger, a prophet but not God. God gave him powers that we don't have but he is not God this is in what religions have been twisted, what devil worshippers want to make people think, worship a human being. But when Jesus was born the world was already there and Jesus never said that he was God.
    God is not a human being like you and me and cannot be comprehended by human knowledge. He is so much more. Well I respect your point of view.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Thank you for this post.

    I agree that there is so much corruption in music today.
    Most songs are seemingly about "nothing" but in reality, many preach such a horrible aversion to God.
    They use an up-tempo beat and catchy lyrics that seem to mean nothing, only to have people saying things that they don't even realize. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I don't believe that Jesus is God nor his son. Jesus is a messenger, a prophet but not God. God gave him powers that we don't have but he is not God this is in what religions have been twisted, what devil worshippers want to make people think, worship a human being. But when Jesus was born the world was already there and Jesus never said that he was God.
    God is not a human being like you and me and cannot be comprehended by human knowledge. He is so much more. Well I respect your point of view.

    This is my view point also.
    Thank you for saying it so well.
  • I don't believe that Jesus is God nor his son. Jesus is a messenger, a prophet but not God. God gave him powers that we don't have but he is not God this is in what religions have been twisted, what devil worshippers want to make people think, worship a human being. But when Jesus was born the world was already there and Jesus never said that he was God.
    God is not a human being like you and me and cannot be comprehended by human knowledge. He is so much more. Well I respect your point of view.

    Actually if you read the Bible. Jesus made many comments leading to the fact that he was in fact the son of God that he was himself infact God in human form. The Old testiment even predicted Jesus's birth. You can read the prophesy in Isiah (not good at spelling biblical names lol) Also Jesus himself said to know him was to know God and that no ones comes to the father but through him, also in the Gospels it states to deny the son is to deny the Father (God) Jesus was not simply a 'human being' he was God in human form.
    Im not a christian so im not trying to bible bash anyone <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I just believe very strongly in educating oneself to ALL the religions of the World for the fact that how can we love and respect one another if we are ignorent as to what each other believes in. I say with my hand on my heart ... your faith is your soul ... remember that when ones faith is diffrent to yours <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> thats my motto when talking peoples beliefs.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Thanks for posting this. I am a 45 yo single mother of a 7 yo child, and to this day, he has never been allowed to watch commercial television, and is scared of violence and blood, including animated games etc. He has chosen to be a total vegan, because he believes animals should not be harmed in any way! This is how God works through people.... He also loves MJ and he has been exposed to him quite frequently. He tells his friends that MJ is alive <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> God works in mysterious ways, and its up to us, the parents, to control what our children are exposed too. I am proud to be a Catholic <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> As always, with L.O.V.E xox
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    I am a 16 year old girl, but I am not immature.
    I have been interested in religion all my life, and lots of things of the Catholic and Christian religions don't make sense to me. That is why I have chosen Buddhism. It has helped me in so many ways. I have seen good Catholic friends get into drugs, alcohol, and even prostitution. Buddhism has helped me become a better person in so many ways. It has enlightened me. I am not as selfish or rude, and I try and treat every living thing with respect.

    Another thing, you cannot say that evolution does not exist. You are blind if you haven't seen and felt things changing in the world. Everything changes eventually, and the Big Bang theory does make a lot of sense. I have been taught to not disrespect other people's religions, but I find God as easy to believe as the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Please don't give me grief about this. It's just me speaking my mind. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    The llluminati will never stop me from believing in Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour. So there, Illuminati, take that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I thank God for this forum. You are doing God's work in my eyes. God bless you all for your love for MJ. I know that we will find the Truth. Please continue to pray for MJ and his family. God bless you all for wonderful research and your detective skills! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460

    Another thing, you cannot say that evolution does not exist. You are blind if you haven't seen and felt things changing in the world. Everything changes eventually, and the Big Bang theory does make a lot of sense. I have been taught to not disrespect other people's religions, but I find God as easy to believe as the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Please don't give me grief about this. It's just me speaking my mind. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Flying Spaghetti Monster! LOL!!!!


    Srsly though I agree with you.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    The llluminati will never stop me from believing in Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour. So there, Illuminati, take that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I thank God for this forum. You are doing God's work in my eyes. God bless you all for your love for MJ. I know that we will find the Truth. Please continue to pray for MJ and his family. God bless you all for wonderful research and your detective skills! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks, darkchild, your posts always are encouraging to me. I, too, believe we cannot come to the Father but through His son, Jesus. I join you in prayer for the Truth and for Michael and his beautiful family. And also, please pray for the members of this forum that God would give us guidance and help us to see clearly the path to follow.
  • @MJLOVER1990,

    I did not post this for people to become offended at the subject. I did not post this topic to have people become defensive either. I am a single mother to a 16 year old girl.

    I grew up with DMX and the likes. I am happy to see the change in the artists hearts.

    I posted this for the parents who maybe unaware of this reality of what their children are REALLY listening to.

    God Bless You..
    <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
    Thank you for this post Im-convincemjalive, it is always good to be aware, Jesus said in the last days we must be aware. Music is one way that the enemy (satan) can, and has used to decieve the masses, he has been doing this since way back, and it will continue until christ comes back. Unfortunatly posts about spirituality are not to popular in this forum, this is what I have noticed. I will not go into the many reasons why I think this is the case, because I do not want to offend or hurt anyone, its about love, we must always love others no matter what. I am a child of God, and follow only him, he is the king of my heart.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    The llluminati will never stop me from believing in Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour. So there, Illuminati, take that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I thank God for this forum. You are doing God's work in my eyes. God bless you all for your love for MJ. I know that we will find the Truth. Please continue to pray for MJ and his family. God bless you all for wonderful research and your detective skills! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks, darkchild, your posts always are encouraging to me. I, too, believe we cannot come to the Father but through His son, Jesus. I join you in prayer for the Truth and for Michael and his beautiful family. And also, please pray for the members of this forum that God would give us guidance and help us to see clearly the path to follow.

    Well while y'all are prayin' for us all, leave me out plzkthx. You can even do so by name. "Bless them all except Jessica" or something to that effect would suffice I'm sure.
  • The llluminati will never stop me from believing in Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour. So there, Illuminati, take that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I thank God for this forum. You are doing God's work in my eyes. God bless you all for your love for MJ. I know that we will find the Truth. Please continue to pray for MJ and his family. God bless you all for wonderful research and your detective skills! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks, darkchild, your posts always are encouraging to me. I, too, believe we cannot come to the Father but through His son, Jesus. I join you in prayer for the Truth and for Michael and his beautiful family. And also, please pray for the members of this forum that God would give us guidance and help us to see clearly the path to follow.

    Well while y'all are prayin' for us all, leave me out plzkthx. You can even do so by name. "Bless them all except Jessica" or something to that effect would suffice I'm sure.

    HAHA! That was hilarious, Jessica! I believe in God, and I'm all for praying...but that was just plain funny. lol!

    To each his own! That's the only way we can survive this thing called life.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    The llluminati will never stop me from believing in Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour. So there, Illuminati, take that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I thank God for this forum. You are doing God's work in my eyes. God bless you all for your love for MJ. I know that we will find the Truth. Please continue to pray for MJ and his family. God bless you all for wonderful research and your detective skills! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks, darkchild, your posts always are encouraging to me. I, too, believe we cannot come to the Father but through His son, Jesus. I join you in prayer for the Truth and for Michael and his beautiful family. And also, please pray for the members of this forum that God would give us guidance and help us to see clearly the path to follow.

    Well while y'all are prayin' for us all, leave me out plzkthx. You can even do so by name. "Bless them all except Jessica" or something to that effect would suffice I'm sure.

    HAHA! That was hilarious, Jessica! I believe in God, and I'm all for praying...but that was just plain funny. lol!

    To each his own! That's the only way we can survive this thing called life.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I was hoping someone might find it at least a little bit funny. Some have probably taken offense which, for once, was not my intent. But as you said, to each their own!
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Count me out too.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    No matter what someone elses agenda is it's our job as parents to educate and plant the seeds. I am a Christian, therefore, I am passing on my Christian teachings and beliefs onto my children. They are 8 and 9 and already strong in their beliefs. This is something that they cannot escape from in the world unfortunately. But when you arm them with the right knowledge, the "enemy" has a hard time penetrating that. I am not saying that people with no belief system are evil or anything because they are not.

    I am just saying that it's a good firm foundation to keep you strong and steadfast. It gives you hope and always something to believe in and you ALWAYS know that you have at least one person on your side!!
  • In my opinion God has no name, and is not a person. God is the energy that surrounds the universe and flows within us all. I do not believe in Jesus as his son, nor do I believe that jesus is god. The bible also has a lot of symbolism to it, don't take it at face value. It was a book written by Man. We must form our own personal relationship with God and spirituality. No church, Messenger, or Religion can hold our personal connection with God. <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • ABeautifulMind, I totaly agree! I'll just add that, imo, god is simply a word. A word for that energy that is a part of all of us, an energy that we call love. Love is the meaning of our existence, and it flows through everyone and everything. Love=god, god=love. I don't need the distractions of church, religion, or "rules" to be a spiritual beeing. I was raised to be tolerant and understanding of all beliefs. I appretiate all the different veiws out there.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    His name is Jehovah. He spoke and created the universe with sound waves. How high-tech is that!! He loved us so much he gave us a plan of redemption. We can choose to reject Him but we cannot choose the consequences of that decision. What man believes or does not believe will never change Him.
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