Samantha De Gossen and Karen being Paid By SONY? Photoshop??

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
Please read all of this blog:

<!-- m --><!-- m -->

Ive copied and pasted a bit of it:

What happened to "THE truth"?

What does this mean? Does this sound a little particularly too “Rev. Jim Jones-ish” to you? Color me disgusted but I have no desire to follow someone to the jungles of Guyana to drink poison. True I need to lose a little weight, but there are healthier ways to do it.

Far be it from me to ever tell someone what they can and cannot allow on their page. But I am also free to disagree with it. And since I did disagree with it, I felt that being a “Friend of Karen” would be a bit hypocritical if I did not trust her or had misgivings about her.

I have been emailed and called all day today about “what was going on!!!” (Don’t you people have anything better to do? LOL! It's a holiday for crying out loud!) and many of the questions I was emailed and called about were whether or not I was a “hoaxer”.

I was very clear on my blog what I believe in that particular blog post, and that is that no piece of evidence or information gets tossed just because someone else doesn't want me to look at and analyze it. One of the biggest disagreements I have had with regard to this “Believer-Hoaxer” bashing is that the evidence is very compelling. What good would it do to follow it? How would this possibly help Michael?

That’s just it. It doesn't matter what I believe. The point of even bringing up a possibility that Michael is alive in the first place is for us to take a look at what we are doing, because potentially innocent people are getting "convicted" in public opinion because of heightened emotions and this is turning into a witch hunt.

Isn't that a little too familiar with what happened to someone we loved in 2005???

We Don’t want to do this again

Sammy De Gosson –

I deleted myself from her page also because yesterday (busy day!), I was alerted to a thread concerning the implication of Jermaine Jackson in Michael’s death.

This is what I had copied, along with a few of the comments.

Samantha De Gosson: Dr. Thome Thome was once married to Randy Phillip's sister, Janet Phillips. Jermaine's wife is Thome Thome's cousin. The more you research the links between all parties involved in his murder, the more sickening and apparent it becomes.

While Samantha is free to speculate, just as I am, the comments that followed this wall post are disturbing and this has been a pattern over there. I would never, ever implicate someone in a crime on the sole information that they had a common inlaw.

On this blog, I have entertained everyone’s views regardless of whether they agreed with me or not. Sometimes I didn’t LIKE IT but I still respected it.

This does not mean that either Samantha or Karen have to be as accommodating on their pages or blogs. They don’t. But I cannot be a “friend” on their pages if I have misgivings about them, so I deleted myself. These is not the only issues I have with them but they’ve added up and I just think that it is best this way.

I have one question I am going to ask you (any of you) to answer, because this has me really disturbed. Please no fighting, just discussion. I want you to know why I do have misgivings about them.

If the Jackson family suspects AEG, Phillips or Ortega in the death of Michael Jackson, then someone please explain to me why both Phillips and Ortega were invited to the private funeral for family and friends, and neither Karen nor MLB were not?
(We answered this question with THIS video She was there.

If Karen is working with the Jackson family then why have there been no pictures at all of Karen with any of the family members of the Jacksons since the date of Michael’s death? It’s been 14 months.

If Samantha DeGosson was as close to Michael, Michael’s children and had the confidence of Michael, following him for the last 15 years, why has she been able to produce only one picture of her and Michael together, which to be honest, looks like a very creative photo shopped piece of work?

One photo in 15 years? That’s it?

These are the questions I have.

You are free to answer them, you are free to disagree with me, but any abusive posts will be deleted.

One other thing I want to point out. All this began to break out right after I posted that blog about the inconsistencies within the Jackson camp. I’m at this point not so sure they are indeed with the Jackson camp.

I am not looking for a battle with Karen of Samantha, but I am going to point out what bothers me about them in hopes that someone can convince me I am wrong . . . because in all honesty I want to be wrong on this.

Please be respectful, but tell me something.

There have been a slew of blogs put out about AEG just since the last two days, like I said . . . I guess quite a few people wanted to detract from that blog post about the inconsistencies.

It is times like these that tell me that the truth is RIGHT THERE. The more you get piled on, the bigger threat you are to those who don’t want you near the truth. That is what keeps me going.



I remember having lengthy conversations with my friend about these "last" pictures and i commented on how Michael was seemingly behind all the people in the pictures. Every single one, Michael's face is behind the other person, like he is hiding.

I thought at the time that maybe MJ was shy and ill and thats why these photos look odd.. but now it seems they are FAKE... and it seems right to me. I think Sammy and Karen are fake and that they are being paid to say their story.

I will try and post all the other photos i have of this period.. other fan photos. May take a while as i have so many MJ photos, if anyone else has them please post here so we can compare.

This is major breakthrough.. makes sense to me... the hoax is more alive to me now then it was an hour ago. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Things dont make sense!!!


  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Can those people stop the drama and focus on important things?

    'Michael' is hiding on those recent pics because he doesn't really look that much like himself (i.e. those are doubles).

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Can those people stop the drama and focus on important things?

    'Michael' is hiding on those recent pics because he doesn't really look that much like himself (i.e. those are doubles).

    Maybe.. or maybe the photos are fake and Sam never actually met him and was not close to him as she claims.

    Im trying to find the other photos.. its always the same side of his face and in the same manner... they all look alike in terms of poses, etc.

    What if Sony (or someone else) is paying Sam and Karen to keep the hoax under wraps? What if they are being paid to say that MJ was unhappy and ill and taking drugs... hmmm.. i do find it interesting.

    Sam and Karens friendship has always seemed most odd to me and im sure there is a reason behind it.
  • tinamjjtinamjj Posts: 688
    hmmm I saw this pic with Samantha long time ago and didn't think about. But now... it seems photoshopped because her head is bigger than Michaels, this makes no sense and his hand on her back looks strange.

    Gosh I hate Photoshop (except Gella creates wunderful pics <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ), you can never trust a picture anymore <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • hmmm I saw this pic with Samantha long time ago and didn't think about. But now... it seems photoshopped because her head is bigger than Michaels, this makes no sense and his hand on her back looks strange.

    Gosh I hate Photoshop (except Gella creates wunderful pics <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ), you can never trust a picture anymore <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    What if the whole thing is a lie... what if Sam has lied about meeting MJ.. about how MJ told her he didnt want to do 50 shows... maybe she has lied about him looking ill and thin....

    What if she is being paid to say these lies to make the death look more believable... to take the heat off certain people... to add to the confusion? And this would explain her sudden friendship with Karen Faye, which has never made sense to me.

    If we can prove this is photoshop, then we can prove Sam has lied and that would prove all her stories and anecdotes about MJs final days are a lie. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Weel, you can be on that pic as well if you want to <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- m --> ... 8a9ecbb05/<!-- m -->
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    These pictures have been discussed back in 2009:

    <!-- m --> ... -t2926.htm<!-- m -->
  • These pictures have been discussed back in 2009:

    <!-- m --> ... -t2926.htm<!-- m -->

    YES! Thanks.. this is what i need. See what i mean about MJ hiding his face?



  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Yeah, because it's not MJ...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • tinamjjtinamjj Posts: 688
    What if the whole thing is a lie... what if Sam has lied about meeting MJ.. about how MJ told her he didnt want to do 50 shows... maybe she has lied about him looking ill and thin....

    What if she is being paid to say these lies to make the death look more believable... to take the heat off certain people... to add to the confusion? And this would explain her sudden friendship with Karen Faye, which has never made sense to me.

    If we can prove this is photoshop, then we can prove Sam has lied and that would prove all her stories and anecdotes about MJs final days are a lie. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I think she lied. I don't believe Michael told her he didn't wanna make the shows. I believe in the dancers, in the team of TII, who *all* said he was well and enthusiastic.

    But I don't get it - WHY??! For me Karen and TINI feel guilty because they think they couldn't "save" him and thats why they are beating everyone with their hating tirades. I never thought about Sony or anyone else could pay them for this... hm. It's quite interesting, I have to think about it - maybe I will get the foggy clouds out of my head <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    ForstAMoon: Fantastic find. Sam, go home. I never believed in what you say about Mike and now... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    To me looks like MJ 100%
  • To me looks like MJ 100%

    Ok.. but are the photos real? Or photoshopped? I wish i knew someone who is an expert of Photoshop as i dont have a clue.

    Also found this one:

  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I am getting co fused are the above pictures photoshoped I'd have I miss understood if they are fake they are good
    I mentioned before about Karen saying michael liked samantha and she realized this when she found her photo in his dressing room
    She is labouring the point but then I read michael called her flea
    But anyway I see what you mean they could be doing this for him to help the hoax
  • I am getting co fused are the above pictures photoshoped I'd have I miss understood if they are fake they are good
    I mentioned before about Karen saying michael liked samantha and she realized this when she found her photo in his dressing room
    She is labouring the point but then I read michael called her flea
    But anyway I see what you mean they could be doing this for him to help the hoax

    Now.. this makes no sense to me.

    Karen was Michaels make up artist.. so why would Karen only find and see these supposed photos of Sam on his MAKE UP TABLE... AFTER his death? What,.. she didnt see them before???

    See how even that story makes no sense!!!
  • Couldn't at least one of them go for an original pose? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I am getting co fused are the above pictures photoshoped I'd have I miss understood if they are fake they are good
    I mentioned before about Karen saying michael liked samantha and she realized this when she found her photo in his dressing room
    She is labouring the point but then I read michael called her flea
    But anyway I see what you mean they could be doing this for him to help the hoax

    A parasite transported by small furry animals that derives nourishment through blood.

    A flea is someone who is annoying and wont go away. Like a flea to a dog, such a person will continue their ways, unswayed by what you say.

    A female that doesn't do anything with her life, is loud for no reason and hangs out with strays

    Doesn't sound like a term of endearment to me but hey, maybe I just misunderstand, I am kind of old <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • I think she lied. I don't believe Michael told her he didn't wanna make the shows. I believe in the dancers, in the team of TII, who *all* said he was well and enthusiastic.

    But I don't get it - WHY??! For me Karen and TINI feel guilty because they think they couldn't "save" him and thats why they are beating everyone with their hating tirades. I never thought about Sony or anyone else could pay them for this... hm. It's quite interesting, I have to think about it - maybe I will get the foggy clouds out of my head <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Samantha did lie. She and Karen were all happy and said that this is going to be a perfect show, Michael is at his best. This was prior to June 25th. After his death, they sang another tune.

    I believe Michael was happy about the tour.
    stressed? Obviously
    Perfectionist? As always.

    But no this pictures are real.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I read somehere he had a list if fleas and ticks but I can't remember where I read it
    Karen said this about samantha on twitter it was when she was asking for everybody to stop the arguing
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Catty women are such a turnoff, no wonder why MJ isn't seen with them often, if at all. It it was truly a women close to him, she would protect his privacy by not talking and just be thankful she had those special moments, like Liz and Diana.

    Question, if a picture has been shopped, when you zoom up super magnified, wouldn't you see edges? I'm not too saavy there. Just something weird about the top pic is that it looks like MJ is sitting with his legs spread open and her between, seems awkward in a van. The gesture of grabbing a piece of material I've seen him doing that before, little cute idiosincrasy he has. In the last pic MJ has his hand up where her boob is, seems a little odd, who would do that. So maybe photoshopped. And IMO that's all MJ. And fleas sounds like in the same general catagory as leeches. Fleas=females and leeches=males that want everything they can from MJ!!

    DancingTheDream are you saying this "fanfare" dishonesty has brought you a step closer to "believing"?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Question, if a picture has been shopped, when you zoom up super magnified, wouldn't you see edges? I'm not too saavy there.

    Although these ones are just for fun and we KNOW they're photoshopped and the body really doesn't match the head, although Mo streched it to make it look bigger, there are not really visible edges. Mo is not a professional photoshopper, so imagine what a prof could be capable of... Enjoy again: Arnie's Tribute to Haute Couture!


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • plleezzee noGeeze, that's almost blasphemous <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

  • I must be getting better at pinpointing the doubles because I said right away "that's not Michael" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I don't know how many agree, but to me those look like doubles more than any we've seen so far...
  • I must be getting better at pinpointing the doubles because I said right away "that's not Michael" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I don't know how many agree, but to me those look like doubles more than any we've seen so far...
    I am sorry but all of the pictures (except Klein <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->) are Michael.

    Look at the fingers for one, discoloured finger nails and it isn't makeup to make them look that way. You all just see doubles everywhere but when we get something stuck in our head, sometimes we see what we want to see, even when it may not be correct.

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    sorry, but I am certain it's a double. If the nails are your only argument than that is really not enough to convince me otherwise. It's not because it's in my head, it's because he looks like one of the doubles and not like Mike.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • hopehope Posts: 543
    When Michael smiles, his lower left lip is crooked. These pics all have that. If you look at his pics through the years, he has always ahd that crooked smile, and that is how I have always been able to know if it was a double or not.
    The pics of uncle Arnie are pricless and a little gross <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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