Stop "Stop it now"

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in News
This site posted the following:

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It's so disgusting that I decided to email them and maybe you all can do that and tell them to take the article down. Give them some good links about the accusations and the trial and tell them to read up and remove the article.

This site should be reliable and accurate and yet they are publishing tabloid trash. I am really amazed how they can state things like that when they obviously haven't read up on it.

Deborah Donovan Rice, Executive Director
Contact: <!-- m --> ... et=1&gid=2<!-- m -->

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I e-mailed them yesterday. They are parasites trying to solicit donations by continuing to portray Michael as the example of what pedophilia looks like. Its a smut campaign and should not be tolerated. Michael Jackson was exonerated. Fact is fact. On a website to geared towards help, fact is what they should stick to. I hope it gets dismantled.
  • AnnieIsNotOKAnnieIsNotOK Posts: 979
    How disgusting!I just can't believe this...I have to calm down first...then I will email them!!
  • How terrible! Do they actually believe that tabloid fodder against MJ??? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    INSENSITIVE IDJITS!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
  • I absolutely can't believe this! How dare they! They should look out for REAL criminals out there like the GOVERNMENT and the Illuminati and what they do is beyond words. Leave Michael alone. I'm so going to e-mail them, I'm furious! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    I contacted them.

    I'd just really like to say, though, please, please, please only write thoughtful, reasonable messages, and make sure you use good arguments. They will not remove this from their site, because some crazy MJ fans have called them a**holes and told them to rot in hell.

    Just saying. 'Cause we all know there are many, many fans who behave that way. Sadly. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • AnnieIsNotOKAnnieIsNotOK Posts: 979
    One question,from a legal point:How can this be allowed anyway if Michael was acquitted of all charges??Even if those idiots believe all that crap,the man was found NOT GUILTY and they still can do this???
  • AnnieIsNotOKAnnieIsNotOK Posts: 979
    I contacted them.

    I'd just really like to say, though, please, please, please only write thoughtful, reasonable messages, and make sure you use good arguments. They will not remove this from their site, because some crazy MJ fans have called them a**holes and told them to rot in hell.

    Just saying. 'Cause we all know there are many, many fans who behave that way. Sadly. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    You are absolutly right!That's why I'm waiting to calm down first!!
  • I'm emailing them now! >_< <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    I sent them an e-mail after reading about it in a german forum... For the german users here: You can read about this disgusting article also here (there are also one or two examples of mails you can write if your English is not so good):

    <!-- m --> ... zu-stoppen<!-- m -->!
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I've emailed them too. Ugh! That's disgusting! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • So they got prevention lessons from Michael Jackson’s 2005 child abuse trial and they skip the results of that trial?

    They´re not good getting conclusions...yeah they should stop it right now...
  • So they got prevention lessons from Michael Jackson’s 2005 child abuse trial and they skip the results of that trial?

    They´re not good getting conclusions...yeah they should stop it right now...

    Yes, they really need to QUIT IT. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Not only that, go somewhere and SIT DOWN and do some constructive, good-old-fashioned, eye-opening, insightful RESEARCH. Word up! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    i wrote them they must have missed something in their research cuz mike was acquitted of all charges and innocent. they should find a real criminal for an example and most of all, do their homework before publishing anything again. i also wrote that i will find some way to report that article, maybe tweet it to one of the jacksons, so they can take legal steps. it is defamation and they can be sued.

    unbelievable...i'm absolutely floored by this BS! and they're serious, too...if it wasn't so sad, i'd be on the floor laughing over that stupidity... <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    edit: i just freely tweeted that 'someone should tell the jacksons to sue these people for defamation' and tweeted the link with it. maybe someone sees it...i have 6 followers (no idea why... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ), so they can retweet until oblivion... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • I wrote them an e-mail as well now, and I basicly said that they should look out for the real criminals out there and also in the government and that Michael is innocent and that they should do they research better and that they should look into their hearts and not think with their brains and that then they will see that he's innocent. I said many more things but that was basicly the most important things.
  • Do they use the fact that he was acquited to prove that this kind of people usually end up free?
    That´s a huge demagogic argument, isn´t it?
    Plus that´s a difamation that doesn´t even need to be proven AGAIN...
  • One question,from a legal point:How can this be allowed anyway if Michael was acquitted of all charges??Even if those idiots believe all that crap,the man was found NOT GUILTY and they still can do this???

    I agree with AnnieIsNotOK:
    The Michael Jackson Estate should become aware of this so they can take legal action as this is libel and defamation of character. These people who posted this have no leg to stand on in this regard!!!!!!
  • One question,from a legal point:How can this be allowed anyway if Michael was acquitted of all charges??Even if those idiots believe all that crap,the man was found NOT GUILTY and they still can do this???

    It's very sad, but since Mike is officially dead, that's indeed the case... One who publishes defamatory matter about a deceased person is not liable either to the deceased person's estate or to his or her descendants or relatives. Heirs cannot sue for defamation of the deceased.

    I'm going to email them as well, as what's on that website is even beyond disgusting.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I also sent an email (trying to contain my anger but didn't really managed sorry). I just can't believe my eyes. These people are crazy.
  • One question,from a legal point:How can this be allowed anyway if Michael was acquitted of all charges??Even if those idiots believe all that crap,the man was found NOT GUILTY and they still can do this???

    It's very sad, but since Mike is officially dead, that's indeed the case... One who publishes defamatory matter about a deceased person is not liable either to the deceased person's estate or to his or her descendants or relatives. Heirs cannot sue for defamation of the deceased.

    I'm going to email them as well, as what's on that website is even beyond disgusting.

    Are you telling me that once a person is dead anyone can say any disgusting lie about that person and get away with it???? That just doesn't sound right at all!!!!!!
  • One question,from a legal point:How can this be allowed anyway if Michael was acquitted of all charges??Even if those idiots believe all that crap,the man was found NOT GUILTY and they still can do this???

    It's very sad, but since Mike is officially dead, that's indeed the case... One who publishes defamatory matter about a deceased person is not liable either to the deceased person's estate or to his or her descendants or relatives. Heirs cannot sue for defamation of the deceased.

    I'm going to email them as well, as what's on that website is even beyond disgusting.

    Are you telling me that once a person is dead anyone can say any disgusting lie about that person and get away with it???? That just doesn't sound right at all!!!!!!

    Yes, according to US laws...
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    One question,from a legal point:How can this be allowed anyway if Michael was acquitted of all charges??Even if those idiots believe all that crap,the man was found NOT GUILTY and they still can do this???

    It's very sad, but since Mike is officially dead, that's indeed the case... One who publishes defamatory matter about a deceased person is not liable either to the deceased person's estate or to his or her descendants or relatives. Heirs cannot sue for defamation of the deceased.

    I'm going to email them as well, as what's on that website is even beyond disgusting.

    Are you telling me that once a person is dead anyone can say any disgusting lie about that person and get away with it???? That just doesn't sound right at all!!!!!!

    Yup, Harvey pointed it out on one of the TMZ live streams last week. Indeed wrong, but that is the law. That is why people are coming up with all that ridiculous stories now the think he's dead. Dying in the US is for a celeb a good way to see who your friends are.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    <!-- m --> ... et=1&gid=2<!-- m -->
    You could write here.
  • This site posted the following:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    It's so disgusting that I decided to email them and maybe you all can do that and tell them to take the article down. Give them some good links about the accusations and the trial and tell them to read up and remove the article.

    This site should be reliable and accurate and yet they are publishing tabloid trash. I am really amazed how they can state things like that when they obviously haven't read up on it.

    Deborah Donovan Rice, Executive Director
    Contact: <!-- m --> ... et=1&gid=2<!-- m -->

    Wow - They write "Valuable Lessons From Michael Jackson Trial" "learn the warnings signs of an adult or youth at risk to sexually abuse a child; recognize situations and environments that put children at risk; and take action when we see a problem.

    My answer: I guess we had better get out our pens and write down the "signs to prevent extortion and framing of the innocent". Obviously these narrow-minded people missed the part of the trial where Michael was found innocent.

    This is beyond comprehensible. How is it possible to continue slandering an innocent man.
  • JavaJava Posts: 162
    This site posted the following:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    It's so disgusting that I decided to email them and maybe you all can do that and tell them to take the article down. Give them some good links about the accusations and the trial and tell them to read up and remove the article.

    This site should be reliable and accurate and yet they are publishing tabloid trash. I am really amazed how they can state things like that when they obviously haven't read up on it.

    Deborah Donovan Rice, Executive Director
    Contact: <!-- m --> ... et=1&gid=2<!-- m -->

    I wrote them a note. I was composed and didn't mention Michael until the end because I wanted them to read the entirety of what I wrote. Not everyone accused of this is guilty. That's a fact. Michael was guilty of being naive. Some people see suspicious behavior in everything and all to often it's baseless. They're drama queens. I know people like this. There was a study done years back. Children were on the street and lost. If I recall that was set up. Men walked around them. I think that some of them must have been asked why they wouldn't stop and they said they didn't want to be accused of any wrong doing. That was the upshot of it anyway. Anyone remember that? That is how paranoid people here in the U.S have become. Some people, not all but some that have one experience or another see the ugly in everything even if it isn't there. I know I'm being redudant. I had a friend about 8 years my junior [many years ago in our youth] who was told by someone in AA that she was an alchoholic; wanted to get her into AA and was going to sponsor her. Well she took this quite seriously. This someone that told her that was a middle aged man and had probably had a bad run with alchohol. My friend was not an alchoholic. I think I convinced her of that. She was young, smart as a whip, very productive and partied a little now and then. It was a phase and that's all it was. That's my two cents today. I hope they remove Michael from their site soon. It just is not right.
  • Here is what I sent. I sure hope they take it to heart.

    I know someone who displays these characteristics. I haven’t seen this first hand but I have heard some things about his behavior. Are they warning signs?

    • He always talks about children and how special they are.
    • You will always find him where the children are and I hear that he even put them on his lap.
    • He’d tell them stories and give them attention.
    • He’s always hugging them.
    • Children love being around him because they feel his genuine love for them. They even let their guard down around him.
    • He is available to all of the children but those that are ill and weak seem to be drawn to him the easiest. He helps them and makes it known that he’ll be their father.

    Is this wrong? The man’s name is Jesus Christ. I don’t have enough room to give all of the stories and examples of how he displayed the same characteristics that you say are bad but His message was clear. We are to be like Him.

    Matt 5:48
    Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.

    Matthew 19:14
    Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

    (Matthew 18:10 ESV)
    “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

    Did you not read that Michael Jackson was found innocent of the charges against him? Have you not read and heard first hand about the extortion plot? Did you not know that Michael was a very spiritual person and that he lived his life by what the Bible taught. Did you not know that Michael's behavior to help those less fortunate are consistent clear back to his earliest childhood? Did you not know that Michael treated adults the same way he treated children when asked? Did you not know that his whole goal in life was to heal the world and make it a better place and his music was the avenue God provided in order for him to accomplish this goal.

    Please, I know all about child abuse. I am not blinded by it and I know the signs. But not everyone can be labeled and molded into the same description. Please remove Michael Jackson as your example or include every sport coach, boy scout leader, church youth pastor and missionary on your list. Because even though there are a few bad apples, most of them have good intentions. And so did Michael Jackson. It's not fair to Michael or his family to continue slandering his good name. Thank you.
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