sorry back too red trouser guy tii

mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I just look and look and he he does not have the same elegance and gentle touches to his dance as the real michael or am i being cruel and why havent the dancers sliped up about any doubles i suppose they have had to sign something and in the end it will come out. but looking at this HD clip i just cant think that this is Michael in the red trousers when you can see the real Michael so clealy in the other part. Sorry if going over old ground and this needs to be deleated.



  • I just dont see that not being him. I dunno maybe im just be hard headed but i dont want to think he used doubles. When i watch TII i can see MJ in all those different costumes and doing all those moves. I really feel like all of those are him. Just my humble opinion. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • For some reason, I have always felt that it was not Michael in the orange pants. I am sure he did use doubles at some point because he was also working on the dome project at the same time or around the same time. Also, in all the pictures that is shown in the cd as well as the siloette (? spelling) on the cover of the cd and dvd, the orange pants Michael was not in any of them.
    I have no hard evidence as to why I think this. It is just a feeling that I have.
    No need to apologize for going back over old material. I feel that it is a great idea to go over old evidence because we could have missed something.
  • I could be wrong and I apologize to the hilt to Michael if I am but I also feel that "orange pants guy" isn't Michael. If you pay close attention to him and to Michael in the black jeans, there is a height difference. "Orange pants" is taller. But nonetheless, I like "orange pants guy". He makes me laugh, in a good way. lol
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I think that orange pant guy is more muscular and he seems to dance a bit aggresively than michael. Michael is fluent and dances with grace that is my thoughts
  • For some reason, I have always felt that it was not Michael in the orange pants. I am sure he did use doubles at some point because he was also working on the dome project at the same time or around the same time. Also, in all the pictures that is shown in the cd as well as the siloette (? spelling) on the cover of the cd and dvd, the orange pants Michael was not in any of them.
    I have no hard evidence as to why I think this. It is just a feeling that I have.
    No need to apologize for going back over old material. I feel that it is a great idea to go over old evidence because we could have missed something.

    I keep remembering back to when I went to the movie theatre to see TII for the first time. I became distracted during the orange pant guy's performance. My mind easily wandered. But most of the other times my focus was on Michael - I was mesmerized. I later told my sister that I wasn't sure that was Michael because Michael has that way about him that holds my attention and orange pants guy didn't do that. He also moved slightly different. I even tried to talk myself into believing it was him later but I still have doubts. I apologize, Michael, if this really was you. I think this guy was just a fill in for rehearsals not the actual concert (if there really was supposed to be one).
  • Oh gawd NOT this again

    All Michael 100% always in TII

    There is no "TII dude" like there is now "02 dude"

    All Michael
  • For some reason, I have always felt that it was not Michael in the orange pants. I am sure he did use doubles at some point because he was also working on the dome project at the same time or around the same time. Also, in all the pictures that is shown in the cd as well as the siloette (? spelling) on the cover of the cd and dvd, the orange pants Michael was not in any of them.
    I have no hard evidence as to why I think this. It is just a feeling that I have.
    No need to apologize for going back over old material. I feel that it is a great idea to go over old evidence because we could have missed something.

    I keep remembering back to when I went to the movie theatre to see TII for the first time. I became distracted during the orange pant guy's performance. My mind easily wandered. But most of the other times my focus was on Michael - I was mesmerized. I later told my sister that I wasn't sure that was Michael because Michael has that way about him that holds my attention and orange pants guy didn't do that. He also moved slightly different. I even tried to talk myself into believing it was him later but I still have doubts. I apologize, Michael, if this really was you. I think this guy was just a fill in for rehearsals not the actual concert (if there really was supposed to be one).

    I truly believe the COLOUR is distracting and very much affecting people's minds on to whether this is Michael or not
    I can see how you can perhaps maybe look twice, three times, be unsure but the more you watch the more you will probably confuse yourself. If you have it in your head it isnt him i dont think you will change your mind
    I for one always believed it was him. Never ever thought otherwise
  • Oh gawd NOT this again

    All Michael 100% always in TII

    There is no "TII dude" like there is now "02 dude"

    All Michael

    Sorry MJmakesmespeechless, but none of us here can be 100% sure about that fact. And I'm not talking about "O2 dude", I'm talking about TII. I have noticed height differences and only one thing explains that when they are wearing the "same shoes", so it's not the heel being taller making him appear taller in certain scenes. There is definitely a double in TII, if for nothing else but stand in purposes when Michael couldn't be there. But like I said, if I'm wrong in that, then I apologize to the hilt to Michael as he's the only one I would owe the apology.
  • i can't get over thinking that often we are seeing a sequence of scenes shot with both doubles and michael and digitally put together as one smooth movement.
  • For some reason, I have always felt that it was not Michael in the orange pants. I am sure he did use doubles at some point because he was also working on the dome project at the same time or around the same time. Also, in all the pictures that is shown in the cd as well as the siloette (? spelling) on the cover of the cd and dvd, the orange pants Michael was not in any of them.
    I have no hard evidence as to why I think this. It is just a feeling that I have.
    No need to apologize for going back over old material. I feel that it is a great idea to go over old evidence because we could have missed something.

    I keep remembering back to when I went to the movie theatre to see TII for the first time. I became distracted during the orange pant guy's performance. My mind easily wandered. But most of the other times my focus was on Michael - I was mesmerized. I later told my sister that I wasn't sure that was Michael because Michael has that way about him that holds my attention and orange pants guy didn't do that. He also moved slightly different. I even tried to talk myself into believing it was him later but I still have doubts. I apologize, Michael, if this really was you. I think this guy was just a fill in for rehearsals not the actual concert (if there really was supposed to be one).

    I truly believe the COLOUR is distracting and very much affecting people's minds on to whether this is Michael or not
    I can see how you can perhaps maybe look twice, three times, be unsure but the more you watch the more you will probably confuse yourself. If you have it in your head it isnt him i dont think you will change your mind
    I for one always believed it was him. Never ever thought otherwise

    I respect what you have to say but I am not confusing myself. It was my natural reaction the first time I saw that part of the film that keeps me thinking about it as it's so different than how I act when watching Michael any other time. And it's not the orange pants either. It's something slightly different than that. I believe it was a fill in for rehearsals when Michael couldn't be there. I believe most of the film was Michael but not this particular scene. It's okay that we don't agree. I don't think Michael minds the debate. Maybe he'll even tell us the truth one day.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    During this long year I've learned that Michael is all about illusion.When I first went to see TII, I cringed every time orange pants danced. But now I feel pretty confident it's all Michael. He is acting when he's in the orange pants. And I believe he is enjoying tantelyzing and "torturing" us, all for LOVE! I could be wrong obviously. Just as 02 guy is MJ acting like a double too. It's subtle.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    i can't get over thinking that often we are seeing a sequence of scenes shot with both doubles and michael and digitally put together as one smooth movement.
    yes, I have thought about this as well. And this is what I believe about the many Michaels in TII.
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Okay so he used doubles lets say for a second you guys aren't all crazy, <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> lol, what does it prove... the double died..?
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    No. Only that you can't believe everything you hear and see. Not to take everything as truth at first glance. And that truth can be stranger than fiction. Some very powerful lessons to learn.
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    Yes, that Romanian guy died... whatshisname! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • During this long year I've learned that Michael is all about illusion.When I first went to see TII, I cringed every time orange pants danced. But now I feel pretty confident it's all Michael. He is acting when he's in the orange pants. And I believe he is enjoying tantalizing and "torturing" us, all for LOVE! I could be wrong obviously. Just as 02 guy is MJ acting like a double too. It's subtle.

    Thank you so much for taking the words right out of my mouth MJonmind!! Great minds think alike! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I had just said this stuff about Michael and his illusions on the other thread about his hands. Just because Michael moves differently, or acts differently than we have ever seen him before doesn't mean it's not him. I put nothing past Michael...he loves illusions, and I think like you he was messing with us so to speak. I LOVE you Michael!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    PEACE, LOVE, JOY, & BLESSINGS to ALL! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    <!-- m --> ... -died.html<!-- m -->

    Dimitrie Draghicescu is his name.....
  • During this long year I've learned that Michael is all about illusion.When I first went to see TII, I cringed every time orange pants danced. But now I feel pretty confident it's all Michael. He is acting when he's in the orange pants. And I believe he is enjoying tantelyzing and "torturing" us, all for LOVE! I could be wrong obviously. Just as 02 guy is MJ acting like a double too. It's subtle.

    while i stil stand by what i think about the movie i also feel that some of what you are saying has been added to the mix also. i have to wonder how long all of this has actually been going on in preperation for this. i doubt that it is about torture though.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I think there are two Orange Pants guys - one is MJ and the other is not.
  • HeartsongHeartsong Posts: 177
    Has every one seen this?

    The red/orange pants are discussed here by fans who saw MJ wearing them into rehearsals (also mentioning how thin he looked in them).

    Personally, I think TII is all Michael.
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
    Michael Jackson's Orange Pants Up For Grabs Sold

    Michael Jackson "This Is It" Worn Pants
    Michael Jackson's worn orange pants from "This is It". With photographic evidence of MJ wearing them and a letter of authenticity from one of Michael Jackson's personal bodyguards that states, "This letter is to certify that the orange pants that I am consigning to you were worn by Michael Jackson in the movie, 'This is It'. I was employed as one of Michael Jackson's personal bodyguards from June 2, 2009 until the day of his passing on June 25, 2009. He personally gave me the pants during this time period." Also, included in this lot is a copy of the bodyguard's paycheck from Michael Jackson confirming he was an MJ employee.

    This item sold for $8,880




    Worn by Michael Jackson and certified by his body guard ... Hummm ....
  • and the double gets to keep his as a souvenir <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    During this long year I've learned that Michael is all about illusion.When I first went to see TII, I cringed every time orange pants danced. But now I feel pretty confident it's all Michael. He is acting when he's in the orange pants. And I believe he is enjoying tantelyzing and "torturing" us, all for LOVE! I could be wrong obviously. Just as 02 guy is MJ acting like a double too. It's subtle.

    I have always said the 02 Guy is Michael acting as a double as well he was definatly acting out something and i dont understand .Glad I am not the only one that thinks that.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    well the orange pant guy doen not look thin there
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