Katherine Jackson reported missing for more than a week..homicide squad involved



  • I forgot to add, in addition we all need to calm down. This is not unlike other .PR stunts they have pulled in the past 30 but especially past 3 years
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    It´s 2.45 AM over here in Germany *Yawn*<br /><br />Jermaine please have mercy  :smiley-vault-misc-150:<br /><br /> :icon_lol:
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    MaryK,  I don't think there is coming new news now. Just in a couple of days maybe. Goodnight from Holland  :D
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    on 1342977246:
    <br /> :icon_e_confused: Just called.  The person answered.  I told him the number was put on twitter as being security for Katherine Jackson & I was trying to find out if it was a hoax.  He said no it is not a hoax.  I asked him if Mrs. Jackson was indeed missing.  He said “yes”.  I asked him what the public could do to assist and he said if we have any info about here whereabouts, please call them. :icon_e_confused:  He sounded like one of the security guards from the trials.  However, this makes me wonder yet again about Michael and danger.  Is this someone trying to find Mrs. Jackson for sinister rather than wholesome reasons?  I find it very strange that this number is being put out on twitter.  Very strange.  :ghsdf:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />This made me recall reading something from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_reality_game  <br />"Narratives present a fully realized world: any phone number or email address mentioned works, and any website acknowledged exists...Some events involve meetings or live phone calls between players and actors."<br /><br />
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    Well, then all of that money we were reading about  ("Estate clears debts")  is becoming very handy to create all that  :LolLolLolLol:<br />Could it be that everything is created?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1343005636:
    <br />
    on 1342977246:
    <br /> :icon_e_confused: Just called.  The person answered.  I told him the number was put on twitter as being security for Katherine Jackson & I was trying to find out if it was a hoax.  He said no it is not a hoax.  I asked him if Mrs. Jackson was indeed missing.  He said “yes”.  I asked him what the public could do to assist and he said if we have any info about here whereabouts, please call them. :icon_e_confused:  He sounded like one of the security guards from the trials.  However, this makes me wonder yet again about Michael and danger.  Is this someone trying to find Mrs. Jackson for sinister rather than wholesome reasons?  I find it very strange that this number is being put out on twitter.  Very strange.  :ghsdf:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />This made me recall reading something from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_reality_game  <br />"Narratives present a fully realized world: any phone number or email address mentioned works, and any website acknowledged exists...Some events involve meetings or live phone calls between players and actors."<br />
    <br /><br />Aha!  Nice one.  Continued foresight since 2009.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I called. Incredible. It's a hoax and yes, this guy who's answering the phone knows.<br /><br />I should have tape recorded it but I knew I'd be more natural if I just winged it.<br /><br />He answered: "Security"<br /><br />I said oh hello, thank you for taking my call. Paris Jackson posted this number on Twitter asking for the public's help with KJ missing. He said yes. I said KJ is indeed missing? HE SAID:<br /><br />"That is what they are telling the public yes". <----verbatim. <br /><br />The rest is not word for word, and no direct quotes, but you get the idea.<br /><br />I said oh, interesting, and what sort of information are they looking for from the public, what would be helpful?<br /><br />He said if they have seen KJ, or spotted her anywhere they could tell the location where that was.<br /><br />I said oh, well wouldn't it be better to call the police then? Since she is missing.<br /><br />He said, yes they could do that too. (lol)<br /><br />I said ok, interesting, and who am I speaking with? Oh wait, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I am ______ _______ (yes I gave my real name), and who are you?<br /><br />He said I'm sorry ma'am I cannot give that information.<br /><br />I said, "oh, I'm so sorry to ask then" (I acted very very sorry) <br /><br />He hurried "oh no no no, you're ok, you're ok" he was very nice. Like really super nice guy.<br /><br />I said oh well thank you. Ok then... and I had no more acting to do so I just let it go:<br /><br />I said: Ok, I'm going to be honest with you, I know Michael Jackson is alive and I know this is a hoax, I know this is a media hoax so I'll cut the act here and say I just want you to know I think this is the most amazing thing that has ever happened in the history of the world, it's just incredible. You don't have to worry though, the whole world thinks I am a complete lunatic, well me and the approx 200 other people who work with me online, I know you know about us, so your secret is completely safe, no one believes it, you have nothing to fear. It's just incredible.<br /><br />He said oh I assure you it's not a hoax.<br /><br />I said well, I know that it is and I know of course you have to say that, but see, the way you answered my first question about, is KJ really missing and you said, yes that's what they are telling the public, confirms it. See most people wouldn't even notice that but as it is, you said exactly the right thing so as not to lie. If she really was missing a simple "yes" would have sufficed. I also know based on alternate reality gaming rules, the phone numbers have to be real and manned by real people and that's where you come in.<br /><br />When I stopped talking, I heard laughing in the background, several voices, laughing. I asked, do you have me on speaker phone??<br /><br />He said no I do not. I said hmm ok.<br /><br />Then he said, well thank you for your support. <br /><br />HA!!<br /><br />I said, oh, for sure, I got Michael's back now and forever, I think he's great, I think this hoax is great, and congratulations to YOU for being involved.<br /><br />He LAUGHED like I was flattering him. Not laugh like oh you crazy woman, he laughed like I said "and you are incredibly handsome!" oh ha ha ha all self conscious like.<br /><br />and then he said something like ok bye now and I said WAIT!<br /><br />Before you go, my screenname is bec, b-e-c, you may already know who I am, but just in case, now you do.<br /><br />He said ok.<br /><br />And then I said, ok thank you for taking my call, have a wonderful evening, and thank you for playing your role.<br /><br />He said something like well thank you, you too. He was very gracious.<br /><br />And that was that. Nice guy, whoever he was. If this was real he should have hung up on my crazy ass. Can't prove any of this, but can't keep it to myself either. Made my night though.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yup, ARG rules, the phone numbers have to be real.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    LOL that's awesome bec!
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    Yay bec  :woohoo2:<br /><br /> :th_bravo:<br /><br />Awesome. <br /><br />
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    Ok I was planning to call it a night, but this is Awesome Bec! Thanks for sharing.  :smiley_abuv:<br /><br />I'm wondering how many people called that man allready and said the same thing to him!  :LolLolLolLol:  I'm sure I will hang up the phone directly by the 10th caller who says that (when it wasn't a hoax).<br />Great stuff on this Forum, glad to be a part of it!
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Incredible bec. Wonder if they are getting international calls also.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    Well done, bec.  :bearhug:
  • YoungMackYoungMack Posts: 347
    Thats awesome bec.... I may do the exact same and get my feel for it as well.......<br />
  • Omg that's hilarious bec. I wonder who was laughing in background. You so were on loud speaker!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Jermaine:  TwitLonger - When you talk too much for Twitter<br /> <br />"Let me put to bed today's nonsense: as I made clear some days ago, Mother is safe and well in Arizona with her daughter and our sister, Rebbie, resting up on doctor's advice, so it is beyond me how she can be reported "missing"<br /><br />This incredulous claim was made for reasons best known to the adult/s who filed it but it seems no accident that it comes after we, the sons and daughters, put in place care-taking for our own mother, taking her to Arizona in line with doctor's advice following a check-up. <br /><br />Furthermore, it dismays me that such an alarmist "missing person" report has caused unnecessary anxiety among Michael's children who will understandably react to what they misunderstand, hear or are told. <br /><br />No-one is being "blocked" from speaking with Mother. She is merely an <br />82-year-old woman following doctor's orders to rest-up and de-stress, away from <br />phones and computers. Everyone has been well aware of this within the family, <br />but I would like to reiterate my reassurance to the outside world that Mother is <br />fine. In the meantime, thank you for all your thoughts and concerns."<br /><br />
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    wonder why no one but jermaine steps up to comment?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Because he will be speaking for the Family. Remember, he told us that on 6/25/09.
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    on 1343010249:
    <br />Well done, bec.  :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Yes, and I wonder how many phone lines have been didicated to this today?!
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1343010783:
    <br />Jermaine:  TwitLonger - When you talk too much for Twitter<br /> <br />"Let me put to bed today's nonsense: as I made clear some days ago, Mother is safe and well in Arizona with her daughter and our sister, Rebbie, resting up on doctor's advice, so it is beyond me how she can be reported "missing"<br /><br />This incredulous claim was made for reasons best known to the adult/s who filed it but it seems no accident that it comes after we, the sons and daughters, put in place care-taking for our own mother, taking her to Arizona in line with doctor's advice following a check-up. <br /><br />Furthermore, it dismays me that such an alarmist "missing person" report has caused unnecessary anxiety among Michael's children who will understandably react to what they misunderstand, hear or are told. <br /><br />No-one is being "blocked" from speaking with Mother. She is merely an <br />82-year-old woman following doctor's orders to rest-up and de-stress, away from <br />phones and computers. Everyone has been well aware of this within the family, <br />but I would like to reiterate my reassurance to the outside world that Mother is <br />fine. In the meantime, thank you for all your thoughts and concerns."<br />
    <br /><br />away from phones and computers....  :icon_lol: <br /><br />@jermjackson5<;br />After such unnecessary distractions, now going to focus on our show at the Greek Theater in LA. Unity...unbroken <br /><br />You mean unbreakable Jermaine  ;) <br /><br />Bec - hilarious and interesting :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile<br /><br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Thanks for sharing bec...that was a great exchange!  Maybe we'll all get to hear your call someday, as a soundbite in a movie  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />I'm not sure what to think about this whole KJ story...but what's been going on over the past week or so is SO bizarre and mindboggling that it's all either part of the hoax, or something sinister is going on...or both.  I can't think of a 'logical' reason as to why she would be publicly reported as 'missing' by some family members and 'found' by some others, IF she was really missing.  Likewise, HOW does an 82 year old, living with her grandchildren, taken care of by staff and escorted by security wherever she goes...suddenly go missing?  It makes no sense.  <br /><br />Jermaine's message (thanks for posting it Andrea) helps put me, as a 'hoaxer', more at ease...those keys decorating his house sealed the deal for me that Jermaine reads here and is helping Mike lol.  KJ's safety is all that really matters...personally I'd love to see Katherine safe and sound in an interview soon.  I trust that whatever else might be going on behind the scenes that we are just not privy to, is being handled/dealt with by Mike.  If something sinister is going on (and I pray to God that it's not)...then what I get from Jermaine's message is that the 'threat' was averted and she is safe.<br /><br />If this particular story is all just part of the hoax to fulfill the ARG aspect....then Mike's scarier than I thought :affraid: and so is Katherine lol.<br /><br />Or maybe Level 7 will soon make a lot more sense. <br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • YoungMackYoungMack Posts: 347
    Well..... I said I dont was gonna do it and I did........ I wont say anything that happened yet just take a listen.............. I followed becs lead on this but I videotaped me calling on speakerphone.....<br />CHECK OUT THE LINK to listen and see what happened.<br /><br />Just did this to get a feel of the whole situation for myself. <br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    lol.....with everyone calling, that dude answering the phone must have the patience of a saint.<br /><br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1343014438:
    <br />Well..... I said I dont was gonna do it and I did........ I wont say anything that happened yet just take a listen.............. I followed becs lead on this but I videotaped me calling on speakerphone.....<br />CHECK OUT THE LINK to listen and see what happened.<br /><br /><br />Just did this to get a feel of the whole situation for myself.<br />
    <br /><br />Bummer - I can't seem to get it to play...
  • AngelcdpAngelcdp Posts: 9
    here you go Adi. Well Young Mack, it sounds like they didn't say anything to you. Do I need to take another listen?
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