Arnold Klein Twitter



  • I really don't know what side Dr Klein is on but the timing is very suspicious.<br /><br />I am of the belief that to be able to clean up the damage that has been done to Michael's image every lie that has been told needs to come out in a way that the world finally learns the truth. The allegations, the children's parentage, the drug issues, the money issues, health, etc., all of them have to be brought up in order for the world to learn the truth. People don't normally remember one person talking but they do pay attention to gossip and rumors. Sad but true. They do pay attention, say, if Dr Klein or Michael's bodyguard come out and say they donated sperm. Then, piece by piece, the truth is revealed in a way that nobody can argue. Of course, this is just my thoughts on the issue.<br /><br />I work in the medical field and I don't know of one physician who would act like Dr Klein is acting right now. His behavior is very interesting and worth watching to see what happens.  There is a saying that if you let a liar talk long enough they'll expose their own lies. I hope he keeps talking so that we can find out if he's telling the truth or not.<br /><br />Blessings
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1320460401:
    <br />I really don't know what side Dr Klein is on but the timing is very suspicious.<br /><br />I am of the belief that to be able to clean up the damage that has been done to Michael's image every lie that has been told needs to come out in a way that the world finally learns the truth. The allegations, the children's parentage, the drug issues, the money issues, health, etc., all of them have to be brought up in order for the world to learn the truth. People don't normally remember one person talking but they do pay attention to gossip and rumors. Sad but true. They do pay attention, say, if Dr Klein or Michael's bodyguard come out and say they donated sperm. Then, piece by piece, the truth is revealed in a way that nobody can argue. Of course, this is just my thoughts on the issue.<br /><br />I work in the medical field and I don't know of one physician who would act like Dr Klein is acting right now. His behavior is very interesting and worth watching to see what happens.  There is a saying that if you let a liar talk long enough they'll expose their own lies. I hope he keeps talking so that we can find out if he's telling the truth or not.<br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br /><br />I highly agree w/you. I too have never seen a doc go about things in the manner that he is. As I said earlier, doesn't he have better things to do besides browse hoax sites then respond via twitter? LoL I'm still confused as to what his motive is ...whether it be good or bad, but something shady is definitely going on. He's throwing all these ppl under the bus either exposing them for what they may or may not be, or either that, he's covering his own behind since he seems suspect to some of us beLIEvers. Just my opinion. <br /><br />I know this is off topic but just came to mind, did anyone notice how Katherine went back to the court house to pick up signs from the fans? Now what on earth would she want with signs??? I know who WOULD want fans signs though....Michael himself! lol. Then the fact that they were staying @ a downtown hotel had the hoax alarm going off in my brain. haha. <br /><br />But back on topic....I hope Klein isn't really on the shady list. It's somewhat appearing that way in my opinion. I guess we'll see though. Sooner or later, the full truth will reveal itself.
  • on 1320460401:
    <br />I really don't know what side Dr Klein is on but the timing is very suspicious.<br /><br />I am of the belief that to be able to clean up the damage that has been done to Michael's image every lie that has been told needs to come out in a way that the world finally learns the truth. The allegations, the children's parentage, the drug issues, the money issues, health, etc., all of them have to be brought up in order for the world to learn the truth. People don't normally remember one person talking but they do pay attention to gossip and rumors. Sad but true. They do pay attention, say, if Dr Klein or Michael's bodyguard come out and say they donated sperm. Then, piece by piece, the truth is revealed in a way that nobody can argue. Of course, this is just my thoughts on the issue.<br /><br />I work in the medical field and I don't know of one physician who would act like Dr Klein is acting right now. His behavior is very interesting and worth watching to see what happens.  There is a saying that if you let a liar talk long enough they'll expose their own lies. I hope he keeps talking so that we can find out if he's telling the truth or not.<br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br /><br />Voiceforthesilent, you are absolutely right, I am kind of in the medical field but I have friends who are doctors, I have spoken to them about Klein, and they told me the same thing you just posted. Very strange indeed. Hope Klein continues talking.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Klein seems genuinely angry and I agree Snoopy, his timing is indeed interesting. Scared or/because the hoax will be coming to an end and he has to "save himself". Either way the directing people to hoax sites is telling in and of itself.<br />His attorney was on HLN again saying he has important things he wants to speak about in terms of what he believes the public is unaware of. Wonder what he has to say this time? <br /><br />@SimPatty good observations and they mean SOMEthing. You should definitely try contacting him, he usually answers most people from what I see. All this talk of "truth coming out" from everyone and "conspirators" points to both hoax and sting elements, the rest is vague.<br /><br />Voiceforthesilent his behavior does seem erratic, not at all professional.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Arnie is on my FB too, and has quite a message this morn...(I know this should be in another area, but I hate to start another one while we're talking about Arnie already lately.  Move it if you need to ;)<br /><br />Arnold W. Klein<br />i have grown tired of judges and commissioners who behave as if they were feudal nobility while we, the people, seem no more to them but peasants who must rise when they enter in their 16th clergyman's robes, hold our tongues until spoken to and who may be imprisoned merely for speaking our mind in their presence without their permission ("First Amendment be damned!") Think about it - even the more "progressive" judges unthinkingly continue to behave according to the norms of medieval aristocracy in a democratic age. I have been vilified,robbed,my civil rites have been violated,my records forged ,my will illegally changed and a media circus created about me that enabled the embezzlement of 20 million dollars. The courts illegally released medical records that were not mine and the police, homeland security ,the FBI and US Attorney failed to protect me. Again my will was changed altering the heirs while I was having cardiac surgery with no notary present. I think it is time to reveal the tale.If you think Murray did not have enablers assisting him in his actions just remember Michael signed no agreement hiring him and his checks were signed by AEG…AWK
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… hoefflin toured with Jackson giving him Propofol<br />2 minutes ago<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… why was hoefflin not called to testify<br />3 minutes ago<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… the Dr who started michael on propofol.<br />4 minutes ago<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… he was not a junkie but had insomnia created by incompetent doctors since the 80's.<br />
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    Has anyone tried calling the numbers on Klein's page, etc.  Is it possible to even reach him? I'm in the LA area and would love to get into contact with him but don't even know where I'd begin.  Ideas?
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I h
    on 1320516536:
    <br />Has anyone tried calling the numbers on Klein's page, etc.  Is it possible to even reach him? I'm in the LA area and would love to get into contact with him but don't even know where I'd begin.  Ideas?<br />[/quote<br />I haven't tried the number, but you CAN get in touch with him.  I have.  <br />Do you want a procedure or just info???<br />
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    Both please.  That's great that you've contacted him.<br />I figure, since I'm in the area, I might as well contact him to talk to him first hand.  <br />
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1320512207:
    <br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… hoefflin toured with Jackson giving him Propofol2 minutes ago<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… why was hoefflin not called to testify<br />3 minutes ago<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… the Dr who started michael on propofol.<br />4 minutes ago<br />Arnold Klein<br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… he was not a junkie but had insomnia created by incompetent doctors since the 80's.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />My apologies...I've probably posted more on this thread than I have on all the topics in this forum combined! :roll:<br /><br />I just can't stroll past a two-headed snake and ignore it (just an analogy/no pun intended or offense to Dr. Klein).<br /><br />Ironically, I wrote a post on the TIAI Sept 27 thread that is right along the lines of his latest tweets. The question was asked why was Dr. Kleins medical records presented in court but he was not called to testify?<br /><br />Here's the post:<br /><br />« on: November 03, 2011, 06:37:47 PM »<br /><br />Quote from: Sarahli on November 03, 2011, 05:08:36 PM<br />Honestly I don't know what to think about Arnold Klein. I don't understand why he hasn't been called as a witness during the trial for example. I keep watching.<br />Quote from: MissG on November 03, 2011, 05:12:50 PM<br />same here<br /><br /><br />My response: <br /><br />It's the inclusion/exclusion "prior acts " factor. If you bring in Dr. Arnold Klein to testify on his treatments for Michael, then you have to include EVERY doctor that has ever treated Michael (even if it wasn't recent, it still affected his current physical state of health). <br /><br />Dr. Klein started treating Micheal in the 1980's and there have been several doctors who have given him subsequent treatment up until present day. To say Arnold Klein's treatments had an effect on Michaels "death" would be like saying every doctor needs to be questioned about their treatments/effects on Michaels overall health. <br /><br />For example, when Michael was burned in the Pepsi commercial, you could say his present day dependence on sleep aids and painkillers was a direct result of that "very first" pain prescription and sleep aid and that first doctor involved. The doctors thereafter were merely continuing the same treatment regimine.<br /><br />The defense tried to take a stab at it by bringing up the records Klein had into it (to show a history to drug abuse/doctor enabling), but it would have just opened a big can of worms in the end and just exposed more of Michaels private life than necessary.<br /><br />So basically with regards to the doctors who treated Michael, its all or nothing.<br /><br />The prosecution didn't want this because it makes Michael look like a doctor dependant drug addict, and the defense didn't want it because they would spend alot of time examining/questioning a bunch of doctors they cannot prosecute. Lose/Lose on both sides. <br /><br />Fast forward to present day tweets....<br /><br />I guess Dr. Klein is now saying the same thing (apparently he wants his day in court to prove he wasn't one of the doctors responsible for Michaels prior drug/propofol dependancy), and is clearly throwing names out for the media to catch and question. Clearly doing so would lead to a corporate conspiracy investigation. (And if Murray is found guilty, it might do just that)<br /><br />.....I suspect this will all turn into another thread because we definitely haven't heard the last of it from Dr. Klein....not even remotely! :?
  • Klein is running scared because regardless of the outcome of the case, the way doctors are allowed to push and peddle to the upper echelan is about to meet with a dramatic change.  This case has brought major attention to the doctor feel goods who parade around and hide behind the masks of their professions.  Their actions iwll now be called to the table and their money bags will dwindle under the pressure.  I believe that Klein fears he will be in trouble should this case spinoff into an investigation of the doctors and others implicated in these proceedings.  His name has topped the list by far and his records were used.  If anyone is further investigated, I’d bet 9 to 10 that his name will be at the top of the list right along with AEG and others I do not care to mention.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1320520378:
    <br />Klein is running scared because regardless of the outcome of the case, the way doctors are allowed to push and peddle to the upper echelan is about to meet with a dramatic change.  This case has brought major attention to the doctor feel goods who parade around and hide behind the masks of their professions.  Their actions iwll now be called to the table and their money bags will dwindle under the pressure.  I believe that Klein fears he will be in trouble should this case spinoff into an investigation of the doctors and others implicated in these proceedings.  His name has topped the list by far and his records were used.  If anyone is further investigated, I’d bet 9 to 10 that his name will be at the top of the list right along with AEG and others I do not care to mention.<br />
    <br /><br />If he's knows he's at the top of the list....then it sounds like he wants to take everyone else down with him!
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Roxy, I'd just go ahead an call his office number seeing as you live out there.  Where in Wonderland do you live?  Lucky girl!!<br />I'd be prepared to have quite a wait, as he sure seems busy.<br /><br />Snoopy, I know what you mean about this thread.  The trial has us on stand-by and Arnie's tweets just keep on coming..seemingly full of clues.<br />I haven't figured out yet either why he wasn't in court other than, he sure seems to have a different story than the trial does.  If I believed Michael is really gone, I'd think maybe Arnie wasn't in court because they were going after him in another "sting" of his own.  But, as he probably could've been a HUGE key player in this trial, and wasn't again it points to hoax to me and Arnie is a person in the know and is serving his role at this time for some reason.<br /><br />I can't think he's a bad doctor, as it appears that he's doctored everyone out here for as long long years.  Surely, he'd have ruined himself long ago if he were crooked.  Bad people tend to fall in years, not decades! <br /><br />But, we'll's quite a ride isn't it!!
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1320520749:
    <br />Roxy, I'd just go ahead an call his office number seeing as you live out there.  Where in Wonderland do you live?  Lucky girl!!<br />I'd be prepared to have quite a wait, as he sure seems busy.<br /><br />Snoopy, I know what you mean about this thread.  The trial has us on stand-by and Arnie's tweets just keep on coming..seemingly full of clues.<br />I haven't figured out yet either why he wasn't in court other than, he sure seems to have a different story than the trial does.  If I believed Michael is really gone, I'd think maybe Arnie wasn't in court because they were going after him in another "sting" of his own.  But, as he probably could've been a HUGE key player in this trial, and wasn't again it points to hoax to me and Arnie is a person in the know and is serving his role at this time for some reason.<br /><br />I can't think he's a bad doctor, as it appears that he's doctored everyone out here for as long long years.  Surely, he'd have ruined himself long ago if he were crooked.  Bad people tend to fall in years, not decades! <br /><br />But, we'll's quite a ride isn't it!!<br />
    <br /><br />My head is spinning at this point...a "guilty" verdict for Murray could spin this in a whole other direction (which may be the plan) like you said, a sting on the other doctors including Klein or perhaps an "innocent" verdict for Murray means they are just going after Klein next (which might be why his records were introduced in court). Either way, Klein is in the hotseat.<br /><br />...ugh! this is getting messy...and yes, buckle's going to be a wild ride!<br />m1605.gif<br /><br />
  • on 1320516536:
    <br />Has anyone tried calling the numbers on Klein's page, etc.  Is it possible to even reach him? I'm in the LA area and would love to get into contact with him but don't even know where I'd begin.  Ideas?<br />
    <br /><br />Why not make an appointment to go visit him, you need a dermotologist.. Just for consulation. I would if I lived in LA.. Unfortunately I live too far.. This is a suggestion.
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    FordtoCarr, thanks.  Wish me luck.<br />I actually live in the Orange County area, but I make trips out to LA etc when I can to do some Michaeling.<br />If I may ask, how did you get into contact with him? E-mail?<br /><br />I'm not entirely sure what to say when I do contact him.  That I'd like to talk to him about Michael? I feel like that would get me nowhere other than hung up on haha.
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    on 1320521276:
    <br />
    on 1320516536:
    <br />Has anyone tried calling the numbers on Klein's page, etc.  Is it possible to even reach him? I'm in the LA area and would love to get into contact with him but don't even know where I'd begin.  Ideas?<br />
    <br /><br />Why not make an appointment to go visit him, you need a dermotologist.. Just for consulation. I would if I lived in LA.. Unfortunately I live too far.. This is a suggestion. <br />
    <br /><br />That's good.  If it comes down to it, I may.  I'm actually also in school right now, majoring in Biology and hoping to attend Med School in the future.  I was thinking something along the lines of maybe asking him for advice?-A mentor of sorts, or something.  Yet, I feel like maybe that would be too sneaky.  Although, I wouldn't be lying.  I really do want a mentor ha. 
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I'd make and appointment, but you never know, he may have other doctors in there too.  I don't think I'd talk to him about Michael, I think anything he has to tell will be told when he wants to tell it.  JMO<br /><br />I just sent him a msg and he answered it..just a sentence but that was nice :)  Not about Michael.  <br />I do think he read this thread..or MORE, because he had linked to, your posts prob. are already seen, and if you'd wanted to talk to him about Michael... good luck<br /><br />We have to face it...we get from Michael what Michael wants, when he wants.  All we can do is look out, try to understand and wait.<br /><br />Let us know what you decide.  BTW...I've always planned on going out there...out to Garden Grove actually, where I had family growing up.  That's by you isn't it??  :)
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    Haha, yes, you're right.  If he has read it, then I guess there goes that.  But really, if he's already tweeting like crazy about this stuff, I guess it maybe wouldn't hurt to try to get it from him- in other words, to ask him what he's trying to accomplish with all of these tweets.  But then again, we'll see.  In any case, I would want to talk to him about the medical field, so, hopefully he'd at least be kind enough to do that.<br /><br />Yes, Garden Grove is very nearby! I go there often.  I have friends who live there.  Let me know if you ever make it out.  I love meeting Michael fans in person.  :)
  • I would REALLY really love to have a one to one with Arnie.  That would be priceless.
  • on 1320521444:
    <br />
    on 1320521276:
    <br />
    on 1320516536:
    <br />Has anyone tried calling the numbers on Klein's page, etc.  Is it possible to even reach him? I'm in the LA area and would love to get into contact with him but don't even know where I'd begin.  Ideas?<br />
    <br /><br />Why not make an appointment to go visit him, you need a dermotologist.. Just for consulation. I would if I lived in LA.. Unfortunately I live too far.. This is a suggestion. <br />
    <br /><br />That's good.  If it comes down to it, I may.  I'm actually also in school right now, majoring in Biology and hoping to attend Med School in the future.  I was thinking something along the lines of maybe asking him for advice?-A mentor of sorts, or something.  Yet, I feel like maybe that would be too sneaky.  Although, I wouldn't be lying.  I really do want a mentor ha.  <br />
    <br /><br />Very good idea, make an appointment first for consultation.. see what he tells you and than tell him that you are majoring in biology and you need his input.. If you want a mentor, you are barking at the wrong tree lol.. You need to find yourself an honest mentor.. Too bad my doctor friend would have been a good mentor for you. Unfortunately he lives too far.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1320291362:
    <br />Arnie is totally in on it. Shifty-eyed Klein would have to have MJ's post-mortum permission to discuss his medical records without violating HIPAA regulations.<br /><br />Posted May 5, 2010:<br /><br />Shifty Eyed Klein rides again<br /><br />So Klein calls up TMZ live to proclaim that Michael Jackson was gay and Klein’s employee (son???) was the love of his life. Ok Klein, now you’ve got everyone’s attention. Fan or non-fan, who didn’t get wind of this one? It’s tailor made for gossip.<br /><br />I found this article which spawned this post,<br /><br /><br /><br />Well seems Klein has a small problem. He has violated HIPAA laws…. not once, not twice, not even recently, but many times over the course of the past 10 months. Seems every single time he has gone media whoring, Klein has violated this law.<br /><br />    "Klein began by revealing personal details about his friendship with the singer. To my surprise, he then divulged facts about Jackson that only a physician knows about a patient. In describing his first meeting with Jackson, Klein noted how the singer had “a butterfly rash and he also had severe crusting you could see on the anterior portion of his scalp.” He subsequently “did a biopsy” on Jackson and diagnosed him with Lupus, an autoimmune disorder that causes those and other symptoms.<br /><br />    Klein went on to reveal many other details, like how he was “rebuilding” Jackson’s face before his comeback concert. On the subject of drug use, Klein continued to chat up the audience. He admitted to providing Jackson with Demerol to sedate him and stated that, contrary to reports, Jackson was not “riddled with needle marks” (though Klein told King he never examined his entire body). Perhaps most revealingly, Klein, as if he had Jackson’s chart in front of him, dished about the singer’s past medical history. “Michael, at one time, had an addiction,” he said. “And he went to England and he withdrew that addiction at a secure setting, where he went off of drugs altogether. And what I told Michael when I met him in this present situation when I was seeing him, that I had to keep reducing the dosage of what he was on, because he came to me with a huge tolerance level.”<br /><br />This is a problem for Klein because he has revealed intimate medical details on one of his patients.  The HIPAA law expressly prohibits this, explained here:<br /><br />    "Basically, the law forbids medical professionals from disclosing health information unless a patient provides consent to do so. Among other things, HIPAA is the reason that your doctor can’t fax a letter to you or transfer your records to another doctor without your filling out permission forms. It’s the reason the mother of a teenage patient of mine, a nurse, was disciplined when she looked at the medical records of her own son. It’s also the reason you’ll never see me, or any other physician, reveal the identities of our patients — without their consent — when we discuss or write about them."<br /><br />Klein could face sanctions, fines, and disciplinary proceedings as a medical professional for violating this law. And Klein is of course aware of this law and the line he has crossed as exposed here in this statement released by his lawyers shortly following 6-25-09:<br /><br />    “Dr. Klein is aware of media reports connecting him to Michael Jackson. Because of patient confidentiality, Dr. Klein will make no statement on any reports or allegations. Out of respect for his patients and adherence to federal HIPAA regulations, Dr. Klein asks that the media not contact him or his patients, nor interfere with their medical treatments. Like millions of Michael’s fans around the world, Dr. Klein is saddened by Michael’s death and extends his condolences to the family.”<br /><br />Following this statement, Klein set off on the talk show circuit.<br /><br />What makes this situation truly odd is this. Klein touts himself “dermatologist to the stars”. By “betraying” Michael, Klein has committed virtual career suicide. Tell me what celebrity wants to continue to be a patient of shifty eyed, loose lips Klein, now that he is acting as the tabloid source for all things juicy following the “death” of one of his high profile clients? Call me crazy but I don’t see a lot of Hollywood’s A list signing up to be the next source for fodder.<br /><br />If this was for real, Klein’s office would be instantly transformed into a ghost town with nothing on the book. Suddenly this man should be experiencing a whole lot of free time for his willful sharing of personal information. Why in the world would Klein DO this?<br /><br />Really the whole thing makes no sense UNLESS Klein is covered under one of the follwoing two loopholes in this law.<br /><br />    -Klein is telling LIES, which does not violate the HIPAA law because the information is not accurate, or<br />    -Michael gave Klein consent to speak publically about his medical conditions<br /><br />The author of the referenced article closed with this statement:<br /><br />    "At the same time, said Phillips, it’s possible that Jackson may have given Klein permission to discuss his PHI, or private health information, in public. In that case, Phillips [Stephen K. Phillips, a healthcare attorney in San Francisco] said, “you haven’t violated the law by doing so, unless and until that authorization is withdrawn.” I tried to contact Klein to clarify these important points several times, but never received a response. His attorney didn’t get back to me either."<br /><br />So Klein could be straight up lying… and free and clear under the law… but playing a very dangerous game with his career, or Michael is directing him to talk. Bottom line,  when you look at the law, and the facts, Klein is good for the hoax.<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />This post is very interesting, why Arnold Klein was going to put at risk their profession and reputation with all these messages?, he knows he is well known among the followers of Michael, by putting a link in this forum in your twitter?, what the heck you are interested in Arnold Klein what we think we?, speaks all these things by knows that there is any risk, and nobody is going to sue.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1320457088:
    <br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… Deepok you said mj asked you for oxycontin--you lie....sell videos!<br />  He's on his nightly roll..............<br />
    <br /><br />The first thing that jumped out at me are the initials before  "Arnie's"  name...AWKMD, this can be perceived in 2 different ways..It could be his initails AWK MD. but i saw "AWaKend MinD"!..........OK Mikey, I am officially seeing "signs" EVERYWHERE!!!!  /white flag/<br /><br />Blessings LIGHT and LOVE to all!!!!! BE LOVE>>>BE "GOD"S GLOW"<br /> bearhug
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    WTF??<br /><br />Arnie has been tweeting like his pants are on fire. This is fishy. And I still believe that he is so much scared and trying to save his ass.  suspicious//
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    Whoever reads his tweets, please keep them reposted here.<br />They are extremely interesting and have to be shared  :mrgreen:<br />He is indeed on fire!
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