Arnold Klein Twitter



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    some contradictions in his tweets:<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />you the fans will have the truth....I know the entire awful tale<br />5 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />MJ lived with me since 1986...the story cannot be told here<br />5 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />The truth will soon be in front of you. Phillip Anschutz I know the tale!<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Why the FBI,Police nor Homeland Security did not react is the story of how greed runs America.<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />How and why this happened you will soon learn.<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Then my will gets illegally altered and the heirs changed without a notary public.<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Then they create a media circus of my life so the public can not see the truth<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Furthermore these are not even my records.<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Now I am beyond angry.How can the government of the US allow my records on Mr Jackson to be illegally released violating my civil rights.<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />When they vilified me and released medical records Homeland Security and US Attorney in LA did nothing.<br />4 Nov<br /><br /><br />(sorry for post presentation. don´t have edit buttons)
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    -"MJ lived with me since 1986...the story cannot be told here"- WHP?O__o<br /><br />He seems very nervous. He is reading blogs and forums looking for "evidence".
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    Which particular contradictions?  suspicious//<br /><br />We just should let him say it all  :mrgreen: I hope he gonna tweet some more! He's definitely desperate  fresse/ and scared. Still can't decide how big of a liar he is though.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Here one of the contradictions:<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Furthermore these are not even my records.<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Now I am beyond angry.How can the government of the US allow my records on Mr Jackson to be illegally released violating my civil rights.<br /><br />His records are illegaly erased but btw those are not his records?
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1320542969:
    <br />Here one of the contradictions:<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Furthermore these are not even my records.<br />4 Nov<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />Now I am beyond angry.How can the government of the US allow my records on Mr Jackson to be illegally released violating my civil rights.<br /><br />His records are illegaly erased but btw those are not his records?<br />
    <br /><br />I think what it is -is that he's throwing the shady governmental system under the bus among the other docs he has mentioned and thrown under the bus as well.  He makes it a point to talk about how his records were illegally erased....reminds me of how the surveillance tapes in MJ's house were erased and only one tape was shown of ppl entering and leaving his house. Idk....just my two cents on it. lol :)
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    We need to be careful when we post these tweets cuz they are getting posted twice....
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    i just tried to help...<br /><br />
    on 1320541464:
    <br />Whoever reads his tweets, please keep them reposted here.<br />They are extremely interesting and have to be shared  :mrgreen:<br />He is indeed on fire!<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    AWWW  I don't mean to sound mean... :(<br />I'm sorry.  It's just there are soooo many of his tweets that if we double post know...<br />I try to check first before I post them.<br />Really, I didn't mean it to be mean or bossy...just helpful.<br />Forgive me sister?
  • He was just on CNN - he is now speaking to the media.  One of the reporters went to his house today. He claims to have been in Paris when Michael had the "extra" Demerol injections in his office. He says the medical records used in court were not his and the defense is wrong. It was associates of his in his office that may have injected Michael. He also made it clear again that Michael was ADDICTED to propoful and he tried to stop him many times. Arnie says he is tired of hearing the defense use him as a scape goat for the Demerol. <br />Very interesting indeed. Did anyone else catch this? 
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I think the Twitter shows are exactly that. Jermaine, Paris, Randy, Obie, Klein, etc... each has a story to tell and a character to play.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1320545783:
    <br />He was just on CNN - he is now speaking to the media.  One of the reporters went to his house today. He claims to have been in Paris when Michael had the "extra" Demerol injections in his office. He says the medical records used in court were not his and the defense is wrong. It was associates of his in his office that may have injected Michael. He also made it clear again that Michael was ADDICTED to propoful and he tried to stop him many times. Arnie says he is tired of hearing the defense use him as a scape goat for the Demerol. <br />Very interesting indeed. Did anyone else catch this?  <br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />He had not said before otherwise if i am not mistaken,. that Michael was not addicted?
  • I believe so. He now made it a point to tell this reporter that he "rescued" him once in Las Vegas by sleeping on the floor of the hotel room and getting some doctor out of there that was giving him propofol. And he mentioned another time he had to fly somewhere else to do the same thing. I wish we could get a copy of this. It was less than 5 minutes and I just happened to turn on CNN News. Don Lemon had to make it a point to say that this should not sway the outcome for the defense and that "anyway" the jury should not be watching this. Arnie continues to claim that the defense used documents that were not his.
  • Bec, I agree with you.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Why now that lack little time for the jury of the verdict appear first Tito and Rebbie and now Arnold Klein talking about addictions?
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Lol Snoopy he does seem to be grabbing everyone by the legs to drag them down too.<br /><br />I do wonder why Dr. Hoefflin wasn't called to testify IF in fact he got MJ  addicted to the same substance he alledgedly died from. Why is Klein constantly being brought up when he supposedly gave him a completely different drug? There is no relation. Hoefflin would of been asked about the frequency of propofol use and if he had administered it before to MJ ect. Ofcourse he wouldn't incriminate himself but even so, an investigation into his past would be done outside of this trial.<br />And Klein says doctors "created" Michael's insomnia? Since when? His insomnia started young from not being able to "come down" after performing; not drugs.<br />Klein is also speaking of a more sinister scenario with government help, but the hoax site links give a different take. What would his "role" be? Crazy doctor? Lol<br /><br />@MissG I too noticed the contradictions; one minute his rights were violated by his records being presented in court, then they were not his records at all. He says he was out of town when they were administered possibly by office help, (again confirming they were from his office), and then saying it never happened at all. <br />
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    on 1320546890:
    <br />I believe so. He now made it a point to tell this reporter that he "rescued" him once in Las Vegas by sleeping on the floor of the hotel room and getting some doctor out of there that was giving him propofol. And he mentioned another time he had to fly somewhere else to do the same thing. I wish we could get a copy of this. It was less than 5 minutes and I just happened to turn on CNN News. Don Lemon had to make it a point to say that this should not sway the outcome for the defense and that "anyway" the jury should not be watching this. Arnie continues to claim that the defense used documents that were not his. <br />
    on 1320545783:
    <br />He was just on CNN - he is now speaking to the media.  One of the reporters went to his house today. He claims to have been in Paris when Michael had the "extra" Demerol injections in his office. He says the medical records used in court were not his and the defense is wrong. It was associates of his in his office that may have injected Michael. He also made it clear again that Michael was ADDICTED to propoful and he tried to stop him many times. Arnie says he is tired of hearing the defense use him as a scape goat for the Demerol. <br />Very interesting indeed. Did anyone else catch this? <br />
    <br /><br />Here is part of the interview that will air on 7th November, thanks to themjconspiracy for the YouTube video<br /><br /><br /><br /> /><br />
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    I share the view with those who think he is scared. He seems scared.<br />I still also remember how Harvey was saying: Arnie was a very very close friend of MJ.<br /><br />My questions here are: <br />- why he was not put on a stand for trial as witness? both sides keep on<br /> referencing to him<br />- if he says, his records were actually forged, took illegally, altered... is he going to sue those who did it?<br />- is he looking at this pattern and is therefore scared: Frank DiLeo - dead, Peter Lopez - dead, who is next?<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Interesting you reference the deaths ForstAMoon, considering Coroner Chief Harvey tweeted "Three can keep a secret if two are dead."<br />All the people dying is strange who knows what he was referencing.
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    Yes, these deaths could scare the .... out of anyone "close",<br />so Klein can be genuinely scared. Obviously, too many deaths and Lopez was obviously murdered. We'll never know about Frank, he wasn't too healthy so we'll never know.<br /><br />Guys, it's not "addicted to Propofol" - it's not physically addictive, it's not recreational drug too. It can be dependency as during his insomniac days someone was giving him Propofol or another hypnotic to "knock him out", and Mike could sort of establish "connection" in his mind that it's the only way he can get rest.<br />I feel like common people think of that as of heroin addiction or something  :|. It's not "feel good!" drug.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Well it's actually reported by people who have been under that some experience brief "euphoria" and feel great, some feel horrible.<br />Addiction is addiction regardless of whether one is "street drugs" or prescribed by a doctor. Same thing and more people die from prescription drug abuse than street drugs.<br />Being an addict doesn't make someone a bad person at all. But I dont think he was addicted at all given his performances on tour were perfection and having been under anesthesia before, its side effects for me were lasting. No way could he have done that everynight and be performing like he did. I could be wrong though ;).<br />There is also no such thing as an amazing father who was/is a severe addict. <br /><br />As for the other points about the deaths ect. he could ofcourse be afraid of something.<br />I too am posting more in this thread than any other lol.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    awkmd Arnold Klein<br />…… interesting!<br />4 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… i never addicted Michael to anything but good medical care.<br />10 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… In may I was not in us---the defense covered the signature on the records suggesting it was me<br /><br />10 hours ago<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />suzanne Martin's new show ...she was there too<br />14 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />…<br />14 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />@DrPaulNassif incredible party Stan Lee.John Baldessari,RuPaul,Dick and Pat van Patten, , Dyan Cannon, etc etc<br />14 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />@PetersPixieLove Also I am on the FDA and an authority on addiction.<br />14 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />@PetersPixieLove you can't even spell!!!<br />14 hours ago<br /><br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />@PetersPixieLove Are you psychotic? I invented injected collagen,Botox and fillers. have you done too much pixie dust?<br />14 hours ago<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I think we'll just have to watch and see what transpires here.  If Arnie is a true bad guy, and Michael is dead, then they'll get him into court too.  <br />If this is a hoax, and Michael is alive, then I presume Arnie is in the know and playing his role.<br />Or, he maybe don't know it's a hoax?<br />I will just wait, like the rest of the hoax and see the outcome before I become one of those judging someone from the media.  I mean, Michael was slandered in media too from interviews!!  And things written that he said!  <br />I'll just watch and wait.
  • Arnie had better watch it, he’s pulling a Conrad Murray and throwing himself into the spotlight with all this addiction talk.  If you don’t know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.  If this is a sting operation against Dr. Feelgoods, he’s talking his way straight to the top of that list of alleged perps.  If you’re reading this forum Arnie, take a hint, shut the f@ck up.
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    Aaand he opened his twitter, now everyone can go and read.<br /><br />Yes, he contradicts himself nonstop  :lol:<br />"He was an addict!"<br />"He for sure was not an addict!" and so on.<br /><br />Make up your mind, Dr.<br /><br />I still insist dependency and addiction are two different things. Most of us take painkillers when we're in pain, like<br />headache or chronic pains etc. Most of us had a joint at college every now and then.  Those of us with insomnia  will HAVE to take pills each night. Are we addicts? Heck no.<br />Dependant? Maybe. Likely. Michael was the same.  He<br />had pains, he had insomnia.  Why should he suffer?
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I agree with you last comment Aidan.  Especially as you get older it's harder and harder to sleep for one reason or another.  Especially with a creative mind or worries.  I tend to work out my problems in my sleep.  I spend the night praying...all night...for God to help me with my problems, and then never get to sleep.  OR, I work on problems trying to solve them in my sleep, and can't turn my mind off.<br />I'm sure it was much worse for Michael.....IF we are to believe ANY of this can't sleep story.<br />Actually, I've followed Michael forever, and never heard about the insomnia till the hoax.<br />But, I could understand.<br />I now have my cocktail to get to sleep.  I've tried to go without it and never fall asleep.  It is not to safe either.  I take 2 ibuprofen so my legs don't jump.  2 sinus tabs so I can breathe, and 5 mg of melatonin so I can fall asleep!  Melatonin is amazing, but too much and your body stops making it, as it does as you age anyhow.  It does make it hard to wake and stay awake though, so I drink about 12 cups of coffee a day.<br />This really is like Michael does too..just different chemicals.. Same results.  Something to sleep and turn off the mind, then something to stay up awake in the day (red bull).<br />I tend to think that the whole propofol story is invented or a story he heard about and scripted this after, though.  Maybe one night as he couldn't
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