
  • Apologies if this is a wee bit OT but look on the previous page at the 2 photos of Mike with Janet where he's wearing the white jacket. Did he keep swapping jackets? Were these photos 2 different times? One has a black arm band and one does not? Just curious and interested.

    I see what you mean. It looks as though the armband was added or removed, the rest of the outfit is the same.

    While studying the photos though, I noticed Mike's hair is parted on different sides in both pics. Weird...
  • I've been looking up more stuff about castration (Sorry Serenity lol), just because I feel that what we've found so far doesn't conclude that it didn't happen. Here's an interesting thing I found at Go Ask Alice:


    When a man is castrated, does he lose all senses of the urge to have sex? Or, is it that he loses all ejaculation, but the urges are still there?

    Dear Reader,

    Castration usually means removal of the testicles, which is where the male sex hormone, testosterone, is produced. At various times in history and in various cultures, boys have been castrated to serve as religious figures or servants, or to keep their singing voices in the upper register. These castrated boys are often called eunuchs or castrati. When a boy hasn't gone through puberty yet, castration will result in a less muscular frame, underdeveloped genitalia, lack of body hair, and a voice that doesn't change or deepen.

    Castration can occur by accident (e.g. war/bomb injuries, torture and punishment, pelvic crushing from auto accidents, severe burns, self-mutilation, etc.), or be the result of surgery, perhaps for a medical condition such as testicular cancer or prostate cancer. Some medicines that treat prostate cancer result in "pharmacologic castration," because they prevent the production of testosterone. Some courts have ordered men who are habitually sexually abusive to undergo injections of medications to stop testosterone production, hoping that this measure will prevent these men from continuing to sexually abuse others.

    At first, a man who has been castrated will still have a sexual urge. Over time, however, because he's no longer producing testosterone, he'll lose much of his libido or sexual desire. Medications can readjust the chemicals in his blood and bring back some sexual desire. Studies have also been done that show with increased stimulation, a castrated man can actually get an erection, have sex, and orgasm (although he won't have any sperm in his ejaculate, which would be minimal in volume).


    I looked this up because after thinking about it, I remembered that Lisa Marie pretty much confirmed that her and Michael DID have sexual intercourse. I was thinking, well if that's true then I guess this theory really is outlandish. But, it seems as though a man is able to have sex after being castrated, especially if medication is used which can replace some testosterone. And medication could also help the man keep some of his "manly" features.

    I guess I'm just not ready to write this theory off yet. Let's be hypothetical. What if Joe had it done to him before he was old enough to put up a fight. I say Joe, because my gut tells me that he always made the decisions and would be the only one capable of a decision like this one. In Joe's mind, the procedure would not only ensure his life long meal ticket (keeping Michael's voice young and distinct), but would also ensure that Michael wasn't going to get distracted by girls, taking his focus away from work (which is how the money is made) or even get a girl pregnant (less focus, less money).

    This would surely make Mike angry. But instead of getting angry, he uses his voice, takes advantage of being able to hit the high notes. And tries to prove his manlyness and sexuality in some of his songs and videos.

    This could explain his frustration with women, and why no relationship lasted long. Even if he could have sex, revealing that information to a woman would be very difficult and would presumably make a man feel inferior. Many women would feel very disappointed finding out that they would never be able to have children with the man they love. Wasn't it said that Michael wanted children but Lisa Marie didn't? Is that the whole story? Am I getting it backwards? What if Michael wanted to adopt children or let Lisa be artificially inseminated,or naturally by someone else, who knows (which he later went on to do.) But Lisa didn't like any of those ideas, she only wanted to have children on her own the old fashioned way with her partner (which she went on to do).

    So then Michael moved on to Debbie, who understood his condition and situation, knew how badly he wanted children, and agreed to give birth to them for him.

    I do remember the sperm story, about Michael going all around the world donating sperm to spred his genetics... the story has always sounded bogus to me. If true, then of course that would be something that would prove this theory wrong. However, I don't buy it unless someone can prove it. It sounds like something someone would say about him just for the press, or something he would say about himself just to see what people will believe.

    Also, remember Liza's comment about the autopsy, "All hell is going to break looose."

    Well, if the fans found out that he'd been castrated, wouldn't some of them feel disappointed or cheated in some way that their idol's talents weren't completely God-given? I wouldn't care, for the record. But a big stink would be made about it by some, I'm sure.

    This could of course be complete nonsense. I just find it helpful to think it all out before deciding. Michael could very well just have been blessed with a higher pitched voice, in fact I'm sure it would be on the higher/softer side whether the procedure was done or not. He also could have just genuinely been shy with women. Again, I think that would be a fact either way, but obviously more pronounced if the procedure was done. Michael could have naturally incorporated sexuality into his music and live performance, but it could also have to do with his inability or fear of his sexuality in real life.

    "I'm not like other guys. I mean, I'm different."

    "The kid is not my son".

    I have nooo idea if this holds any validity. I'm seriously just thinking out loud and I certainly hope it's BS. If you have anything to add, please do! If you can prove it wrong, please do. I really want to believe that this is an impossible theory. At first thought it does sound crazy for sure...Maybe I've lost a few more marbles <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • well you only need to see his golden pants to see he is good given i do no believe he was castrated, Joe was very bad with him? yes, he was capable to do this mayor damage to his son? no.
    And i do no believe Michael died in 80's, i believe he always had a very good double helping him, a unknow one, maybe the one who died jun 25 2009.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I understand your honesty in wanting to prove every theory right or wrong. But after all we've "examined" not leaving out GP threads, I believe he's alive, he's all there, he's the father of at least 3 kids, he may have doubles to stand in for whatever purposes, I don't believe the fire incident was as serious as made out to be (considering videos doing the same thing without harm) and may have been for show purposes, he has a naturally high voice which can go deep at his will, he has a slender but ripped frame as lots of guys do.

    About the pics of MJ and Janet, one pic is reversed because even Janet's insignia on her jacket is reversed. So that solves that.

    This is NOT a feminine or emasculated body.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Thank you for solving that about the armband and the jackets. I notice a lot of Michael's images through the years have been reversed like that and it could be it happens with all stars and I just pay more attention to Michael but it can make a person feel sort of <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Apologies if this is a wee bit OT but look on the previous page at the 2 photos of Mike with Janet where he's wearing the white jacket. Did he keep swapping jackets? Were these photos 2 different times? One has a black arm band and one does not? Just curious and interested.

    I see what you mean. It looks as though the armband was added or removed, the rest of the outfit is the same.

    While studying the photos though, I noticed Mike's hair is parted on different sides in both pics. Weird...

    Plus Janet's red pin is placed on the opposite side of her blazer! Odd, odd, odd.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Apologies if this is a wee bit OT but look on the previous page at the 2 photos of Mike with Janet where he's wearing the white jacket. Did he keep swapping jackets? Were these photos 2 different times? One has a black arm band and one does not? Just curious and interested.

    I see what you mean. It looks as though the armband was added or removed, the rest of the outfit is the same.

    While studying the photos though, I noticed Mike's hair is parted on different sides in both pics. Weird...

    Plus Janet's red pin is placed on the opposite side of her blazer! Odd, odd, odd.

    One of the pics had the negative flipped. Assuming the bottom since the top pic is a still from a video.
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    I understand your honesty in wanting to prove every theory right or wrong. But after all we've "examined" not leaving out GP threads, I believe he's alive, he's all there, he's the father of at least 3 kids, he may have doubles to stand in for whatever purposes, I don't believe the fire incident was as serious as made out to be (considering videos doing the same thing without harm) and may have been for show purposes, he has a naturally high voice which can go deep at his will, he has a slender but ripped frame as lots of guys do.

    About the pics of MJ and Janet, one pic is reversed because even Janet's insignia on her jacket is reversed. So that solves that.

    This is NOT a feminine or emasculated body.

    Uhhh...I wanna lie on that hot body...
  • Oh please... I mean look at his teeth or his voice.. This is the same Michael. Real Michael Joe Jackson in still alive. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I understand your honesty in wanting to prove every theory right or wrong. But after all we've "examined" not leaving out GP threads, I believe he's alive, he's all there, he's the father of at least 3 kids, he may have doubles to stand in for whatever purposes, I don't believe the fire incident was as serious as made out to be (considering videos doing the same thing without harm) and may have been for show purposes, he has a naturally high voice which can go deep at his will, he has a slender but ripped frame as lots of guys do.

    About the pics of MJ and Janet, one pic is reversed because even Janet's insignia on her jacket is reversed. So that solves that.

    This is NOT a feminine or emasculated body.

    Uhhh...I wanna lie on that hot body...

    Can we not make these type of comments please? It's fairly inappropriate.
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    I understand your honesty in wanting to prove every theory right or wrong. But after all we've "examined" not leaving out GP threads, I believe he's alive, he's all there, he's the father of at least 3 kids, he may have doubles to stand in for whatever purposes, I don't believe the fire incident was as serious as made out to be (considering videos doing the same thing without harm) and may have been for show purposes, he has a naturally high voice which can go deep at his will, he has a slender but ripped frame as lots of guys do.

    About the pics of MJ and Janet, one pic is reversed because even Janet's insignia on her jacket is reversed. So that solves that.

    This is NOT a feminine or emasculated body.

    Uhhh...I wanna lie on that hot body...

    Can we not make these type of comments please? It's fairly inappropriate.

    Why? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I understand your honesty in wanting to prove every theory right or wrong. But after all we've "examined" not leaving out GP threads, I believe he's alive, he's all there, he's the father of at least 3 kids, he may have doubles to stand in for whatever purposes, I don't believe the fire incident was as serious as made out to be (considering videos doing the same thing without harm) and may have been for show purposes, he has a naturally high voice which can go deep at his will, he has a slender but ripped frame as lots of guys do.

    About the pics of MJ and Janet, one pic is reversed because even Janet's insignia on her jacket is reversed. So that solves that.

    This is NOT a feminine or emasculated body.

    Uhhh...I wanna lie on that hot body...

    Can we not make these type of comments please? It's fairly inappropriate.

    Why? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Because it's disrespectful.
  • @AgentBJ
    Keep these thoughts please with you!!! I find it disrespectful!!!!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Of course you realise that saying Michael died during pepsi accident means that

    he never wrote any of the songs that has been released after that...

    he never did any humanitarian stuff until that

    he has never been accused of molestation

    he never had kids

    he never had to endure a trial

    Supporting this crazy story just mean, you are supporting WIND, and fighting for someone that NEVER existed.

    Do you realise what you're saying about Michael ?

    Coudl it be possible that "searching the truth" would not be "forgeting about a human being rights to respect". Michael had a life, a family, a job, a passion...if you are convinced by this story, so you must be forgetting about all that happened after, and say Michael never suffered, never has been hurted, just because he never existed...

    How far will that go ??? Please don't forget we are talking about A MAN, not a symbol, or an alien, or a fiction character from any movie, but A MAN <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • OMG guys this is by fat the best examination of this subject Ive ever read.

    I mean the white Michael wasnt even the same height- as shown by comparison pictures of him standing next to the same people as a black man and as the white MJ. This makes me wicked sad!!! We have been DUPED that white guy wasnt MICHAEL AT ALLL!!! WTF where is the real sweet little MJ? He has been dead. Pepsi would have gone out of business if it leaked Mj died. The whole thing is a coverup of EPIC proportions!!!

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> My God, what happens to many of us, when we go looking for or when we pay attention to those things that come to us? Are we sick because yes, we need a minimum of discernment and good sense? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    Okay, okay...I let it. Sorry Mike... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • To be honest, I personally think that the White MJ is the real MJ, however, I can NEVER be 100 % sure. The person who wrote this article had a few good points, except for the hight. MJ could have been on shoes with heels, and yes, he could have grown.

    While I still believe that the White MJ is the real MJ, the only thing that gets me is that if you listen to the Off The Wall and the Thriller album, then go listen to the Dangerous and HIStory album, you can tell that Michael's singing voice is different. I'm a singer myself, and I've read book after book after book on vocal chords, techniques and breathing properly, etc. and I even asked my vocal coach if, in any way, as a man, can your voice become higher pitched when you sing? (I'm not talking about in general, I'm talking when you sing the exact same note in the same key) And he said no. My vocal coach is a professional Opera singer who sung Pop as well and he honestly knows EVERYTHING about the voice.

    Please, someone tell me... Why is Michael's singing voice HIGHER pitched in the Dangerous and HIStory Album than the one in Off The Wall, Thriller, and Bad?
  • about the jacket he has on..
    one picture"the video clip" it has the detail of the loops "like the ushers had on..and the other picture they are straight lines...
    hmmm..hope some one else will look and understand what i am saying and seeing <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    huggs n faith n love
  • WOW WOW I really found that article or blog amazing.. Not sure how much I believe but nevertheless some points raised make sense.. Maybe Michael died in 1985 of complications from surgery rather than from the injuries themselves. who knows..

    The "white" Michael is definitely un Michael like .. and if you go back it was like Michael changed very within a couple of years.. he became a completely different person..

    As for Castration wow I don't know.. Has anyone ever heard his real voice? Apart from David Guest and Liza saying it who could only be saying it to stop all the speculation..?
  • I never thought that one person could stir up so much controversy in my life. Dead or alive. I never heard that one person could die in so many ways either. So many theories and more theories. The illuminati got him, he committed suicide, Dr. Conrad Murray killed him, he died during the pepsi commercial, he was found dead on Neverland years ago, He has a twin, Michael is black and then there's a white Michael. AEG was responsible for his death, Michael was castrated when he was younger, His three children are his biological children, no they are not his biological children. They were concieved by natural means, no they were concieved by artifical insemination, Michael gave them his sperm, no he had friends donating their sperm or no Debbie isnt even their biological mother. Who is blanket's mother. The children are white, no they're biracial. Lord how does one keep up with all this for just one person. I am so confused right now I have to keep the aspirin bottle right near me. This has been the most mind boggling thing in the history of my life. You just dont know what to believe anymore. Well I will give my five cents on it. I know definitely something is not right with this whole death thing. I know that Michael has changed over the years and something did happen earlier on in his life to make him change from an outgoing person to being withdrawn and a recluse, but then it seems as if he started to change again a little more outgoing. His facial features did change but you can still see that that is Michael, like someone said the eyes dont lie and they are the same eyes. I dont believe those children are his biological children. I know definitely that Michael seem somewhat afraid of getting in a serious relationship with a woman something is causing him to keep his distance with getting close or intimate with a woman I dont know exactly what it is but something happened. Michael has been scarred in which way I dont know but he has and badly too. I know for sure that Michael is indeed well endowed, and it aint small either, so I dont know about the castration thing. I dont believe Michael is dead but I also dont believe Michael is coming back in the public eye again. I think his family knows the danger that Michael is in and knows what the consequences is if he does and that is why they are going through the motions of his "death". I do believe Michael's life was and still is in danger, by whom I dont know but it seems like a higher power, someone he knew was capable of doing bad things. I dont think he would've done something so drastic if it was'nt life threatening either his own or even both his and his family. All I can say is that if he is alive I pray that he is safe and that he stays that way and thats my five cents on this whole thing,
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    just read through the article...HOW DARE THEY CALL 'WHITE' MICHAEL A MONSTER!!!!!!!! FUCK THEM!!!!!!!! <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    i second that! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    I understand your honesty in wanting to prove every theory right or wrong. But after all we've "examined" not leaving out GP threads, I believe he's alive, he's all there, he's the father of at least 3 kids, he may have doubles to stand in for whatever purposes, I don't believe the fire incident was as serious as made out to be (considering videos doing the same thing without harm) and may have been for show purposes, he has a naturally high voice which can go deep at his will, he has a slender but ripped frame as lots of guys do.

    About the pics of MJ and Janet, one pic is reversed because even Janet's insignia on her jacket is reversed. So that solves that.

    This is NOT a feminine or emasculated body.

    That picture is photoshopped.
    This is the original:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Oh and I forgot one more thing I dont believe Michael is gay either I think he loves women and yearns for love and intimacy and to be a good husband, to have a beautiful woman (inside and out) in his life who loves him more than anything in the world. Who is going to be there with him and for him no matter what, I truly believe that with all my heart.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    To be honest, I personally think that the White MJ is the real MJ, however, I can NEVER be 100 % sure. The person who wrote this article had a few good points, except for the hight. MJ could have been on shoes with heels, and yes, he could have grown.

    While I still believe that the White MJ is the real MJ, the only thing that gets me is that if you listen to the Off The Wall and the Thriller album, then go listen to the Dangerous and HIStory album, you can tell that Michael's singing voice is different. I'm a singer myself, and I've read book after book after book on vocal chords, techniques and breathing properly, etc. and I even asked my vocal coach if, in any way, as a man, can your voice become higher pitched when you sing? (I'm not talking about in general, I'm talking when you sing the exact same note in the same key) And he said no. My vocal coach is a professional Opera singer who sung Pop as well and he honestly knows EVERYTHING about the voice.

    Please, someone tell me... Why is Michael's singing voice HIGHER pitched in the Dangerous and HIStory Album than the one in Off The Wall, Thriller, and Bad?

    Probably because a few other knobs were twiddled during the recording process. They can make your voice sound how they want in a recording studio.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Sorry to be so blunt but this is absurd.
    Michael Jackson did not die in the 80's,he made countless records,albums,contributions to the human race and had three..maybe four children since that happened.He wrote a book and spoke about it and how it effected him.

    You can find people who can dance LIKE him,who sound LIKE him,who even look LIKE him but you won't find anyone who is him.Ever.
    The man,beyond the dancing and singing was a genius,in another stratosphere to the rest of the human race and could never ,will never be immitated from now until eternity.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    I agree with you Sinderella. I am very sad he was not appreciated by everyone.
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