TIAI January 21



  • @bindupbrokenhearted-<;br /><br />Here is where your understanding is flawed. The mark of the beast law DOES NOT=keeping the Sabbath on the right day=Saturday. What the mark of the beast law is about is people who already are worshipping on the wrong day=Sunday. The mark of the beast law is about FORCING people to worship on the wrong day=Sunday. The right day for Sabbath keeping is Saturday=God's law. Worshipping on Sunday=Man's law. You aren't the only one who keeps making this mistake in thinking that IF people worship the Sabbath (on the right day)=mark of the beast.<br /><br />I hope this makes it clear for you what the info I am posting is really saying. I have said more than once that what I am posting is for the purpose of it being evidence for others to study and then MAKE up their OWN minds. I am not saying that what I am posting is the absolute right way and others way is wrong.<br /><br />Also everyone who keeps going on about salvation and assuming I or anyone else who talks about the Sabbath has anything to do with each other. I never wrote about having to keep the Sabbath, being under legalistic law, having to do works to be saved, etc. The ones who are saying this have assumed in their own minds that is what we are saying. We aren't even saying anything about faith, salvation, or following the 10 commandments in order to be saved.<br /><br />If someone chooses to keep the Sabbath on the correct day then that is their spiritual choice. I never said IF you don't keep the correct Sabbath day that you won't be saved. What would be wrong with keeping the Sabbath because someone wants to do it and they are not being forced to do it? Keeping the correct Sabbath day is NOT considered a work anyways. Works=doing charity work and anything else people do thinking that will be enough for God to be impressed. <br /><br />I am very aware of what the meaning of being saved equals. <br /><br />Once someone chooses to follow Jesus it doesn't mean that you don't have to at LEAST TRY to be more like Jesus. As much as humanly possible every day we should try to turn away from sinful behavior.
  • I have a bad feeling that the mark of the beast law will be about the RFID chip.  I think people will protest it or at least I'm hoping they will.  I think Bec has the right idea about getting ready to camp out in the woods if need be.  What country do you live in Bec ? <br /><br />SimPattyK, those pictures of the Vatican are just so creepy !!!  The Vatican is just so corrupt.  People have to start realizing I hope.  What's Draco verse Sirius ?  The dragon/lizard people vs the Sirians ??????  <br /><br />Love
  • on 1327974961:
    <br />@bindupbrokenhearted-<;br /><br />Here is where your understanding is flawed. The mark of the beast law DOES NOT=keeping the Sabbath on the right day=Saturday. What the mark of the beast law is about is people who already are worshipping on the wrong day=Sunday. The mark of the beast law is about FORCING people to worship on the wrong day=Sunday. The right day for Sabbath keeping is Saturday=God's law. Worshipping on Sunday=Man's law. You aren't the only one who keeps making this mistake in thinking that IF people worship the Sabbath (on the right day)=mark of the beast.<br /><br />I hope this makes it clear for you what the info I am posting is really saying. I have said more than once that what I am posting is for the purpose of it being evidence for others to study and then MAKE up their OWN minds. I am not saying that what I am posting is the absolute right way and others way is wrong.<br /><br />Also everyone who keeps going on about salvation and assuming I or anyone else who talks about the Sabbath has anything to do with each other. I never wrote about having to keep the Sabbath, being under legalistic law, having to do works to be saved, etc. The ones who are saying this have assumed in their own minds that is what we are saying. We aren't even saying anything about faith, salvation, or following the 10 commandments in order to be saved.<br /><br />If someone chooses to keep the Sabbath on the correct day then that is their spiritual choice. I never said IF you don't keep the correct Sabbath day that you won't be saved. What would be wrong with keeping the Sabbath because someone wants to do it and they are not being forced to do it? Keeping the correct Sabbath day is NOT considered a work anyways. Works=doing charity work and anything else people do thinking that will be enough for God to be impressed. <br /><br />I am very aware of what the meaning of being saved equals. <br /><br />Once someone chooses to follow Jesus it doesn't mean that you don't have to at LEAST TRY to be more like Jesus. As much as humanly possible every day we should try to turn away from sinful behavior.<br />
    <br /><br />Hi Imconvinced:<br /><br />No, I understood that MoB 'law' was Sunday worship.  I see my post wasn't clear before, so I apologize for that.  <br /><br />Honestly, this whole idea of the MoB law thing intrigued me many months ago, when I found out that SD Adventists believe this, so I did my own study on it back then.  And...so far I don't agree with them mostly because I have trouble linking this MoB 'law' with finances in comparison to say micro chipping the population which is clearly linked to finances and is actually in the global elite agendas.  I think this study is incredibly important because I think Satan will try to deceive many into thinking certain things are actually the MoB, when the people actually end up taking the true MoB anyways.  So, a good Bible study is important on this topic, and I am open to any possibilities on this, since I am not omniscient, only God is and therefore He only knows all truths.  But the truth will come out in the end, and God is in control, so I have nothing to worry about nor fear.  I pray for people not to be deceived, regardless of what the MoB ends up to be.  <br /><br />One thing that I said previously is that many mainstream Christians believe that the MoB is tied to some sort of electronic mind control (and I do believe this too), which forces those taking the electronic mind control to end up bowing down to the Beast System as a slave, similar to MK ultra.  That is what bothers me, but again, I can't be afraid.  The global elite have this in their plans too, from what I have heard.  Whether this is the MoB remains to be seen.<br /><br />As far as Sunday worship: I still have the same question: how do you see Sunday worship being tied to finances?<br /><br />FYI: I was talking about salvation and legalism since taking the MoB is synonymous with losing any ability for God's salvation according to mainstream Christianity.  It also implies that Christians today who worship on Sunday are in some form of trouble in their Salvation (I don't believe this, as Jesus fulfilled the law for us during His 33 years on Earth AND died our death so He was a Sacrifice for us: which is all that is needed for our salvation).  I really want to write more on this, but I have to get some things done so maybe I can actually get some sleep tonight.  I do have Scriptural evidence for this, but need to continue this tomorrow.  I hope you understand.<br /><br />Maybe I will write (or post) something regarding a Bible study on this, but right now I need to get some things done tonight and will hopefully write more (or find a good Bible study on this) later.<br /><br />With love bearhug<br /><br />
  • on 1327977638:
    <br />I have a bad feeling that the mark of the beast law will be about the RFID chip.  I think people will protest it or at least I'm hoping they will.  I think Bec has the right idea about getting ready to camp out in the woods if need be.  What country do you live in Bec ? <br /><br />SimPattyK, those pictures of the Vatican are just so creepy !!!  The Vatican is just so corrupt.  People have to start realizing I hope.  What's Draco verse Sirius ?  The dragon/lizard people vs the Sirians ??????  <br /><br />Love<br />
    <br /><br />I would rather die than be chipped.  Regardless of if it is the true MoB or not.  I won't.<br /><br />With love and peace
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I've been thinking about the well known 'hoax quotes' like 'the truth will prevail' and 'it's all going to come out.' What exactly is going to come out in to the open. Could it be the exposing of history for the subtle lies that have crept in to all we have taken as truth. Even in the areas of personal faiths?<br />The whole sabbath and sunday study has made me look into other areas and one that sticks out to me is the hebrew Yeshua vs the greek Jesus.<br />http://www.hebrewyeshua.com/hebrew_yeshua_book.html<br />I think this is just the start of many such misconceptions being righted.<br />Prior to this hoax, I and probably many others had a preconcieived idea of what Michael was like. In truth, we saw one side of him. His public persona. A true side no doubt, but only a part of the whole. Planning this hoax is proof that there is way more to Michael than I ever thought about and knew. Could this be a parallel to the Yeshua/Jesus debate as well? And I just want to say thankyou to everyone for the privlege of being allowed to think aloud here. <br /><br />
  • One thing that I said previously is that many mainstream Christians believe that the MoB is tied to some sort of electronic mind control (and I do believe this too), which forces those taking the electronic mind control to end up bowing down to the Beast System as a slave, similar to MK ultra. That is what bothers me, but again, I can't be afraid. The global elite have this in their plans too, from what I have heard. Whether this is the MoB remains to be seen.<br /><br />As far as Sunday worship: I still have the same question: how do you see Sunday worship being tied to finances?<br /><br />FYI: I was talking about salvation and legalism since taking the MoB is synonymous with losing any ability for God's salvation according to mainstream Christianity. It also implies that Christians today who worship on Sunday are in some form of trouble in their Salvation (I don't believe this, as Jesus fulfilled the law for us during His 33 years on Earth AND died our death so He was a Sacrifice for us: which is all that is needed for our salvation). I really want to write more on this, but I have to get some things done so maybe I can actually get some sleep tonight. I do have Scriptural evidence for this, but need to continue this tomorrow. I hope you understand.<br />
    @bindupbrokenhearted-<;br /><br />Well as far as I am concerned I am not one to follow mainstream christianity so I have no clue what they believe regarding mind control and it being tied to the MoB. Also the FYI info you stated is something that I am not familiar with either. I have no denomination/religious name. I am not taking info from one group over the other as it being the truth or not. What I have done is take info that I have found on these subjects and posted it regardless of the Religion someone is. I am very familiar with the elite's plan and I see where you are coming from regarding the RFID chip. I have done alot of research regarding the TPTB/NWO. In my first post that you quoted I did mention the RFID chip. I also said there are 3 different things in the scripture regarding the MoB.
    <br />Revelation 13:17 “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name.”<br /><br />See the 3 different things mentioned in this scripture? ^^1. Mark 2. Name 3. Number.
    This subject is not so easy to understand because it deals with a number of things in order to grasp it. TPTB/NWO are the source with which Satan will try/and has been using to get everyone to bow down to him. It is not going to be obvious that people are actually pledging their allegiance to Satan. It is not like he will appear in front of us and say "Hi I am Satan" having devil horns holding a pitchfork. The things he will/has done is very subtle. The same subtleness that TPTB/NWO have been doing to us over the entire course of our lives. There is an easing into accepting the ideas. A little here and a little there and before we know it we accept the B.S. they are selling. Below I am adding some links to websites that if you study them you will have more answers than questions. I can not answer everything because I don't know it all either.<br /><br />http://www.signs-of-end-times.com<br />
    Bible End Time Sign - ABILITY TO ENFORCE THE MARK<br /><br />Revelation 13:17 ...'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, of the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'<br /><br />Now this is an end time sign that most people miss! Have a think about it ... What needs to happen in order for the "beast system" to stop people from buying and selling if they refuse the mark? We need to have a worldwide financial system whereby everything bought and sold is through electronic means, not cash.<br /><br />Has there been any time in history where this could happen? No. Are WE living in a day where this could happen? Most certainly, yes! And the powers of this world are now trying to make cash obsolete, and actively pushing pure electronic forms of payment, like "PayPal" and "Google Wallet" for instance. We have the techonology to do this now, which in times past wasn't possible. And look at the financial turmoil around the world today. This will help in bringing in a "unified" currency to help make it possible to enforce the mark of the beast. Technology isn't the mark, but technology is needed for proper enforcement of it. This is a SURE sign of the end times!<br />
    <br /><br />http://www.thebible-tencommandments.com/gods-law-end-times-bible-prophecy.html<br />http://www.thebible-tencommandments.com/under-grace-not-law.html<br />http://www.endtimes-bibleprophecy.com/page20.htm<br />http://www.signs-of-end-times.com/the-last-days-end-of-world-signs.html
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I finally found the type of 3D puzzle I was referring to before in my other post.    http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387391#msg387391 <br /><br /><br />How many of you can see the 3D dinosaur in the middle?  You could enlarge it on your screen, then stare at it close up, and then slowly back away, letting your eyes go slightly out of focus.  That's what I'm saying about the Bible's hidden bigger picture.  Here's more hidden pictures at  http://www.vision3d.com/sghidden.html <br /><br /><br /><br />dino.jpeg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1327988585:
    <br />I've been thinking about the well known 'hoax quotes' like 'the truth will prevail' and 'it's all going to come out.' What exactly is going to come out in to the open. Could it be the exposing of history for the subtle lies that have crept in to all we have taken as truth. Even in the areas of personal faiths?<br />The whole sabbath and sunday study has made me look into other areas and one that sticks out to me is the hebrew Yeshua vs the greek Jesus.<br />http://www.hebrewyeshua.com/hebrew_yeshua_book.html<br />I think this is just the start of many such misconceptions being righted.<br />Prior to this hoax, I and probably many others had a preconcieived idea of what Michael was like. In truth, we saw one side of him. His public persona. A true side no doubt, but only a part of the whole. Planning this hoax is proof that there is way more to Michael than I ever thought about and knew. Could this be a parallel to the Yeshua/Jesus debate as well? And I just want to say thankyou to everyone for the privlege of being allowed to think aloud here. <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />It's the coming of the internet that has enabled the truth to come out, about MJ, about the Bible, about history and more.  Remember Daniel said that in the end times, that, "knowledge will increase."    On the other topic you brought up, there's more than one perspective on the name of 'Jesus'[size=small] as well.  (Even the study on the name of 'God' is vast with more misconceptions.)  I don't think TS/The Sign are dealing with more than a few misconceptions at a time in their studies. Bring on the next study TS!![/size]<br /><br /><br />http://www.hebrewisraelites.org/physicalapp.htm  Here they call him Yahshuah, which is what I believe personally.<br /><br /><br />blkjesusgmerge.jpg
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    @Souza <br /><br />Thank you for your answer! <br /><br />I don't think that the concept of the Sabbath is something that should be totally dismissed either. <br />I believe that, just as Jesus said; “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” – Mark 2:26-28<br /><br />But as I mentioned in my other posts, I just don’t believe that this is a question of salvation (eph 2:8-9, Rom 3:21-31, 10:4,9, Acts 16:31, John 3:16 etc).<br /><br />
    <br />Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. – Col 2:16-17<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br />Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. – Rom 3:20<br />
    <br /><br />Questions you should consider when doing your bible study:<br /><br />-What will man gain from keeping the Sabbath? We know it is not salvation…<br />-Should man keep the Sabbath to appease God or because it is good for her?<br />-What type of Sabbath are we supposed to keep? Is it a strict <a href="http://www.teshuvah.com/articles/shabbat/sabbath1.htm">Jewish Sabbath</a> or some other Sabbath?<br /><br />I am looking forward to read the conclusion of your studies later! ::P (is it not possible to get a regular smiley anymore?? :) lol)<br /><br />PS. If the majority is usually wrong, then maybe salvation is not gained through faith in Jesus (John 3:16) either after all? DS.<br /><br /><br />
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Souza, with respect, everyone who has posted about us no longer needing to observe sabbath, have done so using Biblical evidence. Among our long posts I don't think a vague answer was ever given. Also, all throughout the New Testament, there are many verses that show us we are no longer bound to the Old Covenant. That is why I keep mentioning the Jews vs. Christians beliefs as the ultimate example. Christians believe in the Bible, which includes the New Testament that tells us sabbath has been done away with. Jesus fulfilled that prophecy.<br /><br />  Many of us here have studied the Bible our whole lives and continue to do so; therefore I think we also have a good understanding of it. But I repect anyone and everyone who believes they must keep sabbath in order to have a righteous stand with God. But just know that God no longer requires that of you, but instead faith in him and a good heart.<br /><br /> Melody, he in fact was referring to Jews, hence "synagogue". What those verses mean, is he was illustrating that they weren't *true Jews*, as he was. They constantly attacked his character and eventually killed him. I do believe in the rest of your post about the true vs. "fake" Jews.<br /><br />Edit: Jono great questions one should ask themselves regarding sabbath and salvation.
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1327961696:
    <br />I have grown up all my life in an passionate evangelical Christian home.  I know the difference in my heart between living under the fear of myself and others not quite pleasing God enough, and knowing that His love is unconditional as a true father's would be. Despite all the talk of "grace" and "free gift", there was always generous helpings of legalism and judgement of others, a certain arrogance of superiority for believing a certain way. "We must save those damned to hell, and tell the majority who are believing WRONG, the right way--our way." The words, "their blood be upon our heads", always  encourages this guilt over expending all of the focus on winning the lost, to save them from hell and God's wrath.  In all my years I would easily say that most Christians are the most judgmental people, though they claim to be loving--it is veiled. <br /><br />It is because of all this that I chose to go deeper into the things of God, to find that there is indeed an over-arching bigger picture that God has in mind for humanity, and it is a mirror that shows us who we are. <br /><br />Does anyone here remember seeing these puzzles where you stare at them with your eyes kinda focused a little more distant, and if you look at it right, another super-imposed picture jumps out at you almost 3D?  That's exactly the case with the Bible! IMO!  God has planned out the entire story of his dealings with mankind in the Old and New Testaments as a pre-ordained script. We can now see the results of legalism--impossible to obey completely and we are miserable. We can see the results of loving forgiveness/grace--we perhaps take too much liberty and grow wild/taking things for granted. HIStory is necessary to show us ourselves. As I searched I discovered these over-arching themes of the restitution of all things--that God would save ALL people--give them all faith, for we don't even know how to choose wisely.  We are all like sheep/foolish children.  But whether it's a chip or Sunday mark of the beast, no one (and I mean no one) will have everything figured out totally and may end up believing the wrong things at times.  And that's how I think God has set things up, similarly to this hoax.  MJ wants to keep us on the edge of our seats for this drama of all dramas.<br /><br />Therefore, my view is that both the chip and Sunday law (or something still unknown) could be the mark intertwined.<br />
    <br /><br />Absolutely! Good post.. Thanks for sharing! :)<br /><br />Yes, and isn't it sad that, as you wrote "most Christians are the most judgmental people, though they claim to be loving".... <br />Sometimes we are the worst ambassadors for Jesus!  crash/  /overreacting/  :'(
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    @ bindupbrokenhearted<br /><br />+1 on all your posts as usual... <br />We should grab a coffee or something!!  beerchug<br /><br /> :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1327995749:
    <br />I finally found the type of 3D puzzle I was referring to before in my other post.    http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387391#msg387391 <br /><br /><br />How many of you can see the 3D dinosaur in the middle?  You could enlarge it on your screen, then stare at it close up, and then slowly back away, letting your eyes go slightly out of focus.  That's what I'm saying about the Bible's hidden bigger picture.  Here's more hidden pictures at  http://www.vision3d.com/sghidden.html <br /><br /><br /><br />dino.jpeg<br />
    <br /><br />Nooo! It's a spaceship!! lolol/<br /><br />Please watch: />
  • on 1327964647:
    <br />In every good story there must be a protagonist or the villain, as well as the hero and his helpers who save the day.  It's all about good versus evil, the theme of almost all books and movies. Sex is a major component, or driving factor in this story.<br /><br /><br />SimPattyK, yes, the telling the priests that they must remain celibate, is the setting up for sexual deviancy and sins. God has created us for pro-creation--we are hard-wired.<br /><br /><br />
    The third of [color=rgb(11, 0, 128)]Newton's laws of motion[/color] of [color=rgb(11, 0, 128)]classical mechanics[/color] states that [color=rgb(11, 0, 128)]forces[/color] always occur in pairs. Every action is accompanied by a reaction of equal magnitude but opposite direction. This principle is commonly known in the [color=rgb(11, 0, 128)]Latin[/color] language as actio et reactio. The attribution of which of the two forces is action or reaction is arbitrary. Each of the two forces can be considered the action, the other force is its associated reaction.
    <br /><br /><br />Every stone we throw in the pond creates ripples that move to the edges, and affect everything in their vicinity.<br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]Michaelangelo after 1508, in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. What really was the "fruit"?[/size]<br /><br /><br />Copy_of_Michelangelo_Fall_from_Grace_and_Expulsion_from_Paradise.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]MJonmind thank you very much for pointing this out albino/  :) ,this is very important,and sadly often "let out" by many people.<br />The GENESIS is very,very important and it's also mentioned in  the last video of Magicalxcapism,what a coincidence,isn'it  ;)  ;D ??? <br />Of course that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge,and by this they felt the "taste" of the FORBIDDEN FRUIT,lol  geek/  albino/  ,but all this it's just METAPHORICALLY way or a SUBSTITUTION of how things really are/were.What people still miss to understand is that the GENESIS ,is not the BEGINING,lol,cause it's in fact the END.It's the END of the IMMORTALITY, cause please don't forget that they both ate from the Tree of Knowledge (the only one in the EDEN) and that means,they wolud know the difference betewn GOOD and EVIL and also they would know the OPPOSITE of IMMORTALITY,which is DEATH.<br />Now please note that what I'm "speaking" here is what I think and I'm not trying to force anyone to believe  :)  .Everyone here has his beliefes and it's free to believe and to think what they want,after all  bearhug .<br /><br />[glow=red,2,300]Truth/deception:[/glow]<br />First let's be clear on something regarding GOOD versus EVIL.There are no good or evil people; there are just those that know the truth and those that do not. The battle between good and evil is a battle between the TRUTH and DECEPTION, nothing more, nothing less  :mrgreen: .<br />The Bible describes Satan as the “deceiver",  and by definition, that means that Satan has to be your mind. All there is, is the mind and LIFE, and life by definition is “THE TRUTH” ,so Satan, the devil, has to be the deceptive mind. There is life and the imagination; there is nothing else. True or false  :?:  :mrgreen: ?<br /><br />[glow=red,2,300]The talking snake: [/glow]<br />The mind is sneaky  :lol:  like the snake in the Bible; it is the perfect metaphor for the devil/mind  :mrgreen:. It will slip into your head, your life, without you noticing it. It is a thought, a judgment  :x , a belief, an idea, guilt, envy, hate  :x , FEAR  :x, worry or one of the mind’s other manifestations. It takes you out of the present if you don’t notice it and recognize it for what it is.Michael knows better  8-)  ,lol,and I think that's why he "teased"us all with his snakes  :lol:  :lol:  :mrgreen: :[/size]<br /><br />Luxury+Pet+Pavilion+Opens+Los+Angeles+Look+6zyRM6toTkml.jpg<br /><br />[size=10pt]This controlling mind is not your friend. It is no more your friend than the snake in the story of the Garden of Eden was Adam and Eve’s friend. It will tempt, distract, deceive and mislead you. It separates you from[/size] [size=14pt]God/life and paradise.[/size]<br /><br />[glow=red,2,300]Tree of knowledge:[/glow]<br />[size=10pt]In the mythical story of the Garden of Eden, the tree Adam and Eve ate from and mankind continues to eat from is the tree of knowledge (unfortunately  :x ). It is described as the knowledge of good and evil. It is the knowledge of judgment, of comparison, of right and wrong, success and failure, of life and death, past and future, the opposites of life  :shock:  albino/ .<br />Adam and Eve learned of the opposites, but not the balance of the opposites, so the grass started looking greener on the other side of the garden. They saw their bodies and felt naked for the first time. They saw death and started worrying. The knowledge caused human beings to start thinking and worrying about life instead of living it. They left the present, because they could no longer see it; they no longer perceived the paradise. They could not see life’s perfection. Human beings became a mind. Mankind (mind kind) was created. As a result, we ended up in the land of Nod. The land of Nod is the land of semi-sleep. We were not good enough, so we began living in a dream world;[/size] [size=14pt]we nodded off. [/size][size=10pt]It is interesting that the word (nod), a place in a mythical story, came to mean sleep, or not being awake to the truth and life. Just a coincidence? I don't think so  :mrgreen: .<br />Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Rom 13:11<br /><br />We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. 1 Cor 15:51<br /><br />Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead, and<br />Christ shall give thee light. Eph 5:14<br /><br />The Bible says in many places that mankind is just sleeping and just needs to wake up. The problem is that we are too asleep to know we are asleep,lol  :lol:  :mrgreen: . [/size]<br /><br />[glow=red,2,300]The tree of life:[/glow]<br />[size=10pt]There is another tree in the story of the Garden of Eden that mankind is about to start partaking of. The Bible calls it the tree of life. Once we know the ultimate truth, we wake up to divine life; we metaphorically begin to start partaking of the tree of life. We are born again as spiritual beings. A spiritual being metaphorically eats from both trees.[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]The Bible says, “Behold the man has become as one of us to know good and evil, now lest he put forth his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever.” Genesis 3:22<br /><br />When you eat from the tree of life, you will know both the mind truth (tree of knowledge) and the living truth (tree of life). You will then know the truth and the life (Jesus). Just another coincidence?  :mrgreen:  ;) Too many I think,lol  :lol:  :lol: !!!!![/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]That Bible verse is supposed to represent the voice of God. The key word is[/size][size=14pt] “live”[/size], [size=10pt]not just exist forever  :?  :mrgreen: . You can live in[/size] [size=14pt]God/life forever, in heaven forever.[/size] [size=10pt].Please remember Michael words from his song Heal the World  :idea:  ;D :[/size]<br />.<br />.........................................<br />If You Want To Know Why<br />There's A Love That<br />Cannot Lie<br />Love Is Strong<br />It Only Cares For<br />Joyful Giving<br />If We Try<br />We Shall See<br />In This Bliss<br />We Cannot Feel<br />Fear Or Dread<br />[size=12pt]We Stop Existing And<br />Start Living<br />[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]The Bible says that God tells Adam and Eve: “If you eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, you will surely die.” They did not die physically, but they did die spiritually  bangbang  :( . They died to true life; they died to the present, and paradise was lost.<br />The Bible verse plainly says that if we eat from the tree of life after we eat from the tree of knowledge, we will be as Gods (become as one of us). It says that we will be more than Adam and Eve were. Adam and Eve were not like Gods before eating the apple. We do not want to get back to the garden. Adam and Eve did what they had to do to get to heaven. The Garden of Eden was not perfect, heaven is. To realize heaven, you have to know the truth and the life; you have to metaphorically eat from BOTH TREES  ;)) .<br /><br />People have been misinterpreting the story,unfortunately  :( . People believe they did something wrong; the OPPOSITE is the truth  albino/  :mrgreen: . They sacrificed paradise for knowledge. The serpent did them the ultimate favor in the long run. We needed the mind to learn the truth, and we needed the truth to know divine life, to get to God and Heaven.[/size]<br /><br />[size=12pt]The Bible says, “We must turn our minds into the minds of an angel.”[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]The story of Adam and Eve has many hidden things in it, but the overall message is how our minds were created. It describes how we joined with the devil/mind, and how we can turn this devil/mind back into an angel.[/size]<br /><br />[size=12pt]To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.  Rev. 2:7[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]In other words, when you overcome the delusions of the mind, you can see LIFE as it truly is, and it will fulfill you . The metaphor of life as fruit or food means LIFE, when truly seen, will nourish you  bearhug . Jesus said, man does not live by bread alone.[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt][glow=red,2,300]True/metaphor: [/glow][/size]<br />[size=10pt]The Bible story of Adam and Eve is a myth/metaphor and not literal truth, but it explains the literal truth exactly. A coincidence?<br />No, no absolutely no  :mrgreen: .<br />The story metaphorically describes the transition of human beings into mankind perfectly. It also shows us the next step in our evolution. The odds of it just being a coincidence are way too high. This story came from our collective unconscious, or the Holy Spirit, if you prefer the religious terminology.[/size]<br /><br />[size=12pt]Revelations is about the beginning of Christianity; Genesis is about now  :mrgreen: .[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]Like most religious things, the Bible is BACKwards and upside down lol  lolol/ . People are thinking Genesis is about just the BEGINING of mankind, and it is actually more about the END; it is about what is happening [/size] [size=14pt]NOW.[/size] [size=10pt]People are looking in the book of Revelations thinking it applies to now or the future, when it is mostly about the beginning of Christianity. 666 was Nero, the Emperor of Rome.<br />Much of both books and the rest of the Bible are misinterpretations or meant for people that lived in the past. Trying to find truth where it does not exist is just a deception of the mind to distract people from the real truth that the books contain.[/size]<br /><br />[size=12pt]The truth in the Bible is all mixed up; things are not in the order of events.[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt][glow=red,2,300]About now:[/glow]<br />Everything about everything is about now, because nothing else exists. Never look for the truth in the past or future; it is all about[/size] [size=14pt]NOW.[/size]<br />[size=10pt]It took us ten-thousand years to get into a position to see and understand the knowledge and be able to eat from the tree of LIFE [/size][size=14pt](the NOW)[/size][size=10pt], but better late than never. Eating from the tree of LIFE will not be as easy as biting into an APPLE  :mrgreen: . It will require taking control of our animal mind and putting it behind our spirit  ;)) .[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt][glow=red,2,300]Truth first:[/glow]<br />As the story of Adam and Eve attests, you have to learn the truth before you get the LIFE. It is in that order, not the other way around. Eastern religions, through meditation and ritual, try to know the life first, and it will not work. You have to learn the truth of this realm, all of it, before you can take the next step in evolution and know TRUE LIFE. How could it be any other way  :shock:  ;) ? If you do not understand the way the world works, how can you overcome it? You cannot overcome what you do not know. It’s the tree of knowledge, then the tree of life in the story of Adam and Eve, and Jesus says he is the TRUTH and the LIFE  bearhug .[/size]<br /><br />[size=14pt]Jesus said, "Your minds must be cleared of the falsehoods of this realm if you are to be taught Eternal Truth."[/size]<br />
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Im_convinced, I just read your post and no offense, but it makes zero sense. You contradicted yourself several times regarding the "Mark of the Beast" not having anything to do with salvation; yet you say "if we refuse to worship "God" (satan) on a Sunday than we are not receiving the mark." Thusly, not keeping sabbath on a Sunday in your opinion, wouldn't give us the MOB and therefore gives us salvation. You also said how one's own belief's have nothing to do with this law. Huh? Of course whether or not we are an Atheist, Jew, Christian, Muslim etc., has everything to do with this law. The whole idea of the law is based off of the Christian Bible, lol. And if this law had nothing to do with what anyone believes, than it shouldn't be a problem for many religious people, even though it's based in religion. Soo? I'm not understanding the big deal if you don't think it has anything to do with Jesus or salvation. Why do you care if you're taking the MOB and worshipping satan than?<br /><br /> I want to add that I am not disagreeing with much of TS' post at all; just Ron's beliefs and the idea that the old Ark is of importance. Ron believed in keeping sabbath (on Saturday), so for him, any other day would indeed be taking the MOB. That is why whether or not the sabbath part of this law is "taking the MOB", is most definitely dependant upon our personal beliefs. Also Im_convinced, I wasn't saying your posts were enticing paranoia because I don't; but my point is that paranoia and fear should not be more powerful than faith. And that is another reason why what we believe in matters. Keeping sabbath is an ancient law no longer imperative to our salvation. The MOB law is a mere man-made law. Neither of these laws can override how powerful faith alone in God is, if you believe in God. So even IF we were all forced to worship on a Sunday, don't you think God knows what is in our hearts and whom we really worship? I think so.<br /><br />And bindupbrokenhearted, great posts. You and jono save me alot of typing lol.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    I do however, think other "laws" are far more concerning. For example, the RFID chip. There is actually much evidence that supports this could be implemented in the near future, and is actually the "Mark of the Beast Law." Late last year major news networks like CNN, reported on the chip being a reasonable solution to our current problems. They even showed what it looks like and how it's similar to what is being used on pets in order to keep track of them etc., and even soon, possibly children. These chips are currently being used for many other things.<br /><br /> The problem with the "sabbath" part of the MOB law, is how exactly would the government keep tabs on every individual, in every country and force them to worship? That is impossible, unless of course there was some type of chip that allowed them to do that. So perhaps it would be a combination of those things as others have said.
  • on 1327995749:
    <br /><br />
    on 1327988585:
    <br />I've been thinking about the well known 'hoax quotes' like 'the truth will prevail' and 'it's all going to come out.' What exactly is going to come out in to the open. Could it be the exposing of history for the subtle lies that have crept in to all we have taken as truth. Even in the areas of personal faiths?<br />The whole sabbath and sunday study has made me look into other areas and one that sticks out to me is the hebrew Yeshua vs the greek Jesus.<br />http://www.hebrewyeshua.com/hebrew_yeshua_book.html<br />I think this is just the start of many such misconceptions being righted.<br />Prior to this hoax, I and probably many others had a preconcieived idea of what Michael was like. In truth, we saw one side of him. His public persona. A true side no doubt, but only a part of the whole. Planning this hoax is proof that there is way more to Michael than I ever thought about and knew. [size=14pt]Could this be a parallel to the Yeshua/Jesus debate as well?[/size] And I just want to say thankyou to everyone for the privlege of being allowed to think aloud here. <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />It's the coming of the internet that has enabled the truth to come out, about MJ, about the Bible, about history and more.  Remember Daniel said that in the end times, that, [size=12pt]"knowledge will increase.[/size]"    On the other topic you brought up, there's more than one perspective on the name of 'Jesus'[size=small] as well.  (Even the study on the name of 'God' is vast with more misconceptions.)  I don't think TS/The Sign are dealing with more than a few misconceptions at a time in their studies. Bring on the next study TS!![/size]<br /><br /><br />http://www.hebrewisraelites.org/physicalapp.htm  Here they call him Yahshuah, which is what I believe personally.<br /><br /><br />blkjesusgmerge.jpg <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]In one of my posts from TIAI 11 November I wrote and asked TS for a sign cause I thought that what is happenig with this hoax it's in fact a SUBSTITUTION or a PARALLEL for something bigger maybe  :idea: ???? !!!!! [/size]<br /><br />
    Re: TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)<br />applehead250609<br />December 17, 2011, 05:20:11 AM »<br />
    TS_comments<br />    Re: TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)<br />    « Reply #1844 on: December 13, 2011, 11:26:34 AM »<br />    Just a short note ...<br /><br />    Haven't been here on the forum much since 11-30; and I have not had time to read the threads.  I'm in the middle of an important project.  But I will be back next week sometime to catch up on the threads, and work on finishing level 7.<br /><br />    typing/
    <br /><br /><br />Today during my work I suddenly thought at you TS.I was just thinking about this hoax and what kind of project are you doing,cause I mean what could be more important than the level 7  :idea: !!!! I thought also at what is happening to us and that something is not right.The time is too long and the CONTRADICTION WAY TOO BIG  :?!!!!!<br />After I finished to watch Michael's daughter interview,suddenly the tears started to flow on my face.To see this wonderful and humble girl,standing right there,and talking the way she did,it was almost a shock for me.I know she is humble,I know she is normal but when I think at what was told to us by the media all this years,I still can't believe it.Don't get me wrong,cause I'm not talking about what you all think,no way.One thing is clear to me,that if Michael were here today,the situation would be totally different .Michael would be still "the freak" and his kids still the freak's kids, and nothing more.I usually look at comments done by people who wach the videos on youtube,and I was very happy to see that all the comments were SUPER Positive  :),they all like Paris.<br />During this 2.5 years of hoax,we learned alot about all kind of things:about Michael's family and friends,about his suppose enemies, about history,about politics,about math,about music business,about movies,abour religion ,about nature,about charities ,any many,many more.In the end I and maybe you all realised that in fact we don't know anything concrete.Michael "died" and we all wait for him to come back,aka to ressurect  :? .Some people believe he died and some believe he didn't,still the life goes on as if nothing happened.Each side believes that they are right.At this point I ask myself,what if it doesen't matter at all if he died or not???? I feel we are missing something here and to BELIEVE or NOT to BELIEVE is in fact about something else.That the hoax we are all experience is just a [size=14pt]substitution for something BIGGER  :idea: .[/size]<br />I know that maybe what I just wrote above makes no sense but I had to wrote down what I felt,cause otherwise<br />my head would explode  :oops: !!!!<br />[size=14pt]TS if you have time give me a sign,please  [/size]:mrgreen:  :)  !!!!!!
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Now talking about the KNOWLEDGE that will/is increase/increasing.We have to keep in mind that KNOWLEDGE is not the same thing with WISDOM,isn't this right ???? We all can have Knowledge but if we have no Wisdon everything is in vain unfortunately :( .You can't have one whithout the other  :mrgreen:  8-) ,and it's like the male completing the female and Vice Versa .[/size]<br /><br />ying-yang.jpg<br /><br />
  • Quote from Melody<br />I think this is where the misconception lies: when people are born-again spiritually, they become a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17), they're made righteous and holy by Yeshua (1 Corinthians 1:30, 2 Corinthians 5:21), they naturally love what is righteous now that they are, so they tend to gravitate towards the law because it is righteousness, not necessarily "to become" righteous because Yeshua has already made them righteous. To say it another way, Yeshua made them righteous and then they fell in love with the law, lol.<br /><br />I was thinking about covenants in the bible; so, we've got:<br />Abraham as the leader and Melchizedek an immortal priest <br />Moses as the leader and Aaron as a mortal priest <br />Yeshua/Jesus as the leader and immortal priest.<br />Hebrews 3 says Yeshua replaces Moses; Hebrews 7 says Yeshua replaces Aaron (in the same order of Melchizedek).<br />It goes from faith covenant—law covenant—back to faith covenant. That's probably why it says that if you walk in the spirit, you are not under the law (Galatians 5:18). It would seem as if YHWH gave the Israelites (that had been in Egypt for 400 years) the torah at Mt. Sinai after their Exodus from Rameses (Numbers 33:3-4, Exodus 24) because as a whole they knew absolutely nothing and had to start off with baby steps, as a people they needed to be taught all over again how to walk in the spirit, then things got Pharisaical, Yeshua incarnates, matures, teaches the people the spirit of the law which is how things were with Abraham (I'm guessing because there's never an explicit indication that he kept the weekly "Sabbath" or was given a written form of a law, that I'm aware of at least). That must mean he walked in the Spirit, so he must have naturally been merciful with his workers, allowing them to rest; ergo, no need for Abraham to be given (nor be held subject to) a written law. <br />In that case, there really isn't a contradiction: the law is needed for those who are oblivious; once they become aware, they are expected to start walking in the spirit of those instructions. From spiritual milk to spiritual meat (heb 5:12), baby believers to mature believers (1 Peter 2:2, 1 Cor 3:1-2, Heb 6:1).
    <br />Thanks Melody. This has made many things clear to me<br />
    Quote from Melody<br />The weekly day of rest (like all of the other moedims/appointed times) help believers keep certain things in mind, namely YHWH's "plan" for humanity and what he intended/intends to do with the Messiah. 
    <br />And that is exactly what TS said : ” The great God of the Bible designed the temple and sanctuary services, to be filled with object lessons illustrating the important truths of God’s plan… Yom Kippur… This service is what God designed, to represent the EOW.”In fact God says about the Day of Atonement: “It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, shall ye celebrate [size=15pt]your sabbath[/size].” (Leviticus 23:32)<br />Now, could it be that marking with the blood  the final ark of safety -  in the Day of Atonement (as were marked the houses of the people of Israel to be saved from the last plague of Egypt)  refers to Revelation 7:3)?<br />3Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
    Quote from TS<br />…they will survive, because they will be in “the final ark of safety.”
    <br />So the “AnointedArk” would be the not physical location where believers are gathered together (for Atonement) before Armageddon. And “pray ye that your flight be not on the sabbath day” can mean “pray ye that your flight be not before the conclusion of the rite of atonement”. Is that why  Michael said,  “we have 4 years to get it right otherwise the damage will be irreversible”?<br />I wonder if there is a possibility that the hoax  was designed to represent Yom Kippur rite, with the goat who is chosen to be consecrated to God and the scapegoat that is designed to be let into the wilderness. That might also give the answers for level 7<br />
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Suzy7 said:<br /><br />
    [size=10pt]The MOB law is a mere man-made law. Neither of these laws can override how powerful faith alone in God is, if you believe in God. So even IF we were all forced to worship on a Sunday, don't you think God knows what is in our hearts and whom we really worship? I think so.<br />I do however, think other "laws" are far more concerning. For example, the RFID chip. There is actually much evidence that supports this could be implemented in the near future, and is actually the "Mark of the Beast Law." Late last year major news networks like CNN, reported on the chip being a reasonable solution to our current problems. They even showed what it looks like and how it's similar to what is being used on pets in order to keep track of them etc., and even soon, possibly children. These chips are currently being used for many other things.<br /><br />The problem with the "sabbath" part of the MOB law, is how exactly would the government keep tabs on every individual, in every country and force them to worship? That is impossible, unless of course there was some type of chip that allowed them to do that. So perhaps it would be a combination of those things as others have said[/size].
    <br /><br />Suzy7, this is what I tried to say in my post on page 15. <br />I agree with you. And I also believe that at this moment, many people (royal house, police men, prisoners, soldiers, certain club-goers, very rich people, mentally ill patients, children etc.) are already chipped, voluntary or mandatory.<br />
  • on 1328008604:
    <br /> Im_convinced, I just read your post and no offense, but it makes zero sense. [size=12pt]You contradicted yourself several times regarding the "Mark of the Beast" not having anything to do with salvation; yet you say "if we refuse to worship "God" (satan) on a Sunday than we are not receiving the mark." Thusly, not keeping sabbath on a Sunday in your opinion, wouldn't give us the MOB and therefore gives us salvation.[/size] You also said how one's own belief's have nothing to do with this law. Huh? Of course whether or not we are an Atheist, Jew, Christian, Muslim etc., has everything to do with this law. The whole idea of the law is based off of the Christian Bible, lol. And if this law had nothing to do with what anyone believes, than it shouldn't be a problem for many religious people, even though it's based in religion. Soo? I'm not understanding the big deal if you don't think it has anything to do with Jesus or salvation. Why do you care if you're taking the MOB and worshipping satan than?<br /><br /> I want to add that I am not disagreeing with much of TS' post at all; just Ron's beliefs and the idea that the old Ark is of importance. Ron believed in keeping sabbath (on Saturday), so for him, any other day would indeed be taking the MOB. That is why whether or not the sabbath part of this law is "taking the MOB", is most definitely dependant upon our personal beliefs. Also Im_convinced, I wasn't saying your posts were enticing paranoia because I don't; but my point is that paranoia and fear should not be more powerful than faith. And that is another reason why what we believe in matters. Keeping sabbath is an ancient law no longer imperative to our salvation. The MOB law is a mere man-made law. Neither of these laws can override how powerful faith alone in God is, if you believe in God. So even IF we were all forced to worship on a Sunday, don't you think God knows what is in our hearts and whom we really worship? I think so.<br /><br />And bindupbrokenhearted, great posts. You and jono save me alot of typing lol.<br />
    <br /><br />I have no clue how you see something that is not there. You are reading my posts incorrectly. Show me where I have said anything of the sort of what you are accusing me of. If you say I'm wrong than you better prove your right. smiley_spider<br /><br />
    on 1327974961:
    <br />@bindupbrokenhearted-<br /><br />Here is where your understanding is flawed. The mark of the beast law DOES NOT=keeping the Sabbath on the right day=Saturday. What the mark of the beast law is about is people who already are worshipping on the wrong day=Sunday. The mark of the beast law is about FORCING people to worship on the wrong day=Sunday. The right day for Sabbath keeping is Saturday=God's law. Worshipping on Sunday=Man's law. You aren't the only one who keeps making this mistake in thinking that IF people worship the Sabbath (on the right day)=mark of the beast.<br /><br />I hope this makes it clear for you what the info I am posting is really saying. I have said more than once that what I am posting is for the purpose of it being evidence for others to study and then MAKE up their OWN minds. I am not saying that what I am posting is the absolute right way and others way is wrong.<br /><br />[size=12pt]Also everyone who keeps going on about salvation and assuming I or anyone else who talks about the Sabbath has anything to do with each other. I never wrote about having to keep the Sabbath, being under legalistic law, having to do works to be saved, etc. The ones who are saying this have assumed in their own minds that is what we are saying. We aren't even saying anything about faith, salvation, or following the 10 commandments in order to be saved.[/size]<br /><br />If someone chooses to keep the Sabbath on the correct day then that is their spiritual choice. I never said IF you don't keep the correct Sabbath day that you won't be saved. What would be wrong with keeping the Sabbath because someone wants to do it and they are not being forced to do it? Keeping the correct Sabbath day is NOT considered a work anyways. Works=doing charity work and anything else people do thinking that will be enough for God to be impressed. <br /><br />I am very aware of what the meaning of being saved equals. <br /><br />Once someone chooses to follow Jesus it doesn't mean that you don't have to at LEAST TRY to be more like Jesus. As much as humanly possible every day we should try to turn away from sinful behavior.<br />
    <br /><br />I have not said that IF we refuse to worship on a forced Sunday Law that means we will not take the mark of the beast and therefore we will be saved. I have NOT wrote anything about salvation/being saved having to do with THE MARK OF THE BEAST. I have said that those are seperate subjects. I am posting information for others to actually click the links, go to the websites, read and make up your own mind. I haven't wrote anywhere that this is MY OPINION. I am copying and pasting information. If I write about the stuff I am posting (outside of copied text) it is my UNDERSTANDING of the issue.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Applehead, yes, the project TS/Front/Michael may be working on may well be End Times.  So, major, major, we have no idea.<br />Yes, there's knowledge, and then there's the practical application to fit it with today and our world-- and this crazy crazy hoax!!<br /><br /><br />Jono<br />
    Nooo! It's a spaceship!! Please watch: [color=rgb(64, 0, 64)]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11neMoelz8g#t=0m45s[/color]
    <br /><br /><br />I about died laughing!!!  /scream/ <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    on 1327970690:
    <br />@jono<;br /><br />I have started my Bible with the EOW, because that is the subject most relevant at the moment and while looking into that, and watching videos, I noticed that the minority thought the Sunday law would be the mark of the beast. Since I believe that the minority is usually right, I looked further into that with common sense and the Bible as source, and to me it is clear as day that the Sabbath will be very important in the future and that it is the most forgotten and dismissed commandment of the ten, even though God said REMEMBER it. I am working out my complete study now but that might take a while because I have done studies with people who do NOT believe the Sabbath should still be kept and I want to go into all their comments. One thing I noticed is that they who do not think the Sabbath should still be kept, usually give vague answers or no answer at all, while those who do believe it should still be kept, have amazing scriptural evidence and are able to answer to all the excuses from the ones that don't believe. So I will refrain from commentening on the Sabbath issue until I have everything ready and I will show you why I (and I am not an SDA at all, had never heard of them even before I started to study this) I believe that the Sabbath is not something that should be dismissed.<br />
    <br /><br />Matthew 7:14 (KJV)  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. :-)<br /><br />Here is a site I found that I am currently going through that may be helpful.  http://www.sabbath-day.net/  Of course I am doing so with Bible in hand (because I think for myself)  :)  (That was for you TS!)<br /><br />@Souza You are bang on about general evidence vs. specific scriptural evidence.  Well said!
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    michaeltheark001.jpg<br /><br />[size=14pt]More interesting INFO on this link: [/size]<br />http://g8ors.blogspot.com/2009/06/michael-and-ark.html<br /><br /> ;)<br /><br />michaeltheark002.jpg<br /><br />
  • on 1328008604:
    <br /> Im_convinced, I just read your post and no offense, but it makes zero sense. You contradicted yourself several times regarding the "Mark of the Beast" not having anything to do with salvation; yet you say "if we refuse to worship "God" (satan) on a Sunday than we are not receiving the mark." Thusly, not keeping sabbath on a Sunday in your opinion, wouldn't give us the MOB and therefore gives us salvation. You also said how one's own belief's have nothing to do with this law. Huh? Of course whether or not we are an Atheist, Jew, Christian, Muslim etc., has everything to do with this law. The whole idea of the law is based off of the Christian Bible, lol. And if this law had nothing to do with what anyone believes, than it shouldn't be a problem for many religious people, even though it's based in religion. Soo? [size=12pt]I'm not understanding the big deal if you don't think it has anything to do with Jesus or salvation. Why do you care if you're taking the MOB and worshipping satan than?[/size]
    <br /><br />First part of these last 2 lines: Exactly, you're not understanding what I have said. You are assuming that I have said that. Why would I care?... Very Ignorant question to ask me. I can't make it any clearer why I have been on this forum for 2 years helping as much as possible to bring forth the truth along with TS/Front/ and Many on this forum. My allegiance is known to those who have paid attention. I can't be any more obvious.<br /><br />
    I want to add that I am not disagreeing with much of TS' post at all; [size=12pt]just Ron's beliefs and the idea that the old Ark is of importance. Ron believed in keeping sabbath (on Saturday), so for him, any other day would indeed be taking the MOB. [/size] That is why whether or not the sabbath part of this law is "taking the MOB", is most definitely dependant upon our personal beliefs. Also Im_convinced, I wasn't saying your posts were enticing paranoia because I don't; but my point is that paranoia and fear should not be more powerful than faith. And that is another reason why what we believe in matters. Keeping sabbath is an ancient law no longer imperative to our salvation. The MOB law is a mere man-made law. Neither of these laws can override how powerful faith alone in God is, if you believe in God. So even IF we were all forced to worship on a Sunday, don't you think God knows what is in our hearts and whom we really worship? I think so.
    <br /><br />Can you imagine trying to see past what Ron's Religon/belief's might be or not and realize that the part about Ron finding the true ark of the covenant is what is important.<br /><br />
    18. Not Following Cunningly Devised Fables<br /><br />2 Peter 1:16, “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ …” <br /><br />[size=12pt]Most of us have been so accustomed to seeing and hearing fiction for so long, that it may be hard to believe the truth when we are confronted with it. But this is as far from fiction or a joke as it could possibly be—this is reality, to the fullest extent. [/size] <br /><br />It was on January 6, 1982, when Ron Wyatt discovered the anointed ark, hidden in a cave below the crucifixion site. This article and much of the information in it (especially the big picture) was never published until January 21, 2012; so thirty years later, the truth on the true ark is now coming out strong. Jesus was also on earth for thirty years, before the truth of His mission as the anointed Messiah came out strong (see Luke 3:21-23).
    <br /><br />My understanding of the scripture referenced is Peter has NOT followed a fable when he told people of the power and coming of our Lord Jesus. He told the truth. Now apply that to what TS is saying regarding Ron and the true ark of the covenant being found. To me he is saying that Ron and himself aren't following some cunningly devised fable but they are telling the truth.<br /><br />
    20 Why Can’t We See the Ark?<br /><br />Some ask why we can’t see the ark, if Ron really found it? What about the Israelites, did they have to see the ark physically, in order to believe that it existed? Remember, only the high priest was allowed to see the ark, and only on one day of the year (Yom Kippur). Also, the ark is still being guarded by the four angels; so nobody will see the ark without God allowing it (see Leviticus 16:12,13). In fact, Ron said that there were: “… six Israelis that died, in attempts to go in and move it [six men to move the ark!]. … But the men that went in to move it died, before they even got near the chamber.” (~44:00, ). <br />John 20:29 “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me [resurrected], thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” <br /><br />[size=12pt]God wants us to see the ark by faith. But not blind faith, gullibly believing everything that anyone tells us; no, we should have intelligent faith that is based upon plenty of evidence. Also, video of the ark and the tables of stone will be made public in the near future, shortly after the mark of the beast law is passed.[/size]
    <br /><br />I do not follow with blind faith. I follow because I have used intelligent faith by researching the evidence. That is how I have come to understand this subject. <br /><br />Do you understand why the true ark and the tables of stone will be made public once the MoB law is passed?<br /><br />My understanding of that is God will show himself to the world through the video of the true ark and his word. Why would he do that then? Because the devil/satan is going to LIE to us, deceive many, trying to make people believe he is God. So the REAL God will come along and shoot down Satan's lies and prove him to be a FAKE.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1328062907:
    <br />My understanding of that is God will show himself to the world through the video of the true ark and his word. Why would he do that then? Because the devil/satan is going to LIE to us, deceive many, trying to make people believe he is God. So the REAL God will come along and shoot down Satan's lies and prove him to be a FAKE.<br />
    <br /><br />I wish He would come today...right this moment.  Even without knowing for sure if I made the 'final cut' or passed His 'test(s)'...I just want to feel His presence and confirm what I KNOW to be true...deep in my soul.  In that one moment of actually seeing Him....and feeling my soul fully shine and love course through me at lightening speed...everything that is, was, or ever will be will cease to matter.  That's THE moment I'm waiting for...looking forward to....craving.  And with all my being...I believe we will see Him soon. <br /><br />I could replace He/His/Him in the above with Mike....and my feelings would be the same...no other words would need to be changed.  Seeing Mike again...in that moment...I will feel, if even for a second (but I know it will linger lol), 100% love...for everything and everyone....a 'snippet' of Heaven on Earth.  The ONLY moment that can ever, or will ever, top Mike's return....will be His.<br /><br />The lines blurred, though, awhile back....and everything is grey.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    It is very difficult to determine right/wrong, truth/false with matters of religion and belief. I wish TS would chime in and provide some light. There's so much dogma flying back n forth here... some of us are [I am] lost. The truth is what you make of it, in matters like this, I think. Perhaps in all matters. TS, I'm really going to give it the good Girl Scout try, but I'm feeling overwhelmed with the convo. Help?
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