Rebbies says he was in denial

Lady JLady J Posts: 455
edited January 1970 in News
What the heck?

This scares me if he was really in denial why is she saying that? That would support the defence and this would be good for Murray *if he really died*

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Eldest sister says she helped raise Michael Jackson
ANIMonday, April 19, 2010 12:37

NEW YORK: Michael Jackson’s eldest sister Rebbie has revealed that she helped raise her superstar brother.

Rebbie Jackson

When she was a teenager, her mother, Katherine, went back to school, leaving her — the oldest of the nine children — in charge of caring for the Jackson brood.

“I’m very much the big sister. I helped raise a lot of them. I took care of them and administered the disciplinary action,” the New York Post quoted Jackson as saying.

Rebbie revealed that memories of her role as caregiver in the family’s Gary, Ind., home came flooding back to her in the wake of the King of Pop’s death on June 25, 2009.

“When he passed, I thought about him the way he was as a kid,” she said.

She recalled the iconic star’s cherubic smile that first brightened stages as a member of the Jackson 5 and later as a solo artist.

After her brother overdosed on the powerful sedative Propofol, Rebbie, who lives with her husband, Nathaniel Brown, in Las Vegas, cancelled a string of performances.

She spent two and half months in California at her brother’s and mother’s estates, comforting her family and resumed her role as caregiver to Michael’s children, Prince, 13; Paris, 12; and Blanket, 8.

“I have to say, for a while, it was very difficult to listen to anything that Michael’s voice was on. That’s pretty tough to escape. Everywhere you go — food markets, departments stores, TV and radio — they are playing his music,” she said.

And now, almost after a year, Rebbie has said that she still wakes up in the middle of the night haunted by the circumstances surrounding his brother’s death.

His doctor, Conrad Murray, currently awaits trial on manslaughter charges for his role in administering the fatal narcotic and facilitating the legendary singer’s addiction.

“My brother had a problem with drugs, and he was in denial. There were many interventions by the family members, and I was involved in a lot of that. It was such a sad thing and it hurt so bad,” said Rebbie.

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  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    wow. Now Rebie has joined the band wagon on the drug addiction. I just don't know what to say. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> How could Michael have been that bad off and the media not take a shine and run it? There were a few tabloid headlines suggesting his addiction, but nothing main stream. If they had, we would've known and HELL we could have intervened by the millions. If this turns out to be true, then something tells me that they purposely kept it hushed in hopes that it would turn out badly. People who hate Michael Jackson really do HATE Michael Jackson. I just don't get it.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    This is terrible. Give me an aching in my heart for MJ. Why would his own sister lie about this u know? Maybe it is true. MJ had a huge addiction, but i just don't understand if he did why ? Oh whats the use. This is just making me feel bad all over again, and almost June again. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Of course Michael was addicted to drugs. He admitted back during the 93 case. Look at what he was going through and the people around him. It's no wonder he resorted to drugs because he had no good influence in his life. Now he is at rest, people need to let him be.
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    This kind of news make me lost hope. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    I think when they say he had a drug problem, they are not referring particularly to when he went into rehab and that kind of addiction. The autopsy report states that he was only taking medications for sleep that night, and the theory is he was addicted to those. I don't think they imply that MJ was taking addictive substances for recreation. He had genuine medical problems and misused drugs to cure those problems, rather than abused those drugs. The point is he possibly didn't seek the correct form of medical treatment for his ailments and that caused him problems as we see now. Why he never sought to have his sleep disorder analysed by the appropriate specialist doctor i do not know.

    About the interventions, i think they were staged to correct his attitude towards drugs and to help prevent him seeking out these doctors who would clearly give him anything. Like i say, why he did not seek out the best doctor in the world to help him with his sleep disorder, instead of accepting propofol is anyone's guess. His problem seemed to be that he kept seeking out the wrong kind of doctors.

    In an interview with Dileo, Dileo is asked - Were you aware michael had a prescription drug problem

    I didn’t know. I realize it’s come out that he did go to rehab. I asked him in March about it, and he got very indignant. He said, “Frank, do you think I would do something that would jeopardize my kids and leave them alone? Don’t be ridiculous.” So what do you say? Do addicts ever admit they’re doing drugs? No. So, I got to take the man’s word. He’s 50 years old. How far could I push him? I never heard of the stuff he supposedly took [propofol]. When I heard about that on TV, I couldn’t believe it.

    And there is the conflict. It is still not clear what happened to MJ that night. Who knows who is telling the truth? Is it likely that MJ would put his children's future at risk by taking chances with propofol? It is possible he felt he had to do this to get through the concerts, to put himself and his children in a better financial position. Perhaps he felt that with a doc present this would never happen. The picture is still murky.
  • if he had a drug problem for years why did they hush it up - that killed him(?)

    why did they not do a forced rehab?

    dont talk now the talking should have been before
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    if he had a drug problem for years why did they hush it up - that killed him(?)

    why did they not do a forced rehab?

    dont talk now the talking should have been before

    I agree, a forced rehab - and indentify and expose the docs responsible. Ask the family. I would not have left it, no matter how stubborn mj was. There are ways...
  • if he had a drug problem for years why did they hush it up - that killed him(?)

    why did they not do a forced rehab?

    dont talk now the talking should have been before

    I agree, a forced rehab - and indentify and expose the docs responsible. Ask the family. I would not have left it, no matter how stubborn mj was. There are ways...

    Definitely agree. I've had people very close to me that have battled addiction (although not to pain meds) and come out of it. It was really tough but never ever could I have given up on someone I love... Although I know it's hard to help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    I just wanted to read that article and it says it have been removed ! Do not loose hope so easy ! There is a lot yet to come ! L.O.V.E.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I just wanted to read that article and it says it have been removed ! Do not loose hope so easy ! There is a lot yet to come ! L.O.V.E.
    Here's the link
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  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Of course Michael was addicted to drugs. He admitted back during the 93 case. Look at what he was going through and the people around him. It's no wonder he resorted to drugs because he had no good influence in his life. Now he is at rest, people need to let him be.

    Michael went into rehab back then, yes. That does not mean he had a continuing problem. The fact that he wasn't eating his scipts like candy and the condition of his organs does not support an ongoing problem.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Oh guys c'mon! Why are you so ready to lose hope? Why you forget all of the clues we have found? The family has been saying that he was addicted and he's gone. Why are you losing hope now? And especially by the speech of this woman who was smiling like this at his "deceased" brother's memorial !!!

  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    About an ongoing problem. The ongoing problem was alleged to be propofol. It is said that MJ started using propofol on the history tour and was addicted ever since. Apparently he visited many docs and dentists in the beverly hills area for someone who would give him propofol. Not sure if he was looking to be supplied with it, for someone else to administer or whether he was looking for someone who would supply and administer. Arnie Klein said all this. However, what we don't know is if MJ succeeded in getting propofol during this time. Perhaps he didn't. Perhaps that's why Murray came in.

    You would have to check what long term propofol use does to the body - which will be difficult because what murray did was unheard of. If Murray is telling the truth and MJ had been using it nightly for 6 weeks, it had no effect on his organs. If in fact MJ had been using it longer, it still had no effect on his organs as per the autopsy report.

    You have to wonder if the hair sample they took would hold clues to any drugs he had in his system over time.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    They haven't made everything public yet.
  • About an ongoing problem. The ongoing problem was alleged to be propofol. It is said that MJ started using propofol on the history tour and was addicted ever since. Apparently he visited many docs and dentists in the beverly hills area for someone who would give him propofol. Not sure if he was looking to be supplied with it, for someone else to administer or whether he was looking for someone who would supply and administer. Arnie Klein said all this. However, what we don't know is if MJ succeeded in getting propofol during this time. Perhaps he didn't. Perhaps that's why Murray came in.

    You would have to check what long term propofol use does to the body - which will be difficult because what murray did was unheard of. If Murray is telling the truth and MJ had been using it nightly for 6 weeks, it had no effect on his organs. If in fact MJ had been using it longer, it still had no effect on his organs as per the autopsy report.

    You have to wonder if the hair sample they took would hold clues to any drugs he had in his system over time.

    How could a hair sample show that? Is it really possible to detect such information from hair?
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    Oh guys c'mon! Why are you so ready to lose hope? Why you forget all of the clues we have found? The family has been saying that he was addicted and he's gone. Why are you losing hope now? And especially by the speech of this woman who was smiling like this at his "deceased" brother's memorial !!!


    touche. i know you can smile through pain. but, there's no pain on that face. come on rebbie!
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    That*s for shure. But look at her photo near that article ! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    That*s for shure. But look at her photo near that article ! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    the link that was posted? it says "page cannot be found"

    edit: oh wait, i saw the link that was re-posted. that's an old picture of her....and has nothing to do with her brother or his "death." how odd
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    No matter how difficult might be, try allwais to be aware of the bigger picture ! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    (And, again, a hair sample tells a lot.)
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    About an ongoing problem. The ongoing problem was alleged to be propofol. It is said that MJ started using propofol on the history tour and was addicted ever since. Apparently he visited many docs and dentists in the beverly hills area for someone who would give him propofol. Not sure if he was looking to be supplied with it, for someone else to administer or whether he was looking for someone who would supply and administer. Arnie Klein said all this. However, what we don't know is if MJ succeeded in getting propofol during this time. Perhaps he didn't. Perhaps that's why Murray came in.

    You would have to check what long term propofol use does to the body - which will be difficult because what murray did was unheard of. If Murray is telling the truth and MJ had been using it nightly for 6 weeks, it had no effect on his organs. If in fact MJ had been using it longer, it still had no effect on his organs as per the autopsy report.

    You have to wonder if the hair sample they took would hold clues to any drugs he had in his system over time.

    How could a hair sample show that? Is it really possible to detect such information from hair?

    Check here. <!-- m --><!-- m --> I haven't time to do an extensive check at this minute, will post that later. I always wondered whether MJ was really awake after all those benzo's. Perhaps the hair sample will be able to confirm whether he was tolerant or not on that point. Same for propofol possibly. It should also reveal whether Murray's story is correct.
  • mjj29081958mjj29081958 Posts: 451
    About an ongoing problem. The ongoing problem was alleged to be propofol. It is said that MJ started using propofol on the history tour and was addicted ever since. Apparently he visited many docs and dentists in the beverly hills area for someone who would give him propofol. Not sure if he was looking to be supplied with it, for someone else to administer or whether he was looking for someone who would supply and administer. Arnie Klein said all this. However, what we don't know is if MJ succeeded in getting propofol during this time. Perhaps he didn't. Perhaps that's why Murray came in.

    You would have to check what long term propofol use does to the body - which will be difficult because what murray did was unheard of. If Murray is telling the truth and MJ had been using it nightly for 6 weeks, it had no effect on his organs. If in fact MJ had been using it longer, it still had no effect on his organs as per the autopsy report.

    You have to wonder if the hair sample they took would hold clues to any drugs he had in his system over time.

    Well, if he used Propofol for that long, whether since History Tour or for the last 6 weeks without being monitorized as supposed it happened, he certainly was a very lucky man for not have died before... (if it is not a Hoax)
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    About an ongoing problem. The ongoing problem was alleged to be propofol. It is said that MJ started using propofol on the history tour and was addicted ever since. Apparently he visited many docs and dentists in the beverly hills area for someone who would give him propofol. Not sure if he was looking to be supplied with it, for someone else to administer or whether he was looking for someone who would supply and administer. Arnie Klein said all this. However, what we don't know is if MJ succeeded in getting propofol during this time. Perhaps he didn't. Perhaps that's why Murray came in.

    You would have to check what long term propofol use does to the body - which will be difficult because what murray did was unheard of. If Murray is telling the truth and MJ had been using it nightly for 6 weeks, it had no effect on his organs. If in fact MJ had been using it longer, it still had no effect on his organs as per the autopsy report.

    You have to wonder if the hair sample they took would hold clues to any drugs he had in his system over time.

    I think that they got wind of something else during the investigation and checked the hair for that reason.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    I think that they got wind of something else during the investigation and checked the hair for that reason.

    What do you think they got wind of? The autopsy was completed by this time, they had everything they needed to know at that stage imo. The only thing i can think of is that perhaps they suspected MJ's past drug history would be used against him.........the hair sample could provide evidence in his defence there possibly. Also, i think at this point they knew Murray had a propensity to lie about what he was giving MJ. The hair sample could be used to check Murray's story of what he administered, particularly how long MJ had been using propofol and how much (his drug habit), and whether he had taken any other drugs previously.
  • ladylee1979ladylee1979 Posts: 257
    here in the uk we are a nation a painkiller addicts its so easy to obtain narcotics over the counter or from a gp,all it takes is a bad back and bam your on co-codomol,codeine is highly addictive leaving you with a euphoric feeling and feelings of relaxation,if you live on your nerves and suffer anxiety its very easy to escape using painkillers,
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