Is anyone else noticing all the sunflowers in movies lately?



  • Just watched Grown Sony and there were a whole pile of Michaelisms in that one too...not surpised..that's why I rented it...I can alomost pick out the movies that MJ had something to do with...when I say Michaelism's I mean right down to the bucket of Kentucky fried chicken...and his message really shines through in this movie and its hilariously funny too...its a great watch..especially for a MJ fan <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Hi <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ,

    Two more things in the movie, The Six Wives of Henry LeFay:

    A} I think it is wife #3, whatever, who was named "Veronica" or "V", as she was also called. This is the second movie, if indeed they both have anything at all to do with MJ, in which these two same (?) names appear. In "V" they were separate people, a guy and a girl. In this movie, they were the same person, a woman, who held a 50% interest <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> in Tim Allen's character's business, even though divorced <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> from him.

    This may not be here nor there, but the wives' order numbers are thrown off by the new information of a previous first wife. So, I think this makes "V" wife #4. Like I said: does this matter? You know how certain people go cuckoo <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> for numerical validation of authentic hoax matters, and, the guy does die while married to the true #6, <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> a death number, according to some....And when he marries true #3 & #5 for the 3rd time, SHE will be true #7--am I right? [ow, my brain]

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    B} The other thing in this movie was the Fall colors. Someone who looooves multi-colored Fall leaf changes, took the time and film to share some utter magic with viewers. I felt the Peace, despite the chaos in the rest of the movie. It was him...

    You know, if I find out I was wrong, wrong, wrong about all of these movies, I am going to start writing fiction. An overactive imagination could be making me money!

    (sing-song:) Puttin' on my jacket...Hey! "BAM" could simply mean "Busy At Moviemaking" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> (or, Back After Moviemaking) (or, Busily About Moviemaking) ho ho ho...ha ha ha...hee hee hee <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Funny thing. I watched Elvis and Anabelle this afternoon. A Goldcrest Productions movie. The entire movie reminded me of Michael. It's about a pageant queen who dies of cardiac arrest on stage, and then comes back to life on the morgue table. She then tries to escape her public life by hiding out at the mortician's home. While she is there the young son discovers that she isn't at all the cheerleader type he assumed she was, that in fact she is a very kind person. She tries to make the place more cheerful and starts painting the house. Then she decides to plant seeds, but doesn't tell anyone what it is she planted. I said to my daughter: If it turns out to be sunflowers I'm going to pee my pants. Well, it was sunflowers, and I didn't. Anyway, the movie had a definite Michael theme running through it, everything from cardiac arrest to abuse, from Elvis to the number 7.

    I just saw this movie too. Before it said "Goldcrest Productions", it said, "Burnt Orange" something else--enterprises or something. I didn't write it down, because I thought I'd remember it. All the time, I'm thinking "BURNT ORANGE?" Are you kidding me <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Where have we seen THAT color every single day for exactly a year, now?? aww, probably just a coincidence.

    It sounded like a comedy, the way you described it, and I was completely unprepared for such depth as was there.

    My favorite thing in this whole movie was Elvis' tender loving care of his dad. Their roles were almost reversed, where the dad became the child, because of a head injury, and Elvis became the parent, taking care of him, reading to him in the evenings, bonding with him, kissing him. Kissing is the most tender unexpected gesture. It was like he was making up for never telling him how much he loved him, before...and maybe the dad wouldn't have let him, before. But they are all each other has, now. So sweet.

    I loved how the movie didn't write him off as just a prop to make the rest of the story workable (that Elvis could substitute as undertaker, while the town presumed the nondescript dad in the background was still on the job, there).

    The Dad had a real sweet, loving, and, BTW, witty and clever persona, and the portrayal of him made you feel tenderly towards him, too. This was my favorite part. So many times in real life, people with head injuries or brain malfunction are put away in storage, and never interacted with, as if there is no point. They can't do calculus, or babysit your kids anymore, so what? What does that have to do with their being a person with a beating heart, a breathing Soul, needing to not be treated like some empty chair in the room?

    This Elvis character was such a good son, with so much on his plate, even having to take on the responsibility of "preparing the dead", as a teenager. I think he felt no one else would understand the specialness of his dad, in his now situation. He let everything slide, to just keep his dad at home. It feels like he was sort of in a Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, himself, even letting the house maintenance go undone, and letting the farm go idle. He was doing only the bare minimum, to keep it together, without cracking. Before he's even grown, he has so many secrets, he can't date or seriously socialize with young people his age, for fear of discovery...The guy was so potentially damaged emotionally, and so alone, and then this pretty little thing gets dropped off onto his embalming table. Of all the sad ways to meet one's true love: TOO LATE. Geez.

    This was a story about how evil circumstances and controlling people try to mold and reshape and actually, inadvertently, damage you and arrange your life for you, but how you are still able to rise above anything, and be yourself and "be what you wanna be" .

    I thought Annabelle was a little rough with Elvis. She got right in his face sharply, I thought, and decided to cram some sunshine into his life, with or without his cooperation. Live and learn. We ALL have some rough edges which get rubbed smooth by the permitted friction of loved ones. The only thing which saved this relationship was that her heart was in the right place. She looked into his dad's eyes and saw the little person inside. And...she kept his secret. (If she hadn't TPTB would have taken the dad and put him in a vegetation home for old folks.)

    This is another movie which had such “a peaceful remoteness” to it! And a decidedly foreign ambiance. It is another movie with fake DEATH, and sunflowers as players in it. It has to be that MJ had a hand in it, eh? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • By the way in psych ( I dont know if this was mentioned before) they have this bit I think it is s05e01

    Romeo and Juliet and Juliet:

    Lassiter: You are free to believe what you want.
    Shawn: Please don't say that to Gus. Now he'll just tell you that Michael Jackson isn't dead.
    Gus: He learned how to fake his death from Lisa Marie.
    Shawn: Which implies that Elvis is still alive.
    Gus: Elvis died two years ago. Is there no end to your gullibility? I told you that two years ago. He was a cashier in the shoe shop, Shawn.
  • Movies that are MJ related have certain themes and props mirrors with lights on them..that entertainers use to put their makeup on..also patio lights and a wall paper that I remembering behind Joe in a photo on TMZ...Sunflowers obviously...and just little ad libs about things we know he liked...Kentukey fried chicken...Martin luther King... Abrahan Lincohn...Elivs..butterflies...The new movie with cher...Burlesque...the preview is givning me a feeling that it might be related...I know Cher and Micheal were great friends..and all the red in the movie and the mirror lights...Cher hasn't done a movie in years..if anyone sees this movie in theatre just keep MJ in mind...and the things that I mention seem to be a theme in his movies...and post your finding please ...I will not be able to see this movie in theatre..I will have to wait until the DVD comes out thanks!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Update: Zemeckis Skips ‘Wizard of Oz’ Remake
    Published by Jeff Leins on November 17, 2010

    After Alice in Wonderland made a billion dollars at the box office, Hollywood went wild with envy, greenlighting and setting up their own fairy tale variations all over town. One such public domain property is 1939’s The Wizard of Oz, considered an untouchable classic until recently.

    Most studios have been dancing around the story, refusing to outright remake the story. Disney is developing a prequel with Sam Raimi titled The Great and Powerful Oz and Summertime Entertainment is producing an animated sequel, as well as Drew Barrymore’s Surrender Dorothy and other, more gothic takes on the wonderful land of Oz.

    Not to be outdone, Warner Bros is in “early talks” with Robert Zemeckis to direct a live-action remake using the very same script performed in the original. According to Deadline, Warner Bros owns the screenplay, credited to 19 different writers, as part of a deal in 1996 to purchase the Turner Broadcasting System.

    WB and Zemeckis are still in discussions so nothing is set in stone, but the sheer notion of a straight remake turns my stomach. Is nothing sacred? Is Hollywood so creatively bankrupt it needs to redo a supposedly sacred film? Are they so arrogant to think they can improve upon the original? Is the money to be made worth tarnishing the first? It’s a baffling decision rife with questions, none more fitting than a simple WHY?!

    Updated: Robert Zemeckis (via his publicist) confirmed to EW he took a meeting about the remake, but turned it down. Which means an Oz remake could still happen, just without his involvement.

    Zemeckis, who directed his own classic in Back to the Future (and arguably Forrest Gump and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?), is currently working on a 3D motion-capture film for Disney based on the Beatles song/video, Yellow Submarine. He’s also attached to his first live-action movie in a decade, a time travel concept titled Timeless.

    <!-- m --> ... oz-remake/<!-- m -->

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Funny thing. I watched Elvis and Anabelle this afternoon. A Goldcrest Productions movie. The entire movie reminded me of Michael. It's about a pageant queen who dies of cardiac arrest on stage, and then comes back to life on the morgue table. She then tries to escape her public life by hiding out at the mortician's home. While she is there the young son discovers that she isn't at all the cheerleader type he assumed she was, that in fact she is a very kind person. She tries to make the place more cheerful and starts painting the house. Then she decides to plant seeds, but doesn't tell anyone what it is she planted. I said to my daughter: If it turns out to be sunflowers I'm going to pee my pants. Well, it was sunflowers, and I didn't. Anyway, the movie had a definite Michael theme running through it, everything from cardiac arrest to abuse, from Elvis to the number 7.

    I just saw this movie too. Before it said "Goldcrest Productions", it said, "Burnt Orange" something else--enterprises or something. I didn't write it down, because I thought I'd remember it. All the time, I'm thinking "BURNT ORANGE?" Are you kidding me <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Where have we seen THAT color every single day for exactly a year, now?? aww, probably just a coincidence.

    It sounded like a comedy, the way you described it, and I was completely unprepared for such depth as was there.

    My favorite thing in this whole movie was Elvis' tender loving care of his dad. Their roles were almost reversed, where the dad became the child, because of a head injury, and Elvis became the parent, taking care of him, reading to him in the evenings, bonding with him, kissing him. Kissing is the most tender unexpected gesture. It was like he was making up for never telling him how much he loved him, before...and maybe the dad wouldn't have let him, before. But they are all each other has, now. So sweet.

    I loved how the movie didn't write him off as just a prop to make the rest of the story workable (that Elvis could substitute as undertaker, while the town presumed the nondescript dad in the background was still on the job, there).

    The Dad had a real sweet, loving, and, BTW, witty and clever persona, and the portrayal of him made you feel tenderly towards him, too. This was my favorite part. So many times in real life, people with head injuries or brain malfunction are put away in storage, and never interacted with, as if there is no point. They can't do calculus, or babysit your kids anymore, so what? What does that have to do with their being a person with a beating heart, a breathing Soul, needing to not be treated like some empty chair in the room?

    This Elvis character was such a good son, with so much on his plate, even having to take on the responsibility of "preparing the dead", as a teenager. I think he felt no one else would understand the specialness of his dad, in his now situation. He let everything slide, to just keep his dad at home. It feels like he was sort of in a Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, himself, even letting the house maintenance go undone, and letting the farm go idle. He was doing only the bare minimum, to keep it together, without cracking. Before he's even grown, he has so many secrets, he can't date or seriously socialize with young people his age, for fear of discovery...The guy was so potentially damaged emotionally, and so alone, and then this pretty little thing gets dropped off onto his embalming table. Of all the sad ways to meet one's true love: TOO LATE. Geez.

    This was a story about how evil circumstances and controlling people try to mold and reshape and actually, inadvertently, damage you and arrange your life for you, but how you are still able to rise above anything, and be yourself and "be what you wanna be" .

    I thought Annabelle was a little rough with Elvis. She got right in his face sharply, I thought, and decided to cram some sunshine into his life, with or without his cooperation. Live and learn. We ALL have some rough edges which get rubbed smooth by the permitted friction of loved ones. The only thing which saved this relationship was that her heart was in the right place. She looked into his dad's eyes and saw the little person inside. And...she kept his secret. (If she hadn't TPTB would have taken the dad and put him in a vegetation home for old folks.)

    This is another movie which had such “a peaceful remoteness” to it! And a decidedly foreign ambiance. It is another movie with fake DEATH, and sunflowers as players in it. It has to be that MJ had a hand in it, eh? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

  • More sunflowers in a movie called "The Kids are alright",and after I turned the movie off, and turned on the t.v to watch The Defenders...guess what they are talking about on there...friggin I know I need my straight jacket!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Darn, I had the Defenders on and didn't pay attention!!
    I did catch the History Channel- "Declassified: John Lennon" Wow what a crock, the US gov't set out to really ream Lennon, all on implied charges. Lennon a threat to the US gov't? Come on, obviously the gov't was a bit paranoid.
    Excuse me if this is posted elsewhere, it just seems to relate even though MJ and Lennon did things differently. Add in Jimi Hendrix and many others too!
    All this leads one to wonder... how involved is the US Gov't in those sunflowers?

    Keep on watching for those sunflowers!
  • Darn, I had the Defenders on and didn't pay attention!!
    I did catch the History Channel- "Declassified: John Lennon" Wow what a crock, the US gov't set out to really ream Lennon, all on implied charges. Lennon a threat to the US gov't? Come on, obviously the gov't was a bit paranoid.
    Excuse me if this is posted elsewhere, it just seems to relate even though MJ and Lennon did things differently. Add in Jimi Hendrix and many others too!
    All this leads one to wonder... how involved is the US Gov't in those sunflowers?

    Keep on watching for those sunflowers!
    Oh and the last two time I watched dancing with the star, sunflowers!
  • Darn, I had the Defenders on and didn't pay attention!!
    I did catch the History Channel- "Declassified: John Lennon" Wow what a crock, the US gov't set out to really ream Lennon, all on implied charges. Lennon a threat to the US gov't? Come on, obviously the gov't was a bit paranoid.
    Excuse me if this is posted elsewhere, it just seems to relate even though MJ and Lennon did things differently. Add in Jimi Hendrix and many others too!
    All this leads one to wonder... how involved is the US Gov't in those sunflowers?

    Keep on watching for those sunflowers!
    Oh and the last two time I watched dancing with the star, sunflowers!

    Dancing with the Stars in the reality show?
  • Darn, I had the Defenders on and didn't pay attention!!
    I did catch the History Channel- "Declassified: John Lennon" Wow what a crock, the US gov't set out to really ream Lennon, all on implied charges. Lennon a threat to the US gov't? Come on, obviously the gov't was a bit paranoid.
    Excuse me if this is posted elsewhere, it just seems to relate even though MJ and Lennon did things differently. Add in Jimi Hendrix and many others too!
    All this leads one to wonder... how involved is the US Gov't in those sunflowers?

    Keep on watching for those sunflowers!
    Oh and the last two time I watched dancing with the star, sunflowers!

    Dancing with the Stars in the reality show?
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Funny thing. I watched Elvis and Anabelle this afternoon. A Goldcrest Productions movie. The entire movie reminded me of Michael. It's about a pageant queen who dies of cardiac arrest on stage, and then comes back to life on the morgue table. She then tries to escape her public life by hiding out at the mortician's home. While she is there the young son discovers that she isn't at all the cheerleader type he assumed she was, that in fact she is a very kind person. She tries to make the place more cheerful and starts painting the house. Then she decides to plant seeds, but doesn't tell anyone what it is she planted. I said to my daughter: If it turns out to be sunflowers I'm going to pee my pants. Well, it was sunflowers, and I didn't. Anyway, the movie had a definite Michael theme running through it, everything from cardiac arrest to abuse, from Elvis to the number 7.

    I just saw this movie too. Before it said "Goldcrest Productions", it said, "Burnt Orange" something else--enterprises or something. I didn't write it down, because I thought I'd remember it. All the time, I'm thinking "BURNT ORANGE?" Are you kidding me <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Where have we seen THAT color every single day for exactly a year, now?? aww, probably just a coincidence.

    It sounded like a comedy, the way you described it, and I was completely unprepared for such depth as was there.

    My favorite thing in this whole movie was Elvis' tender loving care of his dad. Their roles were almost reversed, where the dad became the child, because of a head injury, and Elvis became the parent, taking care of him, reading to him in the evenings, bonding with him, kissing him. Kissing is the most tender unexpected gesture. It was like he was making up for never telling him how much he loved him, before...and maybe the dad wouldn't have let him, before. But they are all each other has, now. So sweet.

    I loved how the movie didn't write him off as just a prop to make the rest of the story workable (that Elvis could substitute as undertaker, while the town presumed the nondescript dad in the background was still on the job, there).

    The Dad had a real sweet, loving, and, BTW, witty and clever persona, and the portrayal of him made you feel tenderly towards him, too. This was my favorite part. So many times in real life, people with head injuries or brain malfunction are put away in storage, and never interacted with, as if there is no point. They can't do calculus, or babysit your kids anymore, so what? What does that have to do with their being a person with a beating heart, a breathing Soul, needing to not be treated like some empty chair in the room?

    This Elvis character was such a good son, with so much on his plate, even having to take on the responsibility of "preparing the dead", as a teenager. I think he felt no one else would understand the specialness of his dad, in his now situation. He let everything slide, to just keep his dad at home. It feels like he was sort of in a Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, himself, even letting the house maintenance go undone, and letting the farm go idle. He was doing only the bare minimum, to keep it together, without cracking. Before he's even grown, he has so many secrets, he can't date or seriously socialize with young people his age, for fear of discovery...The guy was so potentially damaged emotionally, and so alone, and then this pretty little thing gets dropped off onto his embalming table. Of all the sad ways to meet one's true love: TOO LATE. Geez.

    This was a story about how evil circumstances and controlling people try to mold and reshape and actually, inadvertently, damage you and arrange your life for you, but how you are still able to rise above anything, and be yourself and "be what you wanna be" .

    I thought Annabelle was a little rough with Elvis. She got right in his face sharply, I thought, and decided to cram some sunshine into his life, with or without his cooperation. Live and learn. We ALL have some rough edges which get rubbed smooth by the permitted friction of loved ones. The only thing which saved this relationship was that her heart was in the right place. She looked into his dad's eyes and saw the little person inside. And...she kept his secret. (If she hadn't TPTB would have taken the dad and put him in a vegetation home for old folks.)

    This is another movie which had such “a peaceful remoteness” to it! And a decidedly foreign ambiance. It is another movie with fake DEATH, and sunflowers as players in it. It has to be that MJ had a hand in it, eh? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->


    Yes! I did! He may as well be saying "Michael Jackson" IS the Thriller! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I also heard PAUL ANKA on the car radio for a few seconds, too, and another thing: when Elvis kisses his dad goodnight, his dad asks if he is mad at him and he says, "No, I like you." And, his dad says: "I like you MORE!" <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • Just finished watching Shrek The Final Chapter on Blu-ray with the family. Awsome <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Shrek never gets boring. I hope there will be a sequel, even if this one is called The Final Chapter. There were many sunflowers at the credits. I haven't seen sunflowers in the other 3 Shreks as far as I can remember.
  • Recently I saw a Simpson Episode, which I couldn't forget. Homer came into the hospital. He was injured and on a stretcher. While on there he sang: I never thought I would leave in summer, I never thought I would leave in autumn, I never thought I would leave in winter, I never thought I would leave in springtime, I never thought
    I would leave at all.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Just finished watching Shrek The Final Chapter on Blu-ray with the family. Awsome <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Shrek never gets boring. I hope there will be a sequel, even if this one is called The Final Chapter. There were many sunflowers at the credits. I haven't seen sunflowers in the other 3 Shreks as far as I can remember.
    Yep I saw those too... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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