
  • Guest list at Michael's Memorial leaked out, it includes Diana Ross, Lionel Ritchie, Quincey Jones and Stevie Wonder and Brooke Shields. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    and ?
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    Guest list at Michael's Memorial leaked out, it includes Diana Ross, Lionel Ritchie, Quincey Jones and Stevie Wonder and Brooke Shields. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    and ?
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Guest list at Michael's Memorial leaked out, it includes Diana Ross, Lionel Ritchie, Quincey Jones and Stevie Wonder and Brooke Shields. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    and ?
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    right <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> This was announced on ET Tonight?? I'm like are they re-capping or are they saying they are going to be appearing at Forest Lawn on Friday? Did anyone else watch it? It was like a one minute blurb. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I just called and ask to speak to him and they said he was gone. So I told them that I wanted to come out to pay my respects on Friday. She said ok.
    I also wanted to know what they were going to allow. She stated that the fans can come in and place there flowers in front of the Mausoleum and stand for a few minuts.I told her that I was reading some place that Michael’s body was not there and that they
    Only said that it because the family wanted them to. She then said we would never do that because that is not our policy.
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    read the story in Brazil

    ''June 25, 2009. Thursday was a hellish one of the best hospitals in the world, the University of California at Los Angeles. On that day, one of 45 emergency beds was occupied by a patient superilustre: Michael Jackson. The pediatric residents, who teaches and attends the university, Karin Nielsen (Brazilian female doctor working in a hospital UCLA), was directly affected by the chaos.
    Karin said in the video who worked in the building behind it and the riot was in the building opposite
    "The day that Michael Jackson was in the main building there was a riot because the fire alarm rang in the building. And they were all evacuated - patients, doctors, nurses, descended the stairs and the street was filled with people. Firefighters were here too, and several cars of the press. Nobody knew what was going on. The fire alarm sounded, it was a fire, right? Then everybody went there, the helicopters ... But there was Michael Jackson's music playing and the press and some people crying. That's when we realized of what was happening. There was no fire. was a false alarm, "she recalls.

    To this day no one knows why the alarm playback. Already on the reasons that led to the death of Michael Jackson, then yes, there are many clues.

    The accused is Conrad Murray, hired for $ 250 000 per month to be the singer's personal physician. Drama that can destroy the career of Murray, who maintains the medical record and continues to work, started at 1:30 am the day of death. From that hour until 7.30pm, Murray applied in Jackson are three types of powerful painkillers, in five doses.

    But he was not asleep. And at 10, begged for a general anesthetic - propofol. The doctor told police he took 25 milligrams and went to the bathroom. Once again, Jackson did not breathe anymore.

    Missing only eight days for Michael Jackson to travel to London, where he would begin his new tour. In an interview with Roberto Kovalick correspondent in Tokyo, the choreographer Michael confirms that the artist was having trouble sleeping and connected in the middle of the night excited about great ideas. He also said that Michael Jackson was in good shape and ready to go onstage.

    Weighs against Murray doctor on charges of murder without intent. Maximum penalty of four years in jail.

    We spoke by phone with a spokesman for the doctor. She said Murray has strenuously denied prescribed or administered something that could kill the artist. "Michael was a dear friend," she says. "The doctor feels a deep longing him."

    Fans also feel. In front of the mansion where he lived, do not stop spending tourists. Appeared to a Michael Jackson cover, apart from Sri Lanka.

    And not only is the house that the fans pay homage. This week, when it celebrates its first anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson, the main focus of attention from fans must turn to the Forest Lawn Cemetery, where he buried the body of the singer. It is a park-like cemetery, the gates are open virtually all day, there is no kind of control. The cars and people entering and leaving freely.

    Among thousands of tombstones on the lawn, an imposing building dominates the landscape: the mausoleum where he is buried by Michael Jackson.

    For a few hours every day, the doors of the mausoleum is opened. We went with a small amateur camera.

    We saw the runners with the drawers of the dead. A stained glass plays the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. Some areas are open. Others, locked in one of which is the tomb of Michael.

    Without recording the interview, a security guard who recently revealed Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis and was married to Michael, he was laying flowers at the cemetery. Same fate did not have to nurse Debbie Row, biological mother of two children of Michael. The family did not show her where he's buried. The watchdog also reported that reach fans around the world, especially women. According to him, one came to offer him sexual favors <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> to show where Michael is buried. He said he refused.

    The cemetery is rich and distinguished people.

    Just to the three sons, Michael left £ 265 million. Today, the remains of the king's supreme pop resting in the cemetery. But his art survives - kept in the hearts of fans.''

    Now I ask how the reporter got into the forrest lawn? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

  • laura58laura58 Posts: 48
    Why would the Jackson family tell them to say that I wonder ? " They Don't Have His Body And Never Did" Don't they want us to think he is dead and isn't that where we were told he was laid to rest. I don't know about you but I smell something in the air and it's not roses it smells kind of FISHY to me.
  • laura58laura58 Posts: 48
    Why would the Jackson family tell them to say that I wonder ? " They Don't Have His Body And Never Did" Don't they want us to think he is dead and isn't that where we were told he was laid to rest. I don't know about you but I smell something in the air and it's not roses it smells kind of FISHY to me.
  • Why would the Jackson family tell them to say that I wonder ? " They Don't Have His Body And Never Did" Don't they want us to think he is dead and isn't that where we were told he was laid to rest. I don't know about you but I smell something in the air and it's not roses it smells kind of FISHY to me.

    It's possible that Clifford lied. Well, someone's lied! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I have called FL again, and this is what they said.
    i asked them if there will be any sort of event at FL.
    and they said no! they said all the news reports are false, and i told them that a friends of mine called them to require about mj's body, and FL responded, that they don't have MJ'S BODY and never had it.
    and the guy told me that they were responding to enquiries according to what the JACKSON FAMILY wanted them to respond, this was then and this is now he said.

    he said that they are responding according to what the Jackson Family want them to say.

    they also said that FL will be opened, but access to the grave is forbidden,
    he told me that the JACKSON FAMILY don't want anyone closed to where michael Grave is.
    You can call him if you want If you don't believe me .

    Ask him about The event etc...



    They don't have MJ's body LOL..And is this what the family wanted them to say? Maybe this was just a slip-up
    I doubt the family would want the people to know FL DOES NOT have MJ'S BODY there since we've been told this..

    If this was real and Michael died THERE SHOULD BE NO CONFUSION, at least not about this. What's the purpose? If anyone wanted to loot the grave and get MJ's body (for example) they would have tried until now. Why so much fuss about this. Why so many stories about something that should only have 1 version if they said the truth.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Or maybe they are being paid by the family or estate to lie & say he is there when he is in fact not. & these conflicting emails & calls are to try to cover that up. Everytime FL is involved or MJ's grave is focused on, things seem staged. So maybe he isn't there. You'd think if he was buried there, they'd at least put some kind of name or enscription. But they're not. As far as Jermaine being there with LK, that could very easily be staged, seeing as how the two of them are friends.
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Could be a dummy in the grave.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

  • Could be a dummy in the grave.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->


    The last time i knew, the coffin was empty and has always been.
    this is memorial anniversary which will create sales for the Estate.
    so the family has to say yeah ! he is dead .
    Clifford wasn't lying he was telling the truth he was only saying what the family told him to say.
    as you can see the lady who picked up the phone also said the same thing they are only going by what the Jackson family want them to say.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    And we know all about the way Larry King Feels "Oh he's still dead isn't he???" and certainly not forgetting how he kept looking all skeptical and weird talking to "Dave Dave" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • And we know all about the way Larry King Feels "Oh he's still dead isn't he???" and certainly not forgetting how he kept looking all skeptical and weird talking to "Dave Dave" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Dave Dave and MJ are two different people.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    This was the same issue that was proposed by fellow death hoax investigator Tom Pickering who called forest lawn one day and got the same exact response as the first post indicates. Not sure what his opinion was about the matter, but you can find this call and his explanation on his "codeofthriller" account in either death hoax videos he uploaded.

    As for the email, I would assume that the response is far from accurate and it is not in there policy to discuss who is interred where and why. The biggest issue is the difference between phone and email. Email is indirect and it is way too easy to mislead an audience or potential individual into thinking one thing, whereas it is a bit more difficult on the phone to do such an act. I think it just could be for legality reasons that when you call, you'll be able to find out who is on the other end of the line, and if they are telling you one thing, they could find themselves in a lot of trouble, but this is only a guess. I'm no lawyer nor do I understand the legal system completely, but something tells me that this particular incident is fishy, meaning, I wholeheartedly believe that the man on the phone was telling the truth whereas the email was just a fib.
    You're right- I don't see what all the confusion is about! Of course he isn't there, I would think that everyone knows that by now, sheesh! However, just because Clifford decides to tell the truth doesn't mean that they're gonna respond that way to every single person that asks this question- those e-mails and other workers have to keep some paper on the surprise present still, don't they? It's not quite time to open it..yet, hehe..
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    PinkTopaz: I really do admire your optimisim and if I ever need cheering up I just read your posts. Some of the current happenings just have me feeling a bit like a 3 headed dog......which you know.....come to think of it that might be what Murray is!!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    PinkTopaz: I really do admire your optimisim and if I ever need cheering up I just read your posts. Some of the current happenings just have me feeling a bit like a 3 headed dog......which you know.....come to think of it that might be what Murray is!!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks so much, Nefari! I'm not sure anything will happen on the 25th specifically, but I know something BIG is coming re-e-e-a-a-l soon!
  • LonelynationLonelynation Posts: 277
    Maybe they want everyone to believe he is buried at FL when in fact he is buried somewhere else. Some place where they don't want him to be 'disturbed'. Maybe we are looking at it from the wrong angle.

    I hope that made sense...
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    This article is way too interesting..
    It's from 7:46PM BST 04 Jul 2009

    Michael Jackson's family 'want him buried in concrete' to protect his grave
    Michael Jackson's family want his coffin to be be encased in concrete to prevent fans from robbing his grave.
    By Nick Allen in Los Angeles
    Published: 7:46PM BST 04 Jul 2009

    The singer, wearing a stage costume, will be laid to rest in a gold-plated coffin, along with tokens from his life in music, including one of the white gloves he loved to wear.
    But, according to US media reports quoting a friend of the family, the Jacksons want the coffin entombed in concrete immediately after the funeral – which is expected to be held in secret before Tuesday's public memorial service – because of fears that a crazed fan could try to dig it up.

    Jackson, who died aged 50, is expected to be temporarily buried in a cemetery, but a final resting place has been assigned for him by his family at the Neverland ranch, 150 miles north-west of Los Angeles, where he lived until 2005.
    The spot is next to the ranch's train station. Jackson used to ride in the train, which he named after his mother, Katherine, every day to go from his house to his private zoo.

    It is against California law to bury a body outside a cemetery, but the family intends to challenge that. Jermaine Jackson, 54, the singer's brother, said: "The people who make the laws can change the laws." --> Really interesting Jermaine...
    But it could take months to obtain legal consent. The initial burial place is likely to be Forest Lawn Memorial Park, where stars including Marvin Gaye and Bette Davis are buried. But the family may decide to keep the exact location of the grave secret before moving the singer's coffin to Neverland. --> So now it's not a secret anymore LOL
    As well as the risk of someone disturbing his remains, family members are concerned that his grave could be desecrated, or be daubed with graffiti referring to his 2005 trial on child abuse charges, of which he was cleared.
    A similar double burial was held for Elvis Presley.
    --> Now this is "THRILLING"

    Jackson's public memorial service will be held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Millions of applications have been made in an online lottery for 17,500 tickets.
    There are fears that touts may be using multiple email addresses to apply for the free tickets in order to sell them on. Ken Sunshine, the Jackson family spokesman, said: "I'm hoping people have dignity. For those that try to take advantage of this, shame on them."
    Hordes of ticketless fans are expected to descend on Los An geles, and 1,400 police officers have been asked to volunteer for duty to control the crowds.
    If Jackson is buried at Neverland, his family faces an uphill battle with nearby residents to open it as a place of pilgrimage similar to Graceland, where Elvis is buried. Graceland attracts more than 600,000 visitors a year.

    <!-- m --> ... grave.html<!-- m -->

    On another page it says:
    Sources close to the family say they are fully committed to holding a public memorial for his fans and are being guided by "what Michael would have wanted". --> I still remember when in TII Kenny says “We are here for Michael, may that continue with him leading the way”..
    It has been suggested that he will be buried in the Hollywood Hills at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, and that his body is already there. Film legends including Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable are buried there.

    However, a spokesman denied reports that Jackson's body is there. The spokesman said: "We've never had him and we're not going to."

    <!-- m --> ... offin.html<!-- m -->
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589

    I think that mjmjmj means that Forest Lawn said that they don't have MJ'S BODY and never had it as requested by the Jacksons. The Jacksons asked them to give that answer.

    I'm beginning to think, it's the Jacksons, who want's us to believe in this hoax.....
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    BINGO!!!!! M-O-N-E-Y!!!
  • LoudLoud Posts: 303
    Why would the Jackson family tell them to say that I wonder ? " They Don't Have His Body And Never Did" Don't they want us to think he is dead and isn't that where we were told he was laid to rest. I don't know about you but I smell something in the air and it's not roses it smells kind of FISHY to me.

    From the Jacksons point of view...: They want Michaels body to be safe (and that is why the body was not in the coffin at the staples center during the public memorial service) and that is why they wanted the public not to be aware of the resting place. As simple as that.

    No mystery and most important not a sign that this is a hoax. Just try to think from another perspactive and you will see the truth in front of us. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    They never had Michael's body?
    that's because he's ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    but if and i say IF he did die.... i think he was burried in Gary Indiana in secret.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Well at least we know that the family will be at Gary, and not Forest Lawn. On my mums 1st yr death anniversary, we had a mass and then all eight of us children, went to the cemetary she was buried at......I think most of us would do obviously something is not right about this family, or they are hiding something....either way, the camera's will be following MJ's children and family closely on this day, so they better give us the he or isn't he ??????

    From memory, Elvis Presley body was also moved to a different location for safety reasons........and to this day, there still is doubt if he is really buried at Graceland at all. xoxoxo

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