Comparison photos between DD on LKL and Michael



  • lilithlilith Posts: 105
    Here Michael's fake nose looks the bigger one <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    And the fake nose seems to be longer too... Anyway, they are different in many ways... their whole faces, not just their noses <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I see clearly Michael's very small, narrow nose in LKL DD. When I look at these nares I can't help but smile. This is exactly Michael's nose with the fake nose on it, but still so visible. Its narrowness is not garbled. The real Dave's nose is broader.
  • stephsteph Posts: 177
    He pulled up the chair and moved it next to LIz. No one would do that unless they were a close friend. He also spoke at the burial. Why? Where was he days after Mj died? Why show up on LKL in Sept, speak at the burial and then disappear into the computer? No more interviews, now more videos, except the weird one he posted on line.

    I hear his speech at the burial was very MJ like. Talking about the world and love. Maybe I'm wrong but the real DD on Myspace doesn't seem concerned about saving the planet. He's just a regular guy who is going to school with a girlfriend. Also, I don't think we'll ever see footage of the burial, maybe MJ slipped up when speaking as DD but caught himself. Maybe the family has it under lock and key. Isnt' it strange how all that high tech camera equipment was there, but we've never seen any footage once the kids placed the crown on the casket. Also remember how upset Randy was because the choppers were flying over. Maybe he knows that if there was any footage of DD talking, especially after that LKL interview, the truth would be clear.

    I find it strange that he was the speaker at the burial but didn't even have his own seat?? I mean there has to be a reason why he is sitting in the aisle,next to Liz, supposedly.
    Btw I think it was prohibited to take any photos of/shoot the funeral once it's started. But not sure, just think I heard that somewhere.
    Just a thought maybe DD was sitting next to liz because it was mike, and he wanted to sit next to liz?
  • [youtube:2alyy23j]

    You mean this video?
    I get shivers when I watch this video, I don't know why...
    He says he was MJ's secret friend, but why is he never seen with the biggest star in the world? That seems to me an urban legend story, because the paparazzi was alwas near MJ. Why does he suddenly appears after MJ's ''death''? We had never heard of him before...and then BAM! He is suddenly. It's wierd. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    My thoughts exactly! In the Leeza video he refers to him as Boo. Is this a play on words (MJ is saying Boo! It's me, did I scare you?) If Michael was such a great 'friend' to him, why not say his name and praise him (especially IF this was the 1997, as his image may have been repaired slightly if DD said how wonderful he was). The fact he holds back his name draws people in, get people's interest, MJ would know the power of that. But yet, in LKL he openly says it was Michael he was friends with. Maybe DD was scared of being bombarded by MJ fans after the Leeza show but that's silly to think that when he doesn't hold back on LKL.

    Keep in mind that MJ sung a song in The Simpsons in secret, so I've heard. 'Happy Birthday Lisa' but apparently he didn't tell anyone he was doing it. I remember watching it as a teenager a few years ago but obviously now I'd recognise the voice very quickly...I guess many people did that. So I guess MJ held back and just let people be surprised. If he can do that in secret, what else is he doing? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I just found this thread- amazing pictures and also great observations about the nose.

    I have to admit, as a person who initially was too afraid to hope that my weird feeling that Michael is alive could possibly be true, I had not even watched the Dave Dave LK appearance until about a week or so ago. Then I about fell out. What I HAVE watched are hours and hours and hours of Michael interviews. I even watched that forever long 93 deposition. As soon as I saw the Dave Dave LK video, I was convinced it was Michael. The way he intonates words is the same. His voice rises and falls on interesting points in his sentences. The gesturing is the same. Certain eye movements are the same. The way his eyes look remind me SO much of Ghosts. I am trained to look at non verbal communication- and it was so uncanny it gave me chills.
    My daughter saw me when I watched it and started screaming- OMG, that's Michael, no doubt. And she was NOT EVER a hoax believer. It totally freaked her out. She also pointed out that he looked toward the left a lot (which people do when they are not telling the truth- or when they want to call attention to making someone think they are not telling the truth).
    The top of this thread exactly makes me point re gesturing- Michael had such a characteristic way in interviews. Plus, there are the "coincidences" of Dave looking totally different in other appearances; of Michael - eh, Dave, saying MJ did not pay for his surgeries, when later Marlon said he did (Michael feeling uncomfortable about taking credit for doing something for others- which would be in character) no, too many coincidences for my taste. That was Michael in that appearance. I have many doubts about many things, but I am pretty convinced on that one.
  • I just found this thread- amazing pictures and also great observations about the nose.

    I have to admit, as a person who initially was too afraid to hope that my weird feeling that Michael is alive could possibly be true, I had not even watched the Dave Dave LK appearance until about a week or so ago. Then I about fell out. What I HAVE watched are hours and hours and hours of Michael interviews. I even watched that forever long 93 deposition. As soon as I saw the Dave Dave LK video, I was convinced it was Michael. The way he intonates words is the same. His voice rises and falls on interesting points in his sentences. The gesturing is the same. Certain eye movements are the same. The way his eyes look remind me SO much of Ghosts. I am trained to look at non verbal communication- and it was so uncanny it gave me chills.
    My daughter saw me when I watched it and started screaming- OMG, that's Michael, no doubt. And she was NOT EVER a hoax believer. It totally freaked her out. She also pointed out that he looked toward the left a lot (which people do when they are not telling the truth- or when they want to call attention to making someone think they are not telling the truth).
    The top of this thread exactly makes me point re gesturing- Michael had such a characteristic way in interviews. Plus, there are the "coincidences" of Dave looking totally different in other appearances; of Michael - eh, Dave, saying MJ did not pay for his surgeries, when later Marlon said he did (Michael feeling uncomfortable about taking credit for doing something for others- which would be in character) no, too many coincidences for my taste. That was Michael in that appearance. I have many doubts about many things, but I am pretty convinced on that one.

    Not being a smartarse but I have read that when you lie you tend to look up and to the right. The right side of the brain is the creative side, ie you're creating the story/images rather than recalling them. The left side of your brain is associated with logic and recalling memories. But it doesn't matter, the similarities are still plain to see. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • I long ago gave up the idea of Michael as Dave Dave but, after seeing your pictures my interest is
    once again peaked! Especially seeing the eyebrow comparison!

    WOW, just..WOW!!!!!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • INot being a smartarse but I have read that when you lie you tend to look up and to the right. The right side of the brain is the creative side, ie you're creating the story/images rather than recalling them. The left side of your brain is associated with logic and recalling memories. But it doesn't matter, the similarities are still plain to see. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    LOL- no, you are being correct. I am so freaking dyslexic, I meant right. Just ask my family, clients, etc- poor hubby is a longtime sufferer from my inability to say right when I mean right etc.
    Btw- there are interesting studies that this seems to be dependent on dexterity- left handed people tend to look left...
    Either way- yes, looking right is a lie (getting visual cues), left is recalling memories. BAD therapist! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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