Katherine Jackson versus AEG set for trial 9-10-2012



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    The article didn't say anything about a possible exhumation or did I miss it. 
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1363333533:
    <br />In the two days we've been offline (anyone know what that was all about??) I've been looking at stuff relating to this trial. I found this summary which may be of interest: <br /><br />http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/civilcasesummarynet/ui/casesummary.aspx?CT=CI<br /><br />N.B. The case number is BC445597 which it doesn't seem to remember, so I think you have to type it in each time you visit the page.<br />
    <br /><br />I just looked at the updates to the summary. Has the list of notices - intent to use video recording depositions. <br />
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1367116256:
    <br />They could do a request for exhumation !  Digging up a dead body or empty casket ?  This really is a THRILLER, all right !      :affraid:<br /><br />    <br /> :omg: <br />
    <br /><br />Empty casket of course !!!!  ;D.....We are  going on something of very important I think  ;D<br />
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Hey guys, let's keep our imaginations under control here! :icon_lol:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    It's been said Michael wanted to do these concerts<br />in part to show his children what he does.  AEG needs to <br />remember that what he does is create worlds a part <br />from all reality. When I watch his concerts even on DVD ,<br />I am transported into a magical world of music and talent <br />by him and all the people that make those concerts happen.<br />It was said on TII that this was to be an entirely new concert<br />experience....yep, it is.  I would venture to say the kids <br />and family have seen the most amazing transformation <br />of their loved one.  He has not only shown them what he <br />does, but he has shown them how to live life to the fullest<br />with love.  AEG is a major force ..... But for who? <br />I am in constant awe of the brilliance .....gotta love it : )<br />Blessings Always<br /><br />*plz excuse typos ..... On my stupendous Star Trek device <br />Iphone : )
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1367121176:
    <br />The article didn't say anything about a possible exhumation or did I miss it. <br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I know,  I thought on that for it said Marvin  Putnam, could  request if truth AEG believes that MJ is alive. 
  • <br />@Bec, You're right.  The article did not say anything about an exhumation.  We were just thinking that maybe it could be requested by AEG's lawyer.  I just got excited thinking about it.  We'll have to wait and see what happens.  <br /><br />Thanks Curls, I'm back to "calm"    :icon_cool:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Third time, the exhumation i mentioned I
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    :ghsdf:<br /><br /><br />                         
  • have no doubt this is all scripted and planned. the lot.<br />this has to be the beginning of the end! or the start of a new era, whichever way you look at it!<br /><br />omgosh, so excited right now abt this trial.<br /><br />how poetic, MJ song playing in the courtroom. lol. this is another master piece, murray trial part 2 - all part of the show.<br /><br />http://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/29/showbiz/jackson-death-trial-opens/index.html<br /><br /><br />where are the elephants?  :icon_razz: :icon_razz: :icon_razz:
  • The concert promoter has no choice to reveal Jackson's "deepest, darkest secret" because the company must defend itself from the accusation from Jackson's family that it is responsible for the pop icon's death, Marvin Putnam said.<br /><br /><br />hmmm... wonder what that secret might be...<br /><br /><br />
  • on 1367330133:
    <br />The concert promoter has no choice to reveal Jackson's "deepest, darkest secret" because the company must defend itself from the accusation from Jackson's family that it is responsible for the pop icon's death, Marvin Putnam said.<br /><br /><br />hmmm... wonder what that secret might be...<br />
    <br /><br />WOW WOW WOW  :omg:  Aussie thanks for highlighting that paragraph, Marvin Putman must be in on it for sure because I think this has been one of the most shocking sentences said up to now in this hoax I think this is the "KEY OF THE HOAX" think about it, what is it what AEG has to reveal to defend itself from Jackson's family which are suing AEG for MJ's wrongful death?? it's crystal clear: AEG has to reveal MJ IS ALIVE in order not have to pay those 40 billions to them  :th_bravo:
  • ShyBleuEyesShyBleuEyes Posts: 623
    ABC7 Court News‏@ABC7Courts18m <br />Senneff: I came in to that front door and saw what later I found out was Dr. Murray and a patient on the bed<br /><br />ABC7 Court News@ABC7Court<br />Senneff: He was leaning over the patient, patient laying on the bed, dr Murray standing there and they were moving the patient to the floor.<br /><br />ABC7 Court News‏@ABC7Courts27m <br />"When I first walked in, I asked dr Murray is the patient had a DNR," Senneff recalled.. DNR= Don Not Ressuscitate.<br /><br />Makes me think of a DWD patient. <br /><br /><br /><br />At the 911 call the operator said to the man at the phone that they have to take the patient from the bed to the floor.<br /><br /> /><br />But now Seneff said that they found the patient at the bed!
  • More updates:<br /><br />ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m<br /><br />Senneff: "Once someone said his name, I looked at the patient's face and saw it was Michael Jackson."<br />Expand<br />ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m<br /><br />Senneff said initially he was not able to identify the patient, but as it progressed someone said his name was Michael Jackson<br />Expand<br />ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m<br /><br />Panish showed pic with IV pole, IV bag and oxygen tank. Another picture showed bedside table with pill bottles, water bottle, juice bottle<br />Expand<br />ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m<br /><br />Senneff said he saw an IV pole and an IV bag on the pole, along with an oxygen tank. There were medicine bottles on the nightstand.<br />Expand<br />ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m<br /><br />Senneff: "Patient looked underweight to me." He also said he "appeared to be chronically ill."<br />Expand<br />ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m<br /><br />Panish: How was the patient? Senneff: "To me he looked at the end stage"<br /><br />To describe someone as at the end stage would be when this person has been ill for a long time, and has now reached the end stage,meaning that the person is very close to dying.  Cancer patients usually are described in that way or to be more accurate any person who has been ill for a long period of time.
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1367355136:
    <br /><br />Makes me think of a DWD patient. <br />
    <br /><br />
    on 1367360874:
    <br />Senneff: "Patient looked underweight to me." He also said he "appeared to be chronically ill."<br />Expand<br />ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m<br /><br />Panish: How was the patient? Senneff: "To me he looked at the end stage"<br /><br />To describe someone as at the end stage would be when this person has been ill for a long time, and has now reached the end stage,meaning that the person is very close to dying.  Cancer patients usually are described in that way or to be more accurate any person who has been ill for a long period of time.<br />
    <br /><br />Exactly, a DWD patient. <br />So how does a drug addict or someone as ill as a cancer patient do what MJ did in 'This is it' footage two days prior to death? And nobody thinks this is weird. I guess MJ was superhuman.
  • [size=12pt]I don't remember this level of description of the patient being pursued in detail in the first trial.  Statements like that were kind of passed over if I remember.  It sure makes the DWD option seem more plausible though I know that some here don't accept that possibility.  One thing I know for certain...after sitting with several family members through their "end stage"...there is no way an end stage hospice patient is even standing on a stage...much less dancing and singing!  Definitely two different people IMO.  <br />[/size]
  • DWD patient option does seem pausible, for those who don't accept that possibility I would tell them that dying being helped by somebody wealthy who can provide him a nice scenario where to die with dignity taking the place of the most famous entertainer on earth and maybe with the possibility of getting a good sum of money left for his family makes Michael to be a pious man, don't you think is nicer to die in this conditions than maybe alone and sad? 
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1367330133:
    <br />The concert promoter has no choice to reveal Jackson's "deepest, darkest secret" because the company must defend itself from the accusation from Jackson's family that it is responsible for the pop icon's death, Marvin Putnam said.<br /><br /><br />hmmm... wonder what that secret might be...<br />
    <br /><br /><br />+1... waiting for...
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1367364098:
    <br />DWD patient option does seem pausible, for those who don't accept that possibility I would tell them that dying being helped by somebody wealthy who can provide him a nice scenario where to die with dignity taking the place of the most famous entertainer on earth and maybe with the possibility of getting a good sum of money left for his family makes Michael to be a pious man, don't you think is nicer to die in this conditions than maybe alone and sad? <br />
    <br /><br /><br />I don't think anyone would want to die alone and sad and would seek another option if they could.  A terminally ill woman in Canada recently went to Switzerland to end her suffering because they have assisted suicide there.  Her story has re-opened debate as to whether assisted suicide should still be illegal in Canada.<br /><br />I could accept the DWD theory if the major objections were reasonably explained.  Like the ambulance driver's actions (backwards and slow).  The ambulance photo, though we know is faked, which has never been acknowledged or contested by the ambulance crew, clearly shows a vibrant(ish)-looking Michael.  Was the 911 call even real because it apparently never hit the scanners so how would an ambulance even know show up?  Senneff's testimony would have everyone think that Michael was long dead but they still worked on him.  Yes, because Murray pulled rank and wouldn't call the death but the ER doctors then supposedly worked on the obviously dead corpse for over an hour longer.  A terminally ill patient's illness would show up in the autopsy.  So if those who came into contact with the "body" needed to already be in on it, who is it fooling?  This has all been said before but is worth repeating now.  La Toya said the body looked like Michael was just sleeping and this was weeks after "death" - this isn't in line with the terminally ill patient description that is on record.  I'm not opposed or even unaccepting to the DWD theory, I just need to understand for myself the need for it and the obvious objections to be overcome.  TS's theory also depends on a lot of "ifs" which doesn't sit well with me either.  It's not a matter of being stubborn, it's lacking right pieces of the puzzle to make this theory fit - properly - and not trying to force it.  And as I said in another thread, Senneff's new testimony seems more in line with TS's theory than ever before which DOES make it suspect, imo.
  • I don't believe DWD scenario, but IF it were true, the motivation would be completely for self agenda / self serving reasons, not to "help someone die with dignity" and for 'pious' reasons. Jmo. <br /><br />Yes MJ is manipulative, puppetmaster, mastermind etc etc but using a DWD patient to your advantage is beyond unethical. Not judging any one person in particular, but I sometimes wonder if some hoaxers are ok with DWD scenario because its Michael Jackson. If president Bush or Hitler used same DWD scenario to hoax his death would it be viewed kind, generous even pious??<br /><br />Yes its 'nicer' to die in conditions where your family is left with a lot of money, but that is not reality. Hundreds of thousands of people die everyday alone and sad and broke.<br /><br />This is all about Justice. Exploitation is not Justice.<br /><br />Again jmo. Not judging anyone for their personal opinion.<br /><br />Peace
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />And now Senneff is saying the ambulance photo is legit!  LOL!<br /><br />ABC7 Court News@ABC7Courts5m<br />Senneff said everybody was following the ambulance. He was shown a picture of MJ inside the ambulance and confirmed it was legit.<br />
  • Forgot to add. My post was NOT to say that euthenesia itself was unethical. Not at all. In specific this proposed scenario of capitalising on the death of someone else to propel your own justice / vindication...<br /><br />Come on. That is so not MJ!!!<br />BUT, is it like MJ to let us believe and draw conclusions and make assumptions re: DWD based on all the little gems / statements that are thrown our way?? Absolutely!! <br /><br />We know MJ is master of illusion, disguise, trickery, doubles etc etc. with all of these talents that he has mastered to a fine art, it makes sense such tactics would be employed in hoax scenario instead of methods (DWD) that have potential to backfire because of whistleblowers. Lets face it ppl love to make a dollar trying to sell secrets. MJ spent years perfecting illusion. Its all illusion. Illusion is uncomplicated. DWD scenario isnt.<br /><br />Also, I tend to think if coroner was in on writing false AR report then that scenario requires less people to be in the know than DWD scenario. Looking after a sick person for months at Carolwood?<br /><br />For so many reasons, I think it's impossible. Aside the ethical issues.<br />[size=12pt]<br />**I EDITED THIS POST**[/size]
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1367369270:
    <br /> And now Senneff is saying the ambulance photo is legit!  LOL!<br /><br />ABC7 Court News@ABC7Courts5m<br />Senneff said everybody was following the ambulance. He was shown a picture of MJ inside the ambulance and confirmed it was legit.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />
    Senneff said when he moved MJ, he felt he did not have a pulse. His pupils were fixed and dilated, eyes were quite dried
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />In the photo had the eyes closed
  • brilliant points you re highlight Andrea! DWD didn't sit well with me during TS discussion and it still doesnt now for all the reasons you mentioned :smiley_abuv:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />Thanks Aussie, you too!  I especially agree with what you said here:<br /><br />
    We know MJ is master of illusion, disguise, trickery, doubles etc etc. with all of these talents that he has mastered to a fine art, it makes sense such tactics would be employed in hoax scenario instead of methods (DWD) that have potential to backfire because of whistleblowers. Lets face it ppl love to make a dollar trying to sell secrets. MJ spent years perfecting illusion. Its all illusion. Illusion is uncomplicated. DWD scenario isnt.
    <br /><br /><br />It's determining the truth from the illusion that's tricky because it's all so perfectly interwoven.  And actually, it's reflective of the state of the world now and throughout history - truth vs illusion.<br />
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