sorry back too red trouser guy tii



  • I completely agree that the person in red trousers isn't similar on MJ. Well hi is not similar also all. I can not do anything with myself. Whether Something is from circus in these red trousers. My consciousness tears away it. I feel that MJ in gray and in black. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • We are just wasting are time with trying to understand WHY Michael did this and that in this past year. Sorry for telling my honest opninion, but it's quite bothering that we still doesn't know the truth.

    Do you not understand WHY MJ has done this? I think we know the truth about what MJ's reason/message is and that's what's really important, not whether orange pants guy was a double! Spend your time reading and researching that and you won't be wasting your time. I believe all the hoax stuff will be explained to us in due course.
    Hi Curls,
    no, honestly, I don't understand why Michael is doing this. But I would really love to. And I also think this is what counts.
    (I don't really care about the orange pants guy, although I find it strange that he danced liked that in TII. I'm curious about why he was included in the film, but only a little.)
    I spent a lot of time trying to find out the WHY for the hoax, but I don't think any of us can say "I know why Michael hoaxed his death".

    "I believe all the hoax stuff will be explained to us in due course"
    I hope so. Although Elvis's fans still cannot know for sure anything...

    We believe this and that, but it's really not the same when Michael was still here - I mean gave interviews, talked to his fans in person...

    Try looking at some of these videos - again, if you already have. It's Mo's thread on MJ's message. And incidentally, even if this WASN'T MJ's intended message, it's something we sure all should be aware of.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=74&t=10035#p169034<!-- l -->
    Do you mean that Michael is doing this against the NWO? To wake us up?

    I read a sentence in Souza & Mo's video, part 1b: "Michael Jackson is showing you that you are being LIED TO."

    Well, Michael showed this to us before, and I could understand it much better than now.

    by Mo: "Souza and I decided to make this series of videos after it became crystal clear to us what Mike has been talking about for many many years. He tried to make people aware of what's really going on in this world, but for some reason it didn't click. In many of his speeches, lyrics and videos he's pointing out to the men behind the curtain who rule the world, but if you have no knowledge about illuminati and NWO it's hard to get his message."

    IMO it's more hard to get his message NOW, as he is not saying it himself. He is hiding and NOW it's him and his family are the ones who are lying... Confusing people. Many of his fans still believe that he is dead. So I really doubt this hoax would be the best way to wake people up.

    And some fell on stone gound Mark 4.5, I really feel you need to do more research, its not about Red Pants/Gold Pants, is about the message MJ' "died" to wake the world up, you need to do lots of reading regarding NWO * Illuminitti you will then understand it really is all for L.O.V.E.
  • We are just wasting are time with trying to understand WHY Michael did this and that in this past year. Sorry for telling my honest opninion, but it's quite bothering that we still doesn't know the truth.

    Do you not understand WHY MJ has done this? I think we know the truth about what MJ's reason/message is and that's what's really important, not whether orange pants guy was a double! Spend your time reading and researching that and you won't be wasting your time. I believe all the hoax stuff will be explained to us in due course.
    Hi Curls,
    no, honestly, I don't understand why Michael is doing this. But I would really love to. And I also think this is what counts.
    (I don't really care about the orange pants guy, although I find it strange that he danced liked that in TII. I'm curious about why he was included in the film, but only a little.)
    I spent a lot of time trying to find out the WHY for the hoax, but I don't think any of us can say "I know why Michael hoaxed his death".

    "I believe all the hoax stuff will be explained to us in due course"
    I hope so. Although Elvis's fans still cannot know for sure anything...

    We believe this and that, but it's really not the same when Michael was still here - I mean gave interviews, talked to his fans in person...

    Try looking at some of these videos - again, if you already have. It's Mo's thread on MJ's message. And incidentally, even if this WASN'T MJ's intended message, it's something we sure all should be aware of.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=74&t=10035#p169034<!-- l -->
    Do you mean that Michael is doing this against the NWO? To wake us up?

    I read a sentence in Souza & Mo's video, part 1b: "Michael Jackson is showing you that you are being LIED TO."

    Well, Michael showed this to us before, and I could understand it much better than now.

    by Mo: "Souza and I decided to make this series of videos after it became crystal clear to us what Mike has been talking about for many many years. He tried to make people aware of what's really going on in this world, but for some reason it didn't click. In many of his speeches, lyrics and videos he's pointing out to the men behind the curtain who rule the world, but if you have no knowledge about illuminati and NWO it's hard to get his message."

    IMO it's more hard to get his message NOW, as he is not saying it himself. He is hiding and NOW it's him and his family are the ones who are lying... Confusing people. Many of his fans still believe that he is dead. So I really doubt this hoax would be the best way to wake people up.

    And some fell on stone gound Mark 4.5, I really feel you need to do more research, its not about Red Pants/Gold Pants, is about the message MJ' "died" to wake the world up, you need to do lots of reading regarding NWO * Illuminitti you will then understand it really is all for L.O.V.E.
    We are only a few thousands of his fans who follow this hoax. To wake the world up and make a real change he would need billions of people to listen to him - and understand his message clearly.

    By the way, I don't really get why many members here like the number 777?
    I know Michael wore an armband with 777 written on it in his History Teaser video, but what about Aleister Crowley' book:
    777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley: Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    You can still by it on Amazon:
    <!-- m --> ... 0877286701<!-- m -->
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