Against animal cruelty and violence



  • even if you use a product who's company doesn't test on animals, the ingredients have been at one time or another. If not by the company who you purchase from, then from other places, distributers or other companies and labratories. There is a difference between HUMANE and INHUMANE. For instance, I am a meat eater but I choose to buy my meat from local farms where the raising and slaughter is humane with the least suffering as possible. My toothpaste and bath products are all vegetable based always and organic if I can manage that, but overall as chem free as possible. Knowing how your meat got to your plate is a big step in supporting HUMANE treatment of animals. Think about that before you buy your burger from walmart because your purchase is a vote...if you buy inhumane meat you vote for inhumane treatment.
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Ok, I agree, you're right.
    But the entire population of a country can't buy meat in farms, there would be scarceness.
    It's to avoid scarceness that we invented the production of mass and all terror which go with...
  • suomursusuomursu Posts: 111
    I didn't see the page but apparently you're promoting animal rights. You guys saw something shocking and thought it was WRONG. I just have to ask ... how many of you worried about this subject, eats meat and uses animal-tested cosmetics, for example. I'm not judging anyone but I'm giving something to think about. L.O.V.E.

    Eat meat it's not the same thing that torture an animal, most of the time domestic, for nothing, just for pleasure.
    I admeet that the animal we kill for the meat are not necessary killed cleany, but it's certainly not as long as the torture on those dogs.

    And I'm a man I don't use cosmetics <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Surely you wash yourself with some kind of soap and brush your teeth etc.? To me those are cosmetics.

    I don't wash myself, and I don't brush my teeth.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Joke.

    Ok, but this is normal that cosmetics are tested on animals before on humans.
    And I have to tell you that some cosmetics are really bad for the health in long term.

    I wouldn't say it's normal just because "everyone does it and has always done it". There are alternatives. I know cosmetics may not be good for you and that's why I choose them carefully. For instance I usually don't put on my skin anything that I couldn't eat. So I wash my face with canola oil and salt, teeth with baking soda etc. If I need to use make-up I only wear pure minerals that are cruelty free.

    I'm definitely not saying that everyone should stop using cosmetics and eating meat but people really should start thinking about the effects of their daily consuming and start questioning if the way their food and stuff are produced is the best way (mykidsmum has good thoughts to my mind). I think ignorance and thoughtlessness are the problem.
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    I absolutely agree with you.
    In the nature, there are so many things that we could use instead of chemicals elements... But the industrials societies prefer use chemicals because it's less expensive than biologic stuff.

    But I think, with the time, we will use more natural and biologic stuff. For our cars, our wash up and make up, to make alloys of plastic... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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