Michael Jackson and Religious Symbolism



    on 1323430576:
    <br />Christians do this.<br /><br /><br />images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTVjLIWecFhcPahjkXRNXAKUhL56ib7v83jnLwUdPOCCg00_nq2A<br /><br /><br />Moslems do this.<br /><br /><br />images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5cnNtA9DviLJC1qze6GSiP84w6DeWr13j6tgazhAnwLrvbV2L_w<br /><br /><br />Michael fans do this.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />quotes-michael-jackson-women.jpg :lol: <br />
    <br /><br />I keep staring at these photos like there's something more to understand of them than just laugh.<br />Damn I don't dare to speak a lot of things that cross my mind.
  • mimi248mimi248 Posts: 124
    ok, so what i'd like to say is please FORGET all religions!! because the 3 religions known all  result to ONE and only ONE religion . <br />this sacred book, is the only one who has been truly written by GOD and where egyptian religions and stuff come from .. and did you know that, the mythic Jesus remains of  The horus greek god, who also resurected, and had the same life as christ . i'm not saying that Jesus christ is a MYTH!! i'd never say anything like that BUT bible  coud be a remake of others egyptian religions / because when i read bible, any person can notice how much it doesn't show us the reality but only aa fantaisist history or a reflection of reality ; so, to me i think that Bible Islam and judaism are all connected to ONE religion!. i truly think that the 3 monotheism religions are "plagiat"  had only  been created to manipulate us and maintain us into IGNORANCE . i mean think about it, why would god send 3 religions where in one, he says jesus is his son, and in other says the contrary!!! it doesn't add up!! and remember all people  who were killed for religion, all millions of people assassinated for religions , all war that religions created you know? <br />GOD of religions is only A MAN who want WAR . represented as a man also where the only thing he wants is MONEY!!!<br />the true god, the real god doesn't send people to hell you know? because he is only LOVE. not  a warrior or stuff!!! and doesn't have this kind of mentality LOL<br />GOD is LOVE. and i'm suprise seeing believers agree with religions, whereas their god is sending bad people burn into fire, destroys planet, kills people, and  even MORE!!!  christians believe that if a man doesn't believe in Jesus christ, even if he  has been a good person in his life he would be sent to hell al the same !! and then i scream WTF??? <br />several  months ago, i used to be a christian, and i noticed how much i lived in FEAR! how much i payed attention to all words i said, to all acts i did!!! i also noticed that when i have been interested in NWO, the 3de war world, illuminati, and the return of jesus christ very soon and the kidnapping) of the church, and the  GREAT TRIBULATION, i would cry, and i cried so much  you can't even imagine how much i was scared to death . i was scared to not be taken away, i was afraid to be obligated to live the great tribulation and be killed, i was so afraid, i wept to much i prayed so much. and i finally got that the religion's purpose were only to leave us to manipulate us  into FEAR!!!!  BECAUSE fear reduces the  vibratory frequence, of our soul, and our spirit. you know, this aura about human being, is related to the power of life, and connected to the whole universe , all illuminati want is to keep us away of  this energy to leave us  into fear, and questions because of religion, because of society, because of this superficial world .  and that's why Michael had a SO powerfull aura that surrounded him. because he didn't live into fear, he accepted all religions all beliefs, and that what we have to do, we have to follow him to  realy enter into light . becaue religions say, pray god, and you will safe, you will be in paradise and THI T IS NOT IT.  to enter in paradise our soul has to be unclettered, our soul has to shine, to love LOVE and BE LOVE, when i see children i feel their powerful energy, they are ony LOVE and a child shines because he is connected to the SOURCE, that is GOD you know? and let me ask you something, be honest, do you feel the same enery about believers this same light that surround them? do you actually feel it? i don't.. nevertheless, they believe in god don't they? so why don't they have this aura as children have?<br />because they leave in fear. believe in god is NOT enough! IT IS NOT ENOUGH!! <br />so, when i see Michael, i feel this same powerfull aura about him, maybe more powerfull than children's aura. because he is free. he touches god, he is in god UNITY!! i'd like to tell you  something that impressioned me and scared me too  .<br />When I used to be christian, i almost believed that MJ was the antichrist predicted in bible! then , I noticed that almost all chistians can't accept Michael in paradise and believe the same . DO YOU HEAR THAT??? i watched some christians's  videos on yt saying that Michael  Jackson is the antichrist, and this shocked me to hell !!! and I believed this f*ck .  and now, I'm so sad for this christian , because he is persuaded to know the truth  wheareas he is totally OUT . Christian, believe in christ return and believe again! They believe that jesus will descend to sky on a cloud and will show himself to the whole world like 'hey i'm Jesus! i come to take my church jump on the cloud shom'on  !!  i'm sorry but I laugh .<br /><br />so, do you understand now when i say that religions lead us into LIES!!!! the god religion don't lead us to Paradise, or light, but only shadow and darkness, I don't know if this claimed Antichrist, is real or not, but what I do for sure is this Antichrist is NOT Michael Jackson. it just can't be !!<br /><br />So now, I think that MJ has always known unconsciously his faite. <br />because, when you watch moonwalker movie, you see exactly 3 children SOOOOOOOO similaar as MJ children ! and I mean this movie was recorded 25 years ago!!! also, when Michael was younger he used to say " i will create the most sold  album of the world .<br />and he did it. and when you notice how this pespi accident is the perfect middle of his life !! and CUT his whole life into two parts equal (day for day) you must think this can't be a coincidence. so, here we are, i think that on 25 june 2009, MJ  ascended .<br />yes, some people can ascend with his own body but it is so rare ..i think he has been recalled to God. and now, he is going to return with an OTHER body as jesus did. and will show him to the whole word during the Olympc games . yes there is some coincidences about MJ and OG  that lead me to this event . and also this coudl explain the This is it Quote saying " MJ like you 've NEVER SEEN HIM BEFOOORE!!!" do you understand now? and also why his children and his family cried but there is  still a hoax .<br />and so many others thing that i won't add on this post that is  already long enough :) <br /><br />I'm sorry for my english, that was very difficult to write this post ^^' <br /><br /><br /> <br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Just to 'lighten' the mood a bit...an 'adapted' joke (and definitely not meant to offend anyone):<br /><br />Katherine Jackson is having tea one afternoon with 3 other women.  The first woman pipes up and proudly says, "My son is a priest.  When he walks into a room, people call him 'Father'".<br /><br />The second woman chirps in and says, "My son is a Bishop.  Whenever he walks into a room, people say, 'Your Grace'".<br /><br />The third woman, not to be outdone, says smugly, "My son is a Cardinal.  Whenever he walks into a room, people say, 'Your Eminence'".<br /><br />Katherine just keeps sipping her tea in silence.<br /><br />The other 3 women give her this subtle "Well....?"<br /><br />She replies: <br /><br />"My son is Michael Jackson.  When he walks into a room, people say, 'Oh. My. GOD!'"<br /><br /> :lol:  :lol:  :lol:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br /><br />
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    That is sooooo funny!  I know this is a difficult subject and Michael has repeatedly said he is not Jesus but tries to live like Jesus.  In the same way, he tries to mirror the divine so that we can see the potential divine inside ourselves.  Michael has served as a living example.  He passed all the tests and remained innocent, always maintaining God in his heart, always believing that, in the end, God would protect him.  <br /><br />As I've progressed through this hoax and come to know 'the Man,' I've also come to learn more about the nature of the Divine.  It has been a challenge to relinquish the traditional notion of the vindictive God of the Old Testament and trust a different image....one filled with tenderness for his creation, who mourns with us and LOVEs to laugh.  Imagine the world if each of us, in every moment, just naturally felt and reflected the God that dwells within our hearts.  As Michael said to Orianthe in TII, It's your (OUR!) moment to shine.  The divine wears many faces.<br /><br />There has been much about these 'tributes' which all turn out to be rather empty.  Perhaps it's because the REAL tribute would be for his Army of Love to embrace the divine within ourselves and spread some of that LOVE like fairy dust on a sleeping planet. 
    I think when it comes to God nobody knows anything for sure.<br /><br />Not even the priests.<br />God is accessible only through revelation, I think. Logic has little to do with it.<br /><br />I also think we should focus on God and not on religions.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    That's why I keep on saying, "Progressive Revelation". History is time, and God is in both.  He has an ultimate plan which may at times not make sense or seem harsh (converts by the sword or the seeming threat of burning punishment), but slowly it becomes clearer what his love for his creation really means. All, and I mean every human ever born, loved and destined for glory!  There is so much written on that --Bible studies.<br /><br /><br />Isaiah 45:7<br />
    <br />[color=rgb(0, 19, 32)]I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.[/color]<br />[color=rgb(0, 19, 32)]I[/color][color=rgb(0, 19, 32)] [/color][color=rgb(0, 19, 32)]create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things.[/color]<br />[color=rgb(0, 19, 32)]I[/color][color=rgb(0, 19, 32)] form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these [/color][color=rgb(0, 19, 32)]things[/color][color=rgb(0, 19, 32)].[/color]<br />[color=rgb(0, 19, 32)]I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things.[/color]<br />[color=rgb(0, 19, 32)]The One forming light and creating darkness, Causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the LORD who does all these.[/color]
    <br /><br /><br />There is coming the Restitution of ALL things, where ALL will return to God and praise Him.  There is no "free will."<br /><br /><br />The story ain't done yet. You can't say you understand everything in the middle of the book.<br /><br /><br />Mimi248<br />
    [size=9pt]They believe that jesus will descend to sky on a cloud and will show himself to the whole world like 'hey i'm Jesus! i come to take my church jump on the cloud shom'on  !!  i'm sorry but I laugh .[/size]
    [size=9pt]Hey, you stole my MJ BAM theory, I believe it said it first a while back.[/size] :lol: 
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    Be the scriptures as the main and only source of faith, rule and practice, it is because it contains the words of the Savior.<br />The one true Shepherd  (Jesus) did not build temples of stone, nor has ordam to build up.<br />Himself said (John 14: 2)  I think MJ is're doing the same thing<br /><br />The rest is created by Constantine Christianity, full of doctrines and pagan practices.
  • on 1323448481:
    <br />I think when it comes to God nobody knows anything for sure.<br /><br />Not even the priests.<br />God is accessible only through revelation, I think. Logic has little to do with it.<br /><br />I also think we should focus on God and not on religions. <br />
    <br /><br />@gina<;br /><br /><br />my favorite post of yours ever!!!<br /><br />every word is true.<br /><br />the last sentence especially resonated with me.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    <br />I decided to put the post I just put up for about 10 minutes, into the TIAI November 11 (11-11-11) thead because maybe it relates to 7c.<br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg378445#msg378445
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    on 1323463508:
    <br />Be the scriptures as the main and only source of faith, rule and practice, it is because it contains the words of the Savior.<br />The one true Shepherd  (Jesus) did not build temples of stone, nor has ordam to build up.<br />Himself said (John 14: 2)  I think MJ is're doing the same thing<br /><br />The rest is created by Constantine Christianity, full of doctrines and pagan practices.<br />
    <br /><br />I'm more and more convinced that Michael was refering primarily to Martin Luther and NOT Martin Luther King with his reference in TDCAU.  <br />
  • Yes I agree with you GinaFelicia,MJonMind,Mimi248.<br /><br />  Let's focus on God, and research and learning new things and not on religion.  No one really knows the truth and that is why we are searching and learning.  This is a new episode in history and unless you are a time traveler or something you will not know.  I'm not saying that I know anything either but I am still searching and learning.  We should help each other out.  What is happening to me is that things that I thought were fantasy could be real and what I thought was reality is fake.  The whole world is different to me now.    We need someone we can trust because there is conflicting information.    I'm trusting Michael to lead us to the truth because he seems to have put in a major effort and suffered himself for us to do this.<br /><br />Love <br /><br /> <br /><br />
  • @MJonmind<;br /><br />Regarding your questions and comments in the thread mentioned below, particularly the underlined portions quoted further down, I'll offer my opinion, and of course, that's all it is--JMO.  Others undoubtedly have their own to share. <br /><br />
    on 1323507812:
    <br /><br />I decided to put the post I just put up for about 10 minutes, into the TIAI November 11 (11-11-11) thead because maybe it relates to 7c.<br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg378445#msg378445<br />
    <br /><br />
    on 1323508739:
    Why would TS choose this passage about Jesus being tempted by the devil?  Was MJ being tempted by the devil?  Even the threat of MJ having the meeting on the top of the trade centre on the morning of 9/11, could be compared to Jesus being taken to the pinnacle of the temple.<br />If TS is Michael, is he saying he is the same as, or the Christ or what??<br />Can someone else explain this away?  Maybe I'm seeing too much in this.
    <br /><br />If one believes in the devil, then we are all tempted by the devil, not just MJ.  If MJ is "the Christ," then we are all the Christ, as we are all from the same Source regardless of our respective levels of awareness (awakeness) at the moment.<br /><br />
    on 1323508739:
    Here is the whole temptation story.  http://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=Mat&c=4&v=1&t=KJV#1  Could MJ have been so very thin at the rehearsals because he had been fasting 40 days on water, like Dick Gregory had said http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529131,00.html.  Had Satan tempted Michael to give him all the kingdoms of the world if he would bow down and worship the devil, but MJ refused, resulting in the 2 allegations and trial of 05?  Farrakhan called it a crucifixion.  But perhaps BAM will be God giving MJ true victory because he fought the devil and won, and he will receive ALL the kingdoms of the world.  BAM!  The End Of the World, followed by Someone ruling the earth with a rod of iron.  Front posted the verse, "Michael faught against the dragon and prevailed."  http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=5167.msg335650#msg335650
    <br /><br />Regarding the underlined portion above, there is a biblical verse that provides something to consider:  "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own Soul [Self]?" (Matthew 16:26).  Also, and this is asked gently, what is the point in pondering or believing (in the potential distraction) that MJ is the Messiah or the Christ?<br /><br />
    on 1323508739:
    Is this 7c?
    <br /><br />Possibly.  A possible aspect of it, anyway, as awareness of the historical "truth" regarding our potential human distraction by, susceptibility to, and consequent unconscious manipulation by religious ideas and teachings could benefit us now.  In that sense, an aspect of understanding the Truth (as TS emphasized 7c is about) is indeed coming out.  :)
  • on 1323530864:
    <br />Yes I agree with you GinaFelicia,MJonMind,Mimi248.<br /><br />  Let's focus on God, and research and learning new things and not on religion.  No one really knows the truth and that is why we are searching and learning.  This is a new episode in history and unless you are a time traveler or something you will not know.  I'm not saying that I know anything either but I am still searching and learning.  We should help each other out.  What is happening to me is that things that I thought were fantasy could be real and what I thought was reality is fake.  The whole world is different to me now.    We need someone we can trust because there is conflicting information.    I'm trusting Michael to lead us to the truth because he seems to have put in a major effort and suffered himself for us to do this.<br /><br />Love
    <br /><br />Not even Michael really knows the truth.  So why not just trust yourself?  :)
  • Starchild,  It isn't that I don't trust myself.  It's that things are confusing.  I was thinking that he is someone who could help because it seems he/they know things that we don't.  It seems he/they can be trusted to lead us the right way because he/they are following God's way.  These are just my opinions/feelings.    Others may not be following God or the laws of the universe and they will try to lead us the wrong way.  There are people/parties who just want money,power, control etc.  <br /><br />Love
  • on 1323441819:
    <br />ok, so what i'd like to say is please FORGET all religions!! because the 3 religions known all  result to ONE and only ONE religion . <br />this sacred book, is the only one who has been truly written by GOD and where egyptian religions and stuff come from .. and did you know that, the mythic Jesus remains of  The horus greek god, who also resurected, and had the same life as christ . i'm not saying that Jesus christ is a MYTH  :shock:  geek/ !! i'd never say anything like that BUT bible  coud be a remake of others egyptian religions / because when i read bible, any person can notice how much it doesn't show us the reality but only aa fantaisist history or a reflection of reality ; so, to me i think that Bible Islam and judaism are all connected to ONE religion!. i truly think that the 3 monotheism religions are "plagiat"  had only  been created to manipulate us and maintain us into IGNORANCE . i mean think about it, why would god send 3 religions where in one, he says jesus is his son, and in other says the contrary!!! it doesn't add up!! and remember all people  who were killed for religion, all millions of people assassinated for religions , all war that religions created you know? <br />GOD of religions is only A MAN who want WAR . represented as a man also where the only thing he wants is MONEY!!!<br />the true god, the real god doesn't send people to hell you know? because he is only LOVE. not  a warrior or stuff!!! and doesn't have this kind of mentality LOL<br />GOD is LOVE. and i'm suprise seeing believers agree with religions, whereas their god is sending bad people burn into fire, destroys planet, kills people, and  even MORE!!!  christians believe that if a man doesn't believe in Jesus christ, even if he  has been a good person in his life he would be sent to hell al the same !! and then i scream WTF??? <br />several  months ago, i used to be a christian, and i noticed how much i lived in FEAR! how much i payed attention to all words i said, to all acts i did!!! i also noticed that when i have been interested in NWO, the 3de war world, illuminati, and the return of jesus christ very soon and the kidnapping) of the church, and the  GREAT TRIBULATION, i would cry, and i cried so much  you can't even imagine how much i was scared to death . i was scared to not be taken away, i was afraid to be obligated to live the great tribulation and be killed, i was so afraid, i wept to much i prayed so much. and i finally got that the religion's purpose were only to leave us to manipulate us  into FEAR!!!!  BECAUSE fear reduces the  vibratory frequence, of our soul, and our spirit. you know, this aura about human being, is related to the power of life, and connected to the whole universe , all illuminati want is to keep us away of  this energy to leave us  into fear, and questions because of religion, because of society, because of this superficial world .  and that's why Michael had a SO powerfull aura that surrounded him. because he didn't live into fear, he accepted all religions all beliefs, and that what we have to do, we have to follow him to  realy enter into light . becaue religions say, pray god, and you will safe, you will be in paradise and THI T IS NOT IT.  to enter in paradise our soul has to be unclettered, our soul has to shine, to love LOVE and BE LOVE, when i see children i feel their powerful energy, they are ony LOVE and a child shines because he is connected to the SOURCE, that is GOD you know? and let me ask you something, be honest, do you feel the same enery about believers this same light that surround them? do you actually feel it? i don't.. nevertheless, they believe in god don't they? so why don't they have this aura as children have?<br />because they leave in fear. believe in god is NOT enough! IT IS NOT ENOUGH!! <br />so, when i see Michael, i feel this same powerfull aura about him, maybe more powerfull than children's aura. because he is free. he touches god, he is in god UNITY!! i'd like to tell you  something that impressioned me and scared me too  .<br />When I used to be christian, i almost believed that MJ was the antichrist predicted in bible! then , I noticed that almost all chistians can't accept Michael in paradise and believe the same . DO YOU HEAR THAT??? i watched some christians's  videos on yt saying that Michael  Jackson is the antichrist, and this shocked me to hell !!! and I believed this f*ck .  and now, I'm so sad for this christian , because he is persuaded to know the truth  wheareas he is totally OUT . Christian, believe in christ return and believe again! They believe that jesus will descend to sky on a cloud and will show himself to the whole world like 'hey i'm Jesus! i come to take my church jump on the cloud shom'on  !!  i'm sorry but I laugh  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: .<br /><br />[size=12pt]so, do you understand now when i say that religions lead us into[/size][size=12pt] LIES[/size]!!!! the god religion don't lead us to Paradise, or light, but only shadow and darkness, I don't know if this claimed Antichrist, is real or not, but what I do for sure is this Antichrist is NOT Michael Jackson  afraid/  :lol: . it just can't be !!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]MIMI thank you,THANK you  :) !!!! All you said above is so true,thank you,this is what I think also.GOD of religions is only A MAN who want WAR and MONEY,nothing more.The religion's purpose were only to leave us to manipulate us  into FEAR!!!!  BECAUSE fear reduces the  vibratory frequence, of our soul, and our spirit.<br />Donte Jackson posteda week ago,this picture on his site "We are all Masters" .Please look at this picture and tell me what you think  :mrgreen: .Take care  :) .[/size]<br /><br />tumblr_lvgoqbFavM1qjp3yqo1_500.jpg
  • Thanks for posting the picture Applehead250609.  And Thankyou DonteJackson for that cartoon/illustration.  It made me laugh but also think.  This story of Jesus is similar to the story of Horus and others.  It makes you think about where this all comes from.  Did the christian church just copy the egyptians ?????  Where did the Egyptians get it from ?  What parts are true ?  What parts are a myth ?    Could this happen again in future history ???    <br /><br />Love              /cook/                  bangbang
  • on 1323544222:
    <br />Thanks for posting the picture Applehead250609.  And Thank you DonteJackson for that cartoon/illustration.  It made me laugh but also think.  [size=12pt]This story of Jesus is similar to the story of Horus and others.[/size]  It makes you think about where this all comes from.  [size=12pt]Did the christian church just copy the egyptians ?????[/size]  [size=12pt]Where did the Egyptians get it from ?  [/size] What parts are true ?  What parts are a myth ?    Could this happen again in future history ???    <br /><br />Love              /cook/                  bangbang<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Dontwalk thank you for your kind words  :). What I write is what I think,and I don't force anyone to believe what I believe,PERIOD. Michael had an intresting jacket on him in THIS IS IT movie and also he wore some egiptian clothes in Remember the time video  8-)!!![/size]<br /><br />images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRPecWyv2uRlaDMixQ5n_C3V7b8g2iQUvz22lYIDpVEhkagHuyDmDo7Ecjimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQcihEAkGpS_Nbd_0FlykfPgIalbQuQtOg-9KJDC1KxuVn1eAq9S0fzuPWo<br /><br />Michael-Jackson-This-Is-It-2009-43265053963.jpeg2lk70n9.jpg<br /><br />2011-07-05-rushka_michael.jpg?w=539&h=384<br /><br />2md2gdv.jpg<br /><br />Eddie-Murphy_galeriaBig.jpg<br /><br />Remember-The-Time-michael-jackson-14169596-822-1172.jpg
  • on 1323234870:
    <br />bindupbrokenhearted, I love hearing MJ dreams!  I wished I had some... :cry:  Here's 2 threads you could put yours if you like.<br /><br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=100.msg61432#msg61432<br /><br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=8954.msg151462#msg151462<br /><br /><br />Also I hope I didn't offend any of you --Australian MJ Believer, Fordtocarr, or MsTrinity333. You each have your beliefs and experiences as I have mine.<br /> respect/ bearhug <br />
    <br /><br />Sorry about the delay MJonmind, I have been sick all week and trying to deal with that.  <br /><br />My dream was posted here: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=19468.msg336976#msg336976 during my introduction, as I didn't know the dream threads existed when I introduced myself.  BTW: I got a very warm welcome from this family here  bearhug<br /><br />I personally believe God gives dreams and there have been quite a few dreams that people have had on this board regarding the hoax that I believe are God-given.  And eerily similar to mine seems like.  Also, don't be afraid to ask God for dreams, as He can reveal a lot in them I believe.  As we are heading towards the EOW, I believe these God-given dreams will increase: http://bible.cc/joel/2-28.htm<br /><br />Anyways, the dream I had regarding Michael's return was a sense of euphoria, excitement, defeat (of TPTB and evil forces and triumph of good), along with mixed in a sense of showmanship with pranksterism and 'you can't catch me' senses as well as humor (gee that might sound like someone huh ;)  ).  I hope the dream comes true because those feelings were so awesome, I hope everyone experiences them, since it was so awesome.  And I wasn't even a fan nor did I know anything about this hoax-I really did think the Illuminati killed him before that, so what will the fans feel if the dream comes true?  I hope the dream does come true, not for me at all, but because this would be so great if everyone could experience this, and I sincerely hope they do.<br /><br />Sorry everyone if I got off topic<br /><br />Regardless, I think the reasons for the hoax are not only physical but very much spiritual as well.  <br /><br />Back on topic: I hope everyone takes TS's advice and Study (I extend that to reading the Bible for themselves), and thinks and decides for themselves what is truth after all avenues have been explored, instead of just taking at face value what one preacher, book or whomever tells you (and this also applies to other things in life-ie. media).  The Bible says to be a Berean: http://bible.cc/acts/17-11.htm  so we are to read, study, and meditate on Scriptures to get to know truth.  Thanks TS for the advice, as I have learned a lot from you.<br />
  • Thankyou Applehead for the photos.  I've seen some of them before, but the question is "What is he trying to say ?"<br /><br />What do you think ?  This is what I found out.  He is posing as the egyptian pharoan Khafre.  Khafre built the sphinx which is half lion.  The lion is the symbol for the tribe of Judah.  This is the bloodline of Judah and King David and Jesus.  It is a royal bloodline.  Michael had a DNA test and is related to this royal bloodline.  He was crowned royalty in Ethiopia.  This makes sense because all of this is in Africa.  The sphinx is also aligned with the constellation of leo.<br /><br />The cross is derived from the Ankh and the ChiRho.  They are aligned with constellations or stars.  I want to say Orion but I'm not sure.  Sirius is the star the three wise men followed to find Jesus when he was born.  The phoenix symbolizes rebirth.  The pyramids were also aligned with the stars.  They were associated with resurrection and using light.<br /><br />Peace and love
    on 1323548309:
    <br /><br />Remember-The-Time-michael-jackson-14169596-822-1172.jpg<br />
    <br />This outfit is very interesting...I've seen it many times before but today seeing it made me think of the ark because of those "golden" wings over the "golden" shirt...<br />I remember someone said what if the ark is now a person?
    I personally believe God gives dreams
    <br /><br />Actually yesterday, because of this religious "stream" lately here, I took the Bible to read again after a long time.<br />Joseph is told in a dream that Maria is with child from the Holly Spirit. <br />The Magi were told in a dream to not go back to Herod after seeing baby Jesus.<br />Joseph is told in a dream to take the child and Maria and run to Egipt and he also was told in a dream when to come back.<br /><br />Well it doesn't mean all dreams have a meaning.<br />
  • Gina and Applehead250609.  I really don't know about the gold shirt and the gold wings.  I saw on one of the hoax video websites that it was a phoenix.  Just like the phoenix on the statue of Khafre with the phoenix.    I forget which one because it was a while ago.  It might have been on Jackieblue64 or SerenityxDreams Youtube channel.    I didn't think about the ark.  You're right the ark has angel's on it with wings hmm............    <br /><br />It's all so mysterious isn't it ?<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1323574939:
    <br />Gina and Applehead250609.  I really don't know about the gold shirt and the gold wings.  I saw on one of the hoax video websites that it was a phoenix.  Just like the phoenix on the statue of Khafre with the phoenix.    I forget which one because it was a while ago.  It might have been on Jackieblue64 or SerenityxDreams Youtube channel.    I didn't think about the ark.  You're right the ark has angel's on it with wings hmm............    <br /><br />It's all so mysterious isn't it ?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br />Maybe it's mysterious or maybe it's just for the show.<br /> remember reading somewhere that people should keep God's law within themselves. The "ark" idea you know. After all the ark contains the law, but we should all have God's law inside of us all the time.<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1323544222:
    <br />Thanks for posting the picture Applehead250609.  And Thankyou DonteJackson for that cartoon/illustration.  It made me laugh but also think.  This story of Jesus is similar to the story of Horus and others.  It makes you think about where this all comes from.  Did the christian church just copy the egyptians ?????  Where did the Egyptians get it from ?  What parts are true ?  What parts are a myth ?    Could this happen again in future history ???    <br /><br />Love              /cook/                  bangbang <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Are you thinking a repeating pattern or image?<br /><br /><br />Here's Michael singing, If'n I was God.<br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhkG1loPSrs&feature=related<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Applehead<br />
    Donte Jackson posteda week ago,this picture on his site "We are all Masters" .Please look at this picture and tell me what you think  .Take care  .
    <br /><br /><br />tumblr_lvgoqbFavM1qjp3yqo1_500.jpg<br /><br /><br />Love it; it's all perspective. Our human arrogant pride.<br /><br /><br />These have to be two of the most beautiful videos of Michael, that make you wonder, who REALLY is this man?  <br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8vfldeKsbw&feature=fvwrel<br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmJailUSZvU&feature=endscreen&NR=1
    @MJonmind - after seeing your videos above it is so clear why he had to be terminated one year later. THEY had to take him down, along with his message of Peace and Love because for THEM peace is not lucrative enough, WAR brings more profit crash/ crash/ crash/ human beings dying are just collateral victims they don't give a damn about.
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