FBI to MJ Doc -- Go to Bev Hills!

edited January 1970 in News
FBI to MJ Doc -- Go to Bev Hills!
Originally posted May 16th 2010 12:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called out to the medical office of Michael Jackson's good friend and personal physician, Arnold Klein, to investigate new alleged death threats.


As TMZ first reported, Klein -- along with Jason Pfeiffer, the man claiming to be Jackson's boyfriend -- have gone to the FBI to report the threats. We're told the FBI kicked the case over to the Beverly Hills Police Department, who has now opened up an investigation.

On Thursday, cops were called to Klein's Beverly Hills office after the number of threatening calls intensified. We're told cops took a report.

<!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/05/15/arnold-kl ... s-fbi-gay/<!-- m -->


  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    ok so now they're going to the police with all this <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> they must be either really scared and fear for their lifes...or pretty stupid <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Strange twisted world we live in when Arnie and Jason are threatened with harm for saying that Mike was gay and Connie gets free coffee , fans, and favourable press when he supposedly killed Mike. Go figure.
  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    Strange twisted world we live in when Arnie and Jason are threatened with harm for saying that Mike was gay and Connie gets free coffee , fans, and favourable press when he supposedly killed Mike. Go figure.
    so true...this is crazy <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    Sometimes I wish I were a non-believer for a second just to see how does it feel to hear all of these crazy stories.

    I can imagine that sadly most of the world we live in do not really digest what they hear or see but still there should be a limit.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Michael "was" a villian, but we know he was truly a hero. Conrad Murray was the villian, now he's a "hero". Arnie Klein says he was MJ's best friend but maybe he was a villian. Jason was a villian for telling, and now MJ fans are villians for threatening violence against them. What next?
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Look for the clues within the lies. [

    Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called out to the medical office of Michael Jackson's good friend and personal physician, Arnold Klein, to investigate new alleged death threats.

    "The law inforcement to investigate new alleged death threats against Michael Jackson"

    Read between the lines. TMZ and Harvey are leaving the clues everyday now.

    As always, with L.O.V.E xoxoxo
  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    Look for the clues within the lies. [

    Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called out to the medical office of Michael Jackson's good friend and personal physician, Arnold Klein, to investigate new alleged death threats.

    "The law inforcement to investigate new alleged death threats against Michael Jackson"

    Read between the lines. TMZ and Harvey are leaving the clues everyday now.

    As always, with L.O.V.E xoxoxo

    all this suspense and mystery!! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack any time soon <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    The last few TMZ headlines.....finding the clues..

    "Michael Jackson's Alleged Lover Scared to Death ""

    Michael Jackson's Alleged BF -- On the Run"

    As always, wtih L.O.V.E xoxoxo
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    Thank you 2good2btrue! I've felt for a long time now that Michael and his concerts were threatened, severely, and that is why he has had to do this. I do think Michael is using the situation to his advantage to open people's eyes to all the bad in the world but I don't feel that is the cause of why he had to do this at first. It's just been a gut wrenching feeling I've had for awhile now that Michael would only do something like this for 2 reasons:

    1. To live his life in as much normalcy as he can and never come back (I don't believe this one at all, there is too much stuff going on for this to be the reason)
    2. He was threatened and/or his concerts AND him were threatened and he had to do this to get away while the FBI or whoever took down the threat(s). (This one is the one that rips at me the most on the believable scale, everything adds up here)

    I think these stories about Arnie and Jason are just getting the public aware that this is why Michael had to do what he did. Preparing everyone for his "bam". <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    The only thing that keeps me from believing that Michael has been planning this for years and years is that tickets for the concerts were sold. I just don't see Michael ripping the fans off like that. I know they were able to be refunded but not every fan got a refund. And Michael had to know that not everyone would want a refund when they had an option for a commemorative ticket instead. Michael fired Karen Faye years ago for ripping the fans off with that website. I don't think he would turn around and do it himself just a few years later. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Heh He's not important enough for the FBI.
    People should just chill out. Death threats?
    I imagine it's coming from those super religious or closed minded people.
    If Michael is really d**d, Murry should be getting the threats, not Klein.
    Also, see the fact that he's been in the news a LOT recently.
    All part of the plan...
  • billiejean17billiejean17 Posts: 266
    Why didn't they just keep their big fat mouths SHUT!!??????????
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    kaceylovesmj......I also really believe that his life was threatened. By whom or what, I cant say. Only when the truth comes out will we know the answer to that question.

    I still believe Klein is somehow involved. If you go back to the begginning, Debbie Rowe told police that AK was supplying addictive drugs and propofol to MJ for many years. He obviously denied those accusations on TMZ's interview. Ask yourself, what would she have to gain by making those allegations about her former boss?

    <!-- m -->http://www.monstersandcritics.com/peopl ... rnie-Klein<!-- m -->
  • Michael "was" a villian, but we know he was truly a hero. Conrad Murray was the villian, now he's a "hero". Arnie Klein says he was MJ's best friend but maybe he was a villian. Jason was a villian for telling, and now MJ fans are villians for threatening violence against them. What next?

    Sometimes I get the impression that the daily&constant news about MICHAEL JACKSON, LIFE, FRIENDS (??) & FAMILY (average 3 per day at TMZ) are (more..) to confuse us ... and really I'm so confused..... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    My heart no longer supports such information... OMG !!!! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    WHAT NEXT??????? <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    TMZ NOW:

    <!-- m -->http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/michael ... ost_recent<!-- m -->
    Have you seen the advertisement that appears when you enter:
    (omg? WHY PARAMEDIC ONLINE on the pictures of MICHAEL??)
    Search results for paramedic degree:
    <!-- m -->http://lp.cobundle.com/s/paramedic+degr ... 5_troy-001<!-- m -->

    2.Michael Jackson's Grave on April 3rd (Why now April???)
    <!-- m -->http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/shots_f ... ost_recent<!-- m -->

    3."Dancing With the Stars" Curse
    Tatum O'Neal was popped by the NYPD for allegedly scoring crack and coke
    <!-- m -->http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/dwts_cu ... t&id=69549<!-- m -->

    Never someone "dead" has been so reported as Michael Jackson!!
    What do you think? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    HOAX HOAX HOAX <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->

    L.O.V.E. FOR ALL BELIEVERS! Happy Sunday too!
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    Ok, so the man is really telling us why he had to disappear clues clues and yes he is using the "death" to open our eyes and clean his name. Mike we notice and I cannot imagine the stress he has been under. Michael's comeback was threatened and brings us to that song again we did hear a part of "Threatened" in TII so I've always thought about the connection there.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Arnie Klein put his phone number on twitter.. yes, he is an idiot and i believe he is inviting this into his World.

    Also.. in that photo of Klein i can really see the similarities of him and Prince in the eyes.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I can't believe Arnie's as much of an idiot as he seems to be making out he is in the media. The man had to pass med school. That requires some brain power.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I have never had a good feeling about Arnie Klien. This fiasco with him and his son claiming Michael was gay just says he is evil. The interviews he has had seemed more like he was seeking attention. He wanted people to know he "knew" Michael. Maybe he thought it would increase his business. The most bizarre thing was him saying he did not know if he was the father of Michael's children to Larry King. Then he turns around and files a petition in court reguarding the children and their placement in Katherine's home. He knew full well he had no legal standing to do this. He is just another "hanger on" using Michael's name for publicity. It is disgusting to me.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Dancing....I have to disagree with you about Prince's eyes being similar to Klien's. Look at the man! Would Michael want those genes in his family?
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Dancing....I have to disagree with you about Prince's eyes being similar to Klien's. Look at the man! Would Michael want those genes in his family?

    I am looking at him and those eyes look the same as Princes to me. Cant you see it?

    Michael made a poor decision the day he used Kleins sperm.. but he did.
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    Prince is Mike's son they have similarities in their facial features and plus unfortunately he has vitiligo like his daddy.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    I can't believe Arnie's as much of an idiot as he seems to be making out he is in the media. The man had to pass med school. That requires some brain power.

    not if you look as the medical studies consisting of learning everything by heart. if you do that well enough, all you have to do is remember, not conclude or use your own thinking too much. it's like with lawyers, all you have to know is the rules. anyone can learn that. and only the smart lawyers are the really good ones, the ones who CAN think.

    with medicine, it's pretty much the same: you can learn anatomy, learn how the organism works, learn which meds to use when and how...no need to think it up yourself...not much 'brain power' in terms of 'thinking power' needed.

    about the 'prince' eyes: if arnie is possibly the sperm donor for mike's kids, why doesn't he have a dna-test taken? there was enough speculation on it, he could step up to the jacksons and demand one, if there is a possibility.
    i know a woman who looks like she could be my older sister, she even has the same exact natural red haircolor, and my children could be as well hers, just by the similarity. if you saw her and my children, you'd think she's their mom and she could get away with it, too. all hearsay...make a test and we'll all know.

    i'm sooo tired of all this 'he said/ she said'-BS!!! facts, pleaz!!!

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • i_need YoUi_need YoU Posts: 933
    Dancing? ur post are normally very good and educational...but YOU HAVE LOST YOUR MIND!! Why on earth would MJ need any sperm doners...he is a male and he is a sexually aactive male. He wanted children of his OWN. I think you may need to take a break because you are beginning to believe the press with their BS.
    MJ HIMSELF said in an interview that him and Debbie actually HAD SEX to produce those children. I dont give a hoot what the press says becuz when I hear those words come out of MJs mouth HIMSELF, then I'm going to believe him...obviously. lol Are you ok Dancing? I think its time you take a break in your padded cell and recollect your thoughts <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> No hard feelings though
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    2good2btrue wrote:

    Look for the clues within the lies. [

    Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called out to the medical office of Michael Jackson's good friend and personal physician, Arnold Klein, to investigate new alleged death threats.

    "The law inforcement to investigate new alleged death threats against Michael Jackson"

    Read between the lines. TMZ and Harvey are leaving the clues everyday now.

    you may be right and it is also worrying, "new threats of death", and recalls that TMZ said that Jason was moved and hidden with some friends, now this worries me <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    were called to the medical office to investigate new death threats to MJ and enforce the law ..... <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    Arnie, "good friend? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    The last few TMZ headlines.....finding the clues..

    "Michael Jackson's Alleged Lover Scared to Death ""

    Michael Jackson's Alleged BF -- On the Run"

    As always, wtih L.O.V.E xoxox
    this is all bullsh-t ,they are just looking for interviews and be in the spotlight. they deserve to get a beating.
  • mjj29081958mjj29081958 Posts: 451
    Strange twisted world we live in when Arnie and Jason are threatened with harm for saying that Mike was gay and Connie gets free coffee, fans, and favourable press when he supposedly killed Mike. Go figure.

    That's because Michael's fans are waiting for the Justice to do something about Murray's case. But "Justice" is not going to do anything about the slandering spreading by these men...
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