Today is not BAM day.



  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    Maybe he is on here <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and maybe in the chatroom <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Oh God, I see thousands of people in Forest Lawn, and I come to the painful conclusion that Mike is really dead in the flesh, forever! He remains in spirit with us all! My heart is broken but I can no longer go to an illusion. Mike, I love you and you remain in my heart forever! God bless you and all of us! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    Oh God, I see thousands of people in Forest Lawn, and I come to the painful conclusion that Mike is really dead in the flesh, forever! He remains in spirit with us all! My heart is broken but I can no longer go to an illusion. Mike, I love you and you remain in my heart forever! God bless you and all of us! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    Those people really think that MJ is dead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> , but he is alive and they dont know it ... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • agathiagathi Posts: 156
    maybe he is really gone..omg... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • llebreknitllebreknit Posts: 116
    It´s being very hard, I cant stop crying today, at this time a year ago he said goodbye ... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • sonson Posts: 182
    It would seem to be a bit disingenuous if he returned today IMO, it seems too soon.
  • tusia6631tusia6631 Posts: 101
    so.. he didn't come back.. ;(
    but..i'm his Soldier of Love.. and soldeirs are waiting..always waiting.. so i'll wait too..
  • agathiagathi Posts: 156
    why doesnt he come back??? <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • LovelyLurkerLovelyLurker Posts: 149
    After a year and a year there I think I need to face reality. After all the reasearch ( which has been incredble) I think I cannot dispute facts.

    I see the faces of family and I think he is not with us anymore but I will strive to keep the message Alive.

    I am sad today as I have spent 1 year hoping but now must face reality. If I could find the icon I would put a smiley tipping a fedora here
  • GalinaGalina Posts: 23
    Michael liked to astonish people. So, I think if he comes back it will happen unexpectedly.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    There is still soooo much for us to explore together. There is the Vegas Home and of course Murray, always a blast to explore what he's going to do next and TMZ lets not forget them and Criss Angel and Cirque Du Soliel, come on lets keep the faith here. I think we all faltered a bit yesterday and I knew it was going to be hard and we would have stuff thrown at us to dishearten us. The effect would not have been grand enough if Michael came back yesterday.
  • tusia6631tusia6631 Posts: 101
    I think we all faltered a bit yesterday and I knew it was going to be hard and we would have stuff thrown at us to dishearten us. The effect would not have been grand enough if Michael came back yesterday.
    mm.. well.. i think u are right..the world's attention would not concentrate on Mike if he came back yesterday.. i think that because it was anniversary we ewere waiting for something special..for Michael's come back.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> pity it didn't happen..but don't loose hope guys..<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • fedeDAfedeDA Posts: 48
    Today the world has collapsed for me. Not so much because Michael is not back on 25, but because yesterday I saw thousands of people parade to the cemetery, in Encino, Gary, anywhere in the world. Michael would have done this to his fans? Suffer so much ... get to this point? And what kind of organization should be behind the Forest Lawn in this way to support a hoax?
    I'm desperate today, worse than the June 26, 2009. Sorry Michael ... I'm not as strong or as intelligent as you want.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Honestly I think some of those people that made the trip to Forest Lawn are either in on this or they were half beLIEvers expecting to see something. Even if I had rock solid proof that Michael is dead no way would I have wanted to be in that crowd. I would have waited for a more peaceful private time to pay respects, not in the midst of an audience like this.
  • fedeDAfedeDA Posts: 48
    I think instead the crowd shows how much the world loves Michael. I am thinking there must be more opportunities to meet...In any way for Michael.
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I was never expecting a BAM on 25th nor am I expecting a BAM ever. I believe 100% that Michael is still alive but I don't think that we will see him again. So, I'm not really worried that nothing happened yesterday.

    Keep the faith people. Look at all of the stuff that just doesn't add up - even after 12 months. It still far outweighs evidence pointing to him being dead. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    He's still with us.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    rowdyangel: Thank you. Positive messages always a huge spirit lifter.
    Hugs <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • fedeDAfedeDA Posts: 48
    Too many positive messages will not bring justice to Michael.
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    Too many positive messages will not bring justice to Michael.

    What do you mean by this comment exactly? I am only trying to keep people's spirits up as yesterday was a very difficult day, whether you believe MJ is still alive or not.
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    I believe Michael is alive but again.. why should he come back at the same nightmare? The mausoleum next to his house in Gary proved me that he will never come back. But it doesn't mean I'm no longer with him or his music. He is always alive for me <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    I hope we will not be like Presley's fans saying "He's alive" but no comeback. Because I wan't him back, he is the only person able to change people's mind or make some reactions and wake up... So please Michael, comeback !
  • interesting I was watching MJ videos before work and i was reading the disclaimer at the end of thriller and it said something like any similarities to the fictitious story line whether alive or dead (or UNDEAD) <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> is coincidental...

    WHAT!!!! UNDEAD??? I WONDER IF HE REALLY WANTED TO DO A REAL LIFE THRILLER!!! that make me wonder if so, what will he look like IF he returns.... <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • fedeDAfedeDA Posts: 48
    I'm sorry. Yesterday was a really bad day for me. For the first time I really thought that Michael is dead. Today's better, my instinct start to run again and tells me that I must continue to believe. Sorry, I just need your support.
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I'm sorry. Yesterday was a really bad day for me. For the first time I really thought that Michael is dead. Today's better, my instinct start to run again and tells me that I must continue to believe. Sorry, I just need your support.

    No worries. We're all together in this. We support each other. Sending you hugs <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • _Dangerous__Dangerous_ Posts: 362
    I think we are always looking for excuses for not coming now....deepest inside me I know he will never come back <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Yes! I think you are right. I have the feeling that he will never come back again (he is smarter than that or well, no longer with us <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> )

    I agree with both of you. False hopes always hurt the most, so we just have to let things happen in their own time or well...accept the fact they might never happen.
    damn ppl, why r u on this forum if u think he's dead !!!????????????
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