Arnold Klein Twitter



  • To say those aren't his records, then proceed to say that his records were seized. <br /><br />Arnie is totally old and developing early stages of Alzheimer's, LOL... That or he's just bad at lying and good at contradicting himself.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />@PetersPixieLove Are you psychotic? I invented injected collagen,Botox and fillers. have you done too much pixie dust?<br />14 hours ago<br /><br /><br /><br />Oh dear  :roll:....he's starting to snap at people...I hope there aren't believers and non believers on his twitter harrassing him  :?<br /><br />We don't want him to shut down & shut up before he spills something of actual importance!  bangbang
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    fordtocarr , that's exactly the case.<br /><br />It upsets me how fast everyone jumps onto "He was an addict! We knew! Sad addict! It was a matter of time!<br />He deserved his fate!" story, both media [well, no surprise here] and readers. It's just so upsetting. <br />They judge without even thinking  first :(<br />They learned nothing. I don't get why now so many Jacksons, former bodyguards and "friends" support that "addict!" rumours, before the trial is over! <br />Very mixed feelings here. For hung jury? For aquittal? Is it part of the plan? Klein with his absurd stories helps for sure as I do not think jurors live under a rock during weekends. And family nodding in front of them during the trial when "addiction" was mentioned.  /white flag/<br /><br />I'm not registered on twitter btw. Never thought I'll be tempted to do so  :lol: maybe it's all big PR campaign for twitter  :lol:<br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1320574486:
    <br />
    on 1320546890:
    <br />I believe so. He now made it a point to tell this reporter that he "rescued" him once in Las Vegas by sleeping on the floor of the hotel room and getting some doctor out of there that was giving him propofol. And he mentioned another time he had to fly somewhere else to do the same thing. I wish we could get a copy of this. It was less than 5 minutes and I just happened to turn on CNN News. Don Lemon had to make it a point to say that this should not sway the outcome for the defense and that "anyway" the jury should not be watching this. Arnie continues to claim that the defense used documents that were not his. <br />
    on 1320545783:
    <br />He was just on CNN - he is now speaking to the media.  One of the reporters went to his house today. He claims to have been in Paris when Michael had the "extra" Demerol injections in his office. He says the medical records used in court were not his and the defense is wrong. It was associates of his in his office that may have injected Michael. He also made it clear again that Michael was ADDICTED to propoful and he tried to stop him many times. Arnie says he is tired of hearing the defense use him as a scape goat for the Demerol. <br />Very interesting indeed. Did anyone else catch this? <br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson's Dermatologist Tells 'Extra': 'Michael was Not a Drug Addict'<br />October 28, 2011 | Michael Jackson <br />Michael Jackson's best friend and dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, sets the record straight with "Extra's" Jerry Penacoli about allegations in the involuntary manslaughter trial against Conrad Murray. <br /><br />Dr. Klein sat down with Penacoli to discuss the trial in which the defense is claiming Jackson was addicted to Demerol and other prescription drugs. The physician stated, "Michael was not a drug addict."<br /><br /><br /><br />Penacoli questioned if he thought Conrad Murray is guilty. Klein nodded, "There's no question. You can't deliver drugs when you're incompetent." He also added that propofol should not be used at home "unless your having your appendix out at home."<br /><br />Klein also responded to the lingering rumor that he's the biological father of one or two of Jackson's children. <br /><br />Did he provide the sperm, Penacoli asked Klein directly? "I'll tell you this... His son [Prince] is very handsome. I have no answer other than that." Even with an uncanny resemblance, Klein concluded, "the children are Michael Jackson's children, they're not my children." <br /><br /><br /><br />Video in the Link<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    "uncanny resemblance"  :roll: <br />Arnold lost it.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Arnold W. Klein<br />Frank Tyson lived off of Michael Jackson when he was alive. Now you are going to make more money off of him when he is dead. If you truly loved Michael tell us about the true Will Mr Bigshot!<br /><br />Frank Cascio, an entrepreneur and producer who splits his time between New York, Los Angeles, and Germany, knew Michael Jackson for more than 25 years, including serving as his personal manager for nearly a decade from the 90's into the '00's . During that time, Cascio developed and co-produced “The Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Celebration, Madison Square Garden,” was co-producer and creative director of “The Michael Jackson Interview: Footage You Were Never Meant to See,” executive producer and creative director in collaboration with Brett Ratner on “Michael Jackson Private Home Movies,” which aired on Fox in 2003.<br />Cascio is a co-founder and partner in the private equity platform, IMPERIAL™. Through this platform, he and his partners, entertainment attorney, Eric Lerner, and venture capitalist, Sean Koh, deploy strategic capital to their portfolio companies in the areas of film and television development and production, media, technology and music publishing.<br />He is also part of the music production trio DTC based in Berlin, Germany<br />Like · · Share · 39 minutes ago ·
  • on 1320592026:
    <br />Aaand he opened his twitter, now everyone can go and read.<br /><br />Yes, he contradicts himself nonstop  :lol:<br />"He was an addict!"<br />"He for sure was not an addict!" and so on.<br /><br />Make up your mind, Dr.<br /><br />I still insist dependency and addiction are two different things. Most of us take painkillers when we're in pain, like<br />headache or chronic pains etc. Most of us had a joint at college every now and then.  Those of us with insomnia  will HAVE to take pills each night. Are we addicts? Heck no.<br />Dependant? Maybe. Likely. Michael was the same.  He<br />had pains, he had insomnia.  Why should he suffer?<br />
    <br /> <br />Arnie Klein:<br />
    [size=10pt]You the fans will have the truth....I know the entire awful tale[/size]
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Yes Aidan, he contradicts himself nonstop  :lol:,this are the RULES OF THE DECEPTION,always CONTRADICTIONs,TWISTs and TURNs,all LEADING to THE TRUTH.The sweet DOCTOR is playing with us ,and I will play with him also  8-). The GOOD PART in all this is that for ONE's he is RIGHT: WE,the FANS will SOON know THE TRUTH!!!!!<br />[/size]
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    on 1320615055:
    <br />Frank Tyson lived off of Michael Jackson when he was alive. Now you are going to make more money off of him when he is dead. If you truly loved Michael tell us about the true Will Mr Bigshot!<br />
    <br /><br />True will? Michael's real will? Oh I bet at least 1 000 000 people would love to learn about that paper  bounce/! <br />Actually.. It's key paper and not sure Arnold knows what was there. But hope he chats more  :mrgreen: among his contradictory posts and copy/paste from fan forums he might tell pieces of Truth.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    At first I really didn't know what to think about Dr Klein and his possible role in the Hoax (especially because of the controversies that have surrounded him early on in the Hoax, but what if it's part of the illusions?). With his recent tweets I have been thinking and we have to admit that the timing is odd, like not a coincidence. I still am unsure and cannot claim anything as truth of course, these are just observations. I think that we have to stay open-minded to all possibilities as we do not know what is real or illusion yet. <br /><br />I just notice that he is very active on twitter and made his tweets open for everyone to read which wasn't the case just a few days ago. Of course linking to Hoax forums is not what we would expect from someone who believes that Michael is really gone. So we really have to take these things into consideration before judging.<br /><br />Actually when looking at Klein's possible role in all this I see a possible sting against doctors, FBI, FDA as these entities are all "gravitating" around him. <br /><br />For example concerning doctors, on his CNN interview in 2009 () he said that he didn't know which doctors went on tour with Michael, but in another () one of his lawyers says that they have a lawsuit against Steven Hoefflin (here is a TMZ article about it: ) and recently he brought this Dr Hoefflin back into the "spotlight" in his tweets. This Dr Hoefflin may well be a target and Klein seems to be a little like Murray, the fall guy attracting all the attention. Anyway a lot of things seem to be happening behind the curtain and going crescendo as the trial is about to come to an end. It sure will be interesting to hear what Dr Klein said in the soon to be aired interview, that is to say tomorrow the 7th when the verdict might be read as well.  suspicious//<br /><br />Something else that is fueling the confusion is that he said he didn't know Conrad Murray. It seems odd as he is Michael's main doctor and good friend, Michael would have told him about Murray right? So why would Klein say that he doesn't know him? Confusion, confusion...<br /><br />I know there is what Back said about Klein, but he also said that Murray was a "murderer" "taker of life", so we shouldn't go only by that but try to see and perceive through the illusions and smoke-screens.<br /><br />So I keep watching.
  • on 1320574486:
    <br />
    on 1320546890:
    <br />I believe so. He now made it a point to tell this reporter that he "rescued" him once in Las Vegas by sleeping on the floor of the hotel room and getting some doctor out of there that was giving him propofol. And he mentioned another time he had to fly somewhere else to do the same thing. I wish we could get a copy of this. It was less than 5 minutes and I just happened to turn on CNN News. Don Lemon had to make it a point to say that this should not sway the outcome for the defense and that "anyway" the jury should not be watching this. Arnie continues to claim that the defense used documents that were not his. <br />
    on 1320545783:
    <br />He was just on CNN - he is now speaking to the media.  One of the reporters went to his house today. He claims to have been in Paris when Michael had the "extra" Demerol injections in his office. He says the medical records used in court were not his and the defense is wrong. It was associates of his in his office that may have injected Michael. He also made it clear again that Michael was ADDICTED to propoful and he tried to stop him many times. Arnie says he is tired of hearing the defense use him as a scape goat for the Demerol. <br />Very interesting indeed. Did anyone else catch this? <br />
    <br /><br />Here is part of the interview that will air on 7th November, thanks to themjconspiracy for the YouTube video<br /><br /><br /><br /> /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Thank you for finding these!! 
  • i love the fact that klein is not saying 'these things' such as he rescued mj on the floor after propofol, via print media. i love the fact that he is video taped and lying out of his mouth to the camera. he cant say, oh' the journo misinterpreted me. he is flat out lying and there is video to prove it. he is going to appear to be more of a jerk than he already appears, once mj returns. of course he is scared.<br /><br />watch out klein, mj is going to wipe the floor with you! michael-jackson/
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    The fact that he went from saying those were his biological children, to they are Michael's, whilst again hinting Prince is his is telling. That alone seems like something Michael wouldn't want someone who is "in on it" to say considering he spent much of his life defending HIS truth, that the children are his; whether biological or not. He made allegations about Michael and then retracted them, while now acting in a completely different manner. That is questionable. I also noticed yet another contradiction, he says Michael was NOT an addict, when before it was that he was in fact addicted to propofol because of Hoefflin. <br /><br />BACK I dont think meant "taker of life" or "murderer" literally, rather that IS what Murray is. He is the role of "taker of life" in this hoax. If we cant take ANYthing as clues without thinking it's to cause confusion, what exactly are we learning? Nothing, except to not believe anything even if it's true and that's doing us a disservice. Not everything is a smokescreen.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1320650767:
    <br />The fact that he went from saying those were his biological children, to they are Michael's, whilst again hinting Prince is his is telling. That alone seems like something Michael wouldn't want someone who is "in on it" to say considering he spent much of his life defending HIS truth, that the children are his; whether biological or not. He made allegations about Michael and then retracted them, while now acting in a completely different manner. That is questionable. I also noticed yet another contradiction, he says Michael was NOT an addict, when before it was that he was in fact addicted to propofol because of Hoefflin. <br /><br />BACK I dont think meant "taker of life" or "murderer" literally, rather that IS what Murray is. He is the role of "taker of life" in this hoax. If we cant take ANYthing as clues without thinking it's to cause confusion, what exactly are we learning? Nothing, except to not believe anything even if it's true and that's doing us a disservice. Not everything is a smokescreen.<br />
    <br /><br />Suzy, I know that Back didn't meant that Murray was a "murderer" literally, I just mentioned this as an example showing to us that Back planted elements of the Hoax SCENEry already back then and that considering this we couldn't cast a judgment too quickly even on Dr Klein. I too was and still am extremely disturbed by this story about the children that's why I reserved any "judgment" concerning Dr Klein. I fear too much to judge someone anyway but there are observations that cannot be overlooked. We'll see what is going to happen.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    <br /><br /><br /><br />»<br /><br /><br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… who started MJ on Propofol.<br />7 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… t t got barrack who held mortgage on neverland and Murray's home. Coincidence???<br />9 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… here is the truth<br />10 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />TMZ used me to create a smoke screen to cover the lascivious behavior of Branca,Weitzman and AEG to control the Jackson estate<br />11 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… who i am<br />11 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />the demerol given MJ by me was totally misrepresented in court. in May I was not in the USA. Believe this crap is you are totally ignorant.<br />11 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… he was addicted to propofol<br />11 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />@SantaBarbaraPR you work for aeg<br />11 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />AEG bought the mortgage, the music and his life.<br />11 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />the mortgage on Murray's house was held by Barrack who held the mortgage on Neverland...they wanted an incompetent doctor for MJ<br />11 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… Michael had a long standing problem with Propofol. \<br /><br /><br /><br />Arnold W. Klein<br /><br />Michael Jackson Dermatologist: Dr Arnold Klein Is Portrayed As 'A Monster' In Dr Conrad Murray Trial<br /><br /><p>A cosmetic surgeon who treated Michael Jackson for 25 years claims he has been portrayed as "a monster" during the trial of the man accused of killing the King of Pop.</p><br /><br />Arnold W. Klein<br />In Abrahamic religions, Gabriel (Hebrew: גַּבְרִיאֵל, Modern Gavri'el Tiberian Gaḇrîʼēl, God is my strength; Arabic: جبريل, Jibrīl or جبرائيل Jibrāʾīl) is an angel who typically serves as a messenger to humans from God.<br />He first appears in the Book of Daniel, delivering explanations of Daniel's visions.<br />Wall Photos<br />Archangel Gabriel<br /><br /><br /><br />The messenger of Spirit, Archangel Gabriel brings us good n...See More<br />By: Healing Rituals<br />Like · · Share · 8 hours ago · <br />
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    coffeescreen.gif<br /><br />Good Morning Dr. Klein.....<br />
  • Lol, Klein is hardcore hoaxing lately! aaaaahahahahaha i love it
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Sarahli, I understand what you mean about Back setting up a scenario foretelling Dr. Klein's role. From that perspective it makes sense; except his other more offensive/personal comments seem irrelevant to me. I also didn't mean what I said to come off as assumptive, and I agree all we can do is wait and reserve judgement and personal attacks on Klein.<br /><br />Edit: Seeing his recent tweets, if Michael was really dead than he seems to be pointing out a planned murder with AEG's/Branca's involvement. It could also be a planned hoax he is referencing, just depends on interpretation.<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    O  WOW...these is fightin words.  (which must be part of the hoax scheme, thus, US, because I really doubt that Joe reads Arnies FB)<br /><br />Arnold W. Klein<br />Michael had a long standing problem with Propofol and his father. This is a frivilous lawsuit and Joe I promise you come after me again with the ridiculous records they presented in court and all you will have below your belt is a vast wasteland which is more than you have in your head.Propofol abuse creates the worst insomnia known to man short of having you as a father.<br />After conviction, legal woes mount for Jackson doc<br /><br />Jail time is not the only problem looming for the doctor convicted in Michael Jackson's death. Lawsuits, medical licensing issues and possible payments to Jackson's family await.<br />Like · · Share · 23 minutes ago ·
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    on 1320577403:
    <br />Coroner Chief Harvey tweeted "Three can keep a secret if two are dead."<br />
    <br /><br />Doesn't this translate in hoax mind into<br /><br />"Two died that day not three"?
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Grace, I didn't actually think he was referencing the actual death's of those two people, just a 'coincidence' that reminded me of his tweet.<br /><br /> It's an old mafia saying, he could mean anything; interpretation is the key. And yes, that's a good hoax interpretation.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I'm a trekkie nerd so I find this interesting.  It was in my "activity" on twitter.<br /><br />myspacecamera_normal.jpgWilliamShatner followed:<br /><br />ArnieOfficePic2_bigger.jpgArnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1321210323:
    <br />I'm a trekkie nerd so I find this interesting.  It was in my "activity" on twitter.<br /><br />myspacecamera_normal.jpgWilliamShatner followed:<br /><br />ArnieOfficePic2_bigger.jpgArnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Perhaps this man is waking the curiosity of many people
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Quite likely Paula.
  • Dr Klein did work on Shatner, that isn't surprising...
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1321213821:
    <br />Dr Klein did work on Shatner, that isn't surprising...<br />
    <br /><br />I thought about that too.  It's possible.  I hope Bill scrolls through Arnie's page though - if he has no idea about the hoax, he'll be sure to think 'WTF?'
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