"PRINCE" The Singer....I never knew!!

DiscoDisco Posts: 286
edited January 1970 in News
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOGUqXRX ... re=related<!-- m -->
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itsRvRvf ... re=related<!-- m -->

I'm impressed, and I do think Michael & Prince have many things in common?? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    Another one of my favorites and yes Michael and Prince got a lot in common. Thanks for sharing it. I am actually seeing Prince vids on YT finally hope they stay on.
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> chemtrails?? Now THAT'S freaky!
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    I had no idea Prince was a very smart man in that way. What i mean is you only get to see the artistic side of entertainers, not the real side of them. You can't tell if they have wonders of the world. But they do, we all do, we are just shielded from seeing that side of artists. I am glad they are starting to open up about important issues. I have been studying chemtrails for quite a while, and i still can't find the difference between that and contrails. Anyway if you're interested in things like that, a good website to check out is <!-- m -->http://www.godlikeproductions.com<!-- m -->, you can search for Michael Jackson on there too, there is some pretty weird stuff. I advise you not to be vulnerable when going there, if you have your beliefs, keep them tight, and never have fear.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    He is evidently a versatile and deep read man.
    And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.
    I´m quite sure both - Michael and Prince - had a number of conversation topics... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Should I dare to ask what a "chemtrail" is? I didn´t get a clear translation for this word on dict...
  • And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    That might partially be true. But nevertheless, he´s sovereign and independent as an artist. That´s not to be taken for granted.
    And he knew how to take advantage of the internet at a time, when major labels only complained about declining sales.
    By the way, I can´t blame him for defending his intellectual property.
  • And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    Please, get your facts straight before making statements.

    Prince albums released since the mid 90s:

      [li]The Gold Experience (1995)[/li] [li]Chaos and Disorder (1996)[/li] [li]Emancipation (1996)[/li] [li]Crystal Ball (1998)[/li] [li]Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999)[/li] [li]The Rainbow Children (2001)[/li] [li]One Nite Alone... (2002)[/li] [li]Xpectation (2003)[/li] [li]N.E.W.S (2003)[/li] [li]Musicology (2004)[/li] [li]The Chocolate Invasion (2004)[/li] [li]The Slaughterhouse (2004)[/li] [li]3121 (2006)[/li] [li]Planet Earth (2007)[/li] [li]LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)[/li]
  • I used to think Prince was pretty cool, until his he started to get upset about his videos and images of himself on the net. Then he started to get upset with the fans over it, he should be grateful the fans want to see him, but instead he got mad, started to get legal teams together to troll the internet, for the purpose of taking down his videos,music, images... Not sure how sucessful he was, because when it started I stopped bothering with him altogether. Prince's problem is he does not appreciate his fans, ever seen how he snubs them in public? it is unbelievable how he is towards them. But on the other hand I do think he had a point about all the Chem trails, I believe that this conspiracy is true...

    So glad Michael respects and appreciates his fans, he makes me feel good to know him.
  • Prince's problem is he does not appreciate his fans, ever seen how he snubs them in public? it is unbelievable how he is towards them.

    I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, but just post a message on the Prince forum about Prince's message, and see how his fans respond to you, IF they even GET the CHANCE to respond, because the mods over there are very quick with deleting or locking threads when it comes to spreading Prince's messages. I don't think that the majority of Prince's fans understand what he's talking and singing about at all, which leads them to ridicule and bash those who do understand.
  • alovesmichaelalovesmichael Posts: 903
    Another Prince - thread... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> We've discussed him so many times already but I really don't mind <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . I have nothing but love for him and he should be recognised for all that he has done for music. I'm sure he inspired Michael as well, so the man must be something special. I wish the would've done that Bad duet togther *sigh*. I would probably have fainted from all that hotness if they'd done a video together <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .

  • And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    Please, get your facts straight before making statements.

    Prince albums released since the mid 90s:

      [li]The Gold Experience (1995)[/li] [li]Chaos and Disorder (1996)[/li] [li]Emancipation (1996)[/li] [li]Crystal Ball (1998)[/li] [li]Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999)[/li] [li]The Rainbow Children (2001)[/li] [li]One Nite Alone... (2002)[/li] [li]Xpectation (2003)[/li] [li]N.E.W.S (2003)[/li] [li]Musicology (2004)[/li] [li]The Chocolate Invasion (2004)[/li] [li]The Slaughterhouse (2004)[/li] [li]3121 (2006)[/li] [li]Planet Earth (2007)[/li] [li]LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)[/li]

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I said a SOLID album, meaning a good quality one.

    The Gold Experience was the last one to get all around critical and public acclaim. That was also the last album to give him a #1 hit around the world.

    Musicology got some attention because of his performance @ the Grammys with Beyonce. 3121 was mildly popular because he was still okay with promoting his work.

    The rest only hardcore fans would know and only a few of these albums were widely released.
    That might partially be true. But nevertheless, he´s sovereign and independent as an artist. That´s not to be taken for granted.
    And he knew how to take advantage of the internet at a time, when major labels only complained about declining sales.
    By the way, I can´t blame him for defending his intellectual property.

    He's never "taken advantage" of the internet, he simply went censorship crazy thinking that people watching his videos on youtube is the same as stealing his songs. He's independent, sure, but his career has suffered greatly because of that. He really didn't seem to have much of a plan after "isolate myself from everyone, ignore fans, abandon ship".

    You do know he sued a mother for posting a video on youtube of her baby while one of his songs played on the radio in the background?
  • And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    Please, get your facts straight before making statements.

    Prince albums released since the mid 90s:

      [li]The Gold Experience (1995)[/li] [li]Chaos and Disorder (1996)[/li] [li]Emancipation (1996)[/li] [li]Crystal Ball (1998)[/li] [li]Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999)[/li] [li]The Rainbow Children (2001)[/li] [li]One Nite Alone... (2002)[/li] [li]Xpectation (2003)[/li] [li]N.E.W.S (2003)[/li] [li]Musicology (2004)[/li] [li]The Chocolate Invasion (2004)[/li] [li]The Slaughterhouse (2004)[/li] [li]3121 (2006)[/li] [li]Planet Earth (2007)[/li] [li]LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)[/li]

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I said a SOLID album, meaning a good quality one.

    The Gold Experience was the last one to get all around critical and public acclaim. That was also the last album to give him a #1 hit around the world.

    Musicology got some attention because of his performance @ the Grammys with Beyonce. 3121 was mildly popular because he was still okay with promoting his work.

    The rest only hardcore fans would know and only a few of these albums were widely released.

    So, a solid album, a good quality one, to you is an album from which #1 hits come, and receives good critiques..? Then my taste of music must be really bad, because some of my favorite albums are not even known by a wide audience or only produced moderate hits. Strangely enough, these very same albums are known and highly appreciated by musicians. Makes you go mmmmmmmmm...

    Hits nowadays are mainly based on airplay and downloads instead of record sales. Critiques can make of break albums.
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    I totally disagree: listen to musicology (best selling tour in US in 2004) listen to 3121, planet Earth and his latest double album; lotusflow3 and Minneapolis, very versataile and good things on there - last but not least; GO SEE HIM LIVE ... he is an amazing artist...

    Its correct that he is very strict on content on the internet etc. and a lot of his fans hate that...

    Anyway - Prince to what he think is right - I get his point..

    Only thing is that I miss live dvds from Prince - but he dont believe in that concept - He feels that concert are "in the moment" kind of thing.

    I have deep respect for Prince, and have had this since 1982. Im sure he and MJ were good partners/friends - dont believe everything u read in the news....

    Dick Gregory is a very clear conncetion between Prince and MJ.
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    I used to think Prince was pretty cool, until his he started to get upset about his videos and images of himself on the net. Then he started to get upset with the fans over it, he should be grateful the fans want to see him, but instead he got mad, started to get legal teams together to troll the internet, for the purpose of taking down his videos,music, images... Not sure how sucessful he was, because when it started I stopped bothering with him altogether. Prince's problem is he does not appreciate his fans, ever seen how he snubs them in public? it is unbelievable how he is towards them. But on the other hand I do think he had a point about all the Chem trails, I believe that this conspiracy is true...

    So glad Michael respects and appreciates his fans, he makes me feel good to know him.

    Prince never liked the concept: fans... fans as in fanatic... he prefered the word fams as in family...

    I think that he has a point; he never believed in making musicians/singers God like. As he says; there is only ONE GOD...

    Love is God
    God is Love.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    Another Prince - thread... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> We've discussed him so many times already but I really don't mind <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . I have nothing but love for him and he should be recognised for all that he has done for music. I'm sure he inspired Michael as well, so the man must be something special. I wish the would've done that Bad duet togther *sigh*. I would probably have fainted from all that hotness if they'd done a video together <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .

    Hopefully we may get to see the duet "Bad" <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    I do feel that what Prince is saying about religon & censorship in America is very relevent to what is going on in the world today...... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I do feel that what Prince is saying about religon & censorship in America is very relevent to what is going on in the world today...... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    You hit the nail on the head. Here we go again:

    Prince's One Song speech

    1999... and the illusion continues. One begs 2 ask -
    "when will it end?"

    Unnatural disasters happen seemingly every week. Train crashes, shootings, nuclear accidents; is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity? Very few of mankind's creations r designed 2 make u feel good, unless u get pleasure from seeing the human body desecrated by guns, explosions, fights, and any other things these so-called "artists" create. In the name of freedom, many have used art as a means 2 destroy the human mind. As an excuse 2 continue we hear "Art reflects society". How many times has this lie been repeated: "creations r not real", they say and yet any one of these people can call 2 mind images and complete scenes of horror in graphic detail. They will carry these so-called "unreal" creations around with them 4 the rest of their lives. These images r now a part of their being. In the name of RECREATION these people in fact r re-creating themselves in their own images.

    In man's decision 2 further separate from God, his re-creation of himself leaves him in a dysfunctional state of confusion. The mind becomes a burial ground 4 dead waste. Isolated from the wholeness of God, Earth and his fellow brothers and sisters, this man seeks solace in activities he thinks will stimulate his mind. He begins downloading in2 his brain a series of manmade creations designed 2 destroy it. All manmade creations originate from one of 2 sources: the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life. One of these trees contained deadly fruit, the other - Fruit of Everlasting Life. The one who disregards this fact recreates himself and his kind in2 extinction.

    U r reading these words on a machine created by man. As u read, u hear a voice speaking 2 u the words that u perceive. They make sense 2 u because u understand (stand under) the SPELLing. The words r what binds this SPELL 2 ur illusion. When u hear the truth, like a memory - u recognize it and this recognition releases u from ALL illusion. Many languages r brilliant in their attempt 2 CONfuse u. CON meaning: against, fuse meaning: 2gether. Words and their SPELLbinding illusions have the power 2 keep man separate from God. U were born in an all-knowing state of mind. The first words spoken 2 u begin the SPELL. The words come from one of 2 sources: the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life. In ignorance or simply lack of respect 4 God, many use words that CONfuse the minds of humans and turn them in2 projections of their own illusions. Because of this fact, many people grow up and blindly assume their pre-selected role under a dictatorship without even being aware of it. When asked what they r doing here on earth, most will answer with statements that do not reflect their natural God-given desires. This creates a pyramid-like structure with the dictator on top, and each level under it knowing less and less. Upon reaching the bottom level - which is where the majority is, u will find chaos, disorder, and illusion. With ILL as its prefix, ILLusion is a state of insanity. In the name of democracy, supreme power is vested un2 the people in this insane state instead of God. A future re-created, 2 b ruled by man, is one of isolation and despair. Returning the leadership back in2 God will allow mankind 2 achieve its original collective goal which is union with God. Ideas contrary 2 this goal should not b blamed or persecuted - just simply ignored. They originated when man first chose 2 ignore God's rule. Simply put - in the beginning, the Human was made perfect in God's image. They had no need 4 knowledge. They were also given freedom of choice. The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life r reflections of this freedom. The human is now a reflection of their choice. They could have simply chose not 2 choose. God being centrifugal in nature, freedom was the CAUSE and choice was the EFFECT. In knowing their perfection made in God's image, there was no need 2 choose. In fact, there were NO NEEDS. There was only love in an all-knowing state b4 the fall. The worst thing u can do is give up ur God-given right 2 choose. 4 in it - u can choose not 2 choose. Therein is the final judgement. The illusion ceases and u awaken from ur dream. Now the healing begins...

    With an all-knowing mind, made in God's image u can create as ur Creator - God intended. With love, honor and respect 4 every living thing in the universe. Separation ceases, and we all become One Being singing the One song.

    © 2000 NPG

    One Song
    I am the universe
    The sun, the moon and sea
    I am the energy
    4 that is what I breathe
    I can be contradiction
    Cuz that is all I see
    But I am the universe
    And the universe is me

    I am the one song (Ah yes)
    And that one song is free
    All things come from this one song (Yes they do, uh)
    The garden and the tree
    If everything, everything is present
    What is will always be
    This here is the first and the last song
    And all that come between

    When language falls like a wounded soldier
    And it's covered by the sea
    All the sadness
    All these unanswered questions
    Keep me company
    (Company, company, company come 2 me, come 2 me please!)
    Here at the center of it all
    (I know)
    I know that U can only come from me

    (I am the universe)
    Yes it will, oh, yes it will
    (The sun, the moon and sea)
    Where else is it gonna come from but me?
    (I am the universe)
    Oh my, my my my my my my my universe
    (The universe is me)
    (I am the universe)
    (The sun, the moon and sea)
    (I am the universe)
    (We are the universe) {x2}
    (The universe is me)
    One truth (One truth)
    One song (One song)
    One energy
  • thank you mo you cant make it any clearer than that much love <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    I do feel that what Prince is saying about religon & censorship in America is very relevent to what is going on in the world today...... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    You hit the nail on the head. Here we go again:

    Prince's One Song speech

    1999... and the illusion continues. One begs 2 ask -
    "when will it end?"

    Unnatural disasters happen seemingly every week. Train crashes, shootings, nuclear accidents; is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity? Very few of mankind's creations r designed 2 make u feel good, unless u get pleasure from seeing the human body desecrated by guns, explosions, fights, and any other things these so-called "artists" create. In the name of freedom, many have used art as a means 2 destroy the human mind. As an excuse 2 continue we hear "Art reflects society". How many times has this lie been repeated: "creations r not real", they say and yet any one of these people can call 2 mind images and complete scenes of horror in graphic detail. They will carry these so-called "unreal" creations around with them 4 the rest of their lives. These images r now a part of their being. In the name of RECREATION these people in fact r re-creating themselves in their own images.

    In man's decision 2 further separate from God, his re-creation of himself leaves him in a dysfunctional state of confusion. The mind becomes a burial ground 4 dead waste. Isolated from the wholeness of God, Earth and his fellow brothers and sisters, this man seeks solace in activities he thinks will stimulate his mind. He begins downloading in2 his brain a series of manmade creations designed 2 destroy it. All manmade creations originate from one of 2 sources: the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life. One of these trees contained deadly fruit, the other - Fruit of Everlasting Life. The one who disregards this fact recreates himself and his kind in2 extinction.

    U r reading these words on a machine created by man. As u read, u hear a voice speaking 2 u the words that u perceive. They make sense 2 u because u understand (stand under) the SPELLing. The words r what binds this SPELL 2 ur illusion. When u hear the truth, like a memory - u recognize it and this recognition releases u from ALL illusion. Many languages r brilliant in their attempt 2 CONfuse u. CON meaning: against, fuse meaning: 2gether. Words and their SPELLbinding illusions have the power 2 keep man separate from God. U were born in an all-knowing state of mind. The first words spoken 2 u begin the SPELL. The words come from one of 2 sources: the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life. In ignorance or simply lack of respect 4 God, many use words that CONfuse the minds of humans and turn them in2 projections of their own illusions. Because of this fact, many people grow up and blindly assume their pre-selected role under a dictatorship without even being aware of it. When asked what they r doing here on earth, most will answer with statements that do not reflect their natural God-given desires. This creates a pyramid-like structure with the dictator on top, and each level under it knowing less and less. Upon reaching the bottom level - which is where the majority is, u will find chaos, disorder, and illusion. With ILL as its prefix, ILLusion is a state of insanity. In the name of democracy, supreme power is vested un2 the people in this insane state instead of God. A future re-created, 2 b ruled by man, is one of isolation and despair. Returning the leadership back in2 God will allow mankind 2 achieve its original collective goal which is union with God. Ideas contrary 2 this goal should not b blamed or persecuted - just simply ignored. They originated when man first chose 2 ignore God's rule. Simply put - in the beginning, the Human was made perfect in God's image. They had no need 4 knowledge. They were also given freedom of choice. The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life r reflections of this freedom. The human is now a reflection of their choice. They could have simply chose not 2 choose. God being centrifugal in nature, freedom was the CAUSE and choice was the EFFECT. In knowing their perfection made in God's image, there was no need 2 choose. In fact, there were NO NEEDS. There was only love in an all-knowing state b4 the fall. The worst thing u can do is give up ur God-given right 2 choose. 4 in it - u can choose not 2 choose. Therein is the final judgement. The illusion ceases and u awaken from ur dream. Now the healing begins...

    With an all-knowing mind, made in God's image u can create as ur Creator - God intended. With love, honor and respect 4 every living thing in the universe. Separation ceases, and we all become One Being singing the One song.

    © 2000 NPG

    One Song
    I am the universe
    The sun, the moon and sea
    I am the energy
    4 that is what I breathe
    I can be contradiction
    Cuz that is all I see
    But I am the universe
    And the universe is me

    I am the one song (Ah yes)
    And that one song is free
    All things come from this one song (Yes they do, uh)
    The garden and the tree
    If everything, everything is present
    What is will always be
    This here is the first and the last song
    And all that come between

    When language falls like a wounded soldier
    And it's covered by the sea
    All the sadness
    All these unanswered questions
    Keep me company
    (Company, company, company come 2 me, come 2 me please!)
    Here at the center of it all
    (I know)
    I know that U can only come from me

    (I am the universe)
    Yes it will, oh, yes it will
    (The sun, the moon and sea)
    Where else is it gonna come from but me?
    (I am the universe)
    Oh my, my my my my my my my universe
    (The universe is me)
    (I am the universe)
    (The sun, the moon and sea)
    (I am the universe)
    (We are the universe) {x2}
    (The universe is me)
    One truth (One truth)
    One song (One song)
    One energy

    thank u mo... spot on <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->
  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
    And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    Please, get your facts straight before making statements.

    Prince albums released since the mid 90s:

      [li]The Gold Experience (1995)[/li] [li]Chaos and Disorder (1996)[/li] [li]Emancipation (1996)[/li] [li]Crystal Ball (1998)[/li] [li]Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999)[/li] [li]The Rainbow Children (2001)[/li] [li]One Nite Alone... (2002)[/li] [li]Xpectation (2003)[/li] [li]N.E.W.S (2003)[/li] [li]Musicology (2004)[/li] [li]The Chocolate Invasion (2004)[/li] [li]The Slaughterhouse (2004)[/li] [li]3121 (2006)[/li] [li]Planet Earth (2007)[/li] [li]LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)[/li]

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I said a SOLID album, meaning a good quality one.

    The Gold Experience was the last one to get all around critical and public acclaim. That was also the last album to give him a #1 hit around the world.

    Musicology got some attention because of his performance @ the Grammys with Beyonce. 3121 was mildly popular because he was still okay with promoting his work.

    The rest only hardcore fans would know and only a few of these albums were widely released.

    So, a solid album, a good quality one, to you is an album from which #1 hits come, and receives good critiques..? Then my taste of music must be really bad, because some of my favorite albums are not even known by a wide audience or only produced moderate hits. Strangely enough, these very same albums are known and highly appreciated by musicians. Makes you go mmmmmmmmm...

    Hits nowadays are mainly based on airplay and downloads instead of record sales. Critiques can make of break albums.

    Haha... good lord! I hope a solid album isn't just one that wins awards... my taste must be bad too!
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
    PS this is awesome... Prince has always been my 2nd favorite...LOL... It goes MJ, Prince, Elvis... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    But I've never heard him speak out about anything in much detail. This is awesome. Interesting that he's a Jehovah's Witness.

    He knows the TRUTH. Like Michael said..they LIE in our history books. Also don't blame him for not voting. We should all just not vote and see what happens.

    His statement about america being a plantation really reminded me of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A Really good one!
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I've always liked Prince a lot. Talent - talent
  • And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    Please, get your facts straight before making statements.

    Prince albums released since the mid 90s:

      [li]The Gold Experience (1995)[/li] [li]Chaos and Disorder (1996)[/li] [li]Emancipation (1996)[/li] [li]Crystal Ball (1998)[/li] [li]Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999)[/li] [li]The Rainbow Children (2001)[/li] [li]One Nite Alone... (2002)[/li] [li]Xpectation (2003)[/li] [li]N.E.W.S (2003)[/li] [li]Musicology (2004)[/li] [li]The Chocolate Invasion (2004)[/li] [li]The Slaughterhouse (2004)[/li] [li]3121 (2006)[/li] [li]Planet Earth (2007)[/li] [li]LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)[/li]

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I said a SOLID album, meaning a good quality one.

    The Gold Experience was the last one to get all around critical and public acclaim. That was also the last album to give him a #1 hit around the world.

    Musicology got some attention because of his performance @ the Grammys with Beyonce. 3121 was mildly popular because he was still okay with promoting his work.

    The rest only hardcore fans would know and only a few of these albums were widely released.

    So, a solid album, a good quality one, to you is an album from which #1 hits come, and receives good critiques..? Then my taste of music must be really bad, because some of my favorite albums are not even known by a wide audience or only produced moderate hits. Strangely enough, these very same albums are known and highly appreciated by musicians. Makes you go mmmmmmmmm...

    Hits nowadays are mainly based on airplay and downloads instead of record sales. Critiques can make of break albums.

    His fans hate most of those albums, trust me, I'm a hardcore fan, I know some of his fans in real life. Every one of them knows he is SO not what he used to be because of his stance against the music industry. You'd be flat out trying to find a hardcore fan who really likes anything he did between 96 and 2004. He recently released two songs and his biggest fansite HATED them both. We really only stick around because of his former glory.

    My guess is he got into the industry when he was too young (19) and once he grew up and began to think for himself, he found it wasn't the place for him, only by then the world was in love with him.
    I totally disagree: listen to musicology (best selling tour in US in 2004) listen to 3121, planet Earth and his latest double album; lotusflow3 and Minneapolis, very versataile and good things on there - last but not least; GO SEE HIM LIVE ... he is an amazing artist...

    Yeah, I acknowledged Musicology and 3121. Planet Earth's hype didn't last very long.

    I'd go and see him live but he's too busy studying the Bible to tour this country <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I only enjoyed a few tracks on Lotusflow3r/MPLS but fans did take that as a slight improvement on PE and 3121.
    I have deep respect for Prince, and have had this since 1982. Im sure he and MJ were good partners/friends - dont believe everything u read in the news....

    Totally agree, their whole rivalry was completely made up.
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    Please, get your facts straight before making statements.

    Prince albums released since the mid 90s:

      [li]The Gold Experience (1995)[/li] [li]Chaos and Disorder (1996)[/li] [li]Emancipation (1996)[/li] [li]Crystal Ball (1998)[/li] [li]Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999)[/li] [li]The Rainbow Children (2001)[/li] [li]One Nite Alone... (2002)[/li] [li]Xpectation (2003)[/li] [li]N.E.W.S (2003)[/li] [li]Musicology (2004)[/li] [li]The Chocolate Invasion (2004)[/li] [li]The Slaughterhouse (2004)[/li] [li]3121 (2006)[/li] [li]Planet Earth (2007)[/li] [li]LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)[/li]

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I said a SOLID album, meaning a good quality one.

    The Gold Experience was the last one to get all around critical and public acclaim. That was also the last album to give him a #1 hit around the world.

    Musicology got some attention because of his performance @ the Grammys with Beyonce. 3121 was mildly popular because he was still okay with promoting his work.

    The rest only hardcore fans would know and only a few of these albums were widely released.

    So, a solid album, a good quality one, to you is an album from which #1 hits come, and receives good critiques..? Then my taste of music must be really bad, because some of my favorite albums are not even known by a wide audience or only produced moderate hits. Strangely enough, these very same albums are known and highly appreciated by musicians. Makes you go mmmmmmmmm...

    Hits nowadays are mainly based on airplay and downloads instead of record sales. Critiques can make of break albums.

    His fans hate most of those albums, trust me, I'm a hardcore fan, I know some of his fans in real life. Every one of them knows he is SO not what he used to be because of his stance against the music industry. You'd be flat out trying to find a hardcore fan who really likes anything he did between 96 and 2004. He recently released two songs and his biggest fansite HATED them both. We really only stick around because of his former glory.

    My guess is he got into the industry when he was too young (19) and once he grew up and began to think for himself, he found it wasn't the place for him, only by then the world was in love with him.
    I totally disagree: listen to musicology (best selling tour in US in 2004) listen to 3121, planet Earth and his latest double album; lotusflow3 and Minneapolis, very versataile and good things on there - last but not least; GO SEE HIM LIVE ... he is an amazing artist...

    Yeah, I acknowledged Musicology and 3121. Planet Earth's hype didn't last very long.
    I'd go and see him live but he's too busy studying the Bible to tour this country <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    LOL: I will see him tho - at Roskilde festival (Denmark) on july 4 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I only enjoyed a few tracks on Lotusflow3r/MPLS but fans did take that as a slight improvement on PE and 3121.
    I have deep respect for Prince, and have had this since 1982. Im sure he and MJ were good partners/friends - dont believe everything u read in the news....

    Totally agree, their whole rivalry was completely made up.
  • Prince's problem is he does not appreciate his fans, ever seen how he snubs them in public? it is unbelievable how he is towards them.

    I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, but just post a message on the Prince forum about Prince's message, and see how his fans respond to you, IF they even GET the CHANCE to respond, because the mods over there are very quick with deleting or locking threads when it comes to spreading Prince's messages. I don't think that the majority of Prince's fans understand what he's talking and singing about at all, which leads them to ridicule and bash those who do understand.

    Mo: I had been a admirer of Prince ever since I had seen the movie Purple Rain, that was many years ago for me..and had been a member of the Prince.org website for years as well, so I know exactly what your are talking about with how the mods there operate, I have experienced it. As far as his message, well perhaps some people do not get it. I do admire Prince for his awareness of social suppressions in it's many forms, and trying to make difference with his music about this very subject. However when it comes to social relations, he has never been to kind to the people who support him his fans or rather fams. That was my point, his response towards his fams, this has been a complaint with many Prince fams for years, I am not the only one to notice. You can disagree if you want, it is your right, but this is true.
  • Mo: To continue what I was saying, sorry for some reason I was not able to post anymore text in my last response not sure why. I would have liked to see Prince change, become more social with his fams, but it did not happen, he just became for reclusive. I have seen many videos of him arriving at different types of events through the years, you never really see him interact that much with the fams. Then this whole internet thing went down, where he starting suing alot of people. Well I have more than made my point, I just wanted to vent..
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