"PRINCE" The Singer....I never knew!!



  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I have learnt so much in the past months many thanks to you all i always liked Prince but did not know how deep and thoughtfull he is.
    And for all I know he´s also a pioneer in revolutionary music marketing concepts on the internet.

    Not really. His career has bombed since he began suing everyone who uses his music on the internet. He even went so far as to write a dis track against his fans for refusing to shut down their websites with pictures of him posted on them.

    He used to be unstoppable as an artist but now he's pretty much irrelevant. He hasn't released a solid record since the mid 90s.

    Please, get your facts straight before making statements.

    Prince albums released since the mid 90s:

      [li]The Gold Experience (1995)[/li] [li]Chaos and Disorder (1996)[/li] [li]Emancipation (1996)[/li] [li]Crystal Ball (1998)[/li] [li]Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999)[/li] [li]The Rainbow Children (2001)[/li] [li]One Nite Alone... (2002)[/li] [li]Xpectation (2003)[/li] [li]N.E.W.S (2003)[/li] [li]Musicology (2004)[/li] [li]The Chocolate Invasion (2004)[/li] [li]The Slaughterhouse (2004)[/li] [li]3121 (2006)[/li] [li]Planet Earth (2007)[/li] [li]LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)[/li]

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I said a SOLID album, meaning a good quality one.

    The Gold Experience was the last one to get all around critical and public acclaim. That was also the last album to give him a #1 hit around the world.

    Musicology got some attention because of his performance @ the Grammys with Beyonce. 3121 was mildly popular because he was still okay with promoting his work.

    The rest only hardcore fans would know and only a few of these albums were widely released.

    So, a solid album, a good quality one, to you is an album from which #1 hits come, and receives good critiques..? Then my taste of music must be really bad, because some of my favorite albums are not even known by a wide audience or only produced moderate hits. Strangely enough, these very same albums are known and highly appreciated by musicians. Makes you go mmmmmmmmm...

    Hits nowadays are mainly based on airplay and downloads instead of record sales. Critiques can make of break albums.

    His fans hate most of those albums, trust me, I'm a hardcore fan, I know some of his fans in real life. Every one of them knows he is SO not what he used to be because of his stance against the music industry. You'd be flat out trying to find a hardcore fan who really likes anything he did between 96 and 2004. He recently released two songs and his biggest fansite HATED them both. We really only stick around because of his former glory.

    My guess is he got into the industry when he was too young (19) and once he grew up and began to think for himself, he found it wasn't the place for him, only by then the world was in love with him.
    I totally disagree: listen to musicology (best selling tour in US in 2004) listen to 3121, planet Earth and his latest double album; lotusflow3 and Minneapolis, very versataile and good things on there - last but not least; GO SEE HIM LIVE ... he is an amazing artist...

    Yeah, I acknowledged Musicology and 3121. Planet Earth's hype didn't last very long.
    I'd go and see him live but he's too busy studying the Bible to tour this country <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    LOL: I will see him tho - at Roskilde festival (Denmark) on july 4 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I only enjoyed a few tracks on Lotusflow3r/MPLS but fans did take that as a slight improvement on PE and 3121.
    I have deep respect for Prince, and have had this since 1982. Im sure he and MJ were good partners/friends - dont believe everything u read in the news....

    Totally agree, their whole rivalry was completely made up.
    it wasnt completely made up, they WERE friends and they got along, but at the same time they had a friendly competition going and even mj's closest friends said that it was friendly competition, nothing serious, they just played around and teased each other and made snarky comments and maybe a friend diss or to, but it wasnt serious.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    Thank you, truth_or_dare!
    I found some general info about it on wiki:

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrail<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_ ... acy_theory<!-- m -->
  • jillybeanjillybean Posts: 18
    Can I just say that each statement -Those against Prince's treatment of fans, questionable impact or relevancy after a certain year, and those who well, generally side with MO- Is not just engaging to read, but a bit of the point when you package it all together.

    The fact that fans, critics, etc view Prince in such severally different forms is what makes his musicality-his personality-his very persona an art. A man/woman who appeased everyone, who was appreciated as a person, and whose product was loved equally year after year by everyone would be a "performer".
    Warhol was called a genius and a hack. He was loved by some and seen by many as a horny-pretentious-thieving-asshole....this is what made him the artist and not the painter.

    WHatever you may feel about the mans actions, Prince is, as one poster said, a true genius in every sense.(Take the way he is involved with every single aspect of his music,and in each position called 'one of the greats' by his musical peers) And, having a brother that is a genius (the genetic pool seems to have taken a holiday on me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) I know you can't always make sense of the man. So, you take his efforts and 'products' at face value and appreciate it's depth or you don't. That what makes it art===The artist and the various, and all appropriate, observations of the viewers. IMHO

    I once bought a painting from a local Pittsburgh artist and on the way out of his show I, along with many others, stopped to congratulate and speak to him about meaning of his art. He snubbed each and every one of us as though we were the plague. His painting still hangs in my living room. I tell people who admire it "Isn't he amazing..." "He's a vile mother ****, a down right a'hole" "But, isn't this art astounding!" LOL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Very engaging guys-I love to see peoples passions show through their discussions.
    And like a previous poster Prince and Michael were the soundtrack of my youth.

    Peace and Much Respect to ALL!
  • alovesmichaelalovesmichael Posts: 903
    Off topic but I'm just curious... Anyone going to see Prince this summer? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I wanna go real bad!
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    Prince is very in tune with the universe and very wise about things. I wish he would mention something about the one year anniversary coming up. But I doubt we'll hear a peep out of him.
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    Off topic but I'm just curious... Anyone going to see Prince this summer? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I wanna go real bad!

    YES Roskilde festival, Denmark <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->
  • alovesmichaelalovesmichael Posts: 903
    Off topic but I'm just curious... Anyone going to see Prince this summer? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I wanna go real bad!

    YES Roskilde festival, Denmark <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    YAY! I really wanna go to Belgium! Need to sort out flights and stuff though...
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