NEW! Interview with Ben Evestad - what do you see??

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Check this out:

<!-- m --> ... d-10974241<!-- m -->

Watch the interview and tell me what you see at 1:53

Also.. i have no idea why it says "Ambulance at Neverland"


  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Check this out:

    <!-- m --> ... d-10974241<!-- m -->

    Watch the interview and tell me what you see at 1:53

    Also.. i have no idea why it says "Ambulance at Neverland"

    AAH! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> It looks like Michael wearing his mask, lookin into the camera, half sitting and half lying... Ambulance at Neverland <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • NightOwlNightOwl Posts: 150
    Good find!

    Glad Ben is a photographer in L.A. because he's not much of an actor. Why is he so nervous? Turn off the sound and watch him. Hmmm...

    "Body language of A liar
    In certain situations, you can tell a lie not by what you hear, but what you see. A Person’s physical movements will give him/her away every time. Just like the human eye, every movement has a reason backed up behind it. If you can read body language, you will gain the upper hand in any confrontation. The liar will not know he is giving himself away by making certain body movements, because they are all done subconsciously. The subconscious mind is a powerful part of your brain that the average person under estimates. A lot of the movements you make are orchestrated by the subconscious mind.
    Knowing what each body movement means is so important because if you can observe some ones body language, then you can decipher it and ultimately decide whether or not the person is lying, or telling the truth. Below are the most common traits of a liar.

    Body Language Of A Liar:
    · Liar’s physical movements will be limited and stiff.
    · Little arm and hand movement
    · In some cases, they will avoid eye contact. There could also be numerous other reasons they are avoiding eye contact. Some people may have social disabilities, or it may even appear they are avoiding eye contact, but they are just looking at something. Other reasons could be cultural, or someone is embarrassed. You have to take all these factors into account before you make a judgment. The best thing you can do when someone is avoiding eye contact is to think about the persons normal behavior. If he normally maintains eye contact when he talks to you, and all the sudden he breaks it that might be a little suspicious.
    · Hands are more likely to touch their face or mouth.
    · More likely to scratch behind their ear, or touch their nose
    · Not likely to touch his chest with an open hand
    · Sometimes they will shake their heads no as if their saying no but they say yes. This is a subconscious movement, so it means they don’t believe in what they just said. Have you ever seen someone so disgusted at someone, and all they can do is just shake their head? Sometimes liars will look like this when they are speaking.
    · Palms will face down when they are lying, because the subconscious mind thinks you are more vulnerable when your palms are face up.
    · Some will place objects between you and themselves, this subconscious act is to create a barrier between you and the liar. It helps give them more reassurance. Be aware of the smallest things they place between you and themselves, such as cups, utensils, chairs, and more.
    · Some people may be described as “illustrators.” An “illustrator” is a person who uses him/her hands while talking, giving hand gestures to aid them in describing something. While an “illustrator” is lying, their hand gestures become drastically less frequent, or even halt completely.
    · Licking your lips after saying something is a strong sign of deception. When people get nervous, their saliva glands cease to produce saliva, and our mouths become dry. There are two reasons why a person could lick their lips after saying something. They are either nervous, or are uncomfortable with what they just said.
    · Touching the collarbone. When a man touches his collarbone while speaking, or being spoken too, it signals insecurity. This subconscious movement is unusual for men. However, when women touch their collarbone it indicates stress.
    Just because the person exhibits 1 of these behaviors does not mean they are lying. If they are exhibiting 3 or 4 of them, chances are he is. Just remember, to think about their normal behavior while you decide if they are lying."
    (<!-- m --> ... fLiars.php<!-- m -->)

    Watch a trained speaker lie (the forehead):
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    At first I thought I saw his black fedora... but after I watched it about 15 times, trying to pause and slow down the video, I see the paramedics, their arm patches could be mistaken for his face mask - but when I compare the positioning of the paramedics in the "official" still of the ambulance shot, their positions do not match in comparison to the equipment in the background, and I actually think I only see one paramedic in the video.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    So obviously they had more than one videographer, because this ABC video of Ben's is a different viewpoint of the van pulling out than the one from Hollywood TV at this link-

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    And did they really have enough time for both the videographer AND a still photographer to both take those photos at the ambulance window?

    And interesting how Ben says 2 fans, 2 autograph seekers and 4 photographers were all that were outside the gate. At 1:33 he says "It was actually pretty quiet THIS DAY" So was this photographed THIS DAY and the video with the tour bus from STAR Tours outside was filmed the OTHER DAY? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    I don't see anything but the paramedic... I have the pics to prove my point, but they are too big for this forum for some reason.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I don't see anything but the paramedic... I have the pics to prove my point, but they are too big for this forum for some reason.

    Must be me going mad. I see MJ in a white mask sitting up. May be an optical illusion, but i wasnt looking for it and it popped out to me
  • Ok I saw that too!!! I saw a person with a white mask and what looks to be sunglasses on. Just as soon as that person saw the photographer he moved out of the way quickly. I have watched this about 20 times very close up. At one point I was going cross eyed. But, I know what I saw and this is awesome.
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    I can see the paramedic move his arm but that's it.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    This is what I see


    I see one of the paramedics standing in this one..

  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443

  • Interesting how he says Michael "passed away" each time instead of "died", and he hesitates each time before saying it.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
  • OMG! That looks like him...well someone with a fedora hat and a mask ( you can only assume it's him)..but who ever it is...he should not be the second sceenshot you can even see him eyes a little bit...
    This is great proof that it was not a real emergency...and many no one really died that day either ( a double i mean).
  • Sternschen87Sternschen87 Posts: 526
    sorry, but what do you see? i see only a person next to the bench
  • Sternschen87Sternschen87 Posts: 526


    sorry but this is the shadow on the ground...
  • Missyb007Missyb007 Posts: 727
    Yet another slipup made by mr Evanstad.

    At 0:42 When they show the clip of someone filming through the gates (with this "Michael person" standing up from behind a car or something) Ben says: "And that's when they bring Michael out....On the euh stretcher euh You see him for a split second, The bodyguard and a fan also uh trying very hard for the video NOT to be taken" .. lmao.. thank you Ben <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> .. wonder why they tried so hard heah <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> he mentiones a bodyguard ( i see him) he mentiones a fan( see it too) but he doesn't mention the "guy" standing up..whats up with that?
  • Sternschen87Sternschen87 Posts: 526
    i see this person
    is it michael? i don'tknow
  • Sternschen87Sternschen87 Posts: 526
    and who is this one?
  • Missyb007Missyb007 Posts: 727
    lmao now... I see "another picture" of michael looking upwards directly into the camera with this mask over his nose/mouth and hair almost over his left eye... maybe i just want to see it i dunno i'll try photoshopping the picture to see if there really is something there haha..

  • Sternschen87Sternschen87 Posts: 526
    lmao now... I see "another picture" of michael looking upwards directly into the camera with this mask over his nose/mouth... maybe i just want to see it i dunno i'll try photoshopping the picture to see if there really is something there haha..


    it is the arm of the paramedic..
  • Missyb007Missyb007 Posts: 727
    lmao now... I see "another picture" of michael looking upwards directly into the camera with this mask over his nose/mouth... maybe i just want to see it i dunno i'll try photoshopping the picture to see if there really is something there haha..


    it is the arm of the paramedic..

    Lol ok.. like I said... maybe i want to see something that isnt there, im never good at "spotting faces" in these kind of pictures
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443


    sorry but this is the shadow on the ground...

    It's not, I got other pics taken from the video and that's not a shadow..
  • Lee.HLee.H Posts: 155
    He's not even a good liar <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Hm, not sure what I see... Since you've already mentioned Michael with a mask on I kind of see that too but I can't honestly say that I would've seen that if noone had mentioned it <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> . Btw, a FAN tried to stop them from filming Michael being carried out on the stretcher?! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Where is this FAN, why haven't we heard anything from him/her?! Why won't anyone speak?! Bad feeling again... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    Check this out:

    <!-- m --> ... d-10974241<!-- m -->

    Watch the interview and tell me what you see at 1:53

    Also.. i have no idea why it says "Ambulance at Neverland"

    ok my biggest issue here is- if you watch the video, at about .52 sec, he shows how they saw mj on a stretcher being loaded into the ambulance and the bgs were trying to hide that lil area at the gate so pics aren't taken right?? well if you google images or search for this house online, there is a lil driveway from the front of the house to the gate.. this is where the round about is in the house too. so if ben and his team were able to capture a second of them loading the stretcher near the gate, does that mean they wheeled him from the front door of the house?? am i makin sense?? i mean why would they have to bring the stretcher to the gate and not just load it at the entrance of the house by the roundabout
    heres a picture of the house and you see what i mean with a driveway-
    <!-- m --> ... d%20dr.jpg<!-- m -->
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