No defibrulator present on 6-25



  • Yep yep Bec!!!! They felt no need to recusitate him when he was at home.. But when he arrived at the hospital ''a team of doctors and nurses'' worked on him for over an hour. As Jermaine put it so nicely into words. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    How do we know, he refused that the paramedics used the defib? Who said that?
    I'm pretty sure, they are not allowed to follow his instructions, unless they contribute.

    And did we get a time of death from the coroner?
    The last thing reported was, that he was dead for hours, when paramedics arrived, right?
    That means - no faint pulse. Not for the paramedics, not for a nurse at the hospital - these would be false reports.

    Just emailed Ed Winter about the time of death.

    @bec - in the only moving footage of the arrival at UCLA, it looks like there's someone sitting on the stretcher to perform CPR. "It looks like" - well, the video is very blurry. I think tis_ruthy (is she here??) made a slowed down version of it.

    That's my version of the footage. It's a bit quicker than Ruth's, but you still may see the right arm of the supposed EMT doing CPR in the second half of the vid.
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