Against animal cruelty and violence

HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
edited August 2010 in General Hoax Investigation
Credits given to @TITOholics

ATTENTION: If you love ANIMALS ---->>REPORT this Facebook PAGE NOW!!!!

It is sick. In case you don't know how to report it, there's an option on FB:



  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    i don't believe this! how sick are people???

    reported for violence.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Omg I just cantbelieve what I have seen will report this
    Thankyou for pointing this out the police need to be involved it is just evil
  • If anyone is sensitive like I am and do not want to be up all night worrying about what they saw, don't click the link and do NOT write anything on these people's wall...that is what they want. I contacted PETA and gave them the info. Hazely, next time, don't post it here. We don't need to see this and it only does what these people want! If you ever ever find something like that again, contact facebook yourself and then contact is the link and put it in your favorites. This site tells you what to do without spreading it around.
    <!-- m --><!-- m --> It doesn't take everyone here on this forum to fix only takes one person.
    Hazzely...I'm adding to my post because I am really physically sick over what I saw. That was not fair of you, you should have put a better warning that that. I am really upset with you. I hope you take it down. You don't need all of us to do something proactive. Please think before you spread Evil.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Omg I just cantbelieve what I have seen will report this
    Thankyou for pointing this out the police need to be involved it is just evil

    I agree this is a serious issue :S Some organizations should take care of this :S
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    no hazzly you did the right thing I will have nightmares but we have to see the evil to stop it spread the word and stop these basterds now
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    If anyone is sensitive like I am and do not want to be up all night worrying about what they saw, don't click the link and do NOT write anything on these people's wall...that is what they want. I contacted PETA and gave them the info. Hazely, next time, don't post it here. We don't need to see this and it only does what these people want! If you ever ever find something like that again, contact facebook yourself and then contact is the link and put it in your favorites. This site tells you what to do without spreading it around.
    <!-- m --><!-- m --> It doesn't take everyone here on this forum to fix only takes one person.

    I didn't write on their wall i just reported it
    If admins think this should be locked then so be it..and I'll apologize for bringing it here..until then please report that FB page
  • I can't believe it, those fu**ing bastards should be in jail !! and their followers too <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I say out loud you have done the right thing people need to know michael would stop them we have to stop them if we can I am just going to give my furry friend a cuddle how can those monsters do this and be proud god help us all there really is evil out there
  • For everyone reporting this....Next time, report directly to PETA, do NOT report the facebook page to facebook because facebook may remove it before PETA has a chance to investigate! Here is the link for everyone if anyone comes across something like this on their own.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    I was physically sick seeing these pictures.
    I can't stop sobbing.
    I'm removing the link. If PETA was informed, it's enough to remove this.
    No more people need to be mentally harmed by this shit.
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    I am so glad I read the thread before clicking anything!
    I am an animal lover, I have raised and shown my dogs for over 30 years. I am not a breeder per se.
    BUT to think that PETA is a good thing!!!!
    NO!!! They are not! They want domestic animals (that means your kitty Fluffy and your doggy Toto) to not be born. They do not want anybody to have pets.
    PETA has killed more pets than you will believe! PETA and HSUS are both phoney fronts stealing your money and your grandmothers money so that the next time you want a pet you won't find any. They work behind the scenes with legislators and bit by bit they are making it very hard for people that do have dogs.
    I am against any type of cruelty so don't get me wrong, but there are ways to deal with this without PETA.
    Remember PETA was raising hell with MJ too a few times!
    Please don't get swept up in the garbage they are twisting using your heart strings.
    If the site has bad stuff there are different ways of dealing with them.
    Perhaps you can report the lnk to facebook without going to the page?
    I don't know much about FB.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    No the page can't be reported PETA need to know the animals are being tortured PETA would need to know
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I am so glad I read the thread before clicking anything!
    I am an animal lover, I have raised and shown my dogs for over 30 years. I am not a breeder per se.
    BUT to think that PETA is a good thing!!!!
    NO!!! They are not! They want domestic animals (that means your kitty Fluffy and your doggy Toto) to not be born. They do not want anybody to have pets.
    PETA has killed more pets than you will believe! PETA and HSUS are both phoney fronts stealing your money and your grandmothers money so that the next time you want a pet you won't find any. They work behind the scenes with legislators and bit by bit they are making it very hard for people that do have dogs.
    I am against any type of cruelty so don't get me wrong, but there are ways to deal with this without PETA.
    Remember PETA was raising hell with MJ too a few times!
    Please don't get swept up in the garbage they are twisting using your heart strings.
    If the site has bad stuff there are different ways of dealing with them.
    Perhaps you can report the lnk to facebook without going to the page?
    I don't know much about FB.

    Greenpeace is another phony organization as well, it's all about the money.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Was it taken down alrdy?? It takes me to my homepage
  • Thanks everyone for the information and the warnings. I didn't click on this either because I'd probably be horrified beyond belief. I will pray for quick intervention. Thanks to all of you that took measures to stop this abuse. It's my belief that any abuse is a sign of a troubled soul who would not stop with only animals.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    It was unbearable but it does go on we just have to aware
  • Didn't click the link. But will report the page. Hopefully something can be done about it. I would hate for anything to happen to my pet. I can only imagine what is shown there. So sad. What is wrong with the human race? What is wrong with us <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Please someone explain to me, I can not see anything
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Please someone explain to me, I can not see anything

    the page was taken down
    but can we see the cache version of the page on FB? It wouldn't let me.. There was a comment with their personal information someone posted there to report them.
  • I am so glad I read the thread before clicking anything!
    I am an animal lover, I have raised and shown my dogs for over 30 years. I am not a breeder per se.
    BUT to think that PETA is a good thing!!!!
    NO!!! They are not! They want domestic animals (that means your kitty Fluffy and your doggy Toto) to not be born. They do not want anybody to have pets.
    PETA has killed more pets than you will believe! PETA and HSUS are both phoney fronts stealing your money and your grandmothers money so that the next time you want a pet you won't find any. They work behind the scenes with legislators and bit by bit they are making it very hard for people that do have dogs.
    I am against any type of cruelty so don't get me wrong, but there are ways to deal with this without PETA.
    Remember PETA was raising hell with MJ too a few times!
    Please don't get swept up in the garbage they are twisting using your heart strings.
    If the site has bad stuff there are different ways of dealing with them.
    Perhaps you can report the lnk to facebook without going to the page?
    I don't know much about FB.
    first of all, any better ideas? Second of all, I don't agree with all they do or do to people, but in this situation, they were the best people who could help...second of all, they deserved to give MJ some grief. I don't believe MJ should have owned those animals. I think seeing bubbles in that place he is in now can give us some idea of why he shouldnt and he never visited bubbles since he gave him away! not to mention his two giraffes are now dead! If you can't make sure that you can take care of these animals or make provisions for them until their death, you shouldn't own them to begin with! MJ was a collecter, not a "dad" to these animals and that is why PETA was on his case.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    Did anyone find out where the page was set up? I'm glad I did'nt watch it, sadistic bastards!
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I am so glad I read the thread before clicking anything!
    I am an animal lover, I have raised and shown my dogs for over 30 years. I am not a breeder per se.
    BUT to think that PETA is a good thing!!!!
    NO!!! They are not! They want domestic animals (that means your kitty Fluffy and your doggy Toto) to not be born. They do not want anybody to have pets.
    PETA has killed more pets than you will believe! PETA and HSUS are both phoney fronts stealing your money and your grandmothers money so that the next time you want a pet you won't find any. They work behind the scenes with legislators and bit by bit they are making it very hard for people that do have dogs.
    I am against any type of cruelty so don't get me wrong, but there are ways to deal with this without PETA.
    Remember PETA was raising hell with MJ too a few times!
    Please don't get swept up in the garbage they are twisting using your heart strings.
    If the site has bad stuff there are different ways of dealing with them.
    Perhaps you can report the lnk to facebook without going to the page?
    I don't know much about FB.
    first of all, any better ideas? Second of all, I don't agree with all they do or do to people, but in this situation, they were the best people who could help...second of all, they deserved to give MJ some grief. I don't believe MJ should have owned those animals. I think seeing bubbles in that place he is in now can give us some idea of why he shouldnt and he never visited bubbles since he gave him away! not to mention his two giraffes are now dead! If you can't make sure that you can take care of these animals or make provisions for them until their death, you shouldn't own them to begin with! MJ was a collecter, not a "dad" to these animals and that is why PETA was on his case.

    MJ was a collecter, not a "dad" to these animals and that is why PETA was on his case.

    I think he tried to be one to Bubbles, but he got too big and strong. Wild animales are never a good idea, their not happy, you're not happy, whats the point.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    page is obviously gone! good job!

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Hazzely thanks for explaining, it is very unpleasant to these things they are happening.
  • page is obviously gone! good job!

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    lol, do you know how easy it is to make a new one? They will have another one in an hour, heck, in 10 minutes if they want! The point is, alert authorities so they can do something about it before you alert facebook so they can see it and get the evidence they need to find these people and prosecute! Now it's down and gone! Lets pray someone in authority saw it before it was taken down and these sick people will pay!
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