Mr Michael Jackson NOT mr. nice guy?



  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    His own son has it.. can see it in many pictures already showing up on his skin.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    However, unless he had a split personality (and I think that after 45 years in the public eye we would have seen it) we haven't really witnessed that type of personality and it's not consistent with many of the other stories we've heard.

    Two things.

    1: We only saw Mike in public. We have seen his public image and not his true self. I am not saying everything is different in real life, I am saying he will most definitely act different than he will at home with cameras pointed at him, wouldn't we all?

    2: As for the multiple personalities, please watch the Bashit interview again, there they are. Little Michael, Feminine Michael, King of Pop Michael. One moment he's blaming Bashit for cheating and wanting to have his icecream before that kid (me, me, me!), than he is hitting on some Spanish fans, then we see him feeding Blanket like a real mommie and in the end we see a manly Michael that is pretty annoyed with his interviewer. You can interview me over 8 months, but you will still see me in every shot. Here we see many Mikes.

    His own son has it.. can see it in many pictures already showing up on his skin.

    Okay... but I don't believe he is Prince's biological dad, and it's not contagious, so how did Prince get it?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    However, unless he had a split personality (and I think that after 45 years in the public eye we would have seen it) we haven't really witnessed that type of personality and it's not consistent with many of the other stories we've heard.

    Two things.

    1: We only saw Mike in public. We have seen his public image and not his true self. I am not saying everything is different in real life, I am saying he will most definitely act different than he will at home with cameras pointed at him, wouldn't we all?

    2: As for the multiple personalities, please watch the Bashit interview again, there they are. Little Michael, Feminine Michael, King of Pop Michael. One moment he's blaming Bashit for cheating and wanting to have his icecream before that kid (me, me, me!), than he is hitting on some Spanish fans, then we see him feeding Blanket like a real mommie and in the end we see a manly Michael that is pretty annoyed with his interviewer. You can interview me over 8 months, but you will still see me in every shot. Here we see many Mikes.

    When MJ was in the train with the kids i started wondering "who he was". I was not awared of that femenine side of him and took me by surprise.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I am now thinking about La toya. Did she also have vitiligo?
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    I am now thinking about La toya. Did she also have vitiligo?

    No Idea, but she went trough a lot of trouble as well.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I am now thinking about La toya. Did she also have vitiligo?

    No Idea, but she went trough a lot of trouble as well.

    It's just odd because nobody discusses that. But then I guess MJ is the bigger star.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Latoya about her ex-husband.

    in 2008 at Jensen
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I am now thinking about La toya. Did she also have vitiligo?

    No Idea, but she went trough a lot of trouble as well.

    It's just odd because nobody discusses that. But then I guess MJ is the bigger star.

    Latoya has always been pretty light-skinned as far as I know.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Here it looks like she was lighter much younger than Michael <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • the comment this person makes about back stabbing could and probably has been translated by others to he's a shrewd businessman. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    wow . thought i'd read some more of the post. got to page 4 and my brain hurts. just more confusion.what it all seems to boil down to is maybe just maybe michael was a human being with positive and negative traits just like the rest of us . hmm imagine that. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    So you all knew he was "ill" and you all knew he needed help?
    Isn't it a pitty no one around him saw him as a 'friend' instead of a massive $ sign enough to tell him the truth or go against him...If anyone really loved and cared about him-as Q clearly did and made it known..then they would have tried to help regardless of what the result would be.Even if it resulted in being "cut off".I am not claiming to know the ins and outs of his life but I can honestly say I am glad y'all aint on my speed dial.
    No one is perfect,no one is a demigod and no one has only one side to them.If anyone believes that then they deserve to be lied to because they are clearly deluded.I have dealt with BDD myself when I was younger,due to an eating disorder,you need the people around you because what you see is so distorted.If it was so clear to EVERYONE that he had BDD it should of been written into his contract that he was to seek help for it or it would result in...*enter ultimatum here*...but then that would mean he wasn't making the bank go CHING wouldn't it..and that couldn't happen.How absurd,mental health being put before a bank balance in the music/ent business..

    He spent years telling the world he was only human and to give him a break,I guess the guy gave up on it falling on deaf ears and played up to the 'crazy MJ' pedestal he was put on.

    Just my opinion.
    Truth hurts...but a lie is worse.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    You know what? If this had been written in the Sun newspaper, none of us would even be discussing it.
  • dejavudejavu Posts: 330
    You know what? If this had been written in the Sun newspaper, none of us would even be discussing it.

    That's true...... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Re vitiligo..Tom Messerau said that MJ lifted up his shirt and showed his back to him and there were patches of dark skin and white skin all over it. Catherine has also stated that Mike had a procedure to make all the visible skin on his face and neck uniform in colour so he wouldn't look like a cow[ her wording not mine].
    I have noticed that MJ always seems covered up with buttoned down long sleeves. It may be just me but I would take Mr Messerau's word before an unknown poster or Quincy who seems to have no problem airing grievances publicly.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I totally understand that MJ was human! I mean of course he was not God of course he was not perfect. But I know that I get soooo sick and tired of people claiming that us MJ fans do not want to accept anything negative regarding MJ or his life. He was human. I believe he stated that he did not want people to view him as God! Am I wrong?
    Another thing Serenity is right. We definitley must not believe Everything we hear we must first look at credibility.

    Lastly, ......It really pisses me off when people say MJ did not like or date black women! I am black! I do not believe that MJ did not like black women. I mean...........I believe he liked women of all races!!! So what if he married Debbie and Lisa Big Deal. Still does not mean he did not like black women. Maybe he just never found the right black woman and decided to change to white women. My family members tell me this and it makes me mad.

    We can only study, and analyze. MJ is not "here" to defend himself anymore. It is soooo sad that it has been over a year and people are still coming out with all these stories about the man's life, relationships blah blah

    I wonder if Q had the balls to state this when MJ was here! NOW he decideds to come out with this shit,. Another one is Arnie Klein! Arnie knows dam well there is no way in hell that he would have came out and said the things that he said about MJ if MJ was still here. MJ probably would have sued the hell out of Arnie! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Nothing that this person (anonymous) says, can make me like and admire Michael, less. Differences with QJ or any other person is a problem between them. As for whitening the skin, vitiligo or not, plastic surgery or anything else, are things that belong to Michael, only. People have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies, especially if it is to increase their self-esteem. (IMO)
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Michael, I love you more, the bottom of my heart! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I luv MJ with all of my heart. I am not being mean when I say those things. Just saying many of these people who were around him will come out and give interviews just to make a buck and I find that to be totally disrespectful to MJ.
    Especially in his absence! They think they know him because they worked with him so!!!!

    Hell MJ could have been a NYMPHO !! lol! And none of us would have known it not even his closest advisors!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Well... interesting to read but I guess not worth paying much attention to.

    I bet MJ was SOB only to those who were SOB's to HIM!
    As to vitiligo - white spots are clearly visible on his hands even on the photos from his childhood. Grab your MJ books and newspapers and search for a photo of MJ from the era of the Jackson 5 where he is holding a little kitten. You must look for a good quality photo - it is not visible in the internet pictures - only in print. He has small, white spots all over his hands....
  • You know what? If this had been written in the Sun newspaper, none of us would even be discussing it.

    ouch! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    You know what? If this had been written in the Sun newspaper, none of us would even be discussing it.

    ouch! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I mean no offense. I just mean consider the source. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • If I believed Quincy could spell that well... I would think he may have written it himself
  • You know what? If this had been written in the Sun newspaper, none of us would even be discussing it.

    ouch! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I mean no offense. I just mean consider the source. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    an old time preacher would call that steppen' on toes. it isn't nessecarily a bad thing. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I've just read the quote from TMZ. I've not bothered to read any replies,and I'm going to be brief with my own. I am livid at the outright denigration of his character by someone who enjoys the comfort of the anonymity a couple of initials offers them.

    Mike was capable of feeling and expressing anger just like each and every one of us here. Yes, he had a temper, and those of us who've ever witnessed it will tell you it wasn't a pretty sight. He didn't bellow or rage when he was angry. His anger was more like a quiet storm, not the childish tantrums the poster depicts. He could definitely be a SOB when goaded, but was almost always quick to apologize to those who endured his wrath. Who of us have never had a bitchy moment when angry? I just can't even find the words to expound on this further.

    Now to address what really pisses me off.

    For the god damned millionth time, Michael Joseph Jackson did indeed have and suffer from vitiligo.

    He never, ever hated his race. He never despised his heritage. He never thought black people were ugly or unattractive.

    If the truth were told, it would be said it was hurtful to him for people who he thought cared for him, black people with whom he'd worked with, black people to whom he looked up to and admired to accuse him of having such ill will and feelings towards people of color. Quincy was one of such people who basically called him an "Uncle Tom' of sorts.

    He suffered great psychological, emotional and physical pain and duress as a result of the illnesses he suffered from. For this poster, someone who claims to have worked with Mike, and to have been a constant presence while he was in his creative processes, to insinuate it was a farce is beyond the pale.

    Mike did not want to be white. He was never white, in the sense he was Caucasian. Yes, he was fortunate enough to have the means by which to seek out and utilize medical resources that would even out his skin tone whereas many vitiligo sufferers do not; however, his doing so in no way indicates his preference for one skin color over another. Did you know, in the end, Mike was actually colorless? He wasn't white. He wasn't brown. He was fucking colorless.

    His thoughts, that he so often expressed to some of us privately, were had he not sought treatment, the world would've laughed and mocked him, and it would've considered him a freak. As it was, the world still laughed and mocked him, and it still called him a freak all because of the physical effects of the 'cure'. He was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't.

    I say God damn them all for their culpability in his demise. Each and every blood sucking one of them.

    I'm sorry, but I just can't post any more right now. I'm so livid, I'd end up rambling or saying something very unseemly.
  • Another brief skim through this thread has me wanting to address something else. Mike did not possess multiple personalities. Please people...

  • Lastly, ......It really pisses me off when people say MJ did not like or date black women! I am black! I do not believe that MJ did not like black women. I mean...........I believe he liked women of all races!!! So what if he married Debbie and Lisa Big Deal. Still does not mean he did not like black women. Maybe he just never found the right black woman and decided to change to white women. My family members tell me this and it makes me mad.

    Let me assure you Mike did indeed appreciate women of all color, and he certainly did appreciate black women.
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