4 years left... The Bees (food for thought)



  • What is more stange is that the medias do not talk about it that much I mean this is huge and something has to be done immediately before it's too late. I wonder what is killing all these bees, pollution ? I heard that chemtrails could be responsible ? Is it a genocide or what ?

    I have noticed a decrease in bee's where I live over the last few yrs. I used to run like an idiot when one was even near me....I dont really have that problem anymore, cus there are that many!!

    I dont know what is killing them off....maybe pesticides?

    Yes indeed pesticides must also be responsible and their disappearance is increasing faster and faster in recent years. I read a lot of things regarding that matter and it seems that scientists don't have a straight answer for this problem. They're talking about Collony Collapse Disorder because (in simple words) the bees do not get back home (in the beehive)...I hope things will evolve for the better.

    Awww. thats so sad.....they get lost?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    What is more stange is that the medias do not talk about it that much I mean this is huge and something has to be done immediately before it's too late. I wonder what is killing all these bees, pollution ? I heard that chemtrails could be responsible ? Is it a genocide or what ?

    I have noticed a decrease in bee's where I live over the last few yrs. I used to run like an idiot when one was even near me....I dont really have that problem anymore, cus there are that many!!

    I dont know what is killing them off....maybe pesticides?

    Yes indeed pesticides must also be responsible and their disappearance is increasing faster and faster in recent years. I read a lot of things regarding that matter and it seems that scientists don't have a straight answer for this problem. They're talking about Collony Collapse Disorder because (in simple words) the bees do not get back home (in the beehive)...I hope things will evolve for the better.

    Awww. thats so sad.....they get lost?

    That's the problem they don't know why.
  • Welll... this rebirth may as well mean the destruction of the world as we know it, the death of mankind and the beginning of a new life.... after life.... Hmmm..... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • LoesLoes Posts: 612
    Yeah that's what I thought ... you are brainwashed by media telling you the terrorists are moslims ...

    So I will say instead :

    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I don't think the USA goverment will also be

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Please don't tell me I'm brainwashed.
    Go to Google Images and search for Al Qaida.
    Tell me what you see ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    It is good a new era is coming..like also in the bible written,it will be a great time for human kind,very spiritual,with people helping each other and caring about each other...but I am just scared because before that change big cataclisma will change this planet into a better place,and the surviving peoples' will discover the Truth and the meaning of Love. I am scared of what unbelievable disaster (big earthquakes,tsunami..etc..) could change people minds, before the new Good Era. Lucky those who will see the coming new world.
    The nature "movement" has already started recently... so.. I think it will be a short time...I am very scared.I pray God for being ready.
    Of course,this is my opinion..
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yeah that's what I thought ... you are brainwashed by media telling you the terrorists are moslims ...

    So I will say instead :

    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I don't think the USA goverment will also be

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Please don't tell me I'm brainwashed.
    Go to Google Images and search for Al Qaida.
    Tell me what you see ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    I see Al Qaeda as a scarecrow (created by secret services) that is frantically agitated in mass medias to scare people, to make a diversion on who are the real terrorists, on what is really going on in this world. Of course they manage to manipulate people in specific and targeted countries to make the entire population of these countries a scapegoat of everyting bad that is going on in the world. The new motto in the news is blame it on the Muslims. They want a "civilization war", Judeo-Christian vs Muslims. I hope you don't lump everything together because confusion is so easy.
  • LoesLoes Posts: 612
    Yeah that's what I thought ... you are brainwashed by media telling you the terrorists are moslims ...

    So I will say instead :

    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I don't think the USA goverment will also be

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Please don't tell me I'm brainwashed.
    Go to Google Images and search for Al Qaida.
    Tell me what you see ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    I see Al Qaeda as a scarecrow (created by secret services) that is frantically agitated in mass medias to scare people, to make a diversion on who are the real terrorists, on what is really going on in this world. Of course they manage to manipulate people in specific and targeted countries to make the entire population of these countries a scapegoat of everyting bad that is going on in the world. The new motto in the news is blame it on the Muslims. They want a "civilization war", Judeo-Christian vs Muslims. I hope you don't lump everything together because confusion is so easy.

    To much scarecrows for me I'm afraid ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I will stay away from these topics, because I don't believe in it.

    Topic started about the bees and that's a fact and I'm worried about it.

  • There is no religion, religion is only created by the Illuminati/NWO to keep people confused. The only thing you need is God and that's the only thing you need. We need no labels like Catholics, Christians, Islam etc.
  • Yeah that's what I thought ... you are brainwashed by media telling you the terrorists are moslims ...

    So I will say instead :

    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I don't think the USA goverment will also be

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Please don't tell me I'm brainwashed.
    Go to Google Images and search for Al Qaida.
    Tell me what you see ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    I see Al Qaeda as a scarecrow (created by secret services) that is frantically agitated in mass medias to scare people, to make a diversion on who are the real terrorists, on what is really going on in this world. Of course they manage to manipulate people in specific and targeted countries to make the entire population of these countries a scapegoat of everyting bad that is going on in the world. The new motto in the news is blame it on the Muslims. They want a "civilization war", Judeo-Christian vs Muslims. I hope you don't lump everything together because confusion is so easy.

  • Yeah that's what I thought ... you are brainwashed by media telling you the terrorists are moslims ...

    So I will say instead :

    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I don't think the USA goverment will also be

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Please don't tell me I'm brainwashed.
    Go to Google Images and search for Al Qaida.
    Tell me what you see ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    I see Al Qaeda as a scarecrow (created by secret services) that is frantically agitated in mass medias to scare people, to make a diversion on who are the real terrorists, on what is really going on in this world. Of course they manage to manipulate people in specific and targeted countries to make the entire population of these countries a scapegoat of everyting bad that is going on in the world. The new motto in the news is blame it on the Muslims. They want a "civilization war", Judeo-Christian vs Muslims. I hope you don't lump everything together because confusion is so easy.


    I agree as well!
  • There is no religion, religion is only created by the Illuminati/NWO to keep people confused. The only thing you need is God and that's the only thing you need. We need no labels like Catholics, Christians, Islam etc.

    There was only one religion; believing in the unity of God and God as the creator of the heavens and the earth. But the illuminati divided the believers, also called 'divide and conquer' so they could manipulate the true religion. From my religious point of view I believe that the Qoran is the finale book wich can't be manipulated so to me Islam is the only true religion. The labeling of religions does mean something.
    But anyway this thread is about bees, so I'm going back on topic; the thing with bees is very disturbing, I really believe bees are disappearing. The honey they provide us with is such an underestimated powerful medicine. I can't imagine where we would be without it.
  • There is no religion, religion is only created by the Illuminati/NWO to keep people confused. The only thing you need is God and that's the only thing you need. We need no labels like Catholics, Christians, Islam etc.

    There was only one religion; believing in the unity of God and God as the creator of the heavens and the earth. But the illuminati divided the believers, also called 'divide and conquer' so they could manipulate the true religion. From my religious point of view I believe that the Qoran is the finale book wich can't be manipulated so to me Islam is the only true religion. The labeling of religions does mean something.
    But anyway this thread is about bees, so I'm going back on topic; the thing with bees is very disturbing, I really believe bees are disappearing. The honey they provide us with is such an underestimated powerful medicine. I can't imagine where we would be without it.

    That's exactly what I mean. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Yes and now back to the bee's. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> funny story about the bee situation:

    i read somewhere that america is aware of the bee shortage and imported some african bees to repopulate the american bees but they werent aware that these were wild bees LITERALLY!! the bees interaction with the american bees did work to an extent but made the american bees wild like them! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> after coming into contact with the african bees they took up the african bees characteristics ( <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> effin hilarious <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) they never really xplained why they classified the new bees as wild but thats all i heard about that one
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Legend, Jehova had to have bitten tongue when he told us that we had made in his image and likeness.

    "Size error" realized over time (God also has the right to be wrong).

    Say we sent his son as lamb of God for cleaning of sins in the world, but that no one has is that he kept a small hope to not kill and then think along with Jesus, a better way to clean the sins.

    There are some who have tired of seeing us for centuries killing us each other and toured the infinity in search of another Galaxy well away from the Earth and carve better human beings to try to forget their mistakes...

    We are today sad events that occur on our planet who calls us to reflect spectators...

    Some will remember the Nostradamus preediciones, others will speak of prophecies, an endless believers shouting are the horsemen of the Apocalypse...

    Today with global disasters on the climate, called global warming (and again with the global) had the unwanted visit of the "niño" as it tired of coming to warn us and sent us to the indifference of the world, "La Niña" sister

    And as always the children are rarely heard and run towards the abyss.

    Species from the planet disappear, coral reefs disappear with them many marine species

    Penguins are not to go, the bees are disappearing and they will disappear countless flowers. The Poles melt hurricanes with unusual Furies and follies of Kyoto are still thinking.

    The planet we die and they still think...

    I only know that on the African continent where flourished the human race, certainly where was Eden of Adam and Eve, where the large transnational became it shit...

    Infinities, hungry and malnourished children forgotten by the most powerful of the planet of infinitely desangrar that Eden, taking all their wealth.

    After of countless meetings of the Group of eight, where do deaf ears of the famines of the African continent
  • this is interesting about bees!

    did you know bees are very smart? on Easter I was out with my aunt and I saw a large bee by my neighbors yard. I was surprised to see the bee and I said "hi bee" playing around (cause i am aware of the bee/pollenation problem) My aunt asked who are you talkin to and I said that bee right there but it was gone. After about 30 mins a good friend called me to come to my door and the bee was on sitting on the screen to my front door! I was shocked it must have watched me from wherever it flew off to. LOL I was scared of it and so was my friend so i said no bee no from the inside and it flew away!! it was funny and I told my aunt the bee came to the door and she said stop talking to the animals before they start knocking on the door LOL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Here is an article about this bee situation. It says we have about 4 years left after all the bees have gone, so we have time to address this. Unsurprisingly they say that the most likely causes are from chemtrails and other pollutants. The person researching this has no more funding so he has to stop. How screwed up is this that something that could potentially wipe out mankind has no funding for research. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    <!-- m -->http://entomologyfreaks.tribe.net/threa ... 6b15ed5243<!-- m -->

    MJ, thank you for your message of L.O.V.E. and about saving our world. I only pray that people will wake up,before it is too late!
  • Here is an article about this bee situation. It says we have about 4 years left after all the bees have gone, so we have time to address this. Unsurprisingly they say that the most likely causes are from chemtrails and other pollutants. The person researching this has no more funding so he has to stop. How screwed up is this that something that could potentially wipe out mankind has no funding for research. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    <!-- m -->http://entomologyfreaks.tribe.net/threa ... 6b15ed5243<!-- m -->

    MJ, thank you for your message of L.O.V.E. and about saving our world. I only pray that people will wake up,before it is too late!
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