Samantha De Gossen and Karen being Paid By SONY? Photoshop??



  • You can BET that Karen is reading hoax sites, and she has been lurking here since August.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Yes, Karen Faye read forums and hoax sites. She mentioned her opinion about "us, hoaxers and believers" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Yes, Karen Faye read forums and hoax sites. She mentioned her opinion about "us, hoaxers and believers" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Yes, she was very nice towards us. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    You know, I NEVER noticed Michael's fingernails until the hoax, but now they are one of the first features I look at on him. I can picture me meeting him right now; I'll want to kiss his hand just to check the nails out to see if it is really him, LOL!

    Anyway, I do think that it is Michael in the pics with the follower fans. Who's the guy fan? I never realized he had any male followers.

    You must not have been paying attention then <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    There are about 5 debvout male fans of MJ in my office alone.
  • Yes, Karen Faye read forums and hoax sites. She mentioned her opinion about "us, hoaxers and believers" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Yes, she was very nice towards us. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Hahaha.. yeah, she doesn't like me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I kindly asked her if she was familiar with, lol, and she went off the handle and called us all 'delusional' and told me that Michael is dead 'DEAL WITH IT'!

    She seems like a pleasant person be around... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SandySandy Posts: 55
    ALL Michael. NO double and no photoshop. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> If you disagree then you aren't a fan.
    I would recognize the real Michael under 100 doubles.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    ALL Michael. NO double. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> If you disagree then you aren't a fan.
    I would recognize the real Michael under 100 doubles.

    I disagree and I've been a fan since 1969.
  • SandySandy Posts: 55
    I'm a fan for about 18 years and I say that's Michael for 1000%.
    And you want to be a fan for so many years? Sorry, but this is ridiculous. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I'm a fan for about 18 years and I say that's Michael for 1000%.
    And you want to be a fan for so many years? Sorry, but this is ridiculous. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    What's ridiculous about being a fan since 1969? Just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean they are not a fan - you are ridiculous.
  • SandySandy Posts: 55
    I mean it's ridiculous, because cou can't recognize that this is the real Michael although you are a fan for so many years.
    Sry for my english.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    ok - I apologise for calling you ridiculous, but I still think you are wrong to say people who disagree are not fans.

  • Please stop judging people for their believes, THAT'S something that is ridiculous!
  • Yes PLEASE stop. I'm a freakin' super fan (I mean literally obsessed) since I was in diapers and to ME it seems ridiculous the other way around when people don't notice the doubles. But you're entitled to your opinion. Think about it though, if doubles were used, the point would be to have them look and act as close as humanly possible to the real deal. This is NOT impossible and it is NOT ridiculous. Don't you think the demands put on Michael Jackson over the years were extremely unrealistic for ONE person to take on? Don't you think he could use a break now and then? Doubles were used often, not just in This Is It. I think it's a waste of energy to fight over it though. I can't "prove" that I'm right and neither can those who say there were no doubles. "If you tell me I'm wrong, then you better prove you're right". Let's just agree to disagree and surely the truth will reveal itself sooner or later. With love.
  • You know, I NEVER noticed Michael's fingernails until the hoax, but now they are one of the first features I look at on him. I can picture me meeting him right now; I'll want to kiss his hand just to check the nails out to see if it is really him, LOL!

    Anyway, I do think that it is Michael in the pics with the follower fans. Who's the guy fan? I never realized he had any male followers.

    You must not have been paying attention then <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    There are about 5 debvout male fans of MJ in my office alone.

    Not trying to step on anyone's toes here. I know several male fans myself. Not to mention all of the other male artists who admire Michael and consider him one of their heroes. I had just simply never seen a guy with the follower group before so he stuck out to me.
  • SandySandy Posts: 55
    Doubles were used often, not just in This Is It.

    Yes. Michael used doubles in the past, but no so often like you think. And again, in TII were no doubles used on stage.
    Fot the non-believers, there is a article on TMZ which confirmed it:
  • Doubles were used often, not just in This Is It.

    Yes. Michael used doubles in the past, but no so often like you think. And again, in TII were no doubles used on stage.
    Fot the non-believers, there is a article on TMZ which confirmed it:

    "A rep from Sony"... says there are no doubles. Of course they don't want to confirm the doubles, that would defeat the purpose of having them in the first place. The purpose being to FOOL everyone.
  • ALL Michael. NO double and no photoshop. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> If you disagree then you aren't a fan.
    I would recognize the real Michael under 100 doubles.

    I don't want to fight about which of us is right or wrong at this point regarding doubles unless it's going to directly lead us to whether Michael is alive or not or whether he plans to come back to us and reveal the hoax anytime soon.

    Maybe we can agree that Michael is a genius, a perfectionist and very experienced with disguises. We know from him that he's used disguises since his childhood when he pioneered with the Jehovah Witnesses. He has said very clearly that he has such good disguises he can "fool my own mother." If he could fool his mother, don't you think that would mean us to? And perhaps in moving from his own disguises to creating doubles or decoys, he employed the same experience, genius and perfection.

    All that to say, not only is photoshop an insidious, ubiquitous part of life now, but Michael knew how to fool people. He had to from time to time even if he didn't use doubles often. I would agree it wasn't often as we think but they were used. After all, he was hounded relentlessly and his fans needed so much of him, he could find no peace. He had to do something about that don't you think?

    Why not consider that every once in awhile, he employed the carefully constructed double to help him with the work of supporting his fans that he loves so much but couldn't possibly satisfy all the time? And, if he gave it a thought, wouldn't he have created a double so perfect it could fool even the best eye - or so he hoped. Who knew we'd be scrutinizing every pixel at this point.

    What I do find interesting are these posts about Sam, Karen, Sony, Branca. and Barbara Cox's blog... Who is she?
    It's so curious to me. I hope our attention isn't being diverted from who these hosts of characters are suppose to represent.
  • All that to say, not only is photoshop an insidious, ubiquitous part of life now, but Michael knew how to fool people. He had to from time to time even if he didn't use doubles often. I would agree it wasn't often as we think but they were used. After all, he was hounded relentlessly and his fans needed so much of him, he could find no peace. He had to do something about that don't you think?

    Why not consider that every once in awhile, he employed the carefully constructed double to help him with the work of supporting his fans that he loves so much but couldn't possibly satisfy all the time? And, if he gave it a thought, wouldn't he have created a double so perfect it could fool even the best eye - or so he hoped. Who knew we'd be scrutinizing every pixel at this point.

    Exactly my point! I don't think the use of doubles should be thought of as such a negative thing, that is not fair. It's all for LOVE, and always has been.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    For me I can not stand S.D.G nor K.F these women have really upset fans & claim to know Michael better than other fans?!?!? Michael loved all his fans, S.D.G is a stalker & K.F is a jealous woman...

    I don't believe they have anything to do with the hoax, Anyone could see from the footage in TII that the production that was been prepared for the show was not just for a 10 night gig!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Both these women are disrespectful to the fans & I don't believe Michael would really need such drama queens in his inner circle <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Well when were the pictures of the "girls" taken because in the picture Michael supposedly kept on his makeup table in the last weeks of his life, they are wearing the same clothes and the guy isn't in the picture?
    So when did they give this picture to Michael so he could put it on his makeup table?

    I also think this is BS.. and she is trying too hard to convince us.

    Why would Karen have only seen this photo AFTER Mjs death??? She is his make up artist and she "found" this photo on his make up table after he died???

  • Reply from Sam De Gosson on twitter:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    To Bonnie Cox and Co.

    I’m not one to usually respond to hateful posts or comments about me (and there have been a few) but I thought I would this time. Especially when one person alone takes the time to dedicate some of her long blog entries to me, without having once met me or even spoken to me, even though she was on my FB for months and never posted a single comment.

    According to her the reason I shut my FB down was because I was “caught”, “busted” photo shopping my picture with Michael. However, it’s not the first time I’ve been accused of that and I’ve never responded to any of those accusations before. If you wish to believe it is photo shopped then so be it. And no, this not the reason I shut my page down, I shut it down from an accumulation of spiteful, hateful attacks from the same bunch of people over the last year and yes, it did get to me and I decided to shut it down for a while, to clear my head of all the nonsense that leads me and everyone absolutely nowhere except further into the gutter.

    The day before I shut it down I got a comment on my FB wall from a Bonnie Cox “declaring” she was deleting herself from my page. I didn’t pay much attention to it other than the fact I didn’t even know she was on my page to begin with but recognized her name. What I had heard was that she was a good blogger and someone who knew a lot about the fight for Justice. I always heard positive things about her so I wondered where that suddenly came from but paid no more attention to it until the next day when I was forwarded her new blog entry. A whole blog entry directed at me and my friend Karen Faye. This was forwarded to me by several people I know and who were in total disbelief, they didn’t recognize her.

    I began reading it, not really expecting much more than the usual crap I usually read about myself and Karen Faye. Karen and I have had the “privilege” of having our very own personal and dedicated hate groups and we always seem to be put together, and attacked together, by the same people. As ridiculous as these groups are, what an honor!

    To my surprise, most of the blog part about me was interestingly revolving around my picture with Michael. It went on and on and on about it…I was accused of photo shopping it, that all my claims about my experiences were false and then more comments about “hear-say” from other people (the same bunch, always the same!). That I was a stalker, that Michael hated me, that security had a picture of me and the other followers for security purposes to keep us away from him, etc etc…the list is long!

    Not once did Bonnie ever write to me asking if my picture was photo shopped or bothered trying to find out from me why people were claiming all those things about me and what my take was on it. She stayed quietly on my FB for months, just lurking around.

    It would make no difference if I sent her the original photo file with all the properties info embedded in the picture; she would find a way to deny it’s genuine. She simply does not want to know, she has already decided it is fake. Her problem, not mine.

    What’s interesting is that she never claimed anyone else’s pictures that were taken that day of being fake, just mine. Hmmm…

    And then we have the story of the picture Michael kept of us to remind security of the stalkers we supposedly were. This is where stories get twisted by envy and jealousy. Because let’s get down to the bottom of it, isn’t this all about some fans resenting others for something they never had or attention they so desperately are seeking, and that it’s much easier to envy than to appreciate?

    The story of the picture came from Karen Faye herself. Karen met up with us the day of the This Is It premiere, to mourn Michael on the day when everyone else were running to movie theaters to see the fall of their idol on the big screen. She told us Michael kept a picture on his make-up table the last few weeks of his life and looked at it every day, it was even taken to Staples Center for the last 2 days of rehearsals. She then showed us the picture. It was a picture we had given Michael, the famous “7” picture. A much different story than the envious explaination of it.

    This is not a story I shared first on my page. Karen publicly told the story in response to hateful comments at the time and I reposted it the day after. This is just ONE example of how stories get twisted and lied about by the very same bunch of people who have had either no contact with me at all but who are raging with jealousy, or have simply been deleted from my page and hold a personal grudge. Furthermore, “attention envy” has become so important to some that they cannot bear to see others have a “following” which comes, like in my case, without needing to create a fan-club, fan page, hate group, fan group or sell anything.

    All I’ve done, in the past year on my FB is simply share some things I know, some personal memories, personal beliefs and push fans to seek out the truth about what happened to Michael. I’ve posted some pictures, some videos, glimpses of my wonderful and magical experiences but also sad and important ones that should be known about the last few weeks of his life. I even participated in a few documentaries to spread the murder conspiracy theories and I have accused all parties I believe are involved, not just AEG like Bonnie claims in her latest blog entry. I guess she just didn’t like my latest FB status claiming a link between Jermaine, his wife, Thome Thome and Randy Phillips. Next thing you know she accuses me of saying Jermaine killed his brother….go figure! But people read and twist things to their advantage, whatever advantage it could possibly bring them.

    So basically this is the deal: If I only have one picture with Michael then I am accused of only having met him once. Next thing you know I no longer have met him, it’s photo shopped. Then when I post more I’m accused of gloating and showing off. There’s just no talking to deaf ears, you just can’t win, it’s not Truth they’re out to get, just pure hate-spewing and collective hysteria.

    I have no problem whether you believe me or not Bonnie Cox and the hate groups, but it really shouldn’t be the focus of your fight for Justice…although as I understand it now you think he may be alive…whatever you believe, I have never called you out on anything or even had the chance to ever talk to you and here I get blasted by yet another blog entry from you. Still going on about me, even going as far as accusing me of being PLANTED by the powers! Have you totally lost it???

    For someone who does great research, as you claim, maybe you should have researched just a little bit better some of your claims. I think you got my name mixed up a couple of times with someone else, but you wouldn’t know, you weren’t there and your “research” was based on hear-say.

    And Bonnie, for someone who is so methodical and writes generally quite intelligently, I have to give you that, why would you delete all the comments you got on your blog entry that you disliked and kept only the ones that gave you the thumbs up? Those thumbs up on those blog entries come from the very same bunch of people you got all your hear-say from and have had hate groups against me and Karen for months. That gives you no credibility! Maybe you should have left all the comments and addressed them, since you must surely stand by what you say and be able to prove your point all the way to the end! But no, you couldn’t do it, instead you wrote a new entry, 6 pages long, still about me and exposing Stephanie Wilburn’s personal email correspondence with you, even going as far as publishing her phone number and physical address. To prove what point I don’t know but that went a little far. Your blog entries have become so ridiculous and so spiteful that you may very well have lost a very good thing you had going in the first place, and turned to the same mob mentality you accuse me of.

    So what does it really boil down to here? What is it that you and a bunch of other haters (always the same few) really have against me that it keeps you people awake at night and dictates so much of your life to write about me? Do you not have families, jobs, other hobbies? If it’s your quest to expose me as a fraud and to discredit me then I think you’ve already spent enough time on it, unless you have nothing better to do.

    The only thing you may not have realized by doing this is that you’ve made me bigger and more important than I ever intended to be. You make me bigger than I am, do you realize that? I guess the saying “There is no such thing as bad publicity” would fit perfectly here. And the more venom you people spit the more adrenaline rush I get to fight harder for the cause, but the right cause, not by doing what you and a bunch of hateful women do day after day and which really doesn’t achieve anything, except ridicule you once it becomes this insanely barfed all over the pace.

    Who cares whether you think I’m a fraud, let it be your belief and move on. I’ve had my share of fans I’ve met or seen online claiming they knew him. I don’t ask for proof if they have none, and if they do, I don’t go and investigate their every claim or try to discredit them for the simple reason that I have no reason to. I’m happy for anyone who got to meet him and experience the Magic! Good for them! And If it’s a lie then it’s really not my problem either. There is no more competition, Michael is DEAD. And whatever people want to claim won’t change my life or keep me up at night like it does for you. Everyone knows their own truth, it’s something they have to live with. I am perfectly happy with mine.

    And finally, I am so grateful for all the love and support I get from so many people. Thank you! I’m reopening my FB after so many messages asking me to come back. Yes, I will. Let’s continue the fight and let’s continue the LOVE!

    Samantha de Gosson
  • Yes, Karen Faye read forums and hoax sites. She mentioned her opinion about "us, hoaxers and believers" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Can you please post a link to her saying something nice about hoaxers <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I've never heard her say anything but mean spiteful things about us.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Yeah, because it's not MJ...
    It is Michael. You cannot dismiss something just because, really. Every inch of his it's Michael, I see no slightest reason for anyone to say it's not him.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Checked again the thread. Those pics are shopped and MJ is MJ imo.
  • I just wanted to add that I don't believe at all that Samantha and the other followers are in on the hoax in any way. They were captured in pictures by the media on June 25th sobbing outside of UCLA. There was no need for them to do that in the vast sea of people who were there that day if they were in on the hoax.


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