Michael IS a Jehova Witness



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Michael Jackson was raised a Jehovas Witness but he left the church innthe early 90's. Someone so full of love could not be in a religion so oppressive and hateful.

    Being a Christian and being a JW are 2 different things. Like the Mormons, they read the same book but have their own twist on it. After all, people with black skin are considered cursed since they represent those who sided with Satan when Jesus and Satan were fighting for earth. I'm not saying JWs believe the same thing but not believing in a hell when the Bible mentions it over and over and only believing 144,000 will make it to God while the rest go to paradise is a bit against the scriptures. If there is no hell where do the sinners go? Where do the people who don't believe in God go?

    Michael was also not a Muslim. The Muslim religion is full of hate, violence and prejudices that even the thought that Michael converted to Islam is a curse upon the man. Islam for a lack of a better word is shit. It isn't a religion of peace, the peace they speak of is when the whole word becomes Islamic, not living with others and accepting their differences.

    There is a reason Muslim blow things up while other religions are peaceful about differences - annoying to some but they do not cause physical harm.

    I thought that people were smarter than that. Well you're not the only one to think like that but it's not the right place to spread your hate of Muslims. I'm sure they're plenty of internet spaces opened for people who think like you. We are here for peace and love and it's not what you're about here.
    According to "your truth" consider me as a full of hate, violent and full of prejudices woman because I'm a muslim (= submitted to God). I will not enter on an argument or revisit history of Christianity to tell you that violence is not the only fact of so-called muslims. Do yourself a favor go investigate a little before claiming such things.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Michael Jackson was raised a Jehovas Witness but he left the church innthe early 90's. Someone so full of love could not be in a religion so oppressive and hateful.

    Being a Christian and being a JW are 2 different things. Like the Mormons, they read the same book but have their own twist on it. After all, people with black skin are considered cursed since they represent those who sided with Satan when Jesus and Satan were fighting for earth. I'm not saying JWs believe the same thing but not believing in a hell when the Bible mentions it over and over and only believing 144,000 will make it to God while the rest go to paradise is a bit against the scriptures. If there is no hell where do the sinners go? Where do the people who don't believe in God go?

    Michael was also not a Muslim. The Muslim religion is full of hate, violence and prejudices that even the thought that Michael converted to Islam is a curse upon the man. Islam for a lack of a better word is shit. It isn't a religion of peace, the peace they speak of is when the whole word becomes Islamic, not living with others and accepting their differences.

    There is a reason Muslim blow things up while other religions are peaceful about differences - annoying to some but they do not cause physical harm.

    I thought that people were smarter than that. Well you're not the only one to think like that but it's not the right place to spread your hate of Muslims. I'm sure they're plenty of internet spaces opened for people who think like you. We are here for peace and love and it's not what you're about here.
    According to "your truth" consider me as a full of hate, violent and full of prejudges woman because I'm a muslim (= submitted to God). I will not enter on an argument or revisit history of Christianity to tell you that violence is not the only fact of so-called muslims. Do yourself a favor go investigate a little before claiming such things.

    I agree. A lot of people are drawing an equal sign between Muslims and terrorists. Terrorists are extremists, they want to get their way through violence. Majority of Muslims are peaceful people.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Michael Jackson was raised a Jehovas Witness but he left the church innthe early 90's. Someone so full of love could not be in a religion so oppressive and hateful.

    Being a Christian and being a JW are 2 different things. Like the Mormons, they read the same book but have their own twist on it. After all, people with black skin are considered cursed since they represent those who sided with Satan when Jesus and Satan were fighting for earth. I'm not saying JWs believe the same thing but not believing in a hell when the Bible mentions it over and over and only believing 144,000 will make it to God while the rest go to paradise is a bit against the scriptures. If there is no hell where do the sinners go? Where do the people who don't believe in God go?

    Michael was also not a Muslim. The Muslim religion is full of hate, violence and prejudices that even the thought that Michael converted to Islam is a curse upon the man. Islam for a lack of a better word is shit. It isn't a religion of peace, the peace they speak of is when the whole word becomes Islamic, not living with others and accepting their differences.

    There is a reason Muslim blow things up while other religions are peaceful about differences - annoying to some but they do not cause physical harm.

    I thought that people were smarter than that. Well you're not the only one to think like that but it's not the right place to spread your hate of Muslims. I'm sure they're plenty of internet spaces opened for people who think like you. We are here for peace and love and it's not what you're about here.
    According to "your truth" consider me as a full of hate, violent and full of prejudges woman because I'm a muslim (= submitted to God). I will not enter on an argument or revisit history of Christianity to tell you that violence is not the only fact of so-called muslims. Do yourself a favor go investigate a little before claiming such things.

    I agree. A lot of people are drawing an equal sign between Muslims and terrorists. Terrorists are extremists, they want to get their way through violence. Majority of Muslims are peaceful people.

    Yes and this is exactly what the Elite wants. Before 9/11 and this so-called war against terrorism there was no such hate against muslims (not to that level at least). Some people should be more conscious about what is really going on because this kind of behaviour is really not helpful to make this world a better place to live. But I know that some people have a strong hate against muslims and that nothing will change their minds. Well sometimes I really don't know what to say because this person didn't express at least an argumented opinion on the religion itself but on the nature of the people who follow this religion (which to my knowledge has been corrupted also hence a lot of deviations from the original message). I'm ok to not agree with Islam or to not believe in God for example everyone's free to have an opinion but critizing the deep nature of an entire group of people is something else. There are almost 2 billion muslims, 2 billion terrorists ? Please.
    I said it already but I have researched about religions and I came to the conclusion that religions have been corrupted to an extent that makes me think that only God can do something to restore it. A kind of big spring-cleaning. This corruption of religion + medias propaganda and manipulation is the result of such statements.
    God bless you.
  • SuzyQSuzyQ Posts: 12

    For every JW that i have spoken to, no they didn't believe that. They do believe in Jesus, I agree but as far as his resurrection from the dead, from many of them that I have talked to no.

    Well Im not sure who you speak to or where you got your "information", but in The Bible it says Jesus died on the first day, was burried on the second and was RESSURRECTED on the third. Soo..what I find interesting is people who claim him to NOT be a JW are people who say they "know" or "have spoken" to a JW who told them their info. And Im also seeing that your quoting everyone saying he was either a JW or a Muslim and saying no he wasn't he was christian and he was "saved". As if you have a dire need to tell everyone he shares your beliefs. Im amazed at the ignorance and hate being spread by people on this forum. The same people who claim to be MJ fans and follow his "message". I think some of you here and in the world need to genuinely follow in his footsteps and learn about other people/religions yourselves instead of basing your opinions on heresay. I truly dont think people are understanding or ever will, Michaels message. So maybe this topic shouldn't be discussed, or perhaps it was a good thing, to really see if people practice what they preach. Alomost another "test".
    Oh and for those who say he was saved, what exactly did he need to be saved from? Bashing the JW doctrine and practices you are bashing his mother and himself, along with his children who go to the Kingdom Hall. Are they apart of a "cult" spreading misleading propaganda to people. Was Michael one of those people going door to door to brainwash the masses? People are ignoring what he said from his own mouth, and that was the person he is was because of his mother and the beliefs she instilled in him growing up. I encourage reading and the search for knowledge because obviously it will do us all some good. To be understanding, accepting and truly loving to attain ultimate peace.
  • For me, it really doesn't matter what religon he was. I have done research on it and my conslusion is that he was a Jehovah Witness. He wanted to go back to the religon "formally" after the 50 concerts. Please don't insult JW's. I respect the fact that every one believes something else. Its just a fact I felt people needed to know.
  • SuzyQSuzyQ Posts: 12
    For me, it really doesn't matter what religon he was. I have done research on it and my conslusion is that he was a Jehovah Witness. He wanted to go back to the religon "formally" after the 50 concerts. Please don't insult JW's. I respect the fact that every one believes something else. Its just a fact I felt people needed to know.

    And I agree. I think it is good to have posts with a topic that encourages people to express their own opinion on things that affect them personally. Religion does that, but it is also a hot button issue for people and tests their faith which is the most vulnerable characteristic of a person in many ways. None the less, attacking anyone or thing based on arguments that hold no merit and prior knowledge on the subject is the epitomy of ignorance.
    "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." - Albert Einstein
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006

    For every JW that i have spoken to, no they didn't believe that. They do believe in Jesus, I agree but as far as his resurrection from the dead, from many of them that I have talked to no.

    Well Im not sure who you speak to or where you got your "information", but in The Bible it says Jesus died on the first day, was burried on the second and was RESSURRECTED on the third. Soo..what I find interesting is people who claim him to NOT be a JW are people who say they "know" or "have spoken" to a JW who told them their info. And Im also seeing that your quoting everyone saying he was either a JW or a Muslim and saying no he wasn't he was christian and he was "saved". As if you have a dire need to tell everyone he shares your beliefs. Im amazed at the ignorance and hate being spread by people on this forum. The same people who claim to be MJ fans and follow his "message". I think some of you here and in the world need to genuinely follow in his footsteps and learn about other people/religions yourselves instead of basing your opinions on heresay. I truly dont think people are understanding or ever will, Michaels message. So maybe this topic shouldn't be discussed, or perhaps it was a good thing, to really see if people practice what they preach. Alomost another "test".
    Oh and for those who say he was saved, what exactly did he need to be saved from? Bashing the JW doctrine and practices you are bashing his mother and himself, along with his children who go to the Kingdom Hall. Are they apart of a "cult" spreading misleading propaganda to people. Was Michael one of those people going door to door to brainwash the masses? People are ignoring what he said from his own mouth, and that was the person he is was because of his mother and the beliefs she instilled in him growing up. I encourage reading and the search for knowledge because obviously it will do us all some good. To be understanding, accepting and truly loving to attain ultimate peace.

    I am very fully aware of that I think you missed what I said. I said someone who was an JW approached me and said diferently.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Michael Jackson was raised a Jehovas Witness but he left the church innthe early 90's. Someone so full of love could not be in a religion so oppressive and hateful.

    Being a Christian and being a JW are 2 different things. Like the Mormons, they read the same book but have their own twist on it. After all, people with black skin are considered cursed since they represent those who sided with Satan when Jesus and Satan were fighting for earth. I'm not saying JWs believe the same thing but not believing in a hell when the Bible mentions it over and over and only believing 144,000 will make it to God while the rest go to paradise is a bit against the scriptures. If there is no hell where do the sinners go? Where do the people who don't believe in God go?

    Michael was also not a Muslim. The Muslim religion is full of hate, violence and prejudices that even the thought that Michael converted to Islam is a curse upon the man. Islam for a lack of a better word is shit. It isn't a religion of peace, the peace they speak of is when the whole word becomes Islamic, not living with others and accepting their differences.

    There is a reason Muslim blow things up while other religions are peaceful about differences - annoying to some but they do not cause physical harm.

    I thought that people were smarter than that. Well you're not the only one to think like that but it's not the right place to spread your hate of Muslims. I'm sure they're plenty of internet spaces opened for people who think like you. We are here for peace and love and it's not what you're about here.
    According to "your truth" consider me as a full of hate, violent and full of prejudges woman because I'm a muslim (= submitted to God). I will not enter on an argument or revisit history of Christianity to tell you that violence is not the only fact of so-called muslims. Do yourself a favor go investigate a little before claiming such things.

    I agree. A lot of people are drawing an equal sign between Muslims and terrorists. Terrorists are extremists, they want to get their way through violence. Majority of Muslims are peaceful people.

    I will say not all Muslims are terrorists or extremists. I realize alot of the media hype this up to cause people to have an issue with Muslims. As I have been reading much of what is going on with media and its agenda. I personally have a friend who was a former Muslim , we stayed friends for a long time so media hype things up.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006

    For every JW that i have spoken to, no they didn't believe that. They do believe in Jesus, I agree but as far as his resurrection from the dead, from many of them that I have talked to no.

    Well Im not sure who you speak to or where you got your "information", but in The Bible it says Jesus died on the first day, was burried on the second and was RESSURRECTED on the third. Soo..what I find interesting is people who claim him to NOT be a JW are people who say they "know" or "have spoken" to a JW who told them their info. And Im also seeing that your quoting everyone saying he was either a JW or a Muslim and saying no he wasn't he was christian and he was "saved". As if you have a dire need to tell everyone he shares your beliefs. Im amazed at the ignorance and hate being spread by people on this forum. The same people who claim to be MJ fans and follow his "message". I think some of you here and in the world need to genuinely follow in his footsteps and learn about other people/religions yourselves instead of basing your opinions on heresay. I truly dont think people are understanding or ever will, Michaels message. So maybe this topic shouldn't be discussed, or perhaps it was a good thing, to really see if people practice what they preach. Alomost another "test".
    Oh and for those who say he was saved, what exactly did he need to be saved from? Bashing the JW doctrine and practices you are bashing his mother and himself, along with his children who go to the Kingdom Hall. Are they apart of a "cult" spreading misleading propaganda to people. Was Michael one of those people going door to door to brainwash the masses? People are ignoring what he said from his own mouth, and that was the person he is was because of his mother and the beliefs she instilled in him growing up. I encourage reading and the search for knowledge because obviously it will do us all some good. To be understanding, accepting and truly loving to attain ultimate peace.

    Suzy, in regards to him being saved, someone else posted that. I agreed with them in regards to this because someone who personally knew him shared this with me so this was their message. #2, I never denied that MJ is JW but the man can change if he so choose to, it's his choice. #3, whether he is or isn't I don't hate the man as see where his heart was. Let me say I don't hate anyone on here regardless of what their background are. OK.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Michael Jackson was raised a Jehovas Witness but he left the church innthe early 90's. Someone so full of love could not be in a religion so oppressive and hateful.

    Being a Christian and being a JW are 2 different things. Like the Mormons, they read the same book but have their own twist on it. After all, people with black skin are considered cursed since they represent those who sided with Satan when Jesus and Satan were fighting for earth. I'm not saying JWs believe the same thing but not believing in a hell when the Bible mentions it over and over and only believing 144,000 will make it to God while the rest go to paradise is a bit against the scriptures. If there is no hell where do the sinners go? Where do the people who don't believe in God go?

    Michael was also not a Muslim. The Muslim religion is full of hate, violence and prejudges that even the thought that Michael converted to Islam is a curse upon the man. Islam for a lack of a better word is shit. It isn't a religion of peace, the peace they speak of is when the whole word becomes Islamic, not living with others and accepting their differences.

    There is a reason Muslim blow things up while other religions are peaceful about differences - annoying to some but they do not cause physical harm.

    In regards to the 144,000. The 144,000 are the Twelve Tribes of Judah.


  • SuzyQSuzyQ Posts: 12
    @Infinity Lady you completely ignored everything else I said and didn't answer any question. Not that you have to. When I said "what did he have to be saved from?" if you noticed I was saying that as a general statement to the people who said that. But, since you said you agreed with that statement then I was speaking to you aswell. So I will ask again, what was he saved from and why did he need to be saved? Was he a criminal, lost spiritually or in any way? Did you even ask these questions to the person who alledgedly messaged you telling you this or did you just blindly agree because it suites your beliefs? What if I said I knew someone who knows/knew Michael and says he was never literally "saved" but his faith in Jehovah ultimately stayed the same? Thus, he had no reason to be saved from anything. Although he did learn about other religions and studied cultures to gain knowledge and understanding, his personal faith in Jehovah God never changed. Again the word of another person cannot blindly be trusted in regards to so called "facts" without proof. The JW who alledgedly approached you, said something which factually is incorrect based on the proof in The Bible in which the JW's follow. So Jesus was infact ressurrected according to their beliefs.
    No matter what religion someone claims to be apart of, you cant base your personal beliefs on what that person says or does and use it to generalise a group of people. There are good and bad people in EVERY religion, group, every situation. You cant have all good without the bad. In an imperfect world there is no such thing.
  • SuzyQSuzyQ Posts: 12
    Again untrue. The 144, 000 are a group of people some dead and some living who will go to heaven with God and the angels. The rest of humanity will be ressurrected to live on earth, which is referred to as a paradise. After this world ends. This was also mentioned in Michaels funeral booklet. People who sin will be forgiven and have a chance to repent, if they choose not to they will die and remain dead for eternity. Let me ask you why you believe in hell? It seems like a perfect control tactic to use against people who disagree with your beliefs. Or if a little boy was bad one year he will get lumps of coal for christmas and if you do something wrong you will go to hell. We have hell on earth. People wandering around aimlessly with death, destruction, war, negativity, all forms of sin including feelings of depression and sadness. Why would God send people to a "firey pit" to burn with destruction all around them with a red man with horns and a tail forever? Does that make sense, if they are suffering on earth? Wouldn't it make sense for God to give them a chance to repent and if they choose not to then just die and remain dead forever? If you believe in hell than I respect your beliefs but you should find out why others dont. The Bible DOES infact mention a firey pit in which people who are sinful will go, but that is not necessarily meant to be taken literally. That will happen at the time the world ends. Not after people die. When you die, your soul dies, you die. Your soul is you, so you remain dead. Why if your "good" and go to heaven, would you get burried, gain wings and fly to heaven to float around with everyone. What happens in heaven if everyone over thousands of years go there? Wouldnt it be over packed? Lol. And one more thing, I find people who believe in heaven and hell often say that when someone dies God "wanted" them. That is horrible in many ways, I guess it comforts people to believe so, but why would a loving God want an innocent child to be raped, murdered ect. so he/she could go to heaven?
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    @Infinity Lady you completely ignored everything else I said and didn't answer any question. Not that you have to. When I said "what did he have to be saved from?" if you noticed I was saying that as a general statement to the people who said that. But, since you said you agreed with that statement then I was speaking to you aswell. So I will ask again, what was he saved from and why did he need to be saved? Was he a criminal, lost spiritually or in any way? Did you even ask these questions to the person who alledgedly messaged you telling you this or did you just blindly agree because it suites your beliefs? What if I said I knew someone who knows/knew Michael and says he was never literally "saved" but his faith in Jehovah ultimately stayed the same? Thus, he had no reason to be saved from anything. Although he did learn about other religions and studied cultures to gain knowledge and understanding, his personal faith in Jehovah God never changed. Again the word of another person cannot blindly be trusted in regards to so called "facts" without proof. The JW who alledgedly approached you, said something which factually is incorrect based on the proof in The Bible in which the JW's follow. So Jesus was infact ressurrected according to their beliefs.

    No matter what religion someone claims to be apart of, you cant base your personal beliefs on what that person says or does and use it to generalise a group of people. There are good and bad people in EVERY religion, group, every situation. You cant have all good without the bad. In an imperfect world there is no such thing.

    suzy, if you want to say that I am basing my personal beliefs then go ahead.
    In regards to being said. I had already explained that when someone else on the post if you would have read the other replies. Someone asked what did it mean for MJ to be saved. I explained in replying with Romans 10. Ok. I was explaining to them that it meant that MJ accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior that was what it meant. I know there are good and bad in everyone regardless of what their beliefs are.
  • SuzyQSuzyQ Posts: 12
    That is my point, he had already knew, loved and accpeted Jesus and Jehovah God as his saviour.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Again untrue. The 144, 000 are a group of people some dead and some living who will go to heaven with God and the angels. The rest of humanity will be ressurrected to live on earth, which is referred to as a paradise. After this world ends. This was also mentioned in Michaels funeral booklet. People who sin will be forgiven and have a chance to repent, if they choose not to they will die and remain dead for eternity. Let me ask you why you believe in hell? It seems like a perfect control tactic to use against people who disagree with your beliefs. Or if a little boy was bad one year he will get lumps of coal for christmas and if you do something wrong you will go to hell. We have hell on earth. People wandering around aimlessly with death, destruction, war, negativity, all forms of sin including feelings of depression and sadness. Why would God send people to a "firey pit" to burn with destruction all around them with a red man with horns and a tail forever? Does that make sense, if they are suffering on earth? Wouldn't it make sense for God to give them a chance to repent and if they choose not to then just die and remain dead forever? If you believe in hell than I respect your beliefs but you should find out why others dont. The Bible DOES infact mention a firey pit in which people who are sinful will go, but that is not necessarily meant to be taken literally. That will happen at the time the world ends. Not after people die. When you die, your soul dies, you die. Your soul is you, so you remain dead. Why if your "good" and go to heaven, would you get burried, gain wings and fly to heaven to float around with everyone. What happens in heaven if everyone over thousands of years go there? Wouldnt it be over packed? Lol. And one more thing, I find people who believe in heaven and hell often say that when someone dies God "wanted" them. That is horrible in many ways, I guess it comforts people to believe so, but why would a loving God want an innocent child to be raped, murdered ect. so he/she could go to heaven?

    Suzy, 144,000 people will not be going to heaven, hun. If you are reading from the same Bible that I read, click on the links that I included or straight to the bible and read it for yourself. God describes the exact amount of the Twelve Tribes of Judah that is explained in Revelation. You can read it for yourself. You don't have to believe me. I won't dispute it as the links show. But if you are reading the same Bible I read then you will see that they are giving the number of Tribes who will be sealed under God in these last days, its right in there.
    There is a hell, hun. Whether you want to believe it or not. I am not going to get into it not that ashamed or anything Jesus mentions it several times. Again go back to your Bible and read it. There is a hell because it was meant for the fallen angels who rebelled against God but it is also for the wicked.
    Again, read the bible and see for yourself I can give several scriptures of hell and heaven. Suzy, there is an afterfife whether you choose to believe it or not. Doesn't matter about your religion as religion was instituted by man and not by God. yes, God is loving but remember he is also judge over all things both righteous and unrighteous.In rgrads to God wanting someone who dies, well, it is not God's will for a person to come home early, that is also a scripture for that as well.

    If you want to PM me it is up to you but if you choose to believe otherwise, it's ok.
    Otherswise, we all still MJ. I am just glad to know He did have a heart for God and he took the examples of Christ and desired to live by them. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SuzyQSuzyQ Posts: 12
    Yes Michael did follow in the footsteps of Jesus as he was taught by his mother and her faith as a JW. JW is a religion instituted by God, we can agree to disagree. Some will choose to leave questions unanswered and remain in ignorance. Thanks for your offer, but I will kindly decline.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Couldn't we just agree to say that there is only one God, that He created all the human beings on this planet and that He is the only and ultimate Judge ? We don't know what is in the heart of people only Him knows with certainty.
  • Again untrue. The 144, 000 are a group of people some dead and some living who will go to heaven with God and the angels. The rest of humanity will be ressurrected to live on earth, which is referred to as a paradise. After this world ends. This was also mentioned in Michaels funeral booklet. People who sin will be forgiven and have a chance to repent, if they choose not to they will die and remain dead for eternity. Let me ask you why you believe in hell? It seems like a perfect control tactic to use against people who disagree with your beliefs. Or if a little boy was bad one year he will get lumps of coal for christmas and if you do something wrong you will go to hell. We have hell on earth. People wandering around aimlessly with death, destruction, war, negativity, all forms of sin including feelings of depression and sadness. Why would God send people to a "firey pit" to burn with destruction all around them with a red man with horns and a tail forever? Does that make sense, if they are suffering on earth? Wouldn't it make sense for God to give them a chance to repent and if they choose not to then just die and remain dead forever? If you believe in hell than I respect your beliefs but you should find out why others dont. The Bible DOES infact mention a firey pit in which people who are sinful will go, but that is not necessarily meant to be taken literally. That will happen at the time the world ends. Not after people die. When you die, your soul dies, you die. Your soul is you, so you remain dead. Why if your "good" and go to heaven, would you get burried, gain wings and fly to heaven to float around with everyone. What happens in heaven if everyone over thousands of years go there? Wouldnt it be over packed? Lol. And one more thing, I find people who believe in heaven and hell often say that when someone dies God "wanted" them. That is horrible in many ways, I guess it comforts people to believe so, but why would a loving God want an innocent child to be raped, murdered ect. so he/she could go to heaven?

    Suzy, I wonder and ponder the same things over this Biblical deity... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Michael Jackson was raised a Jehovas Witness but he left the church innthe early 90's. Someone so full of love could not be in a religion so oppressive and hateful.

    Being a Christian and being a JW are 2 different things. Like the Mormons, they read the same book but have their own twist on it. After all, people with black skin are considered cursed since they represent those who sided with Satan when Jesus and Satan were fighting for earth. I'm not saying JWs believe the same thing but not believing in a hell when the Bible mentions it over and over and only believing 144,000 will make it to God while the rest go to paradise is a bit against the scriptures. If there is no hell where do the sinners go? Where do the people who don't believe in God go?

    Michael was also not a Muslim. The Muslim religion is full of hate, violence and prejudices that even the thought that Michael converted to Islam is a curse upon the man. Islam for a lack of a better word is shit. It isn't a religion of peace, the peace they speak of is when the whole word becomes Islamic, not living with others and accepting their differences.

    There is a reason Muslim blow things up while other religions are peaceful about differences - annoying to some but they do not cause physical harm.

    I thought that people were smarter than that. Well you're not the only one to think like that but it's not the right place to spread your hate of Muslims. I'm sure they're plenty of internet spaces opened for people who think like you. We are here for peace and love and it's not what you're about here.
    According to "your truth" consider me as a full of hate, violent and full of prejudices woman because I'm a muslim (= submitted to God). I will not enter on an argument or revisit history of Christianity to tell you that violence is not the only fact of so-called muslims. Do yourself a favor go investigate a little before claiming such things.

    Go take this moral crisis and tell it to someone who isn't informed. Islam is full of hate and discrimination. And yes there are discriminatory things said in the Christian Bible but the difference between extremeist Christians and extremist Muslims are that Christians will knock on your door asking to talk while the Muslims will blow up a car for Allah.

    Allah is an angry God. Muslims look down on women. This whole Islamic law most middle east countries go by says that if a women is raped, she most have a male witness in order for her testimony or her case will be thrown out. Why is that? Because the Koran looks down on women.

    2:191 And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. [87, Medina]
    9:123 Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not. Allah knoweth them. Whatsoever ye spend in the way of Allah it will be repaid to you in full, and ye will not be wronged. [113, Medina]
    9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [113, Medina]
    9:29 Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low. [113, Medina]
    9:30 And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they! [113, Medina]
    9:73 O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey’s end. [113, Medina]
    25:52 So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them…with a great endeavour. [42, Mecca]
    47:4 Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens. That (is the ordinance). And if Allah willed He could have punished them (without you) but (thus it is ordained) that He may try some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He rendereth not their actions vain. [95, Medina]
    8:12 When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger. [88, Medina]

    As for the women the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men and if found disobedient their husbands have the right to scourge them (Q;4:34).  But their punishment for disobeying their husbands does not end there, because after they die they will go to hell (Q;66:10).  Quran emphasizes the superiority of men by confirming that men have an advantage over the women (Q;2:228).  It not only denies the women’s equal right to their inheritance (Q;4:11-12), it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their witness is not admissible in the court of law (Q;2:282).  This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male witness.  Muhammad allowed the Muslims to marry up to four wives and gave them license to enjoy their “right-hand possessions” (women captured in wars) as many as they can capture or afford to buy (Q;4:3), even if she’s married before being captured,(Q;4:24).

    <!-- m -->http://www.thejesusmyth.com/the-koran-e ... m#more-572<!-- m -->

    You can read more at the link above. I've done my research, and I've dealt with Muslims and they fear their God, not love him.

    Was I blunt in my first post? Yes but it wasn't without merit.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Yes Michael did follow in the footsteps of Jesus as he was taught by his mother and her faith as a JW. JW is a religion instituted by God, we can agree to disagree. Some will choose to leave questions unanswered and remain in ignorance. Thanks for your offer, but I will kindly decline.

    You are right, many will perish for the lack of knowledge. If you choose to decline that is fine. It was not intentional to leave the question unanswered because it was really previously explain but you are entitled to choose what you want to hear and believe is totally up to you. They were posted here and maybe all of the post was not thoroughly read. No need to continue to dispute. At the end, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords(Jesus) will judge us all. Have a good day. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Couldn't we just agree to say that there is only one God, that He created all the human beings on this planet and that He is the only and ultimate Judge ? We don't know what is in the heart of people only Him knows with certainty.

    I can agree there is only one God who is loving and the one who is the Judge and Creator of all things visible and invisible. Yes, I can agree with you on this. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Again untrue. The 144, 000 are a group of people some dead and some living who will go to heaven with God and the angels. The rest of humanity will be ressurrected to live on earth, which is referred to as a paradise. After this world ends. This was also mentioned in Michaels funeral booklet. People who sin will be forgiven and have a chance to repent, if they choose not to they will die and remain dead for eternity. Let me ask you why you believe in hell? It seems like a perfect control tactic to use against people who disagree with your beliefs. Or if a little boy was bad one year he will get lumps of coal for christmas and if you do something wrong you will go to hell. We have hell on earth. People wandering around aimlessly with death, destruction, war, negativity, all forms of sin including feelings of depression and sadness. Why would God send people to a "firey pit" to burn with destruction all around them with a red man with horns and a tail forever? Does that make sense, if they are suffering on earth? Wouldn't it make sense for God to give them a chance to repent and if they choose not to then just die and remain dead forever? If you believe in hell than I respect your beliefs but you should find out why others dont. The Bible DOES infact mention a firey pit in which people who are sinful will go, but that is not necessarily meant to be taken literally. That will happen at the time the world ends. Not after people die. When you die, your soul dies, you die. Your soul is you, so you remain dead. Why if your "good" and go to heaven, would you get burried, gain wings and fly to heaven to float around with everyone. What happens in heaven if everyone over thousands of years go there? Wouldnt it be over packed? Lol. And one more thing, I find people who believe in heaven and hell often say that when someone dies God "wanted" them. That is horrible in many ways, I guess it comforts people to believe so, but why would a loving God want an innocent child to be raped, murdered ect. so he/she could go to heaven?

    Suzy, I wonder and ponder the same things over this Biblical deity... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    stranger, It's okay. What do you ponder about? You can PM me if you want.
  • badriabadria Posts: 51
    Michael Jackson was raised a Jehovas Witness but he left the church innthe early 90's. Someone so full of love could not be in a religion so oppressive and hateful.

    Being a Christian and being a JW are 2 different things. Like the Mormons, they read the same book but have their own twist on it. After all, people with black skin are considered cursed since they represent those who sided with Satan when Jesus and Satan were fighting for earth. I'm not saying JWs believe the same thing but not believing in a hell when the Bible mentions it over and over and only believing 144,000 will make it to God while the rest go to paradise is a bit against the scriptures. If there is no hell where do the sinners go? Where do the people who don't believe in God go?

    Michael was also not a Muslim. The Muslim religion is full of hate, violence and prejudices that even the thought that Michael converted to Islam is a curse upon the man. Islam for a lack of a better word is shit. It isn't a religion of peace, the peace they speak of is when the whole word becomes Islamic, not living with others and accepting their differences.

    There is a reason Muslim blow things up while other religions are peaceful about differences - annoying to some but they do not cause physical harm.

    I thought that people were smarter than that. Well you're not the only one to think like that but it's not the right place to spread your hate of Muslims. I'm sure they're plenty of internet spaces opened for people who think like you. We are here for peace and love and it's not what you're about here.
    According to "your truth" consider me as a full of hate, violent and full of prejudices woman because I'm a muslim (= submitted to God). I will not enter on an argument or revisit history of Christianity to tell you that violence is not the only fact of so-called muslims. Do yourself a favor go investigate a little before claiming such things.

    Go take this moral crisis and tell it to someone who isn't informed. Islam is full of hate and discrimination. And yes there are discriminatory things said in the Christian Bible but the difference between extremeist Christians and extremist Muslims are that Christians will knock on your door asking to talk while the Muslims will blow up a car for Allah.

    Allah is an angry God. Muslims look down on women. This whole Islamic law most middle east countries go by says that if a women is raped, she most have a male witness in order for her testimony or her case will be thrown out. Why is that? Because the Koran looks down on women.

    2:191 And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. [87, Medina]
    9:123 Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not. Allah knoweth them. Whatsoever ye spend in the way of Allah it will be repaid to you in full, and ye will not be wronged. [113, Medina]
    9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [113, Medina]
    9:29 Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low. [113, Medina]
    9:30 And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they! [113, Medina]
    9:73 O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey’s end. [113, Medina]
    25:52 So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them…with a great endeavour. [42, Mecca]
    47:4 Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens. That (is the ordinance). And if Allah willed He could have punished them (without you) but (thus it is ordained) that He may try some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He rendereth not their actions vain. [95, Medina]
    8:12 When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger. [88, Medina]

    As for the women the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men and if found disobedient their husbands have the right to scourge them (Q;4:34).  But their punishment for disobeying their husbands does not end there, because after they die they will go to hell (Q;66:10).  Quran emphasizes the superiority of men by confirming that men have an advantage over the women (Q;2:228).  It not only denies the women’s equal right to their inheritance (Q;4:11-12), it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their witness is not admissible in the court of law (Q;2:282).  This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male witness.  Muhammad allowed the Muslims to marry up to four wives and gave them license to enjoy their “right-hand possessions” (women captured in wars) as many as they can capture or afford to buy (Q;4:3), even if she’s married before being captured,(Q;4:24).

    <!-- m -->http://www.thejesusmyth.com/the-koran-e ... m#more-572<!-- m -->

    You can read more at the link above. I've done my research, and I've dealt with Muslims and they fear their God, not love him.

    Was I blunt in my first post? Yes but it wasn't without merit.

    when u talke about islam.... or do your research... at least take the information from TRUSTED sources not from anti-islam websites.... it's for your own good...

    take a look at this website... you might get the first light.. it's in 9 languages..

    <!-- m -->http://kaheel7.com/eng/<!-- m -->
  • Go take this moral crisis and tell it to someone who isn't informed. Islam is full of hate and discrimination. And yes there are discriminatory things said in the Christian Bible but the difference between extremeist Christians and extremist Muslims are that Christians will knock on your door asking to talk while the Muslims will blow up a car for Allah.

    Allah is an angry God. Muslims look down on women. This whole Islamic law most middle east countries go by says that if a women is raped, she most have a male witness in order for her testimony or her case will be thrown out. Why is that? Because the Koran looks down on women.

    <!-- m -->http://www.thejesusmyth.com/the-koran-e ... m#more-572<!-- m -->

    You can read more at the link above. I've done my research, and I've dealt with Muslims and they fear their God, not love him.

    Was I blunt in my first post? Yes but it wasn't without merit.

    I try to be as objective as possible in my posts and if I don't agree with someone I usually reply with an open mind or I just avoid the subject but this is shocking to me! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> It always surprises me to find people that still think this way but I guess some things will never change. It just shows how crucial education is, REAL education without judgemental elements.
    Btw, as to Islam being violent ever heard of the Crusades? Witch hunts? Bloody Sunday? Violence is not the work of God it's the work of MAN no matter what religion you are. Then we try to justify our wrongful actions by saying that it is in the name of God. Who are you to make a judgement? Who are we to make a judgement?!

    To see this on a MJ site saddens me even more...
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    a very wise woman once told me that none of us have it completely right.
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