Tragic Michael Jackson tapes revealed



  • cabnzcabnz Posts: 4
    I live in New Zealand and there has been two reports now over the last few days highlighting Michael Jackson's hoax.

    I think this is great news in regards to the doubt now being put into peoples minds. It's making the rest of the world think.

    Unfortunately, there could be a down side because MJ went into hiding and faked his death for a reason and this could force him out of hiding into danger.
  • lacta89lacta89 Posts: 88
    The one that says at the end. "We are brothers". Was is directed to his brothers? Or is he saying that one of his brothers is out to get him? Or helping the people who are out to get him. "More important than *inaudible. We are brothers." What if he is talking about Jermaine & Thome in that one? Since we all know Thome wasn't good news & Michael feared him & Thome & Jermaine are friends. Maybe MJ was being drugged & he was desperately trying to get someone to help him? I don't like this at all. Also I hate that everyone calls him paranoid, he knew what they were trying to do & who was trying to do it. We've already figured out there were bad people around him with bad intentions. He was never "paranoid" or making this up. It was real life <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    These calls were made to his good friend at the time Dieter Wiesner, who at the time of MJ's death was on MJ's famous hit list (people who did him wrong)...the person who he refers to as being part of the mafia is none other than the Al Malnik we see in pictures with MJ....they had a falling out when he was lured over to his house under false pretenses only to find out he was on the phone with Mottola and the meeting was about getting the Sony Catalog.... Malnik was also on MJ's hit list...

    When I heard the words Italian Maffia,the first person I thought was Al Malnik....I don't know what is going on....What I know for sure is that Michael was not paranoid that some people wanted him dead...I hope they didn't make it and Mike is alive and healthy.... But if not,then the hoax is just a game that some people invented in order to cover their own foot marks.....
  • Invincible1Invincible1 Posts: 38
    maybe they have published these straight after the hoax story as some sort of cover up?
    remember the rumours that MJ has shares in the sun & TMZ? the two outlets that always seem to get the news first?have they been told not to say too much,or maybe they just have a hunch that we are on to something & are worried that MJ may not want to be found?
    maybe the sun published the dave dave story & not the full story to make people stop taking the hoax seriously?to dismiss it as nonsense? so now they have our attention they publish this story today to make MJ look like a tragic victim of drug addiction?? why would they do that?

    Agreed! Media manipulation, he sounded okay to me.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I agree it's Al Malnik. But the part I was talking about was when he said "We are brothers". Does he mean figuratively, like we are all God's children type brothers, we are both brothers like we're both African American men or is he talking about one of his actual BLOOD brothers doing him wrong? Helping the bad men or something? Because if he means one of his siblings, one name jumps out at me: Jermaine. idk. I hope not but idk about Jermaine, I want to believe he wouldn't betray Michael or cause any harm to him but at the same time he introduced MJ to a couple of people who have turned out to be shady characters. & who have been fired by MJ but after the "death" popped back up again, like maybe Jermaine rehired them or something?
  • MJ_FactsMJ_Facts Posts: 183
    <!-- m --> ... t-son.html<!-- m -->

    Is this the Al Malnik guy in the background?

    Al Malnik, a Florida restaurant owner with ties to the mafia has claimed that he fathered Michael Jackson’s youngest son Prince Michaell II.

    <!-- m --> ... ons-child/<!-- m -->
  • MJ_FactsMJ_Facts Posts: 183
    There was more than one “heir” to Lansky’s vaunted title, and Malnik was – probably still is – one of them:

    ‘It was a known fact among the criminal underworld that dealing with Al Malnik was the same as dealing with Meyer Lansky,’ [said] Vincent Teresa, ‘a convicted criminal and frequent government witness currently in the federal Witness Protection Program,’ …
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I think it's more important when we got the news. It's just after SUN's news about MJ and Dave Dave. I believe that Michael is behind all of these news. First he wanted the world to learn about the hoax and think about the possibility of the hoax and then he gave the reason why he did this hoax. He's such a genius. So what will people think. "Maybe Michael had to fake his death because he was threatened". And he also wanted to avoid the huge shock when he BAMs. Pure genius! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    What? Malnick's claiming to be Blanket's father? This is news to me. Weird news.
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    The one that says at the end. "We are brothers". Was is directed to his brothers? Or is he saying that one of his brothers is out to get him? Or helping the people who are out to get him. "More important than *inaudible. We are brothers." What if he is talking about Jermaine & Thome in that one? Since we all know Thome wasn't good news & Michael feared him & Thome & Jermaine are friends. Maybe MJ was being drugged & he was desperately trying to get someone to help him? I don't like this at all. Also I hate that everyone calls him paranoid, he knew what they were trying to do & who was trying to do it. We've already figured out there were bad people around him with bad intentions. He was never "paranoid" or making this up. It was real life <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    These calls were made to his good friend at the time Dieter Wiesner, who at the time of MJ's death was on MJ's famous hit list (people who did him wrong)...the person who he refers to as being part of the mafia is none other than the Al Malnik we see in pictures with MJ....they had a falling out when he was lured over to his house under false pretenses only to find out he was on the phone with Mottola and the meeting was about getting the Sony Catalog.... Malnik was also on MJ's hit list...

    When I heard the words Italian Maffia,the first person I thought was Al Malnik....I don't know what is going on....What I know for sure is that Michael was not paranoid that some people wanted him dead...I hope they didn't make it and Mike is alive and healthy.... But if not,then the hoax is just a game that some people invented in order to cover their own foot marks.....

    I fully agree, Michael was the owner of half of Sony <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Let's get the neurons to work:

    First, why this was released only now? And why was it leaked?

    Michael's death is still in process, and it should not be secretive?

    Second, is lighter than water it was receiving threat and risk to life! Ie: it has plenty of reasons to forge death!

    Third, this is really new? Because I saw a piece of tape at the beginning of his death (hoax)

    Room: Italian Mafia? Hi?

    My God! Mike really needed help.

    Tohme and Montolla is of Italian origin!

    Italian Mafia also remember Elvis Presley, after he had fled from a mob.

    And I give emphasis to Elvis Presley owed to the fifth reason below.

    Fifth: Lisa Marie said she knew Michael was going to die like her father ..

    Heinn? Again? LOL!

    So what does this have to do with the matter? lol

    Would be to feed the term "forging death"? (Die)

    Sixth: Debt, debt, debt ..?

    "Michael is worth more dead than alive" (La Toya said)

    the anonymous person Tohme =?

    Seventh: the tapes were recorded in 2003, and he was still in Neverland.

    In 2003 Michael was fighting with SONY, and declared war against it. # Die

    Remember? He called them demons .. lol


    In 2003 he wanted to do something to escape this situation right?

    And in 2003 he bought a coffin of gold! Used the same coffin at the funeral? lol

    Eighth: ".. Helps me. We need to act fast .. "

    Hmmmm .. plan? The plan of the false death?

    After all .. I have not seen any great manifestation of Michael since 2003, you saw something?

    Ninth, the source is the REVISED THE SUN!

    We talked about the connection of "THE SUN" and Michael Jackson.

    Ten: Swiss bank?

    = Secret Swiss bank account!

    account secret = SECRET!

    Why does Michael want to hide the money? To put the secret plan in place?

    The idea is to denote that he is without money = spreading the media after the death of Michael, saying he left debts.

    Eleventh: investment in super heroes?

    I do not remember anything like that! Do you remember?

    That money was not to invest in it?

    Twelfth: Police find 11 containers AFTER he died.

    Affff .. is it passed through the little head of police that can be planted evidence?

    For amorrrr .. moreover Murray hid the bottles, and police also discovered this only AFTER.

    But nobody Murray accused of hiding evidence .. hahaha

    Thirteenth: ".. it is a bad man .."

    bad = danger danger danger

    Now think with me, if he faked his death, he needed a justification for doing so. Look, a false death needs to be planned and engineered, then, as the tape is old, she is proving that Michael suffered threat is time! So: this tape proves it! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    forge death is not a crime! or you put your family at risk? Michael is the father! He certainly has the safety of children as PRIORITY!
  • What I don't understand is if it's so top secret and MJ's life is in danger then why would he leave messages like that on a voice mail. Anyone could listen to them, it's not very safe if your life is in danger. I don't really believe this, I think MJ might have wanted these recordings to be heard.
  • trishatrisha Posts: 58
    What I don't understand is if it's so top secret and MJ's life is in danger then why would he leave messages like that on a voice mail. Anyone could listen to them, it's not very safe if your life is in danger. I don't really believe this, I think MJ might have wanted these recordings to be heard.
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Hi...I don't have time at the moment to read thru all these posts to see if this has already been brought up, but as I got on the Internet earlier, this story is being featured as one of their current headlines...this link takes you to the story which is appearing on PopEater today:
    <!-- m --> ... oicemails/<!-- m -->

    Also PopEater is featuring a story about the Jackson Family being livid over J3 WebCam videos..
    <!-- m --> ... http%3A%2F<!-- m -->%

    Mainstream Media Is Swirling, People!
  • Even though these are old, it seems like some of the recordings I havent heard before. How so very sad it is to hear him, or anyone, sound so scared. I can just see him cowering in the corner of his bedroom desperately asking for help. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    Whoever he was speaking to, Schmuley or whomever, he obviously trusted them enough to ask THEM for help. I do NOT understand at all, why in the f**k NO ONE came to this poor man's rescue. How could someone recieve messages like this and do nothing? WHY?

    Im a very feminine female but I wanna crack some skulls right now. To the people who got these messages on their phone.....If I EVER meet you people on the street, you better turn around and walk the other way, because you do NOT want to be anywhere near my wrath of fury you c**ksuckers.
  • Hi...I don't have time at the moment to read thru all these posts to see if this has already been brought up, but as I got on the Internet earlier, this story is being featured as one of their current headlines...this link takes you to the story which is appearing on PopEater today:
    <!-- m --> ... oicemails/<!-- m -->

    Also PopEater is featuring a story about the Jackson Family being livid over J3 WebCam videos..|main|dl2|link5|http%3A%2F%

    Mainstream Media Is Swirling, People!

    Well one would think they would be pissed. Who leaked them out? Does anyone know yet?
  • Rita HayworthRita Hayworth Posts: 122
    This all seems like groundwork for the comeback...the beginning of an explanation or reason for the hoax.
  • Even though these are old, it seems like some of the recordings I havent heard before. How so very sad it is to hear him, or anyone, sound so scared. I can just see him cowering in the corner of his bedroom desperately asking for help. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    Whoever he was speaking to, Schmuley or whomever, he obviously trusted them enough to ask THEM for help. I do NOT understand at all, why in the f**k NO ONE came to this poor man's rescue. How could someone recieve messages like this and do nothing? WHY?

    Im a very feminine female but I wanna crack some skulls right now. To the people who got these messages on their phone.....If I EVER meet you people on the street, you better turn around and walk the other way, because you do NOT want to be anywhere near my wrath of fury you c**ksuckers.
    Chill out! I guess you didn't see my post...LOL...These calls were made to Dieter Wiesner and if you remember, MJ did get out of Neverland so Dieter did help him. These are not recent. He is talking about Al Malnik being part of the Italian Mafia and MJ broke off that relationship as well, so Dieter did help him at that time. Dieter was interviewed a while back about these phone messages, he released them because he wanted to show how he and MJ were friends...before he betrayed MJ by pilfering more than a million dollars off MJ! At the time of MJ's death, Dieter was on MJ's hit list!
  • Even though these are old, it seems like some of the recordings I havent heard before. How so very sad it is to hear him, or anyone, sound so scared. I can just see him cowering in the corner of his bedroom desperately asking for help. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    Whoever he was speaking to, Schmuley or whomever, he obviously trusted them enough to ask THEM for help. I do NOT understand at all, why in the f**k NO ONE came to this poor man's rescue. How could someone recieve messages like this and do nothing? WHY?

    Im a very feminine female but I wanna crack some skulls right now. To the people who got these messages on their phone.....If I EVER meet you people on the street, you better turn around and walk the other way, because you do NOT want to be anywhere near my wrath of fury you c**ksuckers.
    Chill out! I guess you didn't see my post...LOL...These calls were made to Dieter Wiesner and if you remember, MJ did get out of Neverland so Dieter did help him. These are not recent. He is talking about Al Malnik being part of the Italian Mafia and MJ broke off that relationship as well, so Dieter did help him at that time. Dieter was interviewed a while back about these phone messages, he released them because he wanted to show how he and MJ were friends...before he betrayed MJ by pilfering more than a million dollars off MJ! At the time of MJ's death, Dieter was on MJ's hit list!

    Thanks for that. I remeber this now...I had forgotten. Plus I havent been sleeping well this past week ( got a new pup) and he gets me up every hour or so to play......Im very tired and cant think clearly. So thanks for bringing me back from my ramble.

    ....sorry if I offended anyone with my words!! I tend to get a little cranky when Im tired!!
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Even though these are old, it seems like some of the recordings I havent heard before. How so very sad it is to hear him, or anyone, sound so scared. I can just see him cowering in the corner of his bedroom desperately asking for help. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    Whoever he was speaking to, Schmuley or whomever, he obviously trusted them enough to ask THEM for help. I do NOT understand at all, why in the f**k NO ONE came to this poor man's rescue. How could someone recieve messages like this and do nothing? WHY?

    Im a very feminine female but I wanna crack some skulls right now. To the people who got these messages on their phone.....If I EVER meet you people on the street, you better turn around and walk the other way, because you do NOT want to be anywhere near my wrath of fury you c**ksuckers.
    Chill out! I guess you didn't see my post...LOL...These calls were made to Dieter Wiesner and if you remember, MJ did get out of Neverland so Dieter did help him. These are not recent. He is talking about Al Malnik being part of the Italian Mafia and MJ broke off that relationship as well, so Dieter did help him at that time. Dieter was interviewed a while back about these phone messages, he released them because he wanted to show how he and MJ were friends...before he betrayed MJ by pilfering more than a million dollars off MJ! At the time of MJ's death, Dieter was on MJ's hit list!

    so from what i have gotten this deiter was a manager. he stated that the term worn out was a code he and micheal had established for when he was heavily that to the interview by the lawyer about a power of attorney given to this dieter character and another person ronald knoitzer while micheal was apparently medicated and i supposing was having to deal with something they had done with it. what might we have then?
  • I was told more than a year ago about Michael signing over his merchandise rights and basically most of his finances to the Mafia around 1996. They promised him they would get his career and his private life back on track.

    I didn´t know the name of the guy who actually signed the agreement, but I know now - Dieter Wiesner.
    He basically promised to rearrange Michael´s life. Check this out:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Last entry:
    2003 Development of "MJ Universe" - a complete reorganization of Michael Jackson's private life and business

    Seems like something fishy is going on here....

    Michael wanted money transferred to a German bank. Why?
    My "source" tells me Michael was in Germany incognity several times. Why?
    What did Joe Jackson do right after Michael´s death? He went to Germany to look at old castles. What a coincidence....

  • lacta89lacta89 Posts: 88
    The one that says at the end. "We are brothers". Was is directed to his brothers? Or is he saying that one of his brothers is out to get him? Or helping the people who are out to get him. "More important than *inaudible. We are brothers." What if he is talking about Jermaine & Thome in that one? Since we all know Thome wasn't good news & Michael feared him & Thome & Jermaine are friends. Maybe MJ was being drugged & he was desperately trying to get someone to help him? I don't like this at all. Also I hate that everyone calls him paranoid, he knew what they were trying to do & who was trying to do it. We've already figured out there were bad people around him with bad intentions. He was never "paranoid" or making this up. It was real life <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    These calls were made to his good friend at the time Dieter Wiesner, who at the time of MJ's death was on MJ's famous hit list (people who did him wrong)...the person who he refers to as being part of the mafia is none other than the Al Malnik we see in pictures with MJ....they had a falling out when he was lured over to his house under false pretenses only to find out he was on the phone with Mottola and the meeting was about getting the Sony Catalog.... Malnik was also on MJ's hit list...

    When I heard the words Italian Maffia,the first person I thought was Al Malnik....I don't know what is going on....What I know for sure is that Michael was not paranoid that some people wanted him dead...I hope they didn't make it and Mike is alive and healthy.... But if not,then the hoax is just a game that some people invented in order to cover their own foot marks.....

    I fully agree, Michael was the owner of half of Sony <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Let's get the neurons to work:

    First, why this was released only now? And why was it leaked?

    Michael's death is still in process, and it should not be secretive?

    Second, is lighter than water it was receiving threat and risk to life! Ie: it has plenty of reasons to forge death!

    Third, this is really new? Because I saw a piece of tape at the beginning of his death (hoax)

    Room: Italian Mafia? Hi?

    My God! Mike really needed help.

    Tohme and Montolla is of Italian origin!

    Italian Mafia also remember Elvis Presley, after he had fled from a mob.

    And I give emphasis to Elvis Presley owed to the fifth reason below.

    Fifth: Lisa Marie said she knew Michael was going to die like her father ..

    Heinn? Again? LOL!

    So what does this have to do with the matter? lol

    Would be to feed the term "forging death"? (Die)

    Sixth: Debt, debt, debt ..?

    "Michael is worth more dead than alive" (La Toya said)

    the anonymous person Tohme =?

    Seventh: the tapes were recorded in 2003, and he was still in Neverland.

    In 2003 Michael was fighting with SONY, and declared war against it. # Die

    Remember? He called them demons .. lol


    In 2003 he wanted to do something to escape this situation right?

    And in 2003 he bought a coffin of gold! Used the same coffin at the funeral? lol

    Eighth: ".. Helps me. We need to act fast .. "

    Hmmmm .. plan? The plan of the false death?

    After all .. I have not seen any great manifestation of Michael since 2003, you saw something?

    Ninth, the source is the REVISED THE SUN!

    We talked about the connection of "THE SUN" and Michael Jackson.

    Ten: Swiss bank?

    = Secret Swiss bank account!

    account secret = SECRET!

    Why does Michael want to hide the money? To put the secret plan in place?

    The idea is to denote that he is without money = spreading the media after the death of Michael, saying he left debts.

    Eleventh: investment in super heroes?

    I do not remember anything like that! Do you remember?

    That money was not to invest in it?

    Twelfth: Police find 11 containers AFTER he died.

    Affff .. is it passed through the little head of police that can be planted evidence?

    For amorrrr .. moreover Murray hid the bottles, and police also discovered this only AFTER.

    But nobody Murray accused of hiding evidence .. hahaha

    Thirteenth: ".. it is a bad man .."

    bad = danger danger danger

    Now think with me, if he faked his death, he needed a justification for doing so. Look, a false death needs to be planned and engineered, then, as the tape is old, she is proving that Michael suffered threat is time! So: this tape proves it! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    forge death is not a crime! or you put your family at risk? Michael is the father! He certainly has the safety of children as PRIORITY!

    I love your analysis! And I TOTALLY AGREE WITH U!!!!What I didn't know was that Nike had bought a gold coffin back in 2003....I wander what for <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> As far as I know Mike didn't even want to get old and it's needles to mention about death.... And even if u deal with death which is physical to happen sometime in the future u don't buy a u? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If lacta89 for all those reasons you say we are listening to these tapes again, Murray's trial is approaching <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    The one that says at the end. "We are brothers". Was is directed to his brothers? Or is he saying that one of his brothers is out to get him? Or helping the people who are out to get him. "More important than *inaudible. We are brothers." What if he is talking about Jermaine & Thome in that one? Since we all know Thome wasn't good news & Michael feared him & Thome & Jermaine are friends. Maybe MJ was being drugged & he was desperately trying to get someone to help him? I don't like this at all. Also I hate that everyone calls him paranoid, he knew what they were trying to do & who was trying to do it. We've already figured out there were bad people around him with bad intentions. He was never "paranoid" or making this up. It was real life <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    These calls were made to his good friend at the time Dieter Wiesner, who at the time of MJ's death was on MJ's famous hit list (people who did him wrong)...the person who he refers to as being part of the mafia is none other than the Al Malnik we see in pictures with MJ....they had a falling out when he was lured over to his house under false pretenses only to find out he was on the phone with Mottola and the meeting was about getting the Sony Catalog.... Malnik was also on MJ's hit list...

    When I heard the words Italian Maffia,the first person I thought was Al Malnik....I don't know what is going on....What I know for sure is that Michael was not paranoid that some people wanted him dead...I hope they didn't make it and Mike is alive and healthy.... But if not,then the hoax is just a game that some people invented in order to cover their own foot marks.....

    I fully agree, Michael was the owner of half of Sony <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Let's get the neurons to work:

    First, why this was released only now? And why was it leaked?

    Michael's death is still in process, and it should not be secretive?

    Second, is lighter than water it was receiving threat and risk to life! Ie: it has plenty of reasons to forge death!

    Third, this is really new? Because I saw a piece of tape at the beginning of his death (hoax)

    Room: Italian Mafia? Hi?

    My God! Mike really needed help.

    Tohme and Montolla is of Italian origin!

    Italian Mafia also remember Elvis Presley, after he had fled from a mob.

    And I give emphasis to Elvis Presley owed to the fifth reason below.

    Fifth: Lisa Marie said she knew Michael was going to die like her father ..

    Heinn? Again? LOL!

    So what does this have to do with the matter? lol

    Would be to feed the term "forging death"? (Die)

    Sixth: Debt, debt, debt ..?

    "Michael is worth more dead than alive" (La Toya said)

    the anonymous person Tohme =?

    Seventh: the tapes were recorded in 2003, and he was still in Neverland.

    In 2003 Michael was fighting with SONY, and declared war against it. # Die

    Remember? He called them demons .. lol


    In 2003 he wanted to do something to escape this situation right?

    And in 2003 he bought a coffin of gold! Used the same coffin at the funeral? lol

    Eighth: ".. Helps me. We need to act fast .. "

    Hmmmm .. plan? The plan of the false death?

    After all .. I have not seen any great manifestation of Michael since 2003, you saw something?

    Ninth, the source is the REVISED THE SUN!

    We talked about the connection of "THE SUN" and Michael Jackson.

    Ten: Swiss bank?

    = Secret Swiss bank account!

    account secret = SECRET!

    Why does Michael want to hide the money? To put the secret plan in place?

    The idea is to denote that he is without money = spreading the media after the death of Michael, saying he left debts.

    Eleventh: investment in super heroes?

    I do not remember anything like that! Do you remember?

    That money was not to invest in it?

    Twelfth: Police find 11 containers AFTER he died.

    Affff .. is it passed through the little head of police that can be planted evidence?

    For amorrrr .. moreover Murray hid the bottles, and police also discovered this only AFTER.

    But nobody Murray accused of hiding evidence .. hahaha

    Thirteenth: ".. it is a bad man .."

    bad = danger danger danger

    Now think with me, if he faked his death, he needed a justification for doing so. Look, a false death needs to be planned and engineered, then, as the tape is old, she is proving that Michael suffered threat is time! So: this tape proves it! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    forge death is not a crime! or you put your family at risk? Michael is the father! He certainly has the safety of children as PRIORITY!

    I love your analysis! And I TOTALLY AGREE WITH U!!!!What I didn't know was that Nike had bought a gold coffin back in 2003....I wander what for <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> As far as I know Mike didn't even want to get old and it's needles to mention about death.... And even if u deal with death which is physical to happen sometime in the future u don't buy a u? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Elementary my dear Watson <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I have to be like sherlook holmes <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • lacta89lacta89 Posts: 88
    The one that says at the end. "We are brothers". Was is directed to his brothers? Or is he saying that one of his brothers is out to get him? Or helping the people who are out to get him. "More important than *inaudible. We are brothers." What if he is talking about Jermaine & Thome in that one? Since we all know Thome wasn't good news & Michael feared him & Thome & Jermaine are friends. Maybe MJ was being drugged & he was desperately trying to get someone to help him? I don't like this at all. Also I hate that everyone calls him paranoid, he knew what they were trying to do & who was trying to do it. We've already figured out there were bad people around him with bad intentions. He was never "paranoid" or making this up. It was real life <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    These calls were made to his good friend at the time Dieter Wiesner, who at the time of MJ's death was on MJ's famous hit list (people who did him wrong)...the person who he refers to as being part of the mafia is none other than the Al Malnik we see in pictures with MJ....they had a falling out when he was lured over to his house under false pretenses only to find out he was on the phone with Mottola and the meeting was about getting the Sony Catalog.... Malnik was also on MJ's hit list...

    When I heard the words Italian Maffia,the first person I thought was Al Malnik....I don't know what is going on....What I know for sure is that Michael was not paranoid that some people wanted him dead...I hope they didn't make it and Mike is alive and healthy.... But if not,then the hoax is just a game that some people invented in order to cover their own foot marks.....

    I fully agree, Michael was the owner of half of Sony <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Let's get the neurons to work:

    First, why this was released only now? And why was it leaked?

    Michael's death is still in process, and it should not be secretive?

    Second, is lighter than water it was receiving threat and risk to life! Ie: it has plenty of reasons to forge death!

    Third, this is really new? Because I saw a piece of tape at the beginning of his death (hoax)

    Room: Italian Mafia? Hi?

    My God! Mike really needed help.

    Tohme and Montolla is of Italian origin!

    Italian Mafia also remember Elvis Presley, after he had fled from a mob.

    And I give emphasis to Elvis Presley owed to the fifth reason below.

    Fifth: Lisa Marie said she knew Michael was going to die like her father ..

    Heinn? Again? LOL!

    So what does this have to do with the matter? lol

    Would be to feed the term "forging death"? (Die)

    Sixth: Debt, debt, debt ..?

    "Michael is worth more dead than alive" (La Toya said)

    the anonymous person Tohme =?

    Seventh: the tapes were recorded in 2003, and he was still in Neverland.

    In 2003 Michael was fighting with SONY, and declared war against it. # Die

    Remember? He called them demons .. lol


    In 2003 he wanted to do something to escape this situation right?

    And in 2003 he bought a coffin of gold! Used the same coffin at the funeral? lol

    Eighth: ".. Helps me. We need to act fast .. "

    Hmmmm .. plan? The plan of the false death?

    After all .. I have not seen any great manifestation of Michael since 2003, you saw something?

    Ninth, the source is the REVISED THE SUN!

    We talked about the connection of "THE SUN" and Michael Jackson.

    Ten: Swiss bank?

    = Secret Swiss bank account!

    account secret = SECRET!

    Why does Michael want to hide the money? To put the secret plan in place?

    The idea is to denote that he is without money = spreading the media after the death of Michael, saying he left debts.

    Eleventh: investment in super heroes?

    I do not remember anything like that! Do you remember?

    That money was not to invest in it?

    Twelfth: Police find 11 containers AFTER he died.

    Affff .. is it passed through the little head of police that can be planted evidence?

    For amorrrr .. moreover Murray hid the bottles, and police also discovered this only AFTER.

    But nobody Murray accused of hiding evidence .. hahaha

    Thirteenth: ".. it is a bad man .."

    bad = danger danger danger

    Now think with me, if he faked his death, he needed a justification for doing so. Look, a false death needs to be planned and engineered, then, as the tape is old, she is proving that Michael suffered threat is time! So: this tape proves it! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    forge death is not a crime! or you put your family at risk? Michael is the father! He certainly has the safety of children as PRIORITY!

    I love your analysis! And I TOTALLY AGREE WITH U!!!!What I didn't know was that Nike had bought a gold coffin back in 2003....I wander what for <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> As far as I know Mike didn't even want to get old and it's needles to mention about death.... And even if u deal with death which is physical to happen sometime in the future u don't buy a u? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Elementary my dear Watson <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I have to be like sherlook holmes <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Glad to be a little part of this adventure <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> And the positive side of that is that a big amount of little parts make a whole! We are a strong force....and we will make it....we will finally find the truth!!I am extremely optimistic about it and I also have a good feeling about it!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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