TS stands for??



  • Guys, no one knows for sure who TS is except those he's told and himself. Just because you or someone else found someone with TS as their initials doesn't mean it's him. I really don't think we need to look at WHO he is though because that doesn't matter. He has brought a lot of proof to us about this hoax and even predicted a lot of things before they ever happened. I've witnessed that myself on the old forum.

    True dat. STUDY/T.S. was up on that info like an insider. I tend to think he's an insider on the hoax. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    To the OP of this topic, TS started calling himself that, we didn't start that one. S.T.U.D.Y. is what he went by on the old forum and when TIAI did it's "Reveal" redirect, that is when TS started posted here under that name.

    And for everyone else that keeps talking about WHO he is (not how he got his name) :
    However, I will give another hint on my identity, and the source for my information: so far, I have only seen one discussion that was correct. Should Jacksons tweet about This Is Also It, as some have suggested, so that there will be no doubt? Actually, I already addressed this very question in Update #2 {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3965}. See also Update 5a, section 5-2, comment about 5-5 redirect: a very similar tweet that was also from Jermaine {http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=9726}.

    thank you.. thats all i wanted to know <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> but you knowwhat even though its not important who this person is as many claim here, you just cant help but wonder.t his whole tiai is well planned and smartly organized from what redirects to their order of reveal..
    whoever it is, I wish i knew but till them good job!
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Tupac Shakur <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I do appreciate the great job TS has been doing BUT I didn't understand his intention with the TEST issue. That sounded like a warning to me. I personally don't believe that Michael would test us. And I don't get why he denies to prove us he's related with the Jacksons. As some of you may know, we asked him to tell the Jacksons to tweet "This is Also it" on their Twitter but TS says that he doesn't need it. Well, I believe that he does. Even if we believe that he's an insider, none of the non-believers believe that he's related with the Jacksons. And if there's a message to be delivered to everyone, he should listen us and tell the Jacksons about the situation. I do accept his wise and brilliant posts but we should think the other part of the issue. What if he's just a smart believer and telling us his theories only? I'm not underestimating TS but there're very smart people on this forum who make very interesting posts. There're many blog and hoax video makers and they find things that we can't find. What about them? So TS is NOT the only one who makes amazing posts. So, what if he's NOT related with the Jacksons, and we all concentrated that Michael will come back soon or sooner or later! And what if he never comes back?!? We should think about all possibilities. Again I'm saying that TS found and write the things we couldn't find ourselves but there're others who find and write the things we have never ever found. So I think we should read all of the information given to us and decide ourselves in what part to believe or not to believe.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    This is an interesting conversation...because I think one of Michael's lessons was to question the source of your information. In my own experience, I don't rush to accept information until I understand the source. It's too easy to be led astray. Michael's whole life is empirical evidence of that. It wasn't about TS's education or nationality, but curious about what his/her sources may be. Our perspective of truth is shaped by our life experiences. When I listen to people, I try to understand where they are "coming from" because all of us, for good or evil, are highly influenced by our life experiences. It's a constant battle with me on this site to stay objective. There are so many things that are said that I "want" to believe but I try to step back and understand if it's because these are things that I want to believe or have the facts been presented to make it rationally impossible not to believe.

    It's difficult....but maybe that's the test.

    I agree with you. That is just being wise. And it doesn't mean that we don't agree with the person. There is a fine line between being smart and being gullible. I think everyone who's commented on this thread as brought up true and valid points but the way a person communicates gives clear indication of their influences in life. Blessings on all of you.
    Well said. There are benefits to simplicity and clear communication. I say this in the spirit of love....I follow TS and believe he/she has inside and authentic information....the time and effort put into this is monumental....but at the same time keep a cautious and wary eye out for rabbitholes. I don't want to be blindsided and off in a ditch somewhere when this is over wondering how on earth did I get here. Re TS's identity....it is our human nature to want to put a face and name to this unknown writer. Much like the birth of a new baby, there is a connection to the tangible that wasn't there before. Faith is good, but so is the substance of things that ARE seen.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I do appreciate the great job TS has been doing BUT I didn't understand his intention with the TEST issue.

    What test? where did TS mention about a test?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I do appreciate the great job TS has been doing BUT I didn't understand his intention with the TEST issue.

    What test? where did TS mention about a test?

    6-10 Are TIAI Posts Too Long?

    For your information: I am familiar with the STUDY website. Does this mean that it is me, my website? Maybe; or maybe it’s someone I know; or maybe that website was used as a decoy. Regardless of which is the actual case: you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc.

    Many are failing the test, and they didn’t even know that they were being tested. In fact, there is no better way to test people, than to do it without their knowledge; then people act natural, and don’t try to make themselves into something artificial. Does it make any difference, whether you pass or fail this test? Good question; but I won’t give the answer to that right now.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thanks. I usually scan TS´s posts.....

    This is ridiculous.
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    I do appreciate the great job TS has been doing BUT I didn't understand his intention with the TEST issue.

    What test? where did TS mention about a test?

    6-10 Are TIAI Posts Too Long?

    For your information: I am familiar with the STUDY website. Does this mean that it is me, my website? Maybe; or maybe it’s someone I know; or maybe that website was used as a decoy. Regardless of which is the actual case: you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc.

    Many are failing the test, and they didn’t even know that they were being tested. In fact, there is no better way to test people, than to do it without their knowledge; then people act natural, and don’t try to make themselves into something artificial. Does it make any difference, whether you pass or fail this test? Good question; but I won’t give the answer to that right now.

    PureLove, this does actually remind me of something Michael has said before (and I'm not saying TS is Michael, he could be or couldn't be, no one knows for sure yet). The part where he says: "you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc." This reminds me of when Michael said he would walk on the streets looking for people to talk to and he would always get the reaction of "OMG You're Michael Jackson!" from people and that wasn't the reaction that he wanted. He wanted people to treat him like they would anyone else that wasn't famous. So as for the "I don't think Michael would test us" comment, can you honestly say that when you think of this?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    PureLove, this does actually remind me of something Michael has said before (and I'm not saying TS is Michael, he could be or couldn't be, no one knows for sure yet). The part where he says: "you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc." This reminds me of when Michael said he would walk on the streets looking for people to talk to and he would always get the reaction of "OMG You're Michael Jackson!" from people and that wasn't the reaction that he wanted. He wanted people to treat him like they would anyone else that wasn't famous. So as for the "I don't think Michael would test us" comment, can you honestly say that when you think of this?


    Actually I don't get what the connection is btw the things you wrote and TS' test post. All I'm saying is I DO NOT believe Michael would test us with a web-page and if we're reading it or not. If we believe in the information or not. I believe that Michael already knows how many times we were deceived. So he would definitely understand what we feel like. I also believe that Michael is so apreciated for all of our great investigation. We put so much effort and work here. Why would he test us in a way like this? This just seemed like a warning to me "Believe me. Because believing me is believing Michael. If you don't believe me you will fail" kind of warning and I didn't like it. And just for a reminder, people were talking about if that web-page could be a test before TS made that post !?! Of course I don't know if Michael would exactly act and feel like this but as far as I know him, I didn't find it right and appropriate. It's not such a thing that Michael would do.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Thanks. I usually scan TS´s posts.....

    This is ridiculous.

    NP. I didn't understand what he/she wanted to mean but today I read all of the 6th update once more and I found the test part so weird. That's so unlike Michael and I don't belive he would TEST us after such a long year and when we're this close to the 25th.
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197

    PureLove, this does actually remind me of something Michael has said before (and I'm not saying TS is Michael, he could be or couldn't be, no one knows for sure yet). The part where he says: "you are being tested, to see whether you can unbiasedly assess evidence based upon the evidence itself—and not on who the evidence came from, or who you think it came from, etc." This reminds me of when Michael said he would walk on the streets looking for people to talk to and he would always get the reaction of "OMG You're Michael Jackson!" from people and that wasn't the reaction that he wanted. He wanted people to treat him like they would anyone else that wasn't famous. So as for the "I don't think Michael would test us" comment, can you honestly say that when you think of this?


    Actually I don't get what the connection is btw the things you wrote and TS' test post. All I'm saying is I DO NOT believe Michael would test us with a web-page and if we're reading it or not. If we believe in the information or not. I believe that Michael already knows how many times we were deceived. So he would definitely understand what we feel like. I also believe that Michael is so apreciated for all of our great investigation. We put so much effort and work here. Why would he test us in a way like this? This just seemed like a warning to me "Believe me. Because believing me is believing Michael. If you don't believe me you will fail" kind of warning and I didn't like it. And just for a reminder, people were talking about if that web-page could be a test before TS made that post !?! Of course I don't know if Michael would exactly act and feel like this but as far as I know him, I didn't find it right and appropriate. It's not such a thing that Michael would do.

    What I meant was Michael wanted to be able to talk to people with an "unbiased" opinion of him back then and what TS said came across to me the same way. An "unbiased" opinion on the information given without knowing who is giving it to you. Let's just say, for instance, if Michael was the one doing TIAI and we knew that without a shadow of doubt, then of course, everyone in the world would believe everything that was written but because we don't know if it's Michael or not, some are skeptical to believe what he says. That's a biased opinion because of who the source is. If the evidence is there and can't be debunked, then it shouldn't matter who is giving it to you. Have an "unbiased" opinion. I hope that better explains to you what made me think of Michael and a "test".
  • The Scenario

    <!-- m -->http://exploringthehoax.wordpress.com/2 ... n-day-001/<!-- m -->

    Interesting theory <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    KacyLovesMJ, don't you think if TS was a fake he/she would also know MUCH about Michael and try to copy him sometimes as most impersonators on the net do? I think the statement you talked about of Michael liking seeing people acting natural, is a very common one. All fans know it. So my point is, if someone is trying to impersonate Michael, they can use things like this, no offense to ts or anyone. Just my 2 cents.
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    KacyLovesMJ, don't you think if TS was a fake he/she would also know MUCH about Michael and try to copy him sometimes as most impersonators on the net do? I think the statement you talked about of Michael liking seeing people acting natural, is a very common one. All fans know it. So my point is, if someone is trying to impersonate Michael, they can use things like this, no offense to ts or anyone. Just my 2 cents.

    Yes, you do have a point, but I do not believe TS is a fake. There are two reasons I do not believe he's a fake.

    1. He's never CLAIMED to be Michael or anyone in the Jackson camp. Ever. He has hinted that he has inside knowledge but he has never stated that he is one of the Jacksons. No statement = not pretending to be someone he's not.

    2. No one has been able to debunk ANY of the information he has given us for so many months now. TS was around as S.T.U.D.Y. back at the beginning of this entire thing last year and no one was able to debunk a word he said then, nor now.

    Those two reasons alone is why I do not believe TS is fake. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> And as far as everyone just needing to know Michael to try and act like him on the internet, that IS correct and we see it happen everyday on various websites but I never once said I believed TS is Michael. I said it was possible... and it is possible. But I did not say that is what I believed. I was just using the example to those that didn't believe Michael would "test us". And I truly believe people here have taken the "test" thing in TS' update #6 out of context. All TS was basically saying, in my interpretation of it, was that many are failing the "test" of believing evidence when it is given to you because everyone is so wrapped up in who the information is coming from instead of just looking at the information, investigating it, and coming up with their own conclusion. They want to know who it is coming from SO bad before they believe it (or don't believe it) instead of making up their own minds and "thinking for themselves" on if the information is accurate or not.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I think it's interesting that TIAI says, "You are being tested", not "I am testing you." Someone else is doing the testing, not him. Michael? Is he testing reactions, understanding, committment, and independent thinking, etc.?

    On the other thread talking about The Scenario, TS. We may find as our study progresses, that there may in fact be many layers or levels of names/meanings behind the initials. That's why we may not be ready yet for his BAM yet, this discovery takes so much time and thinking from all who love him here.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Tis a Secret
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    What I meant was Michael wanted to be able to talk to people with an "unbiased" opinion of him back then and what TS said came across to me the same way. An "unbiased" opinion on the information given without knowing who is giving it to you. Let's just say, for instance, if Michael was the one doing TIAI and we knew that without a shadow of doubt, then of course, everyone in the world would believe everything that was written but because we don't know if it's Michael or not, some are skeptical to believe what he says. That's a biased opinion because of who the source is. If the evidence is there and can't be debunked, then it shouldn't matter who is giving it to you. Have an "unbiased" opinion. I hope that better explains to you what made me think of Michael and a "test".

    I don't think that TS is Michael and I don't know if TS is related to Michael or not. And about the information he/she gives, as I've always said it's brilliant! BUT he/she is NOT the only one with brilliant posts. I'm NOT underestimating his updates or his work but I can not underestimate other bloggers or hoax vid makers. They're all briliant and they give very interesting information! I do believe what TS gives as an information to us just except Elvis coming back after 33 years and at the age of 75! The evidence you're talking about can be found by any of the other smart hoax blog and video makers. That's what I'm saying. And some of them find it too. There're very amazing posters on this forum like SerenitysDream or Wendy and they find things that we can never ever find. So I'm saying, you don't need to be an insider to find and make these amazing posts. And I still don't believe Michael would test us in that way. Even if he wanted to write us with an unknown username, he wouldn't write that "test" part. Sorry but that's ridiculous. But this's my opinion of course. And I can be wrong. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    Guys TS is a big fake!

    hahahahahahahaha ! X'D

    I don't believe he is legit and what I don't like is that he kinda implies he is MJ or Jackson's family related ..Maybe Im wrong ! But you know I just say that cos I don't take the time to read it all and I usually don't understand (could be cos of my english lol) so no worries LOL

    Hopefully he is right about everything =P

    PS : what with all the threads about him ? One is enough seriously ... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    There's something about TS's sense of authority and confidence on the subject that is so convincing. I don't think it's so much his geniusness in figuring things out like some here, such as SD. There's a difference. And Michael, well Michael is like the sunset or rainbow---just sheer beauty, genius and authority all rolled into one.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thanks. I usually scan TS´s posts.....

    This is ridiculous.

    NP. I didn't understand what he/she wanted to mean but today I read all of the 6th update once more and I found the test part so weird. That's so unlike Michael and I don't belive he would TEST us after such a long year and when we're this close to the 25th.

    I totally agree with you.
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    KacyLovesMJ, don't you think if TS was a fake he/she would also know MUCH about Michael and try to copy him sometimes as most impersonators on the net do? I think the statement you talked about of Michael liking seeing people acting natural, is a very common one. All fans know it. So my point is, if someone is trying to impersonate Michael, they can use things like this, no offense to ts or anyone. Just my 2 cents.

    Yes, you do have a point, but I do not believe TS is a fake. There are two reasons I do not believe he's a fake.

    1. He's never CLAIMED to be Michael or anyone in the Jackson camp. Ever. He has hinted that he has inside knowledge but he has never stated that he is one of the Jacksons. No statement = not pretending to be someone he's not.

    2. No one has been able to debunk ANY of the information he has given us for so many months now. TS was around as S.T.U.D.Y. back at the beginning of this entire thing last year and no one was able to debunk a word he said then, nor now.

    Those two reasons alone is why I do not believe TS is fake. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> And as far as everyone just needing to know Michael to try and act like him on the internet, that IS correct and we see it happen everyday on various websites but I never once said I believed TS is Michael. I said it was possible... and it is possible. But I did not say that is what I believed. I was just using the example to those that didn't believe Michael would "test us". And I truly believe people here have taken the "test" thing in TS' update #6 out of context. All TS was basically saying, in my interpretation of it, was that many are failing the "test" of believing evidence when it is given to you because everyone is so wrapped up in who the information is coming from instead of just looking at the information, investigating it, and coming up with their own conclusion. They want to know who it is coming from SO bad before they believe it (or don't believe it) instead of making up their own minds and "thinking for themselves" on if the information is accurate or not.
    TNZ also never claimed to be Michael or someone related or close to him. They write some amazingly brilliant stuff on their blogs, which also would make someone think they're close to Michael. Their writings are very convincing and educated. I don't think any of their informations were ever debunked either. But we don't believe TNZ. What exactly has TIAI done so convincing that we all believe he's legit. I'm not an english speaker. It's almost hebrew for me understand TS's posts with all the numerology and complicated language. I don't think Michael would expect us to believe in something which can not back its self up. But at the end of the day, it's upto everybody what they want to believe. I just had to let my thoughts out. Love. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    p.s. TS also said Michael would come back in December/January, and he didn't.
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    KacyLovesMJ, don't you think if TS was a fake he/she would also know MUCH about Michael and try to copy him sometimes as most impersonators on the net do? I think the statement you talked about of Michael liking seeing people acting natural, is a very common one. All fans know it. So my point is, if someone is trying to impersonate Michael, they can use things like this, no offense to ts or anyone. Just my 2 cents.

    Yes, you do have a point, but I do not believe TS is a fake. There are two reasons I do not believe he's a fake.

    1. He's never CLAIMED to be Michael or anyone in the Jackson camp. Ever. He has hinted that he has inside knowledge but he has never stated that he is one of the Jacksons. No statement = not pretending to be someone he's not.

    2. No one has been able to debunk ANY of the information he has given us for so many months now. TS was around as S.T.U.D.Y. back at the beginning of this entire thing last year and no one was able to debunk a word he said then, nor now.

    Those two reasons alone is why I do not believe TS is fake. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> And as far as everyone just needing to know Michael to try and act like him on the internet, that IS correct and we see it happen everyday on various websites but I never once said I believed TS is Michael. I said it was possible... and it is possible. But I did not say that is what I believed. I was just using the example to those that didn't believe Michael would "test us". And I truly believe people here have taken the "test" thing in TS' update #6 out of context. All TS was basically saying, in my interpretation of it, was that many are failing the "test" of believing evidence when it is given to you because everyone is so wrapped up in who the information is coming from instead of just looking at the information, investigating it, and coming up with their own conclusion. They want to know who it is coming from SO bad before they believe it (or don't believe it) instead of making up their own minds and "thinking for themselves" on if the information is accurate or not.
    TNZ also never claimed to be Michael or someone related or close to him. They write some amazingly brilliant stuff on their blogs, which also would make someone think they're close to Michael. Their writings are very convincing and educated. I don't think any of their informations were ever debunked either. But we don't believe TNZ. What exactly has TIAI done so convincing that we all believe he's legit. I'm not an english speaker. It's almost hebrew for me understand TS's posts with all the numerology and complicated language. I don't think Michael would expect us to believe in something which can not back its self up. But at the end of the day, it's upto everybody what they want to believe. I just had to let my thoughts out. Love. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    p.s. TS also said Michael would come back in December/January, and he didn't.

    This is going to be my last post on this topic because I do not want to come off as trying to make anyone believe in something they don't want to or can't believe in. In the end, if TS is fake, then it's my own fault for believing in him, no one else's and that will be something that I have to blame myself for and no one else. Therefore, I don't want to come across as trying to make anyone believe in anything or anyone. As far as TNZ goes, you said "we" don't believe them, but you can't really say that. There may be those here that secretly, or vocally, do believe them but unlike TNZ, TS' "location" has not been able to be tracked. People have tried, but failed. They have speculation but no evidence. In the end, it's up to each and every one of us to choose whether we believe TS or not.

    As far as him saying that Michael would come back in January, please re-read his comment about this in one of his updates. He never stated that Michael would BAM in January. He explains that whole thing in one of his updates.

    With L.O.V.E. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    KacyLovesMJ, don't you think if TS was a fake he/she would also know MUCH about Michael and try to copy him sometimes as most impersonators on the net do? I think the statement you talked about of Michael liking seeing people acting natural, is a very common one. All fans know it. So my point is, if someone is trying to impersonate Michael, they can use things like this, no offense to ts or anyone. Just my 2 cents.

    Yes, you do have a point, but I do not believe TS is a fake. There are two reasons I do not believe he's a fake.

    1. He's never CLAIMED to be Michael or anyone in the Jackson camp. Ever. He has hinted that he has inside knowledge but he has never stated that he is one of the Jacksons. No statement = not pretending to be someone he's not.

    2. No one has been able to debunk ANY of the information he has given us for so many months now. TS was around as S.T.U.D.Y. back at the beginning of this entire thing last year and no one was able to debunk a word he said then, nor now.

    Those two reasons alone is why I do not believe TS is fake. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> And as far as everyone just needing to know Michael to try and act like him on the internet, that IS correct and we see it happen everyday on various websites but I never once said I believed TS is Michael. I said it was possible... and it is possible. But I did not say that is what I believed. I was just using the example to those that didn't believe Michael would "test us". And I truly believe people here have taken the "test" thing in TS' update #6 out of context. All TS was basically saying, in my interpretation of it, was that many are failing the "test" of believing evidence when it is given to you because everyone is so wrapped up in who the information is coming from instead of just looking at the information, investigating it, and coming up with their own conclusion. They want to know who it is coming from SO bad before they believe it (or don't believe it) instead of making up their own minds and "thinking for themselves" on if the information is accurate or not.
    TNZ also never claimed to be Michael or someone related or close to him. They write some amazingly brilliant stuff on their blogs, which also would make someone think they're close to Michael. Their writings are very convincing and educated. I don't think any of their informations were ever debunked either. But we don't believe TNZ. What exactly has TIAI done so convincing that we all believe he's legit. I'm not an english speaker. It's almost hebrew for me understand TS's posts with all the numerology and complicated language. I don't think Michael would expect us to believe in something which can not back its self up. But at the end of the day, it's upto everybody what they want to believe. I just had to let my thoughts out. Love. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    p.s. TS also said Michael would come back in December/January, and he didn't.

    This is going to be my last post on this topic because I do not want to come off as trying to make anyone believe in something they don't want to or can't believe in. In the end, if TS is fake, then it's my own fault for believing in him, no one else's and that will be something that I have to blame myself for and no one else. Therefore, I don't want to come across as trying to make anyone believe in anything or anyone. As far as TNZ goes, you said "we" don't believe them, but you can't really say that. There may be those here that secretly, or vocally, do believe them but unlike TNZ, TS' "location" has not been able to be tracked. People have tried, but failed. They have speculation but no evidence. In the end, it's up to each and every one of us to choose whether we believe TS or not.

    As far as him saying that Michael would come back in January, please re-read his comment about this in one of his updates. He never stated that Michael would BAM in January. He explains that whole thing in one of his updates.

    With L.O.V.E. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    i don't know, i read TS's updates but i don't get it. may be because of my language. i need some simple summary of this all. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> well, not believing/doubting TS doesn't make me any less of a MJ fan. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Just wanted to say that I agree with what KacyLovesMJ said. Brilliant explanations. I just wanted to add that in the end no matter who is poviding information we always have to investigate ourselves and think for ourselves (even if it comes from Michael <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ). This is the lesson that has to be learn I think.

    TS is more legit than any other source to me because of many "predictions" he made nobody else in hoaxland has been able to make. Let's do it one more time:

    "And for those who still aren’t sure if TS has inside information: one more time, here is the TIAI list of predictions, etc—with the latest Elvis ones added. Please note that these are merely reminders; if you are new, some of these might not make sense without reading all of the TS posts first.

    #1. MJ investigation complete, only two days after TIAI announced Update #1.
    #2. 333 pages of FBI files, planned release on same day as TIAI Revealed.
    #3. $9.99 while LaToya shopping, connecting with “99” days after 9-9-09.
    #4. Six 911 articles on TMZ, the day after TIAI conspiracies on Google (911, etc).
    #5. Murray on TMZ news four times, the same day as the TIAI Murray redirect.
    #6. Vendetta on 11-5; Evan Chandler / Emerald City on 11-17 (70th anniversary).
    #7. 2012 trailer, a week before “Jackson” and many other MJ parallels came out.
    #8. TII Resurrection scene in a graveyard (not funeral & casket, etc).
    #9. TII would Reveal the hoax (Smooth Criminal, no RIP, BAM statement, etc).
    #10. TII would show the MJ “Return” (this very word is now on the DVD).
    #11. 1998 autograph codes; 77 days & 7 days all pointed to 9-9-09, fulfilled by several TII and MJ related events.
    #12. ALLJACK5ONS tweet on 1-18 about TIAI “Revealed” (also the 3-11 tweet).
    #13. TMZ clue on January 25.
    #14. TMZ, Murray, and murder versus hoax clue on February 5.
    #15. High probability of “piece by piece” return starting in January (see #12, etc).
    #16. Autopsy finalized 9-9-09, released just one day after I said “9-9-09 update”.
    #17. TIAI redirect to TMZ, less than an hour before the big MJ Killed Himself post.
    #18. Update #4 (4-44), #17 article posted on 4-4 at 4:00 AM (444).
    #19. Elvis redirect on 5-10, several Elvis events happen from 5-12 to 5-20 (next).
    #20. Update 5 (with 12 sections) on 5-12 at 5:12 AM; later that day TMZ starts LMP series from 5-12 to 5-17. Also, Linda talks to Jesse on 5-12.
    #21. The final part of TIAI Update (#5d) is posted evening of 5-19 (CA time). On 5-19, Eliza posted a message on her homepage, for the first time in about four months; then on 5-20, the article by attorney Mayoras was posted (6-1, above)."

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