Katherine and Joe to Divorce



  • a little note from invincible album.
    threatened; This Song is especially dedicated to Rick Baker ...The Guru of Special Effecs
  • jinanejinane Posts: 54
    this the response of Magestic concerning the divorcehttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=420560798338&id=1132877314&ref=mf
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    More garbage means? ,....... <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • jinanejinane Posts: 54
    it seems that it's all trash like always with press lies lies lies...
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    I can't imagine Michael using mini skirt, he would have the courage to use? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    about to divorce Katherine, I think she took this decision now to take full control of money.
  • Janet looks like she's staring right at the blonde woman in question in the photo <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    and does anyone know who the African American guy in between hat man and blonde woman is? He could be a clue as well that may tie them together some how.

    It is hard to tell with sunglasses on. Her head may have been tilted to the angle where the blond lady is, but maybe her eyes were looking somewhere else. I did a test with one of my friends, My head was tilted towards him but I was looking somewhere else , and he did think i was looking at him. That my friends, I think we should rule out the possibilities of her looking at the blond lady. In the picture the blond lady was holding hands with the black man next to her, and again her arm was fatter than MJ. Which I already stated in the thread. Who is that black man next to the blond lady?
  • this the response of Magestic concerning the divorcehttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=420560798338&id=1132877314&ref=mf

    can i ask a question about the facebook page. i am not real familiar with these things . the little advertisments or whatever to the right of the screen. are they related to the things that the person has marked as interest ect.?
  • this the response of Magestic concerning the divorcehttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=420560798338&id=1132877314&ref=mf

    For those of you that don't have Facebook accounts...

    Hello Fans,This is Majestik Magnificent.I want to speak to you all on certain issues and things I have been hearing.First let me start by saying the announcement you have heard about Mr and Mrs Jackson divorcing is as absolute LIE they are very much together.The press love to try to DIVIDE and CONQUER Please do not fall into their trap or let them and try to divide you from unity.In saying that the next thing I want to talk about is the letter I sent out four months ago, I still hear that there is division amongst you. This is not good I asked you back then to please be in UNITY and TOGETHERNESS as Michael Jackson would want you to do!Some of you did not listen I truely beleive that all of you have LOVE for Micheal If this is true that means you knew his HEART his SPIRIT the LOVE he had for YOU and how he would want YOU all to be together.Please not only keep Micheals legacy alive but his SPIRIT, HONESTY and LOVE he had for YOU.When you fight amongst yourselves that is not in the SPIRIT of Michael. The press love for you all to be divide and fight, show negativity so they can say "Look at Michael Jackson fans they cant even get along"Please do not get caught up in that trap!! Carry Micheal's SPIRIT in YOU and if YOU TRULY do this it will be about the LOVE for each other.Lastly, please continue to fight for JUSTICE FOR Micheal and be his VOICE for JUSTICE and do this in UNITY + LOVEI thank youMajestik Magnificent.
  • Who is Majestik Magnificent? If you noticed she or he is talking in the past tense, meaning Michael Jackson is dead. We are here because we do believe in the UNITY, and the LOVE , we have for Michael. Yes sometimes we can be harsh on one another, that is because we have different type of opinions, and that can cause animosity. That's what difference of opinion does , but we do have to be strong, and take that person opinion and be constructive and use it wisely. Love to everyone.
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