SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in News
Avamarie is on her phone and unable to post, so she asked me if I could post this article.

16th May 2010
By John Ward

MICHAEL Jackson’s kids have slammed a close family friend and banned him from their lives after he claimed their dad was gay.

Jacko’s former dermatologist pal Dr Arnold Klein was seen as an unofficial godfather to the star’s children.

But he’s now been branded a “Judas” for spreading rumours that the superstar singer slept with men.

The Jackson family was outraged after Klein backed up a story from his assistant, Jason Pfeiffer, who claimed he had sex with the late King of Pop.

Pfeiffer claimed on US TV that he and Jackson were lovers and “soul-mates”.

Dr Klein, who says he has had death threats since he told a gossip website Jacko was gay, insists he only did it to put an end to rumours that the singer was a paedophile.

But the news deeply upset Jacko’s children Paris, 12, Prince Michael, 13 and Blanket, eight – who have vowed never to talk to Klein again.

A family friend said: “Normally the children are sheltered from news about their father. But Paris discovered the gay rumours while on the internet and she was in tears for days.

“She couldn’t understand why Dr Klein would say such a thing. He has been a big part of all of their lives as he was a close friend to Michael.

“He was always around and was always kind to them. He was seen as a kind of ­unofficial godfather to the children.
“That’s why Paris was mortified that he could have said that about her dad.

“She said he was evil and had betrayed the family and said she would never talk to him again.”

The children, who live with their grandmother Katherine Jackson along with four of her other grandchildren at a mansion in Encino, California, also said the gay jibes were ­“vicious lies”.

The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

“Paris won’t entertain the thought that her dad slept with men. Prince was upset too and hates the constant speculation about his dead father.

“Blanket is too young to understand what gay is. But he’s upset that people are saying bad things about his dad.
“There is no way on earth the children will ever, ever have any dealings with Klein again after this.”
Jackson’s father Joe also hit out at Klein for spreading “vicious rumours”.

He said: “Michael was not gay. Klein has no respect for Michael. To say things about him when he’s gone is shameful.”

Jackson died aged 50 last June after an overdose of painkillers.

<!-- m -->http://dailystar.co.uk/posts/view/13546 ... ir-lives-/<!-- m -->

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



  • Avamarie is on her phone and unable to post, so she asked me if I could post this article.

    16th May 2010
    By John Ward

    MICHAEL Jackson’s kids have slammed a close family friend and banned him from their lives after he claimed their dad was gay.

    Jacko’s former dermatologist pal Dr Arnold Klein was seen as an unofficial godfather to the star’s children.

    But he’s now been branded a “Judas” for spreading rumours that the superstar singer slept with men.

    The Jackson family was outraged after Klein backed up a story from his assistant, Jason Pfeiffer, who claimed he had sex with the late King of Pop.

    Pfeiffer claimed on US TV that he and Jackson were lovers and “soul-mates”.

    Dr Klein, who says he has had death threats since he told a gossip website Jacko was gay, insists he only did it to put an end to rumours that the singer was a paedophile.

    But the news deeply upset Jacko’s children Paris, 12, Prince Michael, 13 and Blanket, eight – who have vowed never to talk to Klein again.

    A family friend said: “Normally the children are sheltered from news about their father. But Paris discovered the gay rumours while on the internet and she was in tears for days.

    “She couldn’t understand why Dr Klein would say such a thing. He has been a big part of all of their lives as he was a close friend to Michael.

    “He was always around and was always kind to them. He was seen as a kind of ­unofficial godfather to the children.
    “That’s why Paris was mortified that he could have said that about her dad.

    “She said he was evil and had betrayed the family and said she would never talk to him again.”

    The children, who live with their grandmother Katherine Jackson along with four of her other grandchildren at a mansion in Encino, California, also said the gay jibes were ­“vicious lies”.

    The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

    “Paris won’t entertain the thought that her dad slept with men. Prince was upset too and hates the constant speculation about his dead father.

    “Blanket is too young to understand what gay is. But he’s upset that people are saying bad things about his dad.
    “There is no way on earth the children will ever, ever have any dealings with Klein again after this.”
    Jackson’s father Joe also hit out at Klein for spreading “vicious rumours”.

    He said: “Michael was not gay. Klein has no respect for Michael. To say things about him when he’s gone is shameful.”

    Jackson died aged 50 last June after an overdose of painkillers.

    <!-- m -->http://dailystar.co.uk/posts/view/13546 ... ir-lives-/<!-- m -->

    I know MJ was NOT gay and was NOT a pedofile, but Id like to know how saying someone was gay would make people think he is NOT a pedofile? You can be gay and be a pedofile too. To me, this makes MJ look worse in the eyes of the public who think he IS a pedofile...so Arnie did more damage then good. What an idiot.

    And it looks like the kids DO search the internet about their dad!!
  • The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

    That's contradictory. If that's true, then how could it be that Klein "has been a big part of all of their lives as he was a close friend to Michael. He was always around and was always kind to them. He was seen as a kind of ­unofficial godfather to the children."?
  • The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

    That's contradictory. If that's true, then how could it be that Klein "has been a big part of all of their lives as he was a close friend to Michael. He was always around and was always kind to them. He was seen as a kind of ­unofficial godfather to the children."?

    I dont understand what you're trying to say Mo. Do you mean that because the family is very religious they wouldn't accept Klein to be around the kids or family? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

    That's contradictory. If that's true, then how could it be that Klein "has been a big part of all of their lives as he was a close friend to Michael. He was always around and was always kind to them. He was seen as a kind of ­unofficial godfather to the children."?

    I dont understand what you're trying to say Mo. Do you mean that because the family is very religious they wouldn't accept Klein to be around the kids or family? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    What I mean is: in families in which is very much looked down on gay people they usually don't welcome gay people into their inner circle or consider them an unofficial godfather.

    I do not believe Mike looks down on gay people or would tell anyone to do so.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

    Who is this family friend ? Is this unknown friend reliable ? That's the point.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Klein: a good friend?.. I think he is up to something.
    Why would you do such a thing? Telling that your friend/patient is gay..
    Is Klein that stupid?
  • neversayneverneversaynever Posts: 362
    Klein has been nothing but trouble. I have NOTHING against gays, in fact my best friend is gay. But have any of you thought that there is a possibility that Klein is gay himself? He was obsessed with Michael. He has done nothing but try to hurt his image through this whole ordeal. Nothing good has come from that man's mouth. I wouldn't put it past anything that Jason and him are a couple. I feel terrible for those children to have to continue to hear this garbage.
  • neversayneverneversaynever Posts: 362
    Klein: a good friend?.. I think he is up to something.
    Why would you do such a thing? Telling that your friend/patient is gay..
    Is Klein that stupid?

    I think he is so obsessed with Mike - he is trying to lure him out. Get the family mad - hurt the children, etc.
  • Yes, Mo, its about Michael, and I'm sure MJ wouldnt look down on anyone. He considered Klein to be an unofficial godfather or simply a close friend. I am not sure if Katherine would allow the children to be around Klein, though. Not because of his sexual preferences, but because of the rumors about him being Prince and Paris' dad.

    I just think this is all too sad. Klein shouldn't have supported this man's claims, whether they were true or not. You just don't go telling the world about anyone's sexuality. He didn't think about these children. And yes, I agree with Jacksonologist, I would really like to know how telling about this supposed "relationship" with Pfeiffer would make the haters believe he wasn't a pedophile.
  • i_need YoUi_need YoU Posts: 933
    Ewww I hate how the article ended "he died aged 50 last June from an overdose on painkillers"

    BS LOL that just makes him look bad too. They alwys have to throw something in there thats not good about him ugh.. IF he is dead he got murdred by Murray from MURRAY overdosing Mj on propofol...NOT painkillers. gah

    poor paris and prince *sigh*

    I dont think MJ was gay and I also dont think he looked down on gay people...he viewed everyone pretty equally. Such a good man MJ is/was....whichever it is lol
  • Klein has been nothing but trouble. I have NOTHING against gays, in fact my best friend is gay. But have any of you thought that there is a possibility that Klein is gay himself? He was obsessed with Michael. He has done nothing but try to hurt his image through this whole ordeal. Nothing good has come from that man's mouth. I wouldn't put it past anything that Jason and him are a couple. I feel terrible for those children to have to continue to hear this garbage.

    dr Klien is gay, yes.

    I also agree with Mo. I dont think MJ would teach his children to dislike ANYONE no matter how they led their lives.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    There are several expressions that are remarkable. I am not going into the so-said utterances from the kids as I respect them too much to even think they had anything to do with this article. I think this is pure phantasy to dramatize the szene.

    Main error in the article is the overdose of painkillers.

    Second error is that being gay means sleeping with men in the sense of having sex.
    Neither being gay nor sleeping with men as such is anything that would raise an eyebrow, even in very religious families. It is the "thought-of" circumstances of being gay and of sleeping with men that colour the "thought-of" picture and the emotional reaction to this - not to the simple fact as such.

    We discussed "being gay" already.
    "Sleeping with men" is just the same - how many military staff are sleeping with men? In the same room? How many women are sleeping with men? What is it that raises the eyebrow here? What about "sleeping" = having sex with men? What's the eyebrow here?

    The article is not about being gay and sleeping with men and throwing Arnie out of the family's life. I think Arnie could be a much closer friend to Michael than we would think from all the meaningful "garbage" that he reportedly was saying and the following mud fights he was accepting on his shoulders.

    This article is first of all again about family ethics, religious ethics and "do's and don'ts".
    Second it is about the sleep motive again.
    Third it is about awakening theme again, about raising the voice, getting upset and acting like throwing someone / something we got used to out of our lives, no matter how important we thought it would be.
    Forth it is about cleansing Michael's name.

    JMHO <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Reminder: this is the DAILY STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a so called newspaper with more pics than text. And they have an unidentified family friend talking to them...Did they run out of "sources" today and have to take the "family friends" option?

    Basic rule of journalism: if u tell a story, be sure to have 3 concordant sources (would even admit 2....) or let it be.

    Those tabloids never give it a break. For all i know they could have made up the whole story. Mj s family is never suing, they are pretty safe and can sell crap

    Anyway, anyone with half a brain could imagine that Arnie isnt welcome by the Jacksons anymore...
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    There are several expressions that are remarkable. I am not going into the so-said utterances from the kids as I respect them too much to even think they had anything to do with this article. I think this is pure phantasy to dramatize the szene.

    Main error in the article is the overdose of painkillers.

    Second error is that being gay means sleeping with men in the sense of having sex.
    Neither being gay nor sleeping with men as such is anything that would raise an eyebrow, even in very religious families. It is the "thought-of" circumstances of being gay and of sleeping with men that colour the "thought-of" picture and the emotional reaction to this - not to the simple fact as such.

    We discussed "being gay" already.
    "Sleeping with men" is just the same - how many military staff are sleeping with men? In the same room? How many women are sleeping with men? What is it that raises the eyebrow here? What about "sleeping" = having sex with men? What's the eyebrow here?

    The article is not about being gay and sleeping with men and throwing Arnie out of the family's life. I think Arnie could be a much closer friend to Michael than we would think from all the meaningful "garbage" that he reportedly was saying and the following mud fights he was accepting on his shoulders.

    This article is first of all again about family ethics, religious ethics and "do's and don'ts".
    Second it is about the sleep motive again.
    Third it is about awakening theme again, about raising the voice, getting upset and acting like throwing someone / something we got used to out of our lives, no matter how important we thought it would be.
    Forth it is about cleansing Michael's name.

    JMHO <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    makes me think of micheal's immediate response to geraldo when he ask him about friends that were sticking by him or something like that "oh you wouldn't know them"
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I agree with neversaynever. Klein has been nothing but trouble.
  • The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

    That's contradictory. If that's true, then how could it be that Klein "has been a big part of all of their lives as he was a close friend to Michael. He was always around and was always kind to them. He was seen as a kind of ­unofficial godfather to the children."?

    Yes, it's contradictory to what Michael was all about. If it were true he would have squelched Bashire when those comments were made years ago instead of not wanting to offend anyone by saying he wasn't gay.

    I also think they mention Paris on the Internet - maybe to indirectly let people know that the children do surf the net?

    I also noticed that the article said the other children are still living in the house...I guess they didn't move out after all?
  • alovesmichaelalovesmichael Posts: 903
    The friend added: “They have been brought up to be very religious and being gay is very much looked down upon.

    That's contradictory. If that's true, then how could it be that Klein "has been a big part of all of their lives as he was a close friend to Michael. He was always around and was always kind to them. He was seen as a kind of ­unofficial godfather to the children."?

    Exactly. And I strongly, strongly doubt Michael raised his kids teaching them that homosexuality's wrong <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> . Katherine probably believes so but she has not raised those kids until now.
  • i don't believe Michael Jackson was gay either..like many i have gay family members as well..
    wasn't there a interview that mj did where he said he was straight but he said he has so many gay fans and he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings..
    i know i seen this video some place around here lol..
    what happen about patient doctor confidentiality??!!..if klein just happen to see mj and jason hugging shouldn't that still apply??!!..and does hugging make a person gay??!!..lol..
    my heart goes out to his children..the media should have more self control and respect then to put out lies..especially since his children are older and able to read and hear this crap..
    there should be a law against this kind of things...
    i could say so much more but i will leave it as is..
    huggs to all
  • _Dangerous__Dangerous_ Posts: 362
    A family friend said: “Normally the children are sheltered from news about their father. But Paris discovered the gay rumours while on the internet and she was in tears for days.

    This doesnt come to the case but... OH REALLY ??
    Lets say this.. '' family friend '' <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Its a reliable source.. then the rumours about the children on the net are true.. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Just saying... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    good for them they don't need buzzards that Kline in they lives anyway.I hope MJ have learn how to pick better friends after this and his kids be more cautious of who they befriend when they get older.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Its going to be more heartbreak if they discover Klein is their biological father... the whole situation is screwed up.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I don't believe that Klein is there father. I believe Michael is the biological father of all three kids. If he was going to choice a sperm donor somehow I doubt he would have choosen klein. Klein is nothing more then an attention whore in my opinion.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I don't believe that Klein is there father. I believe Michael is the biological father of all three kids. If he was going to choice a sperm donor somehow I doubt he would have choosen klein. Klein is nothing more then an attention whore in my opinion.

    Debbie Rowe has even confirmed a sperm donar was used.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    The same Debbie Rowe who has yet to visit her children? It's a good thing that he is no longer in their lives. He has done nothing but cause trouble by spreading lies and nasty rumors about their father. If he knew that there was a possibility that he could be their father. I would think he would be alittle more senistive about the things he says about Michael knowing they could hear it. He's not there father. IMO he is a liar and an attention whore.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I can't exactly see the purpose of this..it sounds very negative no matter how you slice it.. I hope it isn't true that the kids are so upset..
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