TIAI March 6



    on 1336500093:
    <br />Maybe he retired the project due to lack of interest?<br />
    <br /><br /> :thjajaja121:  :thjajaja121:  :smiley-vault-misc-150:<br /><br />
    on 1336502183:
    <br />ohh I forgot to tell you guys! TS went on a vacation with Sim!<br />
    <br /><br />Hi @Lunattyk ; please pass my regards to @Simpattyk & TS since they are both on a vacation . she is lucky  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br /><br />@GINA we will see if your math works tomorrow  :icon_lol:<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Lunattyk, did she take him willingly or unwillingly?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />
    Gentlemen, I be placed in a bewilderment. There I were—resting, and of a sudden, I hear an ungodly rouw on deck…Would that be first-mate? Mutiny, now what fate befalls mutineers? Now we know the answer to that (as he pulls his sword from his scabbard) do we not.  MUTINEERS  HA-A-A-A-A-G!  $%&*@#%&;!!
    <br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1336497760:
    <br />Perhaps TS, or The Sign, is waiting for us to get back on topic, instead of keep pestering him for the next part! Or maybe he thought we really didn't really dissect/understand Sign 2 enough to move on. Or maybe he's having trouble composing Sign 3.  Or he's busy on other projects. Or it's not that important any more. IDK - how should any of us know when he doesn't talk to us!<br />
    <br />I see what you're saying. But I don't know what's to discuss on Sign 2. <br />By my understanding Sign 2 was designed more to inform people than to be dissected.
    on 1336504608:
    <br />@GINA we will see if your math works tomorrow  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br />In Romania there are 52 minutes left till tomorrow. We'll know soon enough  :icon_mrgreen:.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1336501315:
    <br />
    on 1336497760:
    <br />Perhaps TS, or The Sign, is waiting for us to get back on topic, instead of keep pestering him for the next part! Or maybe he thought we really didn't really dissect/understand Sign 2 enough to move on. Or maybe he's having trouble composing Sign 3.  Or he's busy on other projects. Or it's not that important any more. IDK - how should any of us know when he doesn't talk to us!<br />
    <br />I was thinking along similar lines.  I see some discussion trying to disprove what he's saying, as if his whole essay wasn't even important. That kinda bothers me, because then why even be here, if you don't agree with MJ. We're trying to understand the purpose of the hoax, short and long term, and we want to understand what it is that MJ wants to communicate to us on a deeper level, past the fun stuff. "Get to know the man we never knew."  If we believe in somebody and love them as we say, shouldn't that change us and our own thinking in some way as well, otherwise why say we love him and believe in him.  Or we somehow fit what we think he is saying with what we already believe, so we don't have to change anything. MJ says look in the mirror, and 'make that change'.  JMO but I see unwillingness to agree with what he is saying. Maybe we could discuss this a little, because this cuts to the core of who we are and why we're here. Do some of us secretly scoff and recoil at what he's saying, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge if what he's saying might be true. Just throwing out some thoughts. Perhaps none of this matters, and TS is on his schedule of when to put out Sign #3, and doesn't care how we receive or if we wrestle or not with Sign #1 or #2.  Do you think The Signs are a side issue for TS, or the main goal that all the other fun hoax stuff was to prepare us for?  Each of us remaining here, have various gifts/talents/knowlege areas to contribute to analyzing, connecting dots, and lay down organized discussion for these signs. Maybe each of us are waiting for someone else to do more IDK.<br /><br />
    In December of 2009, TS said the following: “Could there possibly be a relationship between the death hoax, and the unveiling of the Ark?  In fact, could both of these things be directly related to the end of the world (see R49)?..<br />Nobody is required to read or join in the religious discussion; but please do not say that topics about the Bible and God are unrelated to Michael and the hoax.  I have repeatedly shown that the Bible, including and especially the end of the world, is a significant part of the hoax (12:21 phone call timing, and much more).
    <br />
    <br /><br />@MJonmind, you raise some interesting points which I will mull over and come back tomorrow with my thoughts.  Right now though, I need sleep!
  • DontwalkawayDontwalkaway Posts: 849
    TS has told us that the bible, end time prophecy, and the ark are significant parts of the hoax.  There are a few of us still looking at sign 1 and sign 2 on the sister site Michael's Army of Love.  There are so many connections to Michael's songs, and messages and even hoax clues.  Also, current events, religion,politics,history and what is going on in science is all connected.  It's also connected to the bible and other texts.  It's amazing.  It will help you connect the dots.  It will help you find the truth about a lot of what is going on.  We have to find the real "history" etc. so we have to look at everything.      <br /><br />There's so much.  I am trying to read a little each day.  We posted information about the signs, the antichrist, prophecies of Daniel, book of revelation, book of Enoch etc.  This is directly related to the end times.    This is also related to the crop circles and the UFO sightings and abductions etc.  Even if you're not religious it's good to learn about everything including the bible.  And not only that, it's information that the "dark side" is using against us so we have to educate and search things out for ourselves.  They would like to keep us in the dark and deceive us if they can. <br /><br />Please join us over there.  I posted something for sign 2 a few days ago.  It was about "Baptism by Blood".  I was thinking that the Wave Sheaf and the Laver were related to baptism.  I don't really know.  It holds water which seems significant.  Also this festival is about resurrection and rebirth.  The wave sheaf offering is the first grain offering.  (spring, new beginnings).  Also, to calculate the festival of first fruits you have to know the day of the wave sheaf offering.  This day of first fruits represents rebirth and resurrection.  It was said that Jesus was resurrected on the day of first fruits. So this day seems important.  The problem is that we found out there are different calendars.  You have to calculate the days according to how God/creator said to do it.      <br />Also, we were talking about the many references to "blood".  During the last supper Jesus asks the disciples to drink wine which represents his blood.  This was an everlasting covenant.  There are also references to water during the story of the last supper.  There was a man with a jug of water who stood at the gates of the city so the apostles could find where to go for the last supper.  Some of us were following the jugs of Fuji water during the hoax so it seemed similar.  I can't explain it all on here.  There is more on the other site.<br /><br />So do you see how everything is becoming connected ?  Illuminati/military-industrial complex/ TPTB want to keep us in the dark about true history,politics,science etc.  There is a lot of hidden information.  The NWO want to take over the world.  They could use a fake ark, fake messiah/ ant-christ, fake or real UFO's, project blue beam and many other things to deceive us.  What about the mark of the beast, RFID chips, forced vaccinations etc.  They can use a lot of evil.  They can use the division between race and religions against us. They can cause economic collapse so they can take over and do what they want ?    Some religious organizations are deceitful.  You have to investigate and try to learn the truth for yourself. <br /><br />Sorry for going on so long but I think we can help each other discover and spread information and truth.  How else are we going to heal the world and spread love ???<br />We have to know who to trust.<br /><br />Love You All<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br />  <br /><br />
  • DontwalkawayDontwalkaway Posts: 849
    on 1336507594:
    <br />
    on 1336497760:
    <br />Perhaps TS, or The Sign, is waiting for us to get back on topic, instead of keep pestering him for the next part! Or maybe he thought we really didn't really dissect/understand Sign 2 enough to move on. Or maybe he's having trouble composing Sign 3.  Or he's busy on other projects. Or it's not that important any more. IDK - how should any of us know when he doesn't talk to us!<br />
    <br />I see what you're saying. But I don't know what's to discuss on Sign 2. <br />By my understanding Sign 2 was designed more to inform people than to be dissected.
    <br /><br /><br />I agree with you Gina.  I think Sign 2 was to inform people.  He is saying that knowing the furniture and festivals is important.  We should discuss the information presented and also research it.  There is a lot of information regarding the creators calendar, the festivals and furniture.  There are a ton of websites and videos.  We have to understand how this was set up because it is our practice/lessons for what to do/look for during the end times.  Maybe TS is waiting for people to start discussing and researching ??  He/she can't do everything for us.  We have to read,question,search for ourselves.  We have to start connecting things together.  <br /><br /><br />
  • :abouttime:  ~ for another post.  or, is this a test of patience  :smiley-vault-misc-150::icon_bounce: <br /> :compute: TS we come daily for a new post only to see the same thing :computer-losy-smiley:.  hopefully you have something special brewing :ghsdf: and this is why the wait is so long.  we all hope everything is o.k.  :confused:.  if u haven't noticed i'm bored with waiting  ::) that's why i'm playing with these icons.  i'll just shut up now  :-X and walk away  :moonwalk_:.  here's to seeing a new post soon :beerchug:.....pleeease :bowdown:  :LolLolLolLol:,  :omg: i'm starting to have to much fun with this :woohoo2:        party over here :multiplespotting:    o.k. i'm out :icon_redface:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Dontwalkaway: I admire your drive and the efforts you're making in relation to this subject. it's the second time you made me want to register on the other forum, which I finally did, tonight, but... Jesus... the amount of what's there!! just scared me before I even started! <br />Already investigating the HOAX + creating stuff + sharing it via FB, forum, YT, occupies ALL my spare time - it has all become like my all time favorite hobby! But this "hobby" + the job completely leave me powerless! which is why I've had the worst days lately in terms of moral and emotional equilibrium, I'm just so tired, drained of forces actually! lost patience ...and in a moment of craziness I even lost faith in this whole hoax thing! I really feel like taking a BREAK you know... <br /><br />I know I may sound like a lazy ignorant right now,  but it's just too much information on a field that I've never studied! and to be sincere all the way it never even interested me!! I've always regarded it like "OK, I know God exists, I pray to God , I have faith in him, I try to leave my life in such a way as not to harm anyone around me nor myself, I always follow the best principles in life, but that's it!" .... going to Church daily, studying the Bible, embracing one religion or another, this was never ME !! I'm not for this! it's just like tastes if we can make an analogy! I've always been attracted to learn foreign languages, but I was always a catastrophe in physics and in maths! other people are more attracted to certain things than other people!<br /><br />What you guys have been doing on that forum is great! Tons and tons of articles, links, sites, long comments and interpretations, etc... that's for passionate people! Not for NON-initiates like me who only read these things thinking that MJ has related them somehow to the hoax!<br /><br />If the EOW is coming.... well I am off-guard with that info anyway! There's no more time left for me to catch up with all that anyway! I will at least take a look here and there and I will follow with great interest what TS has to write ...and probably research that, but that's it for me! As I said it's just too much already with the hoax and everything!! I don't want to lose completely my mind!! Because after all these hoax years I sure don't feel as normal as I was before lmfao  :icon_lol: :icon_lol:<br /><br />If TS is waiting for us to do more research on this subject than we already did...If that's the reason why he doesn't post anymore, then I guess we'll never hear from him... <br /><br /><br />Ok, that was SimPattyK calling from vacation!  :icon_geek: :icon_lol: <br /><br />Now  LunattyK says Goodnight to you all!<br /> :bearhug:
  • DontwalkawayDontwalkaway Posts: 849
    Sim,<br /><br />I hope you feel better.  If you take a break you probably will.  I didn't start studying the bible until this year either.  There are also other stories and prophecies from the Mayans,Native Americans etc.  It's all connected to everything that's going on in the world.<br />I think one of the major reasons if not the major reason for the death hoax is to fulfill bible prophecy and maybe other prophecies.  <br />    I have to work also but I think it's important to do this so I'll do some each day.  Michael's giving us clues in order to know what's important to look at such as water,blood,dove,holy spirit,egyptians,moon,throne etc.  That's how I'm narrowing it down and finding things.  I don't even know how it's working but it is.<br /><br />So, thanks Michael so much.  Love you.<br /><br /><br /> :bearhug:  feel better SimPattyK<br /><br /> <br /><br />
    My opinion is that the signs would have received more attention if posted right here, not on the other forum. Well, it's just my opinion.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    It is so hard to have Bible related discussions without seeming disrespectful and dismissive, which is why I rarely attempt it, but @MJonmind, I said I'd get back to you and I've responded to your comments below (quotes from you are in italics).<br /><br />I was thinking along similar lines.  I see some discussion trying to disprove what he's saying, as if his whole essay wasn't even important. That kinda bothers me, because then why even be here, if you don't agree with MJ. <br /><br />Hasn't all of this open-minded hoax investigation been about teaching us to discuss, dissect, TRY to disprove commonly held beliefs, and take nothing as truth no matter who delivers it, without thorough research. I don't ever remember MJ or TS or The Sign say I have to agree with him, and Front most definitely said I don't, in order to be included and have a place in his forest or on his hoax train.<br /><br />We're trying to understand the purpose of the hoax, short and long term, and we want to understand what it is that MJ wants to communicate to us on a deeper level, past the fun stuff. "Get to know the man we never knew."  If we believe in somebody and love them as we say, shouldn't that change us and our own thinking in some way as well, otherwise why say we love him and believe in him.<br /><br />It is totally possible to love and respect someone without sharing all of their beliefs. Isn't that what real love is all about, accepting differences without feeling threatened or defensive - after all, it's easy to love someone who is basically the same as ourselves!<br /><br />Or we somehow fit what we think he is saying with what we already believe, so we don't have to change anything. MJ says look in the mirror, and 'make that change'.<br /><br />Can't disagree with that last sentence. It's the key to everything - "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi  <br /><br />JMO but I see unwillingness to agree with what he is saying. Maybe we could discuss this a little, because this cuts to the core of who we are and why we're here. Do some of us secretly scoff and recoil at what he's saying, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge if what he's saying might be true. <br /><br />That is a possibility. I am working on the 'who I am' bit and as of now I cannot embrace Biblical and God-related ideas. I'll leave it at that for now.<br /><br />Just throwing out some thoughts. Perhaps none of this matters, and TS is on his schedule of when to put out Sign #3, and doesn't care how we receive or if we wrestle or not with Sign #1 or #2.  Do you think The Signs are a side issue for TS, or the main goal that all the other fun hoax stuff was to prepare us for?  Each of us remaining here, have various gifts/talents/knowlege areas to contribute to analyzing, connecting dots, and lay down organized discussion for these signs. <br /><br />I think the Signs are a major, if not the main, goal, yes.  And that takes me back to Front's forest!<br /><br />Maybe each of us are waiting for someone else to do more IDK.<br /><br />I am the only one responsible for me.<br /><br />Now I'm late for work! Catch up with you later. xx  :bearhug:<br />
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    I think sometimes we forget TS is human.  ;)  It HAS been a long time since the last post/sign and instead of calling out to him, making demands of a new sign, I can't help but be a little concerned.<br /><br />I think we, as a group, should pray for TS.  Like I said, he's human... he has a life.  We have no clue really what is going on in his world. <br /><br />You know?  What if he got injured?  What if he was a regular Joe (no pun intended) with a corporate job that he has now lost due to recession and has no place to live?  What if his computer died and he can't afford a new one?  What if he is dealing with a personal crisis?  What if? What if? What if? There are so many things that COULD be going on!<br /><br />So could you all do me a favor and take a moment sometime today and just say a prayer that WHATEVER is going on in the world of TS, that God be with him and deliver him back to what GOD wants him to be doing.<br /><br />Thanks everyone.<br /><br />And TS.... I miss you... I appreciate you...  and I pray I am totally overreacting in my what ifs  :over-react-smiley:<br />I'm praying for you and that you will honor God with your life, you will be strong, and you will fight to do what God needs you to do for His purpose in your life.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1336541817:
    <br />My opinion is that the signs would have received more attention if posted right here, not on the other forum. Well, it's just my opinion.<br />
    <br />Probably but you know all the complaining before...<br /><br />Simpa, you know what else I appreciate about you --you keep it real!<br /><br />Dontwalkaway, in your sweet manner you read and watch everything others suggest (don't know how you do it all :affraid:), and you keep such an open mind--comparing, connecting, not disdaining anything, or staying safe with established pre-conceived beliefs.<br /> :th_bravo:<br /><br />Lilwendy<br />
    I think sometimes we forget TS is human.
    <br />That's what makes him perfect for the job!  A perfect representative (Agent MJ  :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile) for planet Earth!<br />
    What if? What if? What if?
    <br />I agree we should keep him/them in our hearts and prayers!<br /><br />Curls, thanks for your responses!<br />
    Hasn't all of this open-minded hoax investigation been about teaching us to discuss, dissect, TRY to disprove commonly held beliefs, and take nothing as truth no matter who delivers it, without thorough research. I don't ever remember MJ or TS or The Sign say I have to agree with him, and Front most definitely said I don't, in order to be included and have a place in his forest or on his hoax train.
    <br />The only way we will know if the popular Christian escatological interpretation or MJ's thinking is correct is after it all happens. So far who can know. The theologians and avid students of the literal Bible approach are sure theirs is sound, and confidently call it 'the truth', and TS puts out his teaching calling it "first time ever revealed" :icon_eek: :icon_e_biggrin:.  Pretty bold and cocky I'd say! :icon_mrgreen: And I like it, cuz I like MJ!!  <br /><br />Well Jesus hasn't come yet after 2000 years, and Christians have speculated that many horrible people through the centuries were the Anti-christ, including Hitler.  They've put out their dates, and detailed exegesis's resulting in a mind-numbing array of what is what. Libraries are full of them.  Prophecy conventions abound all over the place with Doctors and Professors pontificating eloquently.  I've listened to that all my life.  But...if Jesus actually lived, why did he fulfill the aspects of some Egyptian deities like die and be raised 3 days later, have 12 disciples, etc.  I've also read that the Bible may have been intended to have a cryptic layer of symbolic meaning for the elite (the gods), and to be taken more literally for the masses to keep them in control.  <br /><br />Maybe MJ is beating the elite (the gods) at their own game. He'll use Scripture the way he jolly-well feels like it, and turn the tables on their heads.  Instead of an end-time scenario of death and destruction for billions of people on earth like Revelation foretells, the outcome can be changed.  Is it all God's game, does He have another possible ending--provided someone is willing to stand up to Him, and say I challenge you?  And God says, OKay let's play!  We only THINK the Bible tells us everything we need to know about God.  I do firmly believe in a Creator--Intelligent Designer, but beyond that I don't believe the Bible tells us everything by a long shot.  <br /><br />I'd really like to see where MJ/TS/Elvis take us with all the Signs, cuz I'm done with religion--that bubble has burst for me and I'll never go back. Whether there are billions of other planets out there with life/beings via UFO's that may have been involved with genetic life here (whites with blacks), and whether Reptilians live among us that connect to the Royals, NWO, Jews, bankers, Anti-christ, etc., whether earth's long history includes many, many cycles of re-creation, new story-plot and destruction (like Genesis to Revelation) --all of them are still under the control of the Master Designer, who can do whatever the  %*; He wants to.  We're all specks of His imagination!  Well, there's some of my musings!!  So sorry!! :)
    on 1336550187:
    <br />I think sometimes we forget TS is human.  ;)  It HAS been a long time since the last post/sign and instead of calling out to him, making demands of a new sign, I can't help but be a little concerned.<br /><br />I think we, as a group, should pray for TS.  Like I said, he's human... he has a life.  We have no clue really what is going on in his world. <br /><br />You know?  What if he got injured?  What if he was a regular Joe (no pun intended) with a corporate job that he has now lost due to recession and has no place to live?  What if his computer died and he can't afford a new one?  What if he is dealing with a personal crisis?  What if? What if? What if? There are so many things that COULD be going on!<br /><br />So could you all do me a favor and take a moment sometime today and just say a prayer that WHATEVER is going on in the world of TS, that God be with him and deliver him back to what GOD wants him to be doing.<br /><br />Thanks everyone.<br /><br />And TS.... I miss you... I appreciate you...  and I pray I am totally overreacting in my what ifs  :over-react-smiley:<br />I'm praying for you and that you will honor God with your life, you will be strong, and you will fight to do what God needs you to do for His purpose in your life.<br />
    <br />I don't think it's something wrong with TS. He is very much alive and well. I pray for Michael (Jackson the King of Pop, so there's no confusion). Selfish I know. But he's the center of this hoax world and the reason why I am here.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Thanks for your 'musings' MJonmind!<br /><br />You know, the hurdle I can never get over, and believe me I have tried many times over the course of many years (bear in mind I'm old!) is that the Bible (going along for a while with the huge assumption that it is 'from God', and the huge assumption that He exists in the first place, and without these assumptions it is no more than a work of literature), is impossible to comprehend without help and that 'help' is purely another man's interpretation, or worse still an organised religion's interpretation. I find it arrogant of mankind to think we are so clever as to know it all, to have worked it all out.<br /><br />I am open-minded enough to appreciate that the myriad of details in signs 1 and 2 MAY be building up to the proof of something huge as the Signs move on, and that's why I am still watching here. But I have to admit that right now they seem like distracting 'clutter' that has nothing to do with what we, as members of the human race, should be seeking - to find the man/woman we really are, to find our hidden depths, to be the best we can be. That is what I believe brings about change, like ripples in water, and while I understand that many do that with the assistance of a belief in God, I personally don't feel that need. I think we have all we need already within each one of us.<br /><br />I hope no-one is offended by anything I've said.
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    on 1336579131:
    <br />Thanks for your 'musings' MJonmind!<br /><br />You know, the hurdle I can never get over, and believe me I have tried many times over the course of many years (bear in mind I'm old!) is that the Bible (going along for a while with the huge assumption that it is 'from God', and the huge assumption that He exists in the first place, and without these assumptions it is no more than a work of literature), is impossible to comprehend without help and that 'help' is purely another man's interpretation, or worse still an organised religion's interpretation. I find it arrogant of mankind to think we are so clever as to know it all, to have worked it all out.<br /><br />I am open-minded enough to appreciate that the myriad of details in signs 1 and 2 MAY be building up to the proof of something huge as the Signs move on, and that's why I am still watching here. But I have to admit that right now they seem like distracting 'clutter' that has nothing to do with what we, as members of the human race, should be seeking - to find the man/woman we really are, to find our hidden depths, to be the best we can be. That is what I believe brings about change, like ripples in water, and while I understand that many do that with the assistance of a belief in God, I personally don't feel that need. I think we have all we need already within each one of us.<br /><br />I hope no-one is offended by anything I've said.<br />
    <br /><br />I tend to agree.  Great post, Curls.  :icon_e_smile:
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    TS would never just leave, IMO.. We know Michael he always waits. He'll stop right in the middle of a song and just freeze. It makes it more intense.. the crowd goes insane, just by him turning his head! :icon_e_smile:
  • DontwalkawayDontwalkaway Posts: 849
    MJonMind<br /><br />I Love All Your Musings and I think your pretty open-minded too.  That's how we'll expand our horizons and go forward.<br /><br />Love You All
    on 1336507701:
    <br />
    on 1336504608:
    <br />@GINA we will see if your math works tomorrow  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br />In Romania there are 52 minutes left till tomorrow. We'll know soon enough  :icon_mrgreen:.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_mrgreen: it seems that your math went all down the toilet  :icon_lol:
    on 1336671214:
    <br />
    on 1336507701:
    <br />
    on 1336504608:
    <br />@GINA we will see if your math works tomorrow  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br />In Romania there are 52 minutes left till tomorrow. We'll know soon enough  :icon_mrgreen:.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_mrgreen: it seems that your math went all down the toilet  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /> :icon_lol:<br />May I dare to make a new "prediction"  :icon_lol:?<br />Better not :suspect:!<br />Ok, this time I place my bet on next Wednesday :bowdown:<br /> :icon_lol:
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    on 1336672269:
    <br />
    on 1336671214:
    <br />
    on 1336507701:
    <br />
    on 1336504608:
    <br />@GINA we will see if your math works tomorrow  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br />In Romania there are 52 minutes left till tomorrow. We'll know soon enough  :icon_mrgreen:.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_mrgreen: it seems that your math went all down the toilet  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /> :icon_lol:<br />May I dare to make a new "prediction"  :icon_lol:?<br />Better not :suspect:!<br />Ok, this time I place my bet on next Wednesday :bowdown:<br /> :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /><br />Hey.. from Thriller! "See you next Wednesday" you might be right Gina  :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_cool:
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    on 1336672269:
    <br /> :icon_lol:<br />May I dare to make a new "prediction"  :icon_lol:?<br />Better not :suspect:!<br />Ok, this time I place my bet on next Wednesday :bowdown:<br /> :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /><br />you'll eventually get it right if you keep trying
    on 1336683234:
    <br />
    on 1336672269:
    <br /> :icon_lol:<br />May I dare to make a new "prediction"  :icon_lol:?<br />Better not :suspect:!<br />Ok, this time I place my bet on next Wednesday :bowdown:<br /> :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /><br />you'll eventually get it right if you keep trying<br />
    <br />thanx doc
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    New Mayan Calendar Discovered That Doesn't End in 2012 - Yahoo! News<br /><br />
    New Mayan Calendar Discovered That Doesn't End in 2012<br /><br />By Dashiell Bennett | The Atlantic Wire – 7 hrs ago<br /><br />Archeologists have unearthed what they say is the oldest known version of the Mayan calendar and one that doesn't "end" with the Earth's destruction later this year. Yeah, you're welcome.<br /><br />RELATED: Big Hats, Eye Candy, and Doomsday Dates<br /><br />According to The Washington Post's Brian Vastag, researchers excavating the "lost" city of Xultún in present-day Guatemala discovered new astronomical tables carved into the wall of a "1200-year-old residential building." Much like the Maya codices that conspiracy theorists say predict an end-of-the-world date in December 2012, the tables chart planetary movements, moon and star patterns, and can predict the positions of celestial bodies thousands of years into the past and the future.<br /><br />Numerous doomsday predictions are based on the claim that previously known codieces, like the famous Dresden Codex, chart the entire length of human history, but mysteriously stop on December 21, 2012 as if the Mayans knew that would be the last day humans would be around. However, the archeologists say that these the newly discovered tables — which pre-date the oldest known codex by as much as 500 years — span over 7,000 years of time, stretching far beyond of present age. So, you can breathe a little easier, though the news will come as a big shock to the tourism industry in Belize and other "entreprenuers" who are willing to take all your money off your hands before the big one hits.<br /><br />If you still need something to panic about, Tulane University’s Marc Zender, who led the expedition, says that the Mayan calendar still begins a new “long cycle” in 2012, but compares he compares to an "odometer on a car rolling over from 99,999 miles to zero: “You go, ‘Yay,’ but the car just doesn’t disappear.” Oh, really? Well, we'll see about that.
    <br /><br />So the Mayans don't seem to have predicted EOW occurring on 12-21-12 as previously believed. I wonder how/if this changes things for The Signs project.<br /><br />I do find it more then a little convenient that this "new" discovery happened in 2012.
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