Michael said Goodbye to all before he died....



  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I think MJ said good bye to everyone because he knew he was about to peace out. I believe MJ is around and he is somewhere safe away from whatever danger or threat he was facing. When he said the final curtain call and This is it at the O2 arena he really meant it literally. I just don't see a man like MJ going out like a sucka. He seem way too smart to me for that. He is always portrayed as meek, troubled, and weird in the media but I think MJ had a strong side to him. He knows how to get what he wants. I think he is the total opposite of what we have seen in the media. MJ was a smart business man I believe. He became so great because he would constantly study and observe things and people. I'm sure if MJ was sensing something bad about to happen especially if it involved affecting his children he did what was necessary to handle his business. Over the pass few years he's been spotted with David Blane the magic guy, hooks up with Kenny O., there has also been mention of him talking to Farrakhan. I heard he even met with Andre Crouch who's choir sang at the memorial. Coincidences I think not. He also made sure that there are people getting his story out about him fearing for his life. I believe this was done so we would know why he's in hiding. That's just how I feel personally. I feel the whole propofol addiction and Murray is a cover up for now and the bigger issue is being handled. Everybody think Murray killed MJ at first now his family saying he just a fall guy.
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    Sometimes things seem odd at the time but you just have to wait for it to make sense.
  • I found an german article in which Jason Pfeiffer said, that he thaught that it was strange that Michael said goodbye to all his dear friends the WEEK BEFORE HE DIED. All his friends were scared about it.

    He says: the last two weeks he changed completly, become even more religious, looked back on his life and was only talking only about the mayian calendar and the year 2012

    hmmm, strange right? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- m -->http://klatsch-tratsch.de/2009/08/21/ja ... over/36957<!-- m -->

    Yes I remember, this was also in the UK newspaper the Sun. will post a link <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    here it is <!-- m -->http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... lover.html<!-- m --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    i remember it cause couple of months ago i watched a video where Klein says that a few days after his "death" Michael was too strange and one day when leaving Klein's office Mike became too emotional, he hugged and said good-bye to everyone in the office, even to those whom he didn't know, Klein also added that Michael would not do such things usually, it was really strange.About suiside-i thought about it too, cause if we exclude the possibility of hoax, the theory of suiside is equally possible as the theory of murder,one thing makes me think that he would never do it-his children besides i remember the interview done with LMP, when the interviewer asked him about the allegations of 1993 and added that LT said that MJ was in a very bad state then the interviewer told Micael that some would even think that he was nearly at the edge of suiside but MJ answered her that he would never do it, he loves life too much to commit a suiside
  • xxmjxxxxmjxx Posts: 304
    So far above posts say that Michael was saying goodbye because
    he was either going to commit suicide or he was going overseas.
    You have left out the completely REAL and much talked about
    prospect that he had a serious illness that life-threatening and
    he died from.
    I read one article that says: The family was worried that Michael
    was TAKING too much morphine.
    Morphine is drug habit but Morphine is for PAIN relief and also
    for terminal illness.
    Later, the articles following changed to was being GIVEN shots...
    it has crossed my mind a few times, about him being really ill,i have a book called( michael jackson king of pop ) and in it on page 2,it says his brother Randy was with him when he collapsed. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    ..for those who think that MJ would have never committed suicide because of his children,I can assure you that when you are depressed,and your mind is not under control,you prefer to kill yourself rather than being a sad example to your children. I am not saying Michael committed suicide,but the love for his children is not the thing that should have stopped him in killing himself.I know of a mother who really loved her children,but she was very much depressed,scared about life and future,under drugs,and she killed herself. Remember that suicide can be planned or not,but in any case,it is a not rational decision.A mind in peace would never do it.
  • These people were not friends of Mike, like others, just want to ridicule him further, so unfairly, you know. We can not give any credibility to what they say. They were just leeches and now they want to, somehow, to recover what they lost, fame and $ $. Arnold Klein showed no professional ethics in the first place. Poor Mike, I think he had the need to open your heart and life to people he thought he could trust. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • ..for those who think that MJ would have never committed suicide because of his children,I can assure you that when you are depressed,and your mind is not under control,you prefer to kill yourself rather than being a sad example to your children. I am not saying Michael committed suicide,but the love for his children is not the thing that should have stopped him in killing himself.I know of a mother who really loved her children,but she was very much depressed,scared about life and future,under drugs,and she killed herself. Remember that suicide can be planned or not,but in any case,it is a not rational decision.A mind in peace would never do it.

    About this possibility I am very confused because we do not know the extent of the suffering of Mike, and how far he has not believed in himself to his "recovery" of dignity and honor in the eyes of their children, especially. I think he was feeling very lonely and very low self-esteem in all aspects, personal and professional. But at the same time, despite significant setbacks in his life, he often told us to be a rhinoceros and he wanted to live forever (in flesh). We are all involved in a great mystery, no doubt! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    religious= crazy=suicidal


    the way some peo0ple think
  • A friend of a friend of mine is friends with MJ and he told her before June 25th "if anyone tells you I died, don't believe them." Incredibly strange and out of place for anyone to say that...unless the hoax is true! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    do you think that was in the context of he didn't "die" but was murdered? You know the tapes where he is fearing for his life... It could have been a warning to question the manner in which he "died".... Like... "if someone comes to you and says I just up and died...don't believe them...I was murdered!" <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • A friend of a friend of mine is friends with MJ and he told her before June 25th "if anyone tells you I died, don't believe them." Incredibly strange and out of place for anyone to say that...unless the hoax is true! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    do you think that was in the context of he didn't "die" but was murdered? You know the tapes where he is fearing for his life... It could have been a warning to question the manner in which he "died".... Like... "if someone comes to you and says I just up and died...don't believe them...I was murdered!" <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I think it's clear : don't believe I died. He could have said "don't believe I suicide" or Don't believe my death could be an accident"
    "don't believe i died" just means don't believe I'm dead, jsut because you're told i'm dead.

    But how could we trust this person ? I don't want to be rude, but since the beginning we had
    people pretending to be possessed by MJ's ghost
    people seeing MJ's face in trees
    people pretending to be MJ's secret double
    people pretending to be MJ's wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/monkey/giraf
    people pretending to BE MJ

    So who can we trust now <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    I am sure Michael did what he had to do before he left the scene. He said goodbye! to those he was around at the time. I am sure he had already said goodbye to those who were vital to the hoax. If everyone will recall in the first couple of months after he passed away (not really!). There were so many players that had a role to play. We haven't heard from hardly any of them since that time. While everyone may not have been in on the hoax (all we can do is speculate who's really in on it) at the end of the day we all know that Michael is still alive out there somewhere. Keep the Faith! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • A friend of a friend of mine is friends with MJ and he told her before June 25th "if anyone tells you I died, don't believe them." Incredibly strange and out of place for anyone to say that...unless the hoax is true! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    What a small world you have a friend that knows someone who is friends with MJ.. WOW.. You are telling us that MJ who is a clever, intelligent man would tell this person about his hoax. Yeah right dream on. Sorry but I do not believe you. He would be very descreat, I am sure some know about his hoax it would be his intimate family, not a friend of a friend...
    Sorry, we have been had so many times with so many lies, that unfortunetaly I do not believe this one. LOVE ALWAYS..
  • Do you really believe Klein is in the hoax? That "man" is a faggot (excuse me for this), but I think this is just crazy..What part would he play in the hoax? Tell the media Michael was gay? Do you think Michael would feed the tabloid trash with this? I don't think so..I HIGHLY doubt about this..

    The only thought I have on that is that maybe it was used as a thermometer of sorts. Kline/Jason put it out there and of course the tabloids and tabloid TV jumped on it but this time WE (the fans) jumped back HARD. Future planned segments were NOT aired and I believe that links to the initial story were even pulled. This time WE controlled the media and stopped them in their tracks.

    I hope we made him proud and passed the test!! Love you more forever Michael!!!

    Yep ....uh-huh - that's what I believe too!
  • A friend of a friend of mine is friends with MJ and he told her before June 25th "if anyone tells you I died, don't believe them." Incredibly strange and out of place for anyone to say that...unless the hoax is true! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    What a small world you have a friend that knows someone who is friends with MJ.. WOW.. You are telling us that MJ who is a clever, intelligent man would tell this person about his hoax. Yeah right dream on. Sorry but I do not believe you. He would be very descreat, I am sure some know about his hoax it would be his intimate family, not a friend of a friend...
    Sorry, we have been had so many times with so many lies, that unfortunetaly I do not believe this one. LOVE ALWAYS..
    Um ok...I'm just posting what I've been told because it was relevant to the topic. I can care less if you believe me or not. 99.9% of this entire board can be believed or not. It's not like I came here and posted that someone told me. What's really unfortunate is that you took the time to post the above so rudely. But whatever...believe what you want.
  • lacta89lacta89 Posts: 88
    A friend of a friend of mine is friends with MJ and he told her before June 25th "if anyone tells you I died, don't believe them." Incredibly strange and out of place for anyone to say that...unless the hoax is true! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    If that friend is accurate.... Then MJ stated his words on a very clever and cute way <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Yep if that is true well............
  • Just as sure as I know I am breathing, one thing I can assure you all of, with absolute certainty, and I will stake my very life and soul on this statement...

    Mike did NOT kill himself.

    Not out of depression. Not out of fear. Not for any reason.

    Do not, for a moment, entertain that idea. Do not give it space in your mind. This rumor/theory totally negates and demeans Mike's love and zest for life, his love for his children, and his family.
  • Just as sure as I know I am breathing, one thing I can assure you all of, with absolute certainty, and I will stake my very life and soul on this statement...

    Mike did NOT kill himself.

    Not out of depression. Not out of fear. Not for any reason.

    Do not, for a moment, entertain that idea. Do not give it space in your mind. This rumor/theory totally negates and demeans Mike's love and zest for life, his love for his children, and his family.
    So are you saying that someone else killed him or that he is indeed still alive <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Are you allowed to say <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • So are you saying that someone else killed him or that he is indeed still alive <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I am simply addressing the 'suicide rumor/theory' that was mentioned here.
  • So are you saying that someone else killed him or that he is indeed still alive <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I am simply addressing the 'suicide rumor/theory' that was mentioned here.
    Okay Thank You. I never believed for a minute that he would harm himself anyway, but thanks for your conformation.
  • Thanks for saying that Callofthewild....because I have been reading the posts and could not believe that was even a thought in some minds that Michael committed suicide. I by no means know Michael personally, but from what we know, that is not something he would contemplate in my opinion. I have said it before and will say again...I think Michael is so underestimated as to his abilities and how much he has put into this hoax. Also....why do people discredit others about what they say could be truth and call them lairs....but turn around and quotes a news article as the gospel...I just don't get it! I will give everyone a chance until I find a reason not to!

    PEACE, LOVE,JOY, & BLESSINGS to ALL! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Why would he kill himself he has children
  • océaneocéane Posts: 14

    I am new on the forum, and my English is invalid(useless), then do not hesitate to resume(to take back) me.
    A thing(matter) is sure, suicide I do not agree because malgres all what it passed in its life, Mike, the life for his(her,its), them liked trot loved us we " his(her) fans ", his(her) children, especially his(her) children, it has him(her,it) can etre penssé, but never it would have made him(it), in more this committed suicide are against gods' laws.
    It is what I pensse, but it is only my opinion(notice).

    Kisses !!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    A friend of a friend of mine is friends with MJ and he told her before June 25th "if anyone tells you I died, don't believe them." Incredibly strange and out of place for anyone to say that...unless the hoax is true! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    What?! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
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