TIAI January 21



  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1328269543:
    <br />
    on 1328263294:
    <br />Gina , you're awesome!!  :lol: :lol:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I know :roll:  <br /><br /><br />just kidding lol<br /><br />But really...an army needs training doesn't it? <br />We need to be prepared, even if we're not sure what for WTF??<br /><br />
    <br /><br />My preparation ........ want some ???????<br /><br />300px-Chocolate.jpg
    @diggyon you trying to make me gain weight lol? It's not gonna work  8)!
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1328276507:
    <br />@diggyon you trying to make me gain weight lol? It's not gonna work  8)!<br />
    <br /><br />Wait..... I didn't show you everything.........  ;D  ;D<br /><br />So what do you think of  t h a t  ? ? ? ? <br />228x228_ritter-sport-vollmilch-diaet-von-vivian-rumpler.jpg<br /> :lol:    :lol:    :lol:<br /><br />
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1328277155:
    <br />
    on 1328276507:
    <br />@diggyon you trying to make me gain weight lol? It's not gonna work  8)!<br />
    <br /><br />Wait..... I didn't show you everything.........  ;D  ;D<br /><br />So what do you think of  t h a t  ? ? ? ? <br />228x228_ritter-sport-vollmilch-diaet-von-vivian-rumpler.jpg<br /> :lol:    :lol:    :lol:<br /><br />
    <br />Haha.....diggyon are you German? Ritter Sport Diät.....und führe uns nicht in Versuchung.... lolol/<br />Lead us not into temptation.....<br /><br />Sorry for the off topic post  :oops:<br /><br />
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1328279355:
    <br />
    on 1328277155:
    <br />
    on 1328276507:
    <br />@diggyon you trying to make me gain weight lol? It's not gonna work  8)!<br />
    <br /><br />Wait..... I didn't show you everything.........  ;D  ;D<br /><br />So what do you think of  t h a t  ? ? ? ? <br />228x228_ritter-sport-vollmilch-diaet-von-vivian-rumpler.jpg<br /> :lol:    :lol:    :lol:<br /><br />
    <br />Haha.....diggyon are you German? Ritter Sport Diät.....und führe uns nicht in Versuchung.... lolol/<br />Lead us not into temptation.....<br /><br />Sorry for the off topic post  :oops:<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Well, I am sort of half German ! ! I grew up in a German community in my country..... so I have both sides!!!!
  • melodymelody Posts: 196
    on 1328264028:
    <br />I don't know who you're directing your comment to about TS not saying to NOT keep any commandments, because I didn't state such. The law I am referring to is sabbath.
    <br /><br />I should have bolded the part I wanted to emphasize, my mistake, but yes that was meant for you:<br /><br />
    on 1261469570:
    <br /><br />Almost everyone knows that the Ark of the Covenant was designed to contain the Ten Commandments—which are based on the two main concepts of love for God, and love for mankind (see Matthew 22:36-40); it’s all for love.  If everyone in the world was following the [size=14pt]Ten [/size]Commandments right now, then we wouldn’t need to heal the world—because the world would not be sick!!!<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />TS could have simply ended that statement with the two commandments that summarize it all, but no the statement continued. The "Ten" includes the Sabbath, since it is the fourth. My intention by quoting this was to show what TS has been supporting all along. <br /><br />However I personally do think it should be observed; I agree with you that love is the point, which is why I think the Sabbath is being emphasized: it is loving to let others rest, to have mercy on their bodies, to spend time with YHWH learning about him (you spend time with those you love) at the appointment he made. He sets up the appointment, you show up. When you purposely and consistently miss out on the appointment (for no good reason), that's just plain disrespectful. The only acceptable excuse is go out and save people. Showing loyalty to his timetable is loving him.  Once again, I understand that emergencies crop up here and there, obviously you're allowed to "turn your foot" from his "appointment" to help save them; he doesn't want his believers to let anyone die unnecessarily just to say they kept a date/ just to say they rested. <br /><br />But if he doesn't care whether his people remember the Sabbath (Jew and Gentile alike since there is no longer any distinction according to Galatians 3), then what was the point of teaching his people how to truly and more easily keep the Sabbath? Why take it away, only to bring it back again in the new earth (Isaiah 66:22-23)? If "saith the Lord" that people will bow down before him "from one new moon to another and from one sabbath to another", then YHWH will be distinguishing one day from the next, one month from the next during the New Earth, not Isaiah but YHWH himself. It doesn't sound like a "calendar"-less future. It would make sense for the current generations to continue learning about the weekly Sabbath in preparation for the ultimate Sabbath yet to come. <br /><br />That future "New Earth" generation would benefit from observing a weekly Sabbath too as it would function as a reminder of what their God has done. I don't know if that new, imperishable body/creation is free of forgetfulness, but forgetfulness is why the rebellious generation traveled the wilderness for 40 years: they forgot all the miraculous demonstrations YHWH did in front of them, failing to have that in the forefront of their minds led to incredulity (lack of faith, lack of belief), they doubted his ability to protect them, that unbelief led to disobedience of what YHWH would command them to do: he said "go fight, I'll protect you", they said "no, our enemies are too strong". He said "I'll feed you heavenly manna everyday", they doubted his ability to provide and picked up extra on the days he told them not to. Their descent started with forgetfulness/defiance. If they had never forgotten what he was capable of and trusted in his competence, just obeyed his command without defying him and making excuses, they would have entered the promise land. It would seem as if the weekly Sabbath will always have something to accomplish, even if it's just a weekly reminder/day of rest with no ritual attached. Whether it's significant to "salvation" or not is irrelevant; choosing to compromise on the insignificant issues just gets the rebellious ball rolling. Why play with fire?<br /><br /><br />
    hmmmm I guess one chocolate won't harm me more than the end of the world....chocolate and Michael Jackson never hurt anyone ;D<br />Looking forward for Sign 2 here bounce/<br />
  • I just read "My Childhood, My Sabbath, My Freedom" by Michael ( http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/2000/12/My-Childhood-My-Sabbath-My-Freedom.aspx ) and it appears that the Sabbath (he recognizes it as Sunday) is very important to him. However, he doesn't celebrate it in the traditional sense. He says that he knows that he is supposed to rest but the Sabbath is when he rehearses the hardest. That is because he believes that he is connecting to God with the gift that he gave him. So it seems to me that Michael believes there are different ways to recognize the Sabbath based on how you connect with God and not everything from the Bible has to be strictly followed rule by rule. But that's just my interpretation.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1328282431:
    <br />hmmmm I guess one chocolate won't harm me more than the end of the world....chocolate and Michael Jackson never hurt anyone ;D<br />Looking forward for Sign 2 here bounce/<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I'm sure your gonna love that one!!!!!  /woohoo/  /woohoo/<br /><br />DSC01903-500x374.jpg<br />
    oh what you did to me now ahhhhhhh...... :-[ don't have the right smiley for this  :-[
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    What about that one ! ! ! <br />smiley_emoticon_scared_sticker.jpg<br />
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I guess that one is more suitable!!!!<br /><br />valentine21-static-copy-male-valentine-heart-smiley-emoticon-000125-large.gif<br /><br />Michael we all love you!!!<br /><br /><br />
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Did some one mention chocolate??!! :)<br /><br />Regarding this thread i´ll use some quotes of ma´friend Nietzsche:<br /><br />"All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth"<br /><br />"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man"<br /><br />"I would believe only in a God that knows how to Dance"---> :) get the indirect?? eh, ehhh? (I am a proud and honorific member of the Michael Jackson Cult)<br /><br />BTW....where is T.S???<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    on 1328301036:
    <br /><br />BTW....where is T.S???<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I know!<br /><br />
    <br /><br /> lolol/<br /><br />Seriously though, he's probably looking at all the responses, discussions, etc. and doing his own study (as we should all be doing) and praying like crazy that God's truth prevails!
    on 1328301036:
    <br />"I would believe only in a God that knows how to Dance"---> :) get the indirect?? eh, ehhh? (I am a proud and honorific member of the Michael Jackson Cult)<br />
    <br /><br />Me too :geek:<br />OMG what if he'll ask me to jump into the fire :shock:? What am I gonna do bow/??<br />TS is probably working on Sign 2. Can't wait. If the Sign 1 was the ark, what could the Sign 2 be??? What? Have no clue and I can't wait to find out bounce/!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    <br />Too much of a good thing. :lol:  <br /><br />dark-chocolate-bath.jpg<br /><br /><br />
    Gina<br />
    SimPattyK<br />Gina , you're awesome!! <br />
    <br /><br /> I know <br /> just kidding lol<br />
    :lol:  <br /><br />Suzy7<br />
    MJ is a perfect example of these laws, and how he expressed that these laws are what we need to place as a priority, specifically love. People are focusing on the one law of keeping sabbath rather than the idea of why it was kept in the first place, and ignoring the law(s) more important to humanity and God---love.
    <br /><br />I liked your whole post!  This part reminded me of Jesus' words  (Sorry if someone has already posted this):<br />Mark 2:23-27<br />
    23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. 24 The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?” 25 He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26 In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions.”<br />27 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.
    <br />Following the lead of Jesus and Michael, we use the Sabbath-keeping as a guide to bless mankind, not make it a condemning burden.<br /><br /><br />Michaelsangel<br />
    I just read "My Childhood, My Sabbath, My Freedom" by Michael ( http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/2000/12/My-Childhood-My-Sabbath-My-Freedom.aspx ) and it appears that the Sabbath (he recognizes it as Sunday) is very important to him. However, he doesn't celebrate it in the traditional sense. He says that he knows that he is supposed to rest but the Sabbath is when he rehearses the hardest. That is because he believes that he is connecting to God with the gift that he gave him. So it seems to me that Michael believes there are different ways to recognize the Sabbath based on how you connect with God and not everything from the Bible has to be strictly followed rule by rule. But that's just my interpretation.
    <br /><br /> Totally what I read.  So we'll have to wait till the next Sign for clarification.<br /><br />MissG
    <br /><br />"I would believe only in a God that knows how to Dance"---> get the indirect?? eh, ehhh? (I am a proud and honorific member of the Michael Jackson Cult)<br />
    <br />Me too, except if I see any kool-aid being past out. :-[ errrr
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    I just loved re-reading this message by Front.<br />Front posted it on November 8th, 2011 in this topic: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=5167.msg369375#msg369375<br /><br />And this particular fragment looks like he was already telling us about the verdict which was not the end, but only the  "beginning" of this new project/PLAN that TS said was working on: "The Sign"<br /><br />
    Front wrote:
    [....]<br />[size=12pt]Guesstimate the number years that the planning stages took. Now, compare that with the number of years it will take for the PLAN to be executed in its ENTIRETY. Maybe then, perspective will finally be realized!!!<br /><br />As many of you have probably figured out by now, the verdict is NOT the finality of THE END --- it's the commencement of the BEGINNING.<br /><br />Now…..lest every single piece of blatant knowledge arising from subtle whispers that have been brought to light in the last 2+ years through blood, sweat & tears--from BOTH sides, I would bet my LIFE on it!--is to be tossed out the window…every distinct fragment of the puzzle…..all SIG_S, which "coincidently" all point in the SAME direction…then there's no logical reason for anyone to give up and/or lose faith.<br /><br />Could mere Mortals stand to outwit the Invincible? Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise when a "horrific plan" unfolds before your eyes! They say "ignorance is bliss"--but I have found many instances in life in which that old adage was easily refuted.[/size] [....]
    ^^ Was that blood reference a wink to Christ blood and the 24 chromosomes that we saw being discussed in Sign 1 by TS?
    @MJonmind - that chocolate bath is IMMORAL lol !<br />@Sim - thank you for reposting about Front, I was just thinking of Mr. Front - where is he what's he's doing, I miss him anyway!<br />The connection is interesting.<br />I've also noticed there was a lot of "blood" mentioning in Sign 1.<br />
  • From MJonmind<br />Nefertari are you taking into consideration that Daniel was writing while in captivity, after the first temple was destroyed in 586 BC?
    Thanks so much to correct me. I really need it.<br />Are you saying that this prophecy refers to the reconstruction of the second temple?<br />But Gabriel says : “…the vision concerns the appointed [size=14pt]time of the end[/size]” (Daniel 8:19) and the santuary to be cleansed is the last thing in that vision.  Where am I doing wrong??? !!!<br />
    I was thinking the other day...we have Muslims here too....they say nothing about this turn of the forum?<br />The Signs are based on the christian Bible....I hope this doesn't mean other religions are excluded.<br />................<br />One more thing I want to say:<br />Many people are only reading now because they don't feel comfortable with the new direction of the forum.<br />To those I wanna say it was obvious from the beginning of TIAI that we'll have to face this turn some day. If we go back to read again TIAI revealed we'll see why.....<br />TIAI is completing itself now. It seems to me it was all planned to go full circle to what we see now, it was planned from the beginning.<br />I admit I was a little scared at this redirect yet I can not say I am surprised TIAI is going that way. <br />"Hindsight" is a word I've learned here. We just have to go back and read.<br /><br />.............<br /><br />....funny thing is at the beginning of this hoax I had a dream with MJ as a ghoul asking me "aren't you scared yet??????" No I wasn't scared back then, I'm scared now  pale/
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1328356598:
    <br />I just loved re-reading this message by Front.<br />Front posted it on November 8th, 2011 in this topic: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=5167.msg369375#msg369375<br /><br />And this particular fragment looks like he was already telling us about the verdict which was not the end, but only the  "beginning" of this new project/PLAN that TS said was working on: "The Sign"<br /><br />
    Front wrote:
    [....]<br />[size=12pt]Guesstimate the number years that the planning stages took. Now, compare that with the number of years it will take for the PLAN to be executed in its ENTIRETY. Maybe then, perspective will finally be realized!!!<br /><br />As many of you have probably figured out by now, the verdict is NOT the finality of THE END --- it's the commencement of the BEGINNING.<br /><br />Now…..lest every single piece of blatant knowledge arising from subtle whispers that have been brought to light in the last 2+ years through blood, sweat & tears--from BOTH sides, I would bet my LIFE on it!--is to be tossed out the window…every distinct fragment of the puzzle…..all SIG_S, which "coincidently" all point in the SAME direction…then there's no logical reason for anyone to give up and/or lose faith.<br /><br />Could mere Mortals stand to outwit the Invincible? Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise when a "horrific plan" unfolds before your eyes! They say "ignorance is bliss"--but I have found many instances in life in which that old adage was easily refuted.[/size] [....]
    ^^ Was that blood reference a wink to Christ blood and the 24 chromosomes that we saw being discussed in Sign 1 by TS?<br />
    <br /><br />Love that connection Sim.  It's amazing how everything has been falling into place and becoming clearer.  It's like we've been in a car with all the windows frosted up and slowly it's being scraped away and we're seeing more and more of the bigger picture with each "scrape".  I use that analogy because I had to scrape the frost off my car windows this morning and it didn't want to come off easily and it made my arms sore...but I got it done!
  • EE Posts: 5
    on 1327177709:
    <br />In December of 2009, TS said the following: “Could there possibly be a relationship between the death hoax, and the unveiling of the Ark?
    <br />I have noticed from some time ago , auto-analyse or just an inside-supporter?<br /> <br />
    In fact, could both of these things be directly related to the end of the world (see R49)?
    <br />This is pure interpretation , I do not consider God Has created the world to make an end of it someday , but a new begining.(my opinion). <br /><br />
    … stayed tuned: this is not it, there’s more to come.  When the time is right, there will be further information about the Ark of the Covenant. …
    <br />Can't wait for 2012 to end.<br /><br />
    Again, stayed tuned to TIAI for more info on the Ark; this will certainly happen well before 12-21-2012.”
    <br />We don't know ANYthing certainly , God Is the Only One who know what's going to happen tomorrow.<br /><br />
    Today is the day; the time is right, for the information on the ark to come out loud and clear!  This redirect is about the detailed information on the ark of the covenant.
    <br />I'll try to find the connection between that & the topic we are disscusing since 2009..<br /><br />
    However, this one is very religious;
    <br />I think everything is.<br /><br /><br />
    Please limit discussions, on this thread and where the article is posted, to the appropriate topic: the ark of the covenant, and how to distinguish the genuine from the counterfeits.
    <br />Okay , now since you require discussion on this topic.. The ark Of convenant..which guards the Tablets Of Stones.. I will try (hard) not to ask if there are any connection between this& your personal business [...] (Because I would get banned probably&I don't wish so). However.. I am curios about the parallels you would find between our investigation & the Ten Commandaments  :?:..<br />Now hopefully I was as respectful as I could I will go&read your link (not to say I didn't inform myself&comment)<br /><br />;)<br /><br />*Sorry for any typos*
    on 1328372587:
    <br />I was thinking the other day...we have Muslims here too....they say nothing about this turn of the forum?<br />The Signs are based on the christian Bible....I hope this doesn't mean other religions are excluded.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes Gina maybe because it' based on the christian bible  ;) thank you for your interest  bearhug<br />Perhaps this vidéo can help:there are 4 parts<br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    [size=9pt]Gina[/size]<br />
    [size=9pt]Many people are only reading now because they don't feel comfortable with the new direction of the forum.[/size][size=9pt]<br /> To those I wanna say it was obvious from the beginning of TIAI that we'll have to face this turn some day. If we go back to read again TIAI revealed we'll see why.....[/size]<br /> TIAI is completing itself now. It seems to me it was all planned to go full circle to what we see now, it was planned from the beginning.<br /> I admit I was a little scared at this redirect yet I can not say I am surprised TIAI is going that way. <br /> "Hindsight" is a word I've learned here. We just have to go back and read.
    <br /><br /><br />[size=9pt]SimPattyK, loved your remembering Front’s post.  Yes, I agree this is where TS and Front have been since their first appearances, but most people were not on that page and so are very disappointed now. But for all of us of all backgrounds, probably this is a bigger mindf--- than anyone can possibly imagine, and that’s why I truly wish all would continue to put in their thoughts.  This isn’t “Christianity” in the traditional sense by any stretch of the imagination. This is something entirely new and different—he’s just incorporating elements that are familiar to many, using them as he wishes, as the Master story-telling, King of entertainment Universally.  IMO, the Bible is only one of many parts of God's telling of His ultimate big picture plan, in cryptic layered puzzle form.[/size]<br />[size=9pt]Nefertari, just re-calculate from there, that was all I was trying to say. I’m interested what your recalculation is![/size] :)
  • My 1st comment to you Suzy7.<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387201#msg387201<br /><br />My 2nd comment to you Suzy7<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387302#msg387302<br /><br />
    on 1328223149:
    <br />I'm_convinced, you quoted the wrong post. Perhaps you should have quoted the one which was addressed to me and not bindupbrokenhearted. In that post you literally said: [size=12pt]"If we refuse to worship on a Sunday, we will not recieve the mark of the beast."[/size]
    <br /><br />So exactly what is your problem? What are you complaining about now? I knew full well what I was doing when I reposted the comment I made to bindupbrokenhearted. There was no mistake on my part. The answer I wrote to him/her was the same answer I would have given you if I had typed a new response. So if I should have quoted the post I made to you, tell me exactly which one I should have quoted. First you say:<br />
    Suzy7:<br />You contradicted yourself several times regarding the "Mark of the Beast" not having anything to do with salvation; yet you say "if we refuse to worship "God" (satan) on a Sunday than we are not receiving the mark." Thusly, not keeping sabbath on a Sunday in your opinion, wouldn't give us the MOB and therefore gives us salvation.
    <br /><br />Quote taken from below link (3rd comment). Now in your new post to me you are cutting off the last part of what you said I said and your going to say I said "If we refuse to worship on a Sunday, we will not recieve the mark of the beast." So which is it? I also said to you if you say I am wrong than you better prove your right.  So far I don't see where your proving yourself to be right. I even went and dug up my posts to you and no where do I see that I said the 1st accusation of contradiction. I notice that you take sentences out of context to make them fit with what your saying. That is called being selective. To understand the message you have to take everything wrote for it to make sense. <br /><br />My 3rd comment to you Suzy7.<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387525#msg387525<br /><br />My 4th comment to you Suzy7.<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387553#msg387553<br />
    Suzy7:<br />I'm not understanding the big deal if you don't think it has anything to do with Jesus or salvation. Why do you care if you're taking the MOB and worshipping satan than?
    <br /><br />
    Me:<br />Why would I care?... Very Ignorant question to ask me. I can't make it any clearer why I have been on this forum for 2 years helping as much as possible to bring forth the truth along with TS/Front/ and Many on this forum. My allegiance is known to those who have paid attention. I can't be any more obvious.
    <br /><br />I am posting information in favor of the true ark and posting warnings to help my fellow believers. I consider the question you asked me: why would I care if I got the mark of the beast and I worshipped satan a Very Ignorant question. My saying that I have been on this forum for 2 years and have made my allegiance known to those paying attention was in regards to whose side I am on. I didn't think I would have to break down what I wrote. I said that as more of a question for you to ask yourself. Why would she be here for so long and what for? I know you have seen more of my comments than just this thread. I know you have seen the things I have wrote about in the old "back" thread. If you didn't then I will just say some of my comments in that thread were about God and I made it obvious I worshipped the real God and Jesus. I said I am on a mission along with MJ/TS/Front and others here on the forum who realize there is a mission and message that the world needs to hear and we wont stop till it is accomplished. I am giving you one example and a thread of where I made it clear what side I am on.<br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387410#msg387410<br />
    TheSign: <br />If you take the side of the true ark, then you are on Michael’s side of the Armageddon battle; if you chose to go against the true ark—or even if you take a position of neutral indifference—then you are on Lucifer’s side of Armageddon (see Matthew 12:30; Luke 11:23). Nobody will be drafted to fight for the truth, it’s a volunteer army; but those who don’t voluntarily enlist on the side of truth, will be on the other side of the battle, whether they intend to or not. There will be only two sides. “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”<br /><br />For those who choose Michael’s side, Michael Himself has made this amazing promise, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne …” (Revelation 3:21; see 22:1-5; 1 Samuel 2:7,8; Matthew 25:31; 20:21-23; Mark 10:37-40). Yes, Lucifer got kicked out of heaven for demanding a seat upon God’s throne; he failed the test of faith. But for those who pass the test of faith, Jesus will give them the very same thing which Lucifer demanded, and yet never received—the privilege to sit on God’s throne! This is not a message of fear, it’s a message of faith, a faith that will conquer Lucifer and all who take sides with him. This is what the final battle is all about; the battle where faith and only faith will win the victory and prize: to sit with God on His throne—this is the battle, the final battle, the battle of Armageddon!!!!!!!<br /><br />[size=12pt]Me:<br />The Bottom Line is about chosing who to worship. Which side are you on?[/size]
    <br /><br />Maybe the below info regarding the mark of the beast in relationship to finances will help you understand how TPTB/NWO can enforce a Sunday Law. That is how they would know whether or not someone was following the law. We already are being monitored right now with all the cameras everywhere and people checking up on our activity on the internet. The Sunday Law isn't new. It has been around and there was punishments for not following the law. You should really take the time to read up on the history of this. It would help you to understand that I am not posting off the wall comments regarding my understanding of the mark of the beast law. Doubt my words and go study for yourself.<br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387454#msg387454<br />
    http://www.signs-of-end-times.com<br /><br />Bible End Time Sign - ABILITY TO ENFORCE THE MARK<br /><br />Revelation 13:17 ...'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, of the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'<br /><br />Now this is an end time sign that most people miss! Have a think about it ... What needs to happen in order for the "beast system" to stop people from buying and selling if they refuse the mark? We need to have a worldwide financial system whereby everything bought and sold is through electronic means, not cash.<br /><br />Has there been any time in history where this could happen? No. Are WE living in a day where this could happen? Most certainly, yes! And the powers of this world are now trying to make cash obsolete, and actively pushing pure electronic forms of payment, like "PayPal" and "Google Wallet" for instance. We have the techonology to do this now, which in times past wasn't possible. And look at the financial turmoil around the world today. This will help in bringing in a "unified" currency to help make it possible to enforce the mark of the beast. Technology isn't the mark, but technology is needed for proper enforcement of it. This is a SURE sign of the end times!
    <br />http://www.thebible-tencommandments.com/gods-law-end-times-bible-prophecy.html<br />http://www.thebible-tencommandments.com/under-grace-not-law.html<br />http://www.endtimes-bibleprophecy.com/page20.htm<br />http://www.signs-of-end-times.com/the-last-days-end-of-world-signs.html <br /><br />The above websites could help you and anyone else struggling with this part of the end of the world revelations.<br />
    on 1328223149:
    Therefore, my question was not at all "ignorant", far from it. Since you stated this law has nothing to do with what anyone believes, than my question to you was: Why do you care if you are receiving the mark by worshipping on a Sunday, if the whole point in the Bible of not wanting the MOB, has to do with being saved? If it didn't, than no one would care they are receiving the MOB, much less if they don't even believe in God or the devil. If the law had nothing to do with what each of us believe, than that would contradict the purpose of the law.<br /><br />My question posed to you had nothing to do with who was on this site for 2 yrs. or not; but the topic at hand. I don't think you are understanding anything I have written at all, but that's okay. Whatever you believe in is perfectly fine with me, having a difference of opinion doesn't mean I have no respect for yours. <br /><br />The issue with the basis of this law, is it cannot guarantee to anyone that you or I will even leave our house on a Sunday; let alone go to a place of worship. People can refuse Sunday sabbath, without "them" knowing. People cannot refuse a chip without "them" not being aware. So it's a flawed idea really, that's why the chip sounds more logical.<br /><br />And Do, the chip being in use currently on people could be very likely. I wanted to add that I heard of a few cases at, I think it was UCLA, where patients complained of having a chip implanted in them unwillingly. One case was of a man who's doctor was Dr. Drew. None of these stories have aired on mainstream news channels, which isn't shocking if they are indeed true.<br /><br />I also think people have turned this into semantics and an issue of keeping laws, when I didn't get that from TS' post at all. What I did get, is this is very much an issue of faith alone.<br />
    Well for me it will never be about semantics only the truth. This really will be the last time I comment regarding this subject. I have said enough. I would like very much to move on and discuss other things that were in TheSign's post. rr/
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