Samantha De Gossen and Karen being Paid By SONY? Photoshop??



  • sorry, but I am certain it's a double. If the nails are your only argument than that is really not enough to convince me otherwise. It's not because it's in my head, it's because he looks like one of the doubles and not like Mike.

    Me too. I wasn't even thinking about doubles when I saw these pictures.

    I don't know how anyone could be so sure just because of the nails? Not getting it. Please enlighten me if you can. Couldn't make up or some kind of nail polish be used on the nails? To me that sounds easier than an entire prosthetic face. The nails would be like the "finishing touch" on the final piece of work.
  • When Michael smiles, his lower left lip is crooked. These pics all have that. If you look at his pics through the years, he has always ahd that crooked smile, and that is how I have always been able to know if it was a double or not.
    The pics of uncle Arnie are pricless and a little gross <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I only see Michael smiling in one picture. Well, there's somewhat of a smile in all of them, but only one where it shows his teeth and the "crooked lower lip" as you pointed out. To me the entire mouth area doesn't look like Mike. And something with the nose, perhaps the space between the nose and the lip? I don't know, all I know is I had to do a DOUBLE take when first seeing these pictures. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    The crooked lip can be duplicated. Mike's mouth is fuller, rounder, even when he smiles. I don't know how to explain, but I'll try to show what I mean with pictures later on.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • The crooked lip can be duplicated. Mike's mouth is fuller, rounder, even when he smiles. I don't know how to explain, but I'll try to show what I mean with pictures later on.

    I know what you mean. It's so easy to see in my head but it's hard to explain. But I know what you mean about his mouth.
  • You know, I NEVER noticed Michael's fingernails until the hoax, but now they are one of the first features I look at on him. I can picture me meeting him right now; I'll want to kiss his hand just to check the nails out to see if it is really him, LOL!

    Anyway, I do think that it is Michael in the pics with the follower fans. Who's the guy fan? I never realized he had any male followers.
  • You know, I NEVER noticed Michael's fingernails until the hoax, but now they are one of the first features I look at on him. I can picture me meeting him right now; I'll want to kiss his hand just to check the nails out to see if it is really him, LOL!

    Anyway, I do think that it is Michael in the pics with the follower fans. Who's the guy fan? I never realized he had any male followers.

    You must not have been paying attention then <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ok Karen must be reading this site or something...

    It is sad when people lie about Michael's closest fans. I don't understand the cruelty Samantha has endured by fans who weren't there. about 1 hour ago via TweetList!

    Here is the photo that Michael kept with him on the makeup table in the last weeks of his life. He loved these girls
    @wingheart maybe start by not reffering to them as "closest"?? We all loved him, but didn't have the means to do what the followers did

    Michael loved all of his fans. But these were the fans who were close and witnessed his last days.
    26 minutes ago via TweetList!

    @wingheart lord, did you just have to explain yourself with that one too? Siiiigh LOL
    33 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to wingheart

    @neverletyoupart LOL yes....the immature jealousy is all out of control.....good night.
    18 minutes ago via TweetList! in reply to neverletyoupart
  • Something about Karen Faye just doesn't sit right with me.

    She's hiding something, or she's trying too hard to make things seem a certain way. I can't put my finger on it.
  • Well when were the pictures of the "girls" taken because in the picture Michael supposedly kept on his makeup table in the last weeks of his life, they are wearing the same clothes and the guy isn't in the picture?
    So when did they give this picture to Michael so he could put it on his makeup table?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    Here is the shape of the mouth I mean. It's rounded, even when he smiles The corners of his mouth are always pointing a little downwards. It's soft and really charachteristic for his face, together with his eyes.


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Michael and Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • You know, I NEVER noticed Michael's fingernails until the hoax, but now they are one of the first features I look at on him. I can picture me meeting him right now; I'll want to kiss his hand just to check the nails out to see if it is really him, LOL!

    Anyway, I do think that it is Michael in the pics with the follower fans. Who's the guy fan? I never realized he had any male followers.

    You must not have been paying attention then <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Honestly I really wasn't paying attention. I am one of the fans who rediscovered Michael after his "death" I hadn't actively listened to his music since I was a kid and had completely lost track of him. I remember seeing the pics of him and the kids in a comic book store in late 2008 and thinking how I couldn't believe how big his kids were. I am so glad that I have "come back" to him though. I had really been missing out!

  • Here is the shape of the mouth I mean. It's rounded, even when he smiles The corners of his mouth are always pointing a little downwards. It's soft and really charachteristic for his face, together with his eyes.


    Great examples. I soooo know what you mean.
  • I have a few comments about the Karen tweets and photos.

    1.) She mentioned jealous fans and I can't help but wonder if she isn't jealous herself that she wasn't in the pic.

    2.) It looks awfully light outside for the pic she took from her car to have been taken after a rehearsal. Wasn't it usually midnight or better before they were finished? Perhaps she meant that this one was taken before the rehearsal.

    3.) For someone who is so offended by the hoaxers, it sure does seem like she lurks on the hoax forums a good bit. Something about Karen doesn't sit well with me either.

    I would also like to add that I can't help but wonder what Michael really thought of the followers. They kinda remind me of puppies following their owners around everywhere. Clearly they must have some money since they don't seem to work, so it's a shame that they couldn't honor their hero by spending that time volunteering somewhere or doing something more constructive with their lives. Oh well, to each their own.
  • I do think it's Michael in the photos, but I'm not wanting to argue with anyone who thinks otherwise. Just wanted to post some other photos of that same day, for anyone wanting to see them.




  • Very interesting thread.

    The photos do look photoshopped and I think Souza is correct that there's a double.

    I know Michael adored his fans but he had to get tired, right? So, a double filled in to not disappoint the fans. I've also seen photos of Michael with nails looking very clear. Seeing them discolored doesn't always convince me it's MJ.

    With doubts and concerns about Karen, I'm reminded what Pearl Jr. had to say about her in the emovie book. Pearl even wrote MJ a letter about Karen to warn him about her. At least, that's what she says and includes the letter in the e-book.

    To figure out what MJ and Karen's relationship is, is really difficult. I often dismiss Karen but then I think about her saying she applied MJ's makeup in the casket, which took over 6 hours (!) Why so long? We've gone over that before, I know. She's gotta know something about the hoax to be bold enough to talk about the casket work, right?

    MJ asked Karen back to work with him after letting her go a few years ago and he called her back right before he left the scene. One pattern that's interesting is quite a few former employees of MJ were brought back a few months or so before June 25.

    Are some of these characters playing a role as scripted or are they being played?
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    the second and the third photos do look photoshoped, really strange, it's funny that Michael called that Sam and her group fleas <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> , no matter how much he loves and adores his fans he's a human being who needs privacy and peace and i can imagine how annoying it is when you are stalked everywhere by a group of fans, no privacy,if we believe Sam she and her friends were the ones who were important in MJ's life, his favourite ones among all of his fans, i really don't like it, Michael loved all his fans equally. About Karen- she's a drama queen and i really dont believe a word she says, from time to time she seems an attention seeker and i dont like it
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    by looking at the outfit, it seems, these photos were supposed to be from the same day as this one <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

  • So all those pictures were taken on the same how could MJ have had a picture on his dresser all the time if the group shot was obviously also taken on that night too??? Things that make you go hmmmm.

    Does Karen Faye have a boyfriend???
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    So all those pictures were taken on the same how could MJ have had a picture on his dresser all the time if the group shot was obviously also taken on that night too??? Things that make you go hmmmm.

    Does Karen Faye have a boyfriend???

    She is married, hence the name Karen Faye Kissinger...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Ohhh...her poor husband, if she is so in love with MJ.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Souza, I'm with you all the way with the double thing....I'm not a fan as per say, so I see things objectively. There's absolutley no way Michael could look so different in a day...

    Especially the 02 way..and even my friends, one a fan, and the other not, both agree with me...........unless he has found a way to put in a chin implant, and then take it out again.........I hope I don't get attacked for not being a fan, but I am an admirer of his talent......and yes, he is human, and not perfect....but no human can change face overnight......He does and always will use doubles, and has never hid that fact...cheers.
  • The crooked lip can be duplicated. Mike's mouth is fuller, rounder, even when he smiles. I don't know how to explain, but I'll try to show what I mean with pictures later on.

    My husband explained this double to me.He said that when this double smiles the upper lip is much thinner then the other pics of MJ and when he is smiling it kinda looks like the upper lip curls or the skin above his upper lip recedes.I agree with Souza and yes it is hard to way of explaining is when MJ smiles it's a beautiful natural smile but when this double smiles it reminds me of when I would see the joker smile during the batman movies and please I'm not trying to be disrespectful,I only am trying to give an example..
  • I agree...and it also looks like the double has a big overbite.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I see Michael in those pics but the only man who to me is Michael Jackson without any doubt is this one

    Who knows, now I am doubting again about my own perceptions of who is who.

    I don´t know if I have been supporting a double all this years. I feel lied upon <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • i know that i have not exactly been a big proponant of the ts thing so i probably haven't read evrything written by him/her. but i was wondering if he /she has ever approached the subject of who the phonies might be in all of this. just a thought.
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