Michael Jackson and Religious Symbolism



  • on 1323598449:
    <br />
    on 1323544222:
    <br />Thanks for posting the picture Applehead250609.  And Thankyou DonteJackson for that cartoon/illustration.  It made me laugh but also think.  This story of Jesus is similar to the story of Horus and others.  It makes you think about where this all comes from.  Did the christian church just copy the egyptians ?????  Where did the Egyptians get it from ?  What parts are true ?  What parts are a myth ?    Could this happen again in future history ???    <br /><br />Love              /cook/                  bangbang <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Are you thinking a repeating pattern or image?<br /><br /><br />Here's Michael singing, If'n I was God.<br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhkG1loPSrs&feature=related<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Applehead<br />
    Donte Jackson posteda week ago,this picture on his site "We are all Masters" .Please look at this picture and tell me what you think  .Take care  .
    <br /><br /><br />tumblr_lvgoqbFavM1qjp3yqo1_500.jpg<br /><br /><br />Love it; it's all perspective. Our human arrogant pride.<br /><br /><br />These have to be two of the most beautiful videos of Michael, that make you wonder, who REALLY is this man?  <br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8vfldeKsbw&feature=fvwrel<br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmJailUSZvU&feature=endscreen&NR=1<br />
    on 1323598449:
    <br />
    on 1323544222:
    <br />Thanks for posting the picture Applehead250609.  And Thankyou DonteJackson for that cartoon/illustration.  It made me laugh but also think.  This story of Jesus is similar to the story of Horus and others.  It makes you think about where this all comes from.  Did the christian church just copy the egyptians ?????  Where did the Egyptians get it from ?  What parts are true ?  What parts are a myth ?    Could this happen again in future history ???    <br /><br />Love              /cook/                  bangbang <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Are you thinking a repeating pattern or image?<br /><br /><br />Here's Michael singing, If'n I was God.<br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhkG1loPSrs&feature=related<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Applehead<br />
    Donte Jackson posteda week ago,this picture on his site "We are all Masters" .Please look at this picture and tell me what you think  .Take care  .
    <br /><br /><br />tumblr_lvgoqbFavM1qjp3yqo1_500.jpg<br /><br /><br />Love it; it's all perspective. Our human arrogant pride.<br /><br /><br />These have to be two of the most beautiful videos of Michael, that make you wonder, who REALLY is this man?  <br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8vfldeKsbw&feature=fvwrel<br /><br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmJailUSZvU&feature=endscreen&NR=1<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Thank you Mjonmind for those videos,I had already saw them  :) !!! If you ask ME who this man ,meaning Michael is,I will tell you : Michael is a human being,a very beautiful one ,inside and outside.Michael is a genius in music,dance (along with his croch grab ofcourse  :shock:  :lol: ) and movies.Michael is a man,a father,a brother and a child to his mother Katherine.Michael is a very generous,sensitive but,he is also not perfect this mean HUMAN.We his fans and the people who loves his music and art,don't know everything about him,we know just what he wanted us to know.Michael is a very gifted person,who from a very early age knew what fame and MONEY are,unfortunately .He like Elvis and many others super-stars became very, very popular and his life changed FOREVER.Now I will try to be honest with you Mjonmind because I see that many people try to put Michael on a pedestal and call him JESUS or some kinda GOD  :? .I'm sorry but I don't think that way,ofcourse this is just my opinion.Let's not forget why we are here in the FIRST PLACE,ok????? Michael Jackson ,the legendary KING OF POP like Jermaine called him ,on that faitfull day at hospital,FAKED HIS DEATH,!!!!! Now I don't want to be mean,but I'm asking myself,what in the world fakeing one's death has to do with JESUS  :???? Because as far as I know,from my study ,Jesus was arrested,tried, and sentenced by Pontius Pilate to be scourged, and finally executed on a cross. Ofcourse if I have another opinion about the execution of Jesus is my bussines and I will not tell here.<br />Again I will say that to my humble opinion Michael is not Jesus,nor God,he is/was a very gifted and talented ENTERTAINER.He is not perfect,just like we are not,and nobody is PERIOD.I'm very sure that he was never afaid of anyone,otherwise he would never be in the position is today.One more thing before I end my boring post  :lol: please don't forget that Michael LOVES CONTROVERSY  :lol:  geek/  and that's ENOUGH FOR ME to understand someTHINGS from his LIFE and career.He was never AFRAID to tell what he thinks ,even if that THING created CONTROVERSY.Michael did EVERYTHING IN HIS WAY and absolutely NO one and ANYthing stood in HIS WAY  8-) ,not even THE ILLUMINATI CRAP  albino/  8-) .[/size]
  • mimi248mimi248 Posts: 124
    <br />
    <br />[size=10pt]Thank you Mjonmind for those videos,I had already saw them  :) !!! If you ask ME who this man ,meaning Michael is,I will tell you : Michael is a human being,a very beautiful one ,inside and outside.Michael is a genius in music,dance (along with his croch grab ofcourse  :shock: :lol: ) and movies.Michael is a man,a father,a brother and a child to his mother Katherine.Michael is a very generous,sensitive but,he is also not perfect this mean HUMAN.We his fans and the people who loves his music and art,don't know everything about him,we know just what he wanted us to know.Michael is a very gifted person,who from a very early age knew what fame and MONEY are,unfortunately .He like Elvis and many others super-stars became very, very popular and his life changed FOREVER.Now I will try to be honest with you Mjonmind because I see that many people try to put Michael on a pedestal and call him JESUS or some kinda GOD  :? .I'm sorry but I don't think that way,ofcourse this is just my opinion.Let's not forget why we are here in the FIRST PLACE,ok????? Michael Jackson ,the legendary KING OF POP like Jermaine called him ,on that faitfull day at hospital,FAKED HIS DEATH,!!!!! Now I don't want to be mean,but I'm asking myself,what in the world fakeing one's death has to do with JESUS  :? ??? Because as far as I know,from my study ,Jesus was arrested,tried, and sentenced by Pontius Pilate to be scourged, and finally executed on a cross. Ofcourse if I have another opinion about the execution of Jesus is my bussines and I will not tell here.<br />Again I will say that to my humble opinion Michael is not Jesus,nor God,he is/was a very gifted and talented ENTERTAINER.He is not perfect,just like we are not,and nobody is PERIOD.I'm very sure that he was never afaid of anyone,otherwise he would never be in the position is today.One more thing before I end my boring post  :lol: please don't forget that Michael LOVES CONTROVERSY  :lol: geek/  and that's ENOUGH FOR ME to understand someTHINGS from his LIFE and career.He was never AFRAID to tell what he thinks ,even if that THING created CONTROVERSY.Michael did EVERYTHING IN HIS WAY and absolutely NO one and ANYthing stood in HIS WAY  8-) ,not even THE ILLUMINATI CRAP  albino/ 8-) .[/size]<br />
    <br /><br />I'm sorry but i don't agree with you. MJ is WAY MORE than just " a humain being." Of course he is a human being, but this fact doesn't mean he wasn't sent by God too! <br />His spirit is on a totally other level than all of us, even if  we only  know  what he wanted us to know! and i don't say that because I'm a fan ! I say it because it IS a FACT ! <br />Is there an other person of this world, who has had a such huge fame for 40 years???!!!!!!!!!!<br />who create a so huge mass hysteria everywhere he goes? You can say yes Elvis, The Beatles..then i'll say you NO.<br />EP; the beatles or any one else  had never  been on the same level as Michael, never ever!! To USA,Japan, France, England, Egypt, Australia, China,  I mean EVERY corner of this world, whenever he went the whole city stopped only to see Michael Jackson, people ran, accross the city to see MJ, and then, Went totally crazy. <br />Just Imagine how powerfull a charisma has to be to STOP a whole city .Even presidents with their own governement and political men can't do that!! The world has never seen that before, again this is a fact. Have you ever seen people going crazy and loose all control of themselves when they see Bush, the king of england  or even Obama? I don't see it. Michael is famous EVERYWHERE. people became crazy everywhere, He was too loved, too powerfull. and he is only a MAN!!! A man who has taken the  world in his entire globality and spread his own politic trouhout the world that was  only LOVE.  do you hear that? he was a Single man!! and did what all politcs had never did in 100 decades !! <br />So, if we was juste a "simply human being" all this hysteria, all this fame, all this celebrity, all HIStory would never have been possible.<br /> MJ is beyond this world.
  • [size=10pt]Posted by: mimi248<br />« on: Today at 02:27:08 AM »<br /><br />    Insert Quote<br /><br />So, if we was juste a "simply human being" all this hysteria  /scream/, all this fame, all this celebrity, all HIStory would never have been possible.[/size]
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]OMG I'm sure Michael liked very much THAT HYSTERIA and the CROWD going wild like animals on him  :shock: !!!! Poor him,all that crazy girls trowing and scream in his ears. To me what you just wrote  about hysteria  /pull hair/ scream  /scream/ ,fame and celebrity sounds like a POP ADULATION ,lol and has nothing to do with God ar Jesus.I'm sorry but this is my opinion .PERIOD[/size]
  • MJonMind,  I was thinking that history repeats.  The story of Jesus is similar to several others at different times around the world.  There is Horus and several others.    <br /><br />Mimi248,  I am like you because I think there is more to the "spiritual side" of this story.  I don't know exactly what because I am still learning about all of it.    Humanity's true spirituality was lost through the ages due to the dark forces of power, greed, manipulating the media, corruption, separate religions, etc.etc.etc.    The truth about where we came from, and what happened to us, and what we can be capable of doing was kept from us, To Control Us  We can break free from this.  It's all in our minds.  They are using mind control, propoganda, and fear.  Fear is a method of mind control.    It's an illusion and the illusion is being dissolved.<br /><br />So when Michael said "I went to bring awareness and awakening and hope to people" in the movie TII, I think that was what he was talking about.  If you look back at all his "stuff", you see clues about this. <br /><br />Anyway, I'm certainly not an expert on any of this but have been reading and searching.  I've seen things about people achieving different levels of spirituality.  There are different levels of evolving of being connected with god, or source or the creator.  There is information on ascended masters, enlightened people, lightworkers, star seeds,people who are psychic, can channel, different ranks of angels and a lot more.    Trust me when I first saw all this I thought it was all fake.  Now I don't think it's all fake.  I don't know what is fantasy and what is not but I no longer think it's all a fantasy.  You have to research for yourself.  More and more information, books, and videos keep coming out from more and more people as time goes on.  <br /><br />Anyway, so I think Michael is connected in some way.  I think he has achieved a higher spirituality some how.  There are a lot of dimensions to the universe and he is connected some way.  It's just my opinion because of all the clues and events.    I am still confused about the differences between angelic humans, angels, galactic humans, ascended masters, lightworkers, crystal and indigo children and prophets etc. etc.  There is a lot of information and it is confusing.  I'm still in the process of looking at it.  They want to help earth evolve.<br /><br />Some websites,  alienleaks.com,  Galactic Federation of Light, Spirit Science (Youtube), David Wilcock, Research the Pleidians, Sirians, <br />Ascension, DNA repair, light bodies.    I just found a new series of videos on Youtube "The Pleidians, Keys to the living library) and a lot more.<br /><br />If you think I'm a little crazy, that's okay.  I'm trying to help and spread information because "It's all for Love", with the L.O.V.E."<br /><br />If we all come together as one, and see the truth we wil be okay.      bearhug        <br /><br />  <br /><br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    [<br /><br />[size=10pt]Thank you Mjonmind for those videos,I had already saw them  :) !!! If you ask ME who this man ,meaning Michael is,I will tell you : Michael is a human being,a very beautiful one ,inside and outside.Michael is a genius in music,dance (along with his croch grab ofcourse  :shock:  :lol: ) and movies.Michael is a man,a father,a brother and a child to his mother Katherine.Michael is a very generous,sensitive but,he is also not perfect this mean HUMAN.We his fans and the people who loves his music and art,don't know everything about him,we know just what he wanted us to know.Michael is a very gifted person,who from a very early age knew what fame and MONEY are,unfortunately .He like Elvis and many others super-stars became very, very popular and his life changed FOREVER.Now I will try to be honest with you Mjonmind because I see that many people try to put Michael on a pedestal and call him JESUS or some kinda GOD  :? .I'm sorry but I don't think that way,ofcourse this is just my opinion.Let's not forget why we are here in the FIRST PLACE,ok????? Michael Jackson ,the legendary KING OF POP like Jermaine called him ,on that faitfull day at hospital,FAKED HIS DEATH,!!!!! Now I don't want to be mean,but I'm asking myself,what in the world fakeing one's death has to do with JESUS  :???? Because as far as I know,from my study ,Jesus was arrested,tried, and sentenced by Pontius Pilate to be scourged, and finally executed on a cross. Ofcourse if I have another opinion about the execution of Jesus is my bussines and I will not tell here.<br />Again I will say that to my humble opinion Michael is not Jesus,nor God,he is/was a very gifted and talented ENTERTAINER.He is not perfect,just like we are not,and nobody is PERIOD.I'm very sure that he was never afaid of anyone,otherwise he would never be in the position is today.One more thing before I end my boring post  :lol: please don't forget that Michael LOVES CONTROVERSY  :lol:  geek/  and that's ENOUGH FOR ME to understand someTHINGS from his LIFE and career.He was never AFRAID to tell what he thinks ,even if that THING created CONTROVERSY.Michael did EVERYTHING IN HIS WAY and absolutely NO one and ANYthing stood in HIS WAY  8-) ,not even THE ILLUMINATI CRAP  albino/  8-) .[/size]<br />[/quote]<br /><br /> :) /bravo/ :) /bravo/ :)<br /><br />[size=14pt]That is the best and one of THE most important posts I've read ALMOST since this hoax began!!!!<br />I don't mean to offend, and you all state your opinions, and here I will too.  I'm tired to Michael being compared with religion.  We've totally lost what this entire site is for and about.  Michael never claimed to be anything other than what he was ... just a man trying to be a good JW and live as they believe.  Even after he made the decision to leave, he still believed in Jehovah and his kids are now studying to know HIM also.<br />But, does that make them gods now too because this archangel/god has kids???  <br />I rarely post anymore...I rarely read much of the forum anymore...it's all just not even real to me any longer with all the guessing.  It's probably just all of our boredom, but, I sure hope we can get back to the HOAX and leave religion in the bible. <br />LOVE YOUR POST!!!!!!!![/size]
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    But, in my opinion, that's putting things in boxes/catagories. Life is fluid, interconnected, multi-dimensional, not rigid.<br />My favorite quote: The more I know, the more I realize how little I know.<br />I guess we'll all have to agree to disagree, and continue to love.<br />Fordtocarr, for me the site gets boring, if it gets too surface and shallow.
  • on 1323634160:
    <br />MJonMind,  I was thinking that history repeats.  The story of Jesus is similar to several others at different times around the world.  There is Horus and several others.    <br /><br />Mimi248,  I am like you because I think there is more to the "spiritual side" of this story.  I don't know exactly what because I am still learning about all of it.    Humanity's true spirituality was lost through the ages due to the dark forces of power, greed, manipulating the media, corruption, separate religions, etc.etc.etc.    The truth about where we came from, and what happened to us, and what we can be capable of doing was kept from us, To Control Us  We can break free from this.  It's all in our minds.  They are using mind control, propoganda, and fear.  Fear is a method of mind control.    It's an illusion and the illusion is being dissolved.<br /><br />So when Michael said "I went to bring awareness and awakening and hope to people" in the movie TII, I think that was what he was talking about.  If you look back at all his "stuff", you see clues about this. <br /><br />Anyway, I'm certainly not an expert on any of this but have been reading and searching.  I've seen things about people achieving different levels of spirituality.  There are different levels of evolving of being connected with god, or source or the creator.  There is information on ascended masters, enlightened people, lightworkers, star seeds,people who are psychic, can channel, different ranks of angels and a lot more.    Trust me when I first saw all this I thought it was all fake.  Now I don't think it's all fake.  I don't know what is fantasy and what is not but I no longer think it's all a fantasy.  You have to research for yourself.  More and more information, books, and videos keep coming out from more and more people as time goes on.  <br /><br />Anyway, so I think Michael is connected in some way.  I think he has achieved a higher spirituality some how.  There are a lot of dimensions to the universe and he is connected some way.  It's just my opinion because of all the clues and events.    I am still confused about the differences between angelic humans, angels, galactic humans, ascended masters, lightworkers, crystal and indigo children and prophets etc. etc.  There is a lot of information and it is confusing.  I'm still in the process of looking at it.  They want to help earth evolve.<br /><br />Some websites,  alienleaks.com,  Galactic Federation of Light, Spirit Science (Youtube), David Wilcock, Research the Pleidians, Sirians, <br />Ascension, DNA repair, light bodies.    I just found a new series of videos on Youtube "The Pleidians, Keys to the living library) and a lot more.<br /><br />If you think I'm a little crazy, that's okay.  I'm trying to help and spread information because "It's all for Love", with the L.O.V.E."<br /><br />If we all come together as one, and see the truth we wil be okay.      bearhug        <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Dontwalk my friend I'm sorry but I don't think you are crazy.In fact I think you are super duper,you are beautiful and I'm glad that you wrote about is very important for this hoax,especially this part:[/size]<br /><br />
    [size=12pt]Propoganda, and fear.  Fear is a method of mind control. It's an illusion and the illusion is being dissolved.[/size]
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]I'm telling you,that after all [size=12pt]THIS BIG FEAR [/size]will go away you,I and the rest will se the Light at the End of the Tunnel .The FEAR is inside of us all from a long time now  :cry:  :cry: ,just like V told Evey,when she realised that it was all AN ILLUSION created by V himself.This ILLUSION was created for us by Michael also,but also by THE SYSTEM.WE ARE RULED BY FEAR,we are afraid to really LIVE OUR LIFES because of RULES that the SYSTEM requires.THE RULES OF THE SYSTEM are bullshit and you and I know this.THE SYSTEM also use RELIGION mixed with FEAR of SOMEthing or SOMEone,they create this BIG ILLUSION to control us all.Remember what Evey told V when she discovered what HE did to HER????<br />She said:"SHUT UP,LEAVE ME ALONE,I HATE you,you're SICK,you're EVIL,shut up I don't what to hear your LIES" .<br />Do you know what all this RED WORDS means or I have to say it????? Do you know why this words were even mentioned in movie and in ILLUSION also,or I have to say it ???? [/size]
  • Thankyou for your kind words and support applehead250609.  I'm trying to share information here where I live by saying things little by little but it's going very slowly.  I keep trying. <br /><br />lOVE YOU !!!!!        penguin/      mj_dance/ <br /><br />
  • on 1323636254:
    <br />But, in my opinion, that's putting things in boxes/catagories. Life is fluid, interconnected, multi-dimensional, not rigid.<br />My favorite quote: The more I know, the more I realize how little I know.<br />I guess we'll all have to agree to disagree, and continue to love.<br />Fordtocarr, for me the site gets boring, if it gets too surface and shallow.<br />
    <br /> <br />[size=10pt]Mjonmind I'm very sorry you feel that way  :( .I'm sorry that you are bored,but I'm not,in fact I'm more intrigued now,that TS or whatever his name was is gone.For me it's only the begining,and I decided to not give up,not now .Today some beautiful things happened to me and that is no coincidence.On my way to a very special event in my father's life a saw again something that I saw last year  :shock:  :cry: .Last year we disscused about Mozart's life being related to Michael's life and after some time I saw this very,very BIG POSTER on a wall in the center of my city :[/size]<br /><br />20110111140758.jpg<br /><br />[size=10pt]Today when I went to my fater's event ,on my way there I saw again a similar poster,OMG this event about Mozart will be again before Christmas  :cry: !!! I was so happy when I saw again this HUGE poster,if you only knew how much.Again I will say that I will not give up on this ,just becasue TS left.I even said before that I don't need TS or any other hero or SUPE hero to come and guide me lol  lolol/ .THE SOLUTION is inside every one of us PERIOD.[/size]<br /><br />festival-Mozart-238x300.jpg
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Applehead, I didn't say I was bored at all, only "IF." ;D <br />On the contrary I love coming here every day!<br /><br />I love it most of all when all things are explored!<br /><br /><br />Love the Mozart poster!<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    Mozart???  How strange.  Just yesterday I was thinking of how Michael reminded me of the guy who played Mozart in Amadeus and how Soleri, who was considered great at the time was jealous of him.  In ghosts he talks about Jealousy and looks a bit like we might picture Mozart.  In Amadeus, Mozart was disinterested in the rich and famous and was completely at home with the common man.  He had a childlike innocence as well.  It's one of my favorite movies as it demonstrates that, as someone said earlier, God is not logical.  He grants gifts to whom he pleases.
    I think it is a big mistake to try to separate the hoax from the religious side of Michael Jackson. We ALL know how much GOD and FAITH mean to Michael. This is the main reasons I am so proud of him, so proud to be his fan. He is about spiritual things first of all, I would dare to say I think GOD comes first to Michael, before his music, before his fans, his family.<br /><br />He told us so many times, in his music and in interviews, what spirituality/God means to him so I do not believe for a second this hoax doesn't have a religious side/purpose, I also see it as an attempt to "promote"/remind people of God, God's laws, God's love.<br /><br />And if it's true that Michael was concerned about the mayan end of the world in 12/21/2012 it makes even much more sense, because I believe Michael wanted us to research even more, to study the Bible even more, so we can be saved when the end will come.<br /><br />I was just reading Chorintians where it says when that time will come we will be changed in a flash, can you imagine that ?! From mortal bodies to immortal... but only those who are faithful/righteous. What if Michael  wanted to warn us to prepare ourselves better so we are saved? He loves us and it's all for love.<br /><br />1 Corinthians 15<br />The Resurrection of Christ<br /><br />"51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. "<br /><br />There are so many things to talk about...<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    gwynned, I loved that movie, Amadaeus! His laugh--oh boy, that was a crazy cackle!  In the music video Ghost, Michael is considered the Maestro living alone in the mansion.<br />"[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]Maestro means "master." It's normally used with conductors, composers, etc. It signifies respect for someone's talent (usually in music)."[/color]<br /><br /><br /><br />Gina, good post!
  • sighsigh Posts: 88
    on 1323678171:
    <br />And if it's true that Michael was concerned about the mayan end of the world in 12/21/2012 it makes even much more sense, because I believe Michael wanted us to research even more, to study the Bible even more, so we can be saved when the end will come.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />If he really had 12/21/2012 in mind as one/a reason for the hoax, I think that would be naive of him to think that the world will end next year,  because the Mayans 'said so'.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    It would mean he has inside information that the rest of us are not privy to.<br />So that's the billion dollar question, does he or doesn't he?<br /><br /><br />I think he does. And there is enough proof to back that up, that we have seen in 2+ years here.
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    on 1323682967:
    <br />gwynned, I loved that movie, Amadaeus! His laugh--oh boy, that was a crazy cackle!  In the music video Ghost, Michael is considered the Maestro living alone in the mansion.<br />"[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]Maestro means "master." It's normally used with conductors, composers, etc. It signifies respect for someone's talent (usually in music)."[/color]<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br />I love that laugh, too.  And I hate to brag, but I can imitate that laugh perfectly, as my kids will attest.  They will often ask me to perform it to the amusement  of their friends.  Carry on, Maestro!<br />
    on 1323686367:
    <br />
    on 1323678171:
    <br />And if it's true that Michael was concerned about the mayan end of the world in 12/21/2012 it makes even much more sense, because I believe Michael wanted us to research even more, to study the Bible even more, so we can be saved when the end will come.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />If he really had 12/21/2012 in mind as one/a reason for the hoax, I think that would be naive of him to think that the world will end next year,  because the Mayans 'said so'. <br />
    <br /><br />Maybe he did it "just in case" - you know, just in case the Mayan calendar means something. Maybe it looked like a good occasion to him to convey a message that was so important to him.Nobody knows for sure the world will end on 12/21/2012, but also nobody knows for sure the world won't end on 12/21/2012. MJ said we have 4 years to get it right.  He  talked about the planet...seemingly.<br />But Michael also spoke about bringing love back into the world. Love, as old fashioned as it seems, IS actually the most important, as it was written in the Bible:<br /><br />1 Corinthians 13<br /><br /> 1 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.<br /><br /> 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.<br /><br /> 8 Love never fails.<br /><br />13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. <br /><br />And also it is written in the Bible that God is love.<br /><br />1 John 4:8<br /><br />New International Version (NIV)<br /><br />8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. <br /><br /><br />Maybe It's all for LOVE = It's all for GOD  ?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    Now after listening again to his short but powerful speech in TII I've noticed something:<br /><br />He is involving OTHERS in his production in an interactive way  - in the beginning<br /><br />He is stating the entertainment side of this "production"<br /><br />Then he's talking about bringing love back into the world - the religious side of his production.<br /><br />And then he's talking about saving the planet - the ecological side.<br /><br />And finally he's talking about those 4 years to get it right, seemingly pointing to the planet, but maybe in fact he was pointing to a possible end of the world in 2012. Can someone explain why he said it will be irreversible? He knew something we don't know? <br />Anyone knows what is it about the planet that will become irreversible if we don't get it right?<br /><br />
  • Gina,  I don't know for sure what he is talking about when he said we have four years to get it right or else it's irreversible.  I've been trying to figure it too !!!<br /><br />1.  It's not the end of the world just the end of the world as we know it.  It's just the end of an era.  The new golden age or the age of aquarius starts on 12/21/11 according to the Mayans and others.  It's the next step in the earth's evolution.<br /><br />2.  The illuminati or TPTB, military-industrial complex, want to keep their power, wealth and control.  They don't want us to know about the age of peace and love.  <br /><br />4.  The earth is getting waves of radiation or photon light to bring us to a higher vibration.  This changes everything including DNA molecules etc.  The next step in evolution we will have 12 strands of DNA and not 3.  A lot more ability and ability to connect with information from the light/cosmos.  More connected to universe/god.  Everything is connected by a shared conciousness.  We are all one.  You have to read about ascension, light bodies, DNA repair, light codes, everything is made of light,vibration.  <br /><br />5.  The illuminati don't want us to evolve.  They may have hid information from us concerning everything including our true history, aliens, UFO's, etc.  They might have advanced alien technology.  I heard about an ancient box that can do similar things that HAARP does, like Tsunami's and earthquakes.  It was in Iraq.  Maybe one of the real reasons for the U.S. War in Iraq ?  Iraq is their ancient homeland.  This is where the ancient civilization of Sumeria was.  They are planning evil things in order to keep their power.  <br /><br />6.  I heard about them thinking that the Annunaki are coming back on 12/21/12.    The annunaki are aliens.  Maybe from Nibiru a planet that comes near our orbit every 26,000 years or something.  Or I also heard they were from Mars, but destroyed Mars and came here ??  Maybe the Annunaki are the reptilians that people are talking about ?  They are evil and don't care about humans.<br />I'm not saying that I know that any of this is true.  This is just what I read/heard.<br /><br />7.  There are friendly groups  of extraterrestrials who have visited and are watching earth.  They want to help us evolve to the next age.  We are supposed to evolve to the fourth or fifth dimension and have joy,love, and peace on earth.  They can't do this until we are ready and have love and will accept them.  We have to have a certain amount of the population ready and then it will be spread.  There is a shared consciousness in the engery field which can spread the love vibration.  That's why we need Love back in the world and love is important.    The evil ones know that by spreading fear we won't have love.<br /><br />8.  So, there here (invisible due to cloaking), or there coming on 12/21/12 or during 2013 ???????  Anyway, they are sending information such as "The Crop Circles"<br /><br />9.  The last chance to set up their (illuminati) new world order is now.  They think they have until 12/21/12.  <br /><br />I'm not saying that I know about any of this being true.  To be honest with you when I first saw it about a year ago I thought it was all fake.  Now I think some of it is true.  There is so much on the internet and I don't know what is real or fake anymore.  But you know that we are not being told the truth, there are UFO's, we did get information from them, they were here in Egypt, Atlantis, and other ancient places.    Lately I've been seeing more and more on Youtube.  And it's not all people who channel, selling books, and drawings.<br />There are interviews with former CIA and NASA employees, people who were visited by ET's, and also scientists that have proof.  They all can't be lying and some of them are not interested in selling something.<br /><br />10.  But, I also heard that the illuminati is planning a fake alien invasion just to scare us.  <br /><br />We'll be okay.  All we have to do is spread love.  It's simple.  <br /><br />
  • on 1323732770:
    <br /> <br />We'll be okay.  All we have to do is spread love.  It's simple.  <br /><br />
    <br /><br />actually, just look to god and you will be ok...<br /><br />i believe that the illuminati is not a board of cloak wearing, covert, secret sociotey members (though i do believe SS's exist) made up of powerful, rich, well dressed middle aged men. i believe the word illuminati (hate the word actually) or TPTB actually refers to the evil in this world described in the bible in revelation.<br /><br />they are: babylon the great - which is a world wide empire of false religion. (babylon in bible times was a city full of false and various religions) babylon the great, is false religion of modern day) babylon the great is depicted in the book of revelation as a harlot or prositute that has relaitons with the "kings of the earth" - modern times we know kings of the earth as "political parties" and the "merchants" (also mentioned in the book of revelation) modern day term is corrupt corporation. (if you want the scriptual references to these please let me know. also if you want it explained the reasoning on how this conclusion was arrived at, please advise and i will post in the revelation thread as it is lengthy)<br /> <br />the book of revelation prohecied that god will destroy these three evil forces. interesting.... three.... makes me think of a certain triangle that we have iconised and associated with evil... dont ya think?<br /><br />anyhow, these three powers, religion, politics & corrupt corporation are incredibly powerful. but not nearly as powerful as god. their days are numbered.<br /><br />humankind needs to find itself on the right side before the day of destruction. i am not talking end of the world in 2012. i am talking end of these evil powers in preparation for righteous rule by god & jesus that will take over after armageddon and bring true peace and ane end to suffering to all mankind.<br /><br />for those who are with god, this day is not one to be scared of. this will be a glorious day. gods name will be sanctified and his will shall take place.<br /><br />we are soooo close to the end. bible prohecy is being fulfiled on a daily basis to validate this. (again, if you want more information, please advise and i will explain in the revelation thread)<br /><br />i personally believe mj is alive and using every bit of his energy ensuring he is on the right side. worshiping god the way he knows and giving full attention to his god. i als think that he is hoping to turn the attention of millions of people to GOD, LOVE and TRUTH as this system is going down and that BAM is associated with this!<br /><br /><br />
  • AustralianMJBeliever,  Now you and others got me interested in reading the book of revelations.  I am going to read it and the thread about it.  It does seem to me also that these prophecies are being fulfilled now.  <br /><br />Love
  • Wow... so many topics you guys are trying to explore; I applaud your search for knowledge.  /bravo/<br /><br />@ Dontwalkaway;  You brought up a lot of interesting topics.  respect/ Here are some videos/radio shows addressing some of your topics; many have 10-12 parts so to save space from this being too long I will only post the first of each series, those that are interested can then follow the rest on YouTube.<br /><br />The Nature of Light: (There are four days worth)  /><br />Streatching out the Heavens Part 1/9:  /><br />Genesis, Quantum Physics, Hyper Dimensions Ect:  /><br />Mysteries of the Planet Mars Part1/10:  /><br />Aliens/Return of the Nephilim Part 1/12: /><br />Rapture and Tribulation: /><br />Pyramids, Planets & the Bible Part 1/6:   <br /><br />God Bless
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    [size=9pt][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]6.  I heard about them thinking that the Annunaki are coming back on 12/21/12.    The annunaki are aliens.  Maybe from [/color][/size][size=9pt]Nibiru a planet that comes near our orbit every 26,000 years or something.[/size][size=9pt][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]  Or I also heard they were from Mars, but destroyed Mars and came here ??  Maybe the Annunaki are the reptilians that people are talking about ?  They are evil and don't care about humans.[/color][/size]<br />[size=9pt] I'm not saying that I know that any of this is true.  This is just what I read/heard.[/size]
    <br /><br />You like to bring up such interesting topics! What did you think of my post on this?<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21682.msg379184#msg379184 <br /><br />[size=9pt]Plus did you watch “Thrive” yet, similar to what you write?[/size]<br />http://www.megavideo.com/?v=T144HL4V
  • MJonMind, yes I did watch "Thrive", but I don't remember information on planet X or Nibiru.  Do you have anything else about it ?  Thanks, Ms Trinity for all those links you posted.  Looks interesting.  I will watch some each day.<br /><br /><br />Love
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Oh sorry, the Thrive video talks about crop circles and alien messages which was on your list.<br />There's so much info out there on those topics, with varying/opposing opinions, that we have to sift through, and try to come to our own best bigger picture.  Best to just keeping reading as broad a range as possible, keeping an open mind, because if we don't we might get tunnel-vision and can be way off.  Everything has an effect/relates to everything.  I'm so glad God, at least knows!  Leave no stone-unturned! :D
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