Jermaine Jackson -- Curse You, Dr. Klein!



  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Jermaine, Thanks for defending your brother's honour! MJ is a true gentleman. God bless you, Jermaine! MJ, I miss you very much, my baby! xxxxxx
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Go tell them!!
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Whoah~ Go Jermaine! Well, we know Arnie is full of shit after we heard him talk about Mike's peeing habits for 90 minutes on TMZ live. Yet the Urination Explanation was so hilarious and ridiculous, that it makes me think Arnie is just working along with the hoax. I mean what does he have to gain from it? He doesn't need the money, blabbing around about patients would not do his image of a dermatologist/doctor any good, so why would he do it? We must keep in mind that this might all be staged. We don't know what the real bond is between Arnie and Mike, they have known each other for such a long time. Maybe Arnie is in, maybe Arnie really did something he shouldn't have, we just don't know.

    I am looking forward to another hilarious 90 minutes with Arnie on TMZ live.

    the first thing that came to my mind over the peeing in a cup thing was drug testing.
  • why does jermaine look like jackie?
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    I am looking forward to another hilarious 90 minutes with Arnie on TMZ live

    It would be hilarious if Arnie turns 2 be in the hoax ..which I doubt after all the stuff he said about MJ since June 25 <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> .. I think he's just like all the other ppl that use MJ's name and friendship for money and attention .Jermaine looks real FED up with his $h*t and so am I !
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I am looking forward to another hilarious 90 minutes with Arnie on TMZ live

    It would be hilarious if Arnie turns 2 be in the hoax ..which I doubt after all the stuff he said about MJ since June 25 <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> .. I think he's just like all the other ppl that use MJ's name and friendship for money and attention .Jermaine looks real FED up with his $h*t and so am I !

    Arnie really doesn't need any money..

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    ^ Yeah , that's why he asked for his jacket back <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .. Oh well , lets see what he has to say next....
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    I'm gonna be honest... I never really disliked Jermaine. I've disliked some of his actions and things he's done in the past but... that's in the past and he IS Michael's brother. If Michael was/is gay, then his family would surely know that, right? So the claims being stated in the replies here that "they wouldn't know".... yes they would. And I absolutely LOVE Jermaine for taking up for Michael on this. I've never heard Jermaine use that kind of language before though so that made me go <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> and then <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> . As far as Arnie being in on this.... he could be... but I'm starting to think that he's not. Especially when he's trying to validate what this Jason guy is saying. But .. who knows. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    well done jermaine
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I can't dismiss Arnie from being a player in this hoax simply by the fact that every story he's been the source of has been way weird.

    So....according to Arnie....we have these
    1] horrible green jacket.
    2] peeing in a cup
    3]the batrat suv for sale on ebay
    4]the gay outing.
    Every one of these stories is so unbelievable. For a start MJ's gotta be one of the sharpest dressers I've ever seen. and that green jacket ....bad.
    Also , I'm trying to tread delicately here. It's a fact that nearly everyone on this forum thinks MJ is a hottie and I'm sure that many of his gay fans also share that same attraction. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to think that [according to Arnie] MJ only had that one relationship with Jason.
    Then there is the effect this latest offering from Arnie has had on all MJ camps from fans, rippers, hoaxers even family. Seems like a united army for the first time since June.
    So is Arnie or isn't Arnie playing? I think he's playing and he's highly entertaining.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I can't dismiss Arnie from being a player in this hoax simply by the fact that every story he's been the source of has been way weird.

    So....according to Arnie....we have these
    1] horrible green jacket.
    2] peeing in a cup
    3]the batrat suv for sale on ebay
    4]the gay outing.
    Every one of these stories is so unbelievable. For a start MJ's gotta be one of the sharpest dressers I've ever seen. and that green jacket ....bad.
    Also , I'm trying to tread delicately here. It's a fact that nearly everyone on this forum thinks MJ is a hottie and I'm sure that many of his gay fans also share that same attraction. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to think that [according to Arnie] MJ only had that one relationship with Jason.
    Then there is the effect this latest offering from Arnie has had on all MJ camps from fans, rippers, hoaxers even family. Seems like a united army for the first time since June.
    So is Arnie or isn't Arnie playing? I think he's playing and he's highly entertaining.

    But I don't know what to make of these stories....If they're part the hoax, then what do they mean?
  • mjj_fanmjj_fan Posts: 311
    well done jermaine , what such evil people have to say next ....from pedophile to woman to gay to ...what next in the list , they are truely a mess,only God can shape them
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I can't dismiss Arnie from being a player in this hoax simply by the fact that every story he's been the source of has been way weird.

    So....according to Arnie....we have these
    1] horrible green jacket.
    2] peeing in a cup
    3]the batrat suv for sale on ebay
    4]the gay outing.
    Every one of these stories is so unbelievable. For a start MJ's gotta be one of the sharpest dressers I've ever seen. and that green jacket ....bad.
    Also , I'm trying to tread delicately here. It's a fact that nearly everyone on this forum thinks MJ is a hottie and I'm sure that many of his gay fans also share that same attraction. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to think that [according to Arnie] MJ only had that one relationship with Jason.
    Then there is the effect this latest offering from Arnie has had on all MJ camps from fans, rippers, hoaxers even family. Seems like a united army for the first time since June.
    So is Arnie or isn't Arnie playing? I think he's playing and he's highly entertaining.

    I agree.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
    I can't dismiss Arnie from being a player in this hoax simply by the fact that every story he's been the source of has been way weird.

    So....according to Arnie....we have these
    1] horrible green jacket.
    2] peeing in a cup
    3]the batrat suv for sale on ebay
    4]the gay outing.
    Every one of these stories is so unbelievable. For a start MJ's gotta be one of the sharpest dressers I've ever seen. and that green jacket ....bad.
    Also , I'm trying to tread delicately here. It's a fact that nearly everyone on this forum thinks MJ is a hottie and I'm sure that many of his gay fans also share that same attraction. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to think that [according to Arnie] MJ only had that one relationship with Jason.
    Then there is the effect this latest offering from Arnie has had on all MJ camps from fans, rippers, hoaxers even family. Seems like a united army for the first time since June.
    So is Arnie or isn't Arnie playing? I think he's playing and he's highly entertaining.

    I agree.

    I'm with you guys on this one.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I can't dismiss Arnie from being a player in this hoax simply by the fact that every story he's been the source of has been way weird.

    So....according to Arnie....we have these
    1] horrible green jacket.
    2] peeing in a cup
    3]the batrat suv for sale on ebay
    4]the gay outing.
    Every one of these stories is so unbelievable. For a start MJ's gotta be one of the sharpest dressers I've ever seen. and that green jacket ....bad.
    Also , I'm trying to tread delicately here. It's a fact that nearly everyone on this forum thinks MJ is a hottie and I'm sure that many of his gay fans also share that same attraction. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to think that [according to Arnie] MJ only had that one relationship with Jason.
    Then there is the effect this latest offering from Arnie has had on all MJ camps from fans, rippers, hoaxers even family. Seems like a united army for the first time since June.
    So is Arnie or isn't Arnie playing? I think he's playing and he's highly entertaining.

    I agree.

    I'm with you guys on this one.

    Okay...and when I get these stories now right...Is he telling this stories to show how easy it is to tell lies about lies about someone?
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Thanks guys. Not feeling so all alone now <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • About the green jacket,this could be a more rational explanation.
    I saw on MJJpictures Michael was wearing it when he left Klein's office in 2009. I think maybe Michael had some work done and afterwards he felt cold but he didn't have a jacket with him so Arnie borrowed him the jacket.
    I don't know if you noted this guys, if you heard it but jermaine said "Michael IS not gay" <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I can't dismiss Arnie from being a player in this hoax simply by the fact that every story he's been the source of has been way weird.

    So....according to Arnie....we have these
    1] horrible green jacket.
    2] peeing in a cup
    3]the batrat suv for sale on ebay
    4]the gay outing.
    Every one of these stories is so unbelievable. For a start MJ's gotta be one of the sharpest dressers I've ever seen. and that green jacket ....bad.
    Also , I'm trying to tread delicately here. It's a fact that nearly everyone on this forum thinks MJ is a hottie and I'm sure that many of his gay fans also share that same attraction. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to think that [according to Arnie] MJ only had that one relationship with Jason.
    Then there is the effect this latest offering from Arnie has had on all MJ camps from fans, rippers, hoaxers even family. Seems like a united army for the first time since June.
    So is Arnie or isn't Arnie playing? I think he's playing and he's highly entertaining.

    I agree.
    But what the heck is the POINT of this whacked-up nonsense he spews? I really can't see any valid meaning in terms of the hoax in any of it..
  • you know.. i respect his family for sticking up for him cos obviously he can't defend hiself...


    how do they know.. how do we know.. that was his personal life.. which none of us.. not a single one of us know about!!

    food for thought!!

    oh and a person's sexuality is irrelevant to me.. you respect and admire and whatever a person for who they are.. not who they choose to sleep with or do whatever with.. thats my 2 cents anyway..

    Very well put
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    i got micheal"s not
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Im not sold on Jermaine.. seems like lip service. Im cautious of Jermaine.. in fact im cautious of all the family.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    why does jermaine look like jackie?

    PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHAT THIS WHOLE MESS IS DOING TO OUR MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • JavaJava Posts: 162
    Whoah~ Go Jermaine! Well, we know Arnie is full of shit after we heard him talk about Mike's peeing habits for 90 minutes on TMZ live. Yet the Urination Explanation was so hilarious and ridiculous, that it makes me think Arnie is just working along with the hoax. I mean what does he have to gain from it? He doesn't need the money, blabbing around about patients would not do his image of a dermatologist/doctor any good, so why would he do it? We must keep in mind that this might all be staged. We don't know what the real bond is between Arnie and Mike, they have known each other for such a long time. Maybe Arnie is in, maybe Arnie really did something he shouldn't have, we just don't know.

    I am looking forward to another hilarious 90 minutes with Arnie on TMZ live.
    Arnold Klein is ticked. He ticked because there was a lot of press about him last year. He ticked because the Jackson family dissed him, most likely - on and on. He has absolutely no business airing Michael's personal business; no more than Gotham did when he told the world that Michael called him on his wedding night to ask advice [virgin]. Arnold is an adult. He knows this. He's vengeful and it will come back and bite him in the butt.

    Dr. Klein did not talk about Mike's peeing habits for 90 minutes. That's a gross exaggeration and these kinds of comments are exactly why I didn't watch that darn thing for so long. It was not the hard watch I thought it was going to be. I know I'm testy today. I think I'm just plum sick of misquotes, exaggartations and silly theories.

    Dr. Klein did say a few useful things in that interview.
  • JavaJava Posts: 162
    I can't dismiss Arnie from being a player in this hoax simply by the fact that every story he's been the source of has been way weird.

    So....according to Arnie....we have these
    1] horrible green jacket.
    2] peeing in a cup
    3]the batrat suv for sale on ebay
    4]the gay outing.
    Every one of these stories is so unbelievable. For a start MJ's gotta be one of the sharpest dressers I've ever seen. and that green jacket ....bad.
    Also , I'm trying to tread delicately here. It's a fact that nearly everyone on this forum thinks MJ is a hottie and I'm sure that many of his gay fans also share that same attraction. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to think that [according to Arnie] MJ only had that one relationship with Jason.
    Then there is the effect this latest offering from Arnie has had on all MJ camps from fans, rippers, hoaxers even family. Seems like a united army for the first time since June.
    So is Arnie or isn't Arnie playing? I think he's playing and he's highly entertaining.

    I don't think the peeing in a cup is weird. When you gotta you gotta go. Using it to explain Jordy is idiotic. I can think of many other possibilities. So he puts this... again personal info out there.........oh I'm just not going to talk about it any more. I don't think Arnie is entertaining. He's treacherous.
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