Calling all Lightworkers :)

jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Where do I start with this thread? Okay, this entire hoax has sent me on a spiritual journey that I could have never imagined. Prior to Michael's "death", I was having a very hard time just living in this world. I've always been a little different and it's hard to explain. Ever since I was a little girl, I've been confused by the ways of the world, by the conformity and mindlessness of society, and I never knew why. I've had to deal with some pretty serious issues because of this. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, one that the doctors tried getting me addicted to pills for of course. I constantly carried around this nervous energy. I remember feeling it when I was a kid and it got much worse in high school and the few years after. I would have panic attacks like you wouldn't believe, a lot of times for no reason at all. There came a time when I really wanted to just give up. I felt that my life was being wasted. I can't really explain why, I just felt that I was meant to do great things and for some reason I just couldn't do them. I had a strong feeling, a strong desire, to just go HOME, and was unable to identify where my home was. It was as if my home wasn't of this world, leaving me feeling constantly lost and scared.

Michael Jackson had always been my gateway to my home, if that makes sense. Whenever I was feeling extra lonely or lost or scared, I would go into my room or walk to a place where I could be alone, and just listen to his music. I always felt that Michael understood what I was going through, he understood my heart, he understood ME. Even though we never met, I knew that love knows no boundaries. He is literally the only human being I've ever come across who has made me feel like myself. I don't know how else to explain it. But it is because of him that I have discovered and embraced who I am.

Michael "dying" was the pinnacle of my anxiety and fear. I will never forget that day. I thought I was going to die too. In fact, I remember wishing that I would. I couldn't take the pain anymore, the injustice, the disgusting murder of love in this world. It was the worst day of my life. BUT, it has brought me to where I am now.

I believe that I chose to come to earth exactly when I did for very specific reasons, to help others during this difficult time as human consciousness shifts dramatically. Interestingly, I was born on 11/11, which is known to be a very strong number of awakening in numerology. Also, I was born in 1986 which is thought to be the year that this shift in consciousness first began. I don't know if that' true or not, but I do know that I feel much older than 23 and it would make sense if I chose that year to be born (I was born almost 3 months premature and was 100% healthy).

What I'm getting at, is that I believe I am a lightworker, and I believe I have found my purpose... This is it! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> The changes that are taking place and that will continue to happen in the upcoming years are ones that will be very difficult for the human race in general. I am here to help make those changes happen and to help others undersand and embrace those changes. I believe many of you here are also here for that same purpose. Furthermore, I believe Michael is a very special lightworker. This makes me think of "Light Man" in TII.

Here is more information about Lightworkers. I am interested in speaking with others who are also on this path. I am not new to it of course, but I am new to embracing it and would appreciate any love and light you can send my way.

Also, I'd like to add that my anxiety is virtually gone. I have not suffered a panic attack for almost a year. I am free of medication and I have found ways to exist happily in this world. My next step is finding ways to help others achieve this same peace in their lives.

You are a Lightworker if you:

* Feel called to heal others

* Want to resolve the world's social and environmental problems; want to help heal the earth and living things- animals, plants, bodies of water...

* Believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation

* Have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions, spirit or angelic encounters

* Have endured harsh life experiences that eroded your connection with the Divine Creator

* Want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world

*Feel compelled to write, teach or counsel about your healing experiences and/or engage in artistic work to help make the planet a better place- through music, singing, entertainment or art

*Know that you are here for a higher purpose, even if you are unsure what it is or how to fulfill it.

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One other thing from this website:

Archangel Michael

Guardian and guide of all Lightworkers

I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and not the other way around. I understand that not everyone is this spiritual or spirtual at all and I love and respect those who are on a different path. But I hope that everyone will embrace some of these changes that are happening because it's so beautiful.

If you have any resources that could help me on my journey please feel free to share! I love you all!


  • Jaci....what a beautiful post! You continue to amaze me with your insight and may be young in earthly years, but I feel you are definitely an "old soul"....I had never heard of this "Lightworker" concept interesting! I wondered if it might apply to me, since I have had such an extreme, life changing reaction to Michael's death, but I'm not sure if all the criterion apply....I will say though that I feel I could be described as an empath...a person who intrinsically feels the emotions of others and feels the need to connect and help if at all possible….maybe I’ve always been this way, but until Michael’s “death”, I wasn’t as aware that I possessed this quality, how important it was to me or what it could mean to me….now that I have “discovered the man I never knew”, pretty much everything about my life has changed….before, I was often depressed and negative….now I gravitate toward the light like a moth fluttering around the flame…I’m helpless to stop it and thank God for that, for my life has been turned upside down by it all and most definitely, for the better….the best comparison I can make is this: it was as if my pilot light had been extinguished and Michael was the furnace repairman who relit it! (lol)….I feel warm inside again…I think of others more and most often, before myself…I seek out ways to brighten others’ days….I feel like that lyric in Amazing Grace….”I was lost, but now I’m found”….I know I will never go back to that person I used to be. I don’t know if any of this qualifies me as an actual “Lightworker”, but I do find the concept to be fascinating. I am very gratified to read how much you’ve been helped by Michael during your life….there can be no doubt that his spirituality has a purpose “for you and for me and the entire human race”….I look forward to hearing more stories of his global impact and count myself blessed to now be aware of the beauty of his L.O.V.E.!
  • Jaci....what a beautiful post! You continue to amaze me with your insight and may be young in earthly years, but I feel you are definitely an "old soul"....I had never heard of this "Lightworker" concept interesting! I wondered if it might apply to me, since I have had such an extreme, life changing reaction to Michael's death, but I'm not sure if all the criterion apply....I will say though that I feel I could be described as an empath...a person who intrinsically feels the emotions of others and feels the need to connect and help if at all possible….maybe I’ve always been this way, but until Michael’s “death”, I wasn’t as aware that I possessed this quality, how important it was to me or what it could mean to me….now that I have “discovered the man I never knew”, pretty much everything about my life has changed….before, I was often depressed and negative….now I gravitate toward the light like a moth fluttering around the flame…I’m helpless to stop it and thank God for that, for my life has been turned upside down by it all and most definitely, for the better….the best comparison I can make is this: it was as if my pilot light had been extinguished and Michael was the furnace repairman who relit it! (lol)….I feel warm inside again…I think of others more and most often, before myself…I seek out ways to brighten others’ days….I feel like that lyric in Amazing Grace….”I was lost, but now I’m found”….I know I will never go back to that person I used to be. I don’t know if any of this qualifies me as an actual “Lightworker”, but I do find the concept to be fascinating. I am very gratified to read how much you’ve been helped by Michael during your life….there can be no doubt that his spirituality has a purpose “for you and for me and the entire human race”….I look forward to hearing more stories of his global impact and count myself blessed to now be aware of the beauty of his L.O.V.E.!

    Thank you for your reply! It is so great to hear other's stories and to see how other people are changing the world, one by one. We are changing the world by changing ourselves! Or, perhaps we are changing the world by finally BEING ourselves!

    I personally believe we are all "lightworkers" in a way, if we choose to be. I think we are all the same and all different. We are all spiritual beings, even the ones who don't know it yet. The world has us all conditioned to accept our ways of being. Many are not aware of it, and if they are, it's easier for them to just keep ignoring it. For me, I've never been able to ignore it no matter how hard I tried. That's how I know it's apart of my purpose. I spent most of my life trying to find ways to fit in. Now, I spend it just being me and inspiring others to do the same. The more I focus on who I really am, the less and less I care about fitting in. The term "fitting in" should be done away with altogether!
  • Wow what an amazing person you are and i share how you feel.

    For me personally i have spent my whole life feeling i don't belong here. I have no idea why i feel this way but i do. I spend my time feeling that i am looking into life from the outside, if you can understand what i mean. How can i explain it.... if i am siiting in a traffic jam i feel that i am just following everyone else and that i shouldn't be here. I feel every day that i am trying to conform to what society wishes of me and not who i really am. I have also had a angelic encounter. And yes i am very serious about that and can describe in full detail that experience. And no i truly am not nuts. I hold a professional job and feel its my job to help the people i see.

    Moving on from that i feel for you also. My daughter has just recently been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and this disorder is completely soul destroying for her. I see her suffer on a daily basis with things that most people take for granted. My duaghter aslo feels she is here for a reason and i have never spoken to her about my experiences. My daughter wishes to save this planet, in particular animals. She is very passionate about planets, the environment and in particular aninmals. She is highly sensitive to the needs of others to the point where it causes her to be in pain. for example one christmas we were both returning from shopping and we stopped off to get a bite to eat. Sitting on the bench was a gentleman who was clothed in no more that a thin shirt and trousers..bearing in mind it was the middle of winter. He had definatly been drinking. As we got out of the car my daughter just stood there, welled up and said 'mum we must help this man' My answer was love the man has chosen to be a drinker, please don't get involved with this. My daughter was adamant that she wasn't going to eat until w had a least fed this man. so i agreed we would buy this man some hot food but stated that she must never approach a man like this on her own. after all you have to be careful. We brought this man some hot food and told him to go straight to the salvation army centre to get shelter. My daughter taught me so much that evening. She is amazing.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    You all are lights in the world already.
    That's your purpose for being with us:
    being a light to bring a smile, a hope, an endurance, an idea, an action into life and give L.O.V.E. a chance.

    Keep going... may God bless you always.
  • Wow what an amazing person you are and i share how you feel.

    For me personally i have spent my whole life feeling i don't belong here. I have no idea why i feel this way but i do. I spend my time feeling that i am looking into life from the outside, if you can understand what i mean. How can i explain it.... if i am siiting in a traffic jam i feel that i am just following everyone else and that i shouldn't be here. I feel every day that i am trying to conform to what society wishes of me and not who i really am. I have also had a angelic encounter. And yes i am very serious about that and can describe in full detail that experience. And no i truly am not nuts. I hold a professional job and feel its my job to help the people i see.

    Moving on from that i feel for you also. My daughter has just recently been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and this disorder is completely soul destroying for her. I see her suffer on a daily basis with things that most people take for granted. My duaghter aslo feels she is here for a reason and i have never spoken to her about my experiences. My daughter wishes to save this planet, in particular animals. She is very passionate about planets, the environment and in particular aninmals. She is highly sensitive to the needs of others to the point where it causes her to be in pain. for example one christmas we were both returning from shopping and we stopped off to get a bite to eat. Sitting on the bench was a gentleman who was clothed in no more that a thin shirt and trousers..bearing in mind it was the middle of winter. He had definatly been drinking. As we got out of the car my daughter just stood there, welled up and said 'mum we must help this man' My answer was love the man has chosen to be a drinker, please don't get involved with this. My daughter was adamant that she wasn't going to eat until w had a least fed this man. so i agreed we would buy this man some hot food but stated that she must never approach a man like this on her own. after all you have to be careful. We brought this man some hot food and told him to go straight to the salvation army centre to get shelter. My daughter taught me so much that evening. She is amazing.

    Thank you for sharing!!

    I have tears reading about your daughter. Reminds me so much of myself when I was a little girl. My mom has many stories I am sure. I would cry for days if I saw an animal die or if I saw something sad on the news. Social situations were always very, very difficult for me as well. To this day, socializing is not easy for me. I have a group of very close friends that I feel comfrotable with, but I prefer to have one on one time with them instead of going out and doing something in public. Those situations make me feel very uneasy.

    And in response to your first paragraph about yourself, I know and understand your feelings, truly. There is at least one moment of everyday that I think to myself, "I do not belong here". I used to tell my mom that often when I was a kid too, and she always took it the wrong way like I was suicidal or something. It's not that at all, it's just a frustrating feeling that this world is not our home. And surely, it is not. It is a temporary home. I keep growing more and more spiritually, and the more I learn and grow the more I feel closer to that "at home" feeling that I've never really had. I have found quiet solitude, particularly in nature, to be very helpful. Just making time to sit and stare at the beauty in all creation does wonders, to feel the wind blowing and the sun on my face reminds me of where I came from. And of course, sometimes I bring my Ipod and listen to Michael <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I have also found that exercise and healthy food helps me a lot. The spirit can be affected through the body, and vice versa.
  • Here is some more general info on lightworkers and a link to a great thread on MJ possibly being a lightworker.

    Lightworker (now-n);Any being dedicated to the cultivation of inner presence and the elevation of awareness in self and other selves. This being is called a lightworker and is an evolutionary step toward a state of "LightBeing"
    What's happening in the world?
    There is an awakening happening all around the world. And that awakening involves you and every being that exists on our lovely home planet, mother earth. We are truly entering a renaissance of spiritual evolution, an evolutionary process that proceeds and transcends the physical. Our wisdom stems from coming to understand how little we conceptually know about life, god, the universe and everything, and embracing the fundamental truth of inherent divinity within all life.

    What is a Lightworker?
    Everyone is a Lightworker whether they know it at all. Just as truth is truth whether anyone knows it or not. The real question arises then, "Am I aware of who I am?" Behind all labels, behind all self created illusions of mind and ego, or social dogmas and masks, there lies the truth, the answer to that question. Just as the Sun shines bright both day and night, it is only the movement of the planet and clouds that obscure it from view. But the sun is always shining. A Lightworker is awake to this truth, aware of their true presence and living in accordance with the divine plan. All beings that exist are a channel between eternal, formless heaven and the temporary world of form and illusion, earth. Why am I here? One does not always need to consciously realize the answer to this question, but living your life purpose is achievable in every moment, right now. Sit in peaceful contemplation, in pure awareness. Allow yourself to be present in every moment and feel within the depths of your heart for your inner truth, your guidance. The work is easy and the burden is light. Your true essence of being is so vast, it is beyond any concept, any word, thought or form. A Lightworker then is any being, who is aware of their true non-dual nature, their eternal "I Am" Presence and acting in accordance with it. A Lightworker is active in enlightenment, or in cultivating enlightenment.

    What is Lightworking?
    Just as the sun rises each morning, to shine its light into the world, so it is with lightworking. To walk upon the face of the planet lightly, light in spirit and bearing, and shine love, happiness, tranquillity and peace into the world. To calm the inner turmoil, to just be, and be at one with who you truly are, to love and honour life as an expression of divinity, to love all that is, that power some call god, and of course to love one and other unconditionally. In being true to the divine presense within all beings, and releasing all false thought forms, all masks and illusions, is the essence of lightworking. In this lightworking emanates love, happiness, joy, faith, hope and inspiration into the inner and outer world. This not only helps to awaken the lightworker, but also to awaken others to their own natural state. What can be called enlightenment, what may be called ascension. A Lightworkers divine mission then comes to life, as one enters the flow of creation and maintains the presence of awareness without being caught up in the turmoil of the creation. This is done in the service of all. For all beings (self included), all the time.

    What does a Lightworker do?
    All life exists for a sacred purpose. A Lightworker, that is a being, aware of their true presence, their inner awareness and non-dual nature then becomes a vehicle for divine activation. This role is a very simple and a natural one. When the illusionary self is dissolved into the true sense of being, the IAM presence, a being begins to shine and resonate this mandala field of pure state bliss. The transition starts from Lightworker to Light Being. This activation can occur anywhere, in any situation, in all places, roles and demographics, from the mother at home to the soldier in the military, even in the depths of the darkest regions of human nature this blossoming occurs. It can be slow, or instant. It has been this way for eternity. For all the people, all the time. All for one and one for all. This is the effortless state of being, devoid of all grasping, all seeking. This is existence under a blue sky, and bright sunshine, exposing all to the life giving energies of our divine source.

    What is the Light Energy?
    Light Energy has many names. Some names include, the oriental Chi, Yin and Yang, the Indian Prana, and the Greek Aether. The light Energy pervades all. It encompasses all things. It is of the source, but not the source. It is the flow itself. It is the essence of all things. The primordial essence of spirit before it manifest into form. It is from where all things emanate, and all things return. It is the stuff of stars and the stuff of souls. We see it, and experience it in this material world as both form/matter and energy vibration. We experience it as thought and emotions. All these things are waves on the primordial ocean, resonating in various frequencies. All energy is frequency, and all frequency is harmony. Everything before you now is connected through frequency. The sounds you hear.. Do Re MI Fa So La Ti DO.. to the light you see.. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Magenta, Violet, RED, winding its way up through the frequencies. Even the course elements of matter are connected to this harmony H,He,Li,Be,B,C,N. Each is the same, just operating on a different frequency, at a different harmonic. All is Light.. All is Energy. And its master is divine consciousness. We are constantly, directing spirit into form, thought, actions and endeavours. The question arises. "From what level of consciousness to I create?" This will determine the results and experiences of life. Each being, operates in various levels of consciousness. Yet when creation emanates from the source itself, free from resistance and obstruction, divine will manifests. Heaven is made manifest on earth. The cards are stacked for growth and learning. We will be guided by angels or pushed by demons.

    Where do I start?
    Being a Lightworker is both very easy and very hard. How hard is it to be the real you? Are you prepared to let go of everything? Think of who you will be when all form and material life is gone. That is the real you. Are you prepared to forgive and release all? There is nothing you must do, it's all about what you no longer need to do. To stop hiding, to face the true awesome reality of who and what you are, free from all illusions. Are you a thinking, breathing, centered person? Do you control your ego, or does your ego control you? Do you live in a state of awareness or reaction? Where are you looking for your answers? Within or without? These are all serious questions we must contemplate and come to accept for ourselves.. To "Know Thy Self" beyond mind, beyond ego, beyond words is the first and only step.

    Is there anything else I can do?
    Once the flow of creation is embraced, great energy is released, life becomes the adventure it truly was meant to be. What needs to be done, will present itself in every moment. All that needs to be accomplished, resolved and understood, will be. Be present, be still within the vortex of creation, in humble awe. We are all children of the one source, we are all babes. Take time out, take it easy, awaken and reconnect within yourself at your own pace. Take nothing personaly. Meditation, practicing awareness, observing your thoughts and mind flow are all stages of re-awakening to your true enlightened nature. Allow it to happen just as a flower opens itself to the sunshine each day, so too will you blossom when the time is right. Remember, in this creative experience, this world of perpetual change and form, everything is a perfect manifestation in relation to the consciousness that is creating it. The world is a mirror. Every moment brings with it a perfect experience that is tailored by you, for you. Learn from it. For many, this can be a hard truth to face.

    Are Lightworkers religious?
    Lightworkers are not bound by any religion or ideology. If you are part of a religious organization then so be it. That's just perfect for you. But in this world of form, change is inevitable. Lightworkers are not a religious ideology. There is a vast difference between spirituality and religion. Many religions formed to assist the process of re-awakening in practitioners and adherents. They can all point the way, but only serve as tools and methods. The tools used to build the house, are not the house.

    What about God?
    There is no concept that can define God. That power some call God is the source of all. It is the over arching divine consciousness that guides and directs all life in form and non form. We know God by knowing our true selves. We do not need to consciously understand, rationalize or define God for God to be real. Like us, God Just IS. We accept there is great power in who we are, and the processes of how we each came to be. Yet each is free to formulate their own interpretation of what that power is, yet to do so may prove futile. HOwever we can come to understand aspects of God. LIke the fact that God pervades each and everyone of us, exists both within us, around us and is intricately connected to us. God works, with us and through us and for that we honor and love God through divine service and existing in a state of least resistance to God. We honor the process and honor our own role within it. To see through the illusionary nature of form and see clearly each and every beings, non dual nature. To see the God aspect in each other, and to love God.

    What about Ascended Masters, Messiahs & Prophets?
    Each are free to follow their inspirational hero's and teachers throughout history. And each should never fear to question, rationalize, or reason. But realize the ever changing nature of thought. Go within to the source for guidance. Believe what you will, but do so in deep consultation with the inner master. In Spiritual teachings you will surely find wisdom, in your questions you will find reason, and in your doubts, you will find learning and growth. But in awareness you will find the only perspective that truly matters.

    Shine on. Love always..

    Source: <!-- m --> ... ightworker<!-- m -->

    Thread on MJ possibly being a Lightworker: <!-- m --> ... opic=11661<!-- m -->

    I really enjoy reading your stories and I hope this information helps you guys with this thread. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Thank you Looking4truth!
  • Thank you for your reply! It is so great to hear other's stories and to see how other people are changing the world, one by one. We are changing the world by changing ourselves! Or, perhaps we are changing the world by finally BEING ourselves!

    I personally believe we are all "lightworkers" in a way, if we choose to be. I think we are all the same and all different. We are all spiritual beings, even the ones who don't know it yet. The world has us all conditioned to accept our ways of being. Many are not aware of it, and if they are, it's easier for them to just keep ignoring it. For me, I've never been able to ignore it no matter how hard I tried. That's how I know it's apart of my purpose. I spent most of my life trying to find ways to fit in. Now, I spend it just being me and inspiring others to do the same. The more I focus on who I really am, the less and less I care about fitting in. The term "fitting in" should be done away with altogether![/quote]

    I like this, Jaci....reminds me so much of "Man In The Mirror"!
  • Thank you Looking4truth!
    No problem. I figure I give to this thread in my own way. I have had several amazing experiences since the beginning of this adventure. So many that I have a whole blog about it. I truly believe this adventure has been a push towards my ongoing spiritual awakening and I am very thankful to be apart of this journey with you guys.
  • Thank you Looking4truth!
    No problem. I figure I give to this thread in my own way. I have had several amazing experiences since the beginning of this adventure. So many that I have a whole blog about it. I truly believe this adventure has been a push towards my ongoing spiritual awakening and I am very thankful to be apart of this journey with you guys.

    Looking4truth....I would be very interested in reading your blog....would you be willing to share the link?
    Thanks and peace to you!
  • Thank you Looking4truth!
    No problem. I figure I give to this thread in my own way. I have had several amazing experiences since the beginning of this adventure. So many that I have a whole blog about it. I truly believe this adventure has been a push towards my ongoing spiritual awakening and I am very thankful to be apart of this journey with you guys.

    Looking4truth....I would be very interested in reading your blog....would you be willing to share the link?
    Thanks and peace to you!

    I second that, I'd love to follow your blog!

    I've been wanting to start one myself, but I'm not really sure how/where to start.
  • Thank you Looking4truth!
    No problem. I figure I give to this thread in my own way. I have had several amazing experiences since the beginning of this adventure. So many that I have a whole blog about it. I truly believe this adventure has been a push towards my ongoing spiritual awakening and I am very thankful to be apart of this journey with you guys.

    Looking4truth....I would be very interested in reading your blog....would you be willing to share the link?
    Thanks and peace to you!

    I second that, I'd love to follow your blog!

    I've been wanting to start one myself, but I'm not really sure how/where to start.

    Thanks guys. I didn't want to make it look like I was spamming hence why I didn't put the link on here. I'll PM it to you two.
  • Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts and feelings in such a beautiful way jacilovesmichael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . The feeling of being alienated from 'normal' society is far more widespread than most realise and its thanks to brave souls like you who express this that many more are now free to open up and join this loving community of like minded souls. This gives me great comfort in these changing times because it means we are on the right track and giving those who are lost in the darkness and confusion a completely unconditional hand to hold along this journey. I am not surprised at all that you no longer suffer from debilitating anxiety and panic attacks, as you say, you along with many others are discovering who we really are and this is such a safe place to be. Here, we can trust because the light within us is pure love and it will protect us because it is who we are.

    I have been on this path for several years now since I had a full awakening, I went from a 'normal' person to completely awakened within literally a few hours. Because of this happening to me years prior to Michael hoaxing his death I have witnessed the true impact Michael is having on this growing light being brought to Earth, he has made it blossom into something magical. I have seen those grow and develop from nice caring people who feel the pain in the world to empowered and awakened warriors who have come to 'know' our true origins and instinctively 'know' what we are here for. Feeling this light as our very essence is what this change is all about and sharing it is the only way to heal Earths pains, despite the reactions we all get from some people. Our world is experiencing a rebirth and I believe this is the meaning of the extra 'S' in pains as the main use of the extra 'S' is in labour painS.

    We are at a pinnacle moment now and I can see things changing more rapidly month by month and right now I can feel the Earths energy almost springing to life. This energy is very strong and can be quite breath taking. I have been gifted with a global sense of vibrational awareness, I have become very sensitive to energy changes and it can be quite a struggle to hold myself down when they they decide to take a big step up, I hope you understand what I mean, staying grounded is challenge at these times. A lot of the time the energy rises steadily but at certain points I can feel a very significant jump to a new level.

    During labour we are often advised to relax and let your body do what it instinctively knows how to do and more often than not, people fight the sensations because it is a bit scary and the feeling is very powerful. It is much the same here, our light within is in the process of birth and once we know we can trust it, we can then relax and the pain and anxiety floats away because the fear has gone, this is no different to childbirth if you research the true history of it. Many people who sense something changing will be afraid and thanks to people like you, this fear will be met with love and understanding. We are all important and are playing a vital role here and united we are a powerful and magnetic force for positive change.

    It seems the internet has become a magical and profound tool for connecting souls and bringing light to life. The internet is crucial to changing the world because we are the ones we have been waiting for, we are now finding eachother and are building a solid foundation for others to see and join.

    Sending you a big cyber HUUUGGG XXX
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    There has been another discussion about this earlier on. Many members were questioning "Why" are we so attached to this forum and finding out the truth? It is affecting our daily lives and consuming our time.....

    I too have had these feeling from when I was a little girl..
    I remember being knee high, we were at a party, and all I could do was look at every body's man has an older and scruffy pair of shoes compared to the other guests, and that made me cry...I always felt like I didn't belong here in this planet, that I am different. I always question why things are the way they are, and over analyze everything. I have a spiritual and telepathic side that is not perfected yet, although I am able to predict the outcome of circumstances. I always feel the need to help people, and am extremely empathetic and wish as a child was to start up a new planet, where there was no "Money", but simple bartering, and people would be responsible for their own actions and possessions, and their would be no power control. Everyone would be equal..!!!
    I love animals, and have recently become a Greenpeace warrior..My son is a total vegan, and he is only seven...and he is also experiencing panic attacks and has very high anxiety.....I have experienced the 11.11 phenomenon since my mother died when I was son is an indigo child....
    Anyway, you are not alone..Love to all...xoxo

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  • Thank you Looking4truth!
    No problem. I figure I give to this thread in my own way. I have had several amazing experiences since the beginning of this adventure. So many that I have a whole blog about it. I truly believe this adventure has been a push towards my ongoing spiritual awakening and I am very thankful to be apart of this journey with you guys.

    Looking4truth....I would be very interested in reading your blog....would you be willing to share the link?
    Thanks and peace to you!

    I second that, I'd love to follow your blog!

    I've been wanting to start one myself, but I'm not really sure how/where to start.

    Thanks guys. I didn't want to make it look like I was spamming hence why I didn't put the link on here. I'll PM it to you two.

    Thanks so much....I look forward to your PM!
  • jaci et al:

    Very beautiful and interesting what you all said... I have a feeling that Lightworkers tend to possess the following traits - in addition to those mentioned in the video one of you posted:
    1. Introversion (in essence)
    2. Attraction to sad things (poor people, dying kids/animals, stories with unhappy endings) rather than glitz/glamour/happy stuff
    3. Great intuition (feeling that they can read most people and situations)
    4. Feeling that they don't belong in this world, and that they get misunderstood quite often
    5. Unhappiness/frustration/anxiety over the fact that they have to conform to societal norms/expectations

    What do you think? I always felt like I was characterised by all of the above (despite my no-nonsense side, haha) and never knew exactly why I felt so different from so many others... I've been trying to understand myself for a long time. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> So yeah, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I think the main challenge for Lightworkers is to survive in this harsh world that tends to "break" the spirit of all empaths, because we're people who feel too damn much! Michael once said he feels the world's pain (don't want to use past tense), and I knew exactly what he meant.

    So stay strong, all of you, and channel the powers within. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> None of us is going to solve all of the world's problems, unfortunately, and we must have jobs and stuff (unfortunately again!), but whenever possible we should do those things we really want to do... which is really to get out of ourselves and help others.

    Sidenote: Don't believe in all those "disorders" and "syndromes" made up by doctors/clinicians/psychiatrists... who are people themselves (and have issues themselves)! Every human has issues and quirks! BE YOU, AND BE PROUD. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Thank you for starting this thread are not alone in your feelings. I have to go right now, but I will post more tomorrow, as I feel that there are many here on this board,that are having "similar" feelings and not knowing what it could mean. many more are "awakening" and I feel that this thread could really help a lot of people.
    Thanks for sharing your story and I look forward to posting more tomorrow.
    Blessings, L.O.V.E and light to you all! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <3
  • Great thread! Good lookin' out, Jaci! Man, y'all don't know the half of it...I can so relate to feeling like I don't belong here. I have that feeling quite frequently! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> =[

    I also feel like a lot of people should have luck in life and should be happy, too.
  • Great thread! Good lookin' out, Jaci! Man, y'all don't know the half of it...I can so relate to feeling like I don't belong here. I have that feeling quite frequently! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> =[

    I also feel like a lot of people should have luck in life and should be happy, too.

    I think a lot more people feel this way than we know, like many have said here. It's really interesting. It's almost as if everyone feels this way to an extend, but some choose to tune it out and just do everything they can to fit in with the crowd. This would really explain all the drinking and drug abuse that goes on, especially with our age group. It's like nobody wants to face their feelings. And the more they try to run from them and mask them the more out of tune everyone becomes with their true inner spirit. We need more people to speak up and be brave, to EMBRACE who they are and inspire others to do the same, even when that means embracing our differences. I personally feel it's our differences that make everything beautiful. But unfortunately, conformity is very popular and it's made everything completely colorless. If that makes sense <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    So shine your light everyone! Let your colors paint a beautiful picture, even if there are some that don't understand the beautiful piece of art you create (your life), they will still be intriguied by it and most likely inspired - even if they never admit it. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    jacilovesmichael thank u very much for this post, i feel like most of you, most of the time i used to feel lonely, sad, even for no reason, life used to be meaningless for me from time to time, Michael's songs and message served as guiding lights in my life, songs like -keep the faith, man in the mirror, on the line gave me strength(and still give) in the worst moments of my life, though i'm still very young, i have seen many misfortunes in my life and when i was nearly to give up, the faith in God and Michael's songs gave me strength,, the day he "died" was one of the worst days in my life, magic, love, wonderment "died" with him, but when i started questioning a lot of odd things about his death i came to the conclusion that smth ain't right, there are alot of not adding up stories about his death, so i started investigating and came to where i'm now, and i'm thankful to this site, because of it my eyes are now open to many things about which i didnt know
  • jaci et al:

    Very beautiful and interesting what you all said... I have a feeling that Lightworkers tend to possess the following traits - in addition to those mentioned in the video one of you posted:
    1. Introversion (in essence)
    2. Attraction to sad things (poor people, dying kids/animals, stories with unhappy endings) rather than glitz/glamour/happy stuff
    3. Great intuition (feeling that they can read most people and situations)
    4. Feeling that they don't belong in this world, and that they get misunderstood quite often
    5. Unhappiness/frustration/anxiety over the fact that they have to conform to societal norms/expectations

    What do you think? I always felt like I was characterised by all of the above (despite my no-nonsense side, haha) and never knew exactly why I felt so different from so many others... I've been trying to understand myself for a long time. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> So yeah, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I think the main challenge for Lightworkers is to survive in this harsh world that tends to "break" the spirit of all empaths, because we're people who feel too damn much! Michael once said he feels the world's pain (don't want to use past tense), and I knew exactly what he meant.

    So stay strong, all of you, and channel the powers within. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> None of us is going to solve all of the world's problems, unfortunately, and we must have jobs and stuff (unfortunately again!), but whenever possible we should do those things we really want to do... which is really to get out of ourselves and help others.

    Sidenote: Don't believe in all those "disorders" and "syndromes" made up by doctors/clinicians/psychiatrists... who are people themselves (and have issues themselves)! Every human has issues and quirks! BE YOU, AND BE PROUD. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    I hope this thread never ends ! Maybe it*s the core of all that happened ! Bless you all !
  • Delia wrote:

    Maybe it*s the core of all that happened !

    Very astute observation, Delia! I like the way you think!

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    jacilovesmichael, about that you said that you felt more old than they really are, it seems that this is a characteristic of a light worker as I have read;

    Light workers carry with them the ability to achieve spiritual awakening faster than others. They carry internal seed for a rapid spiritual awakening. As a result, they seem in faster than most people's one-way if they so choose. This, again, is not because the light workers are in no way souls 'best' or 'superior'. However, they are older than most souls flesh on earth today. This oldest age should preferably be understood in terms of 'experience', more that 'time'.
    Light workers have reached a particular lighting, stadium before it encarnaran on Earth and began his mission.
    His vision of life is nuanced by a spiritual sense of how all things are connected with each other. They consciously or unconsciously carry memories of them in light Globes. They can feel - occasionally - longing for these areas and feel like a stranger in the land.
    -Honor and respect life deeply, which often manifests as a hobby by animals and concern for the environment. Destruction of parts of the animal or plant kingdoms on Earth by acts of man evokes them deep feelings of loss and grief.
  • I am not sure I am a "lightworker" but I have always been different, misunderstood and intuitively gifted. I found this list of questions about Indigo's and answered every one of them yes. I am not sure if Indigo's and lightworkers are the same thing or not but here are the questions.

    How can you tell if you are an Indigo? A good way to "test" yourself is to answer the following:

    Are you always searching for your greater purpose in life but feel like the world isn't set up for your kind?

    Do you sometimes feel wise beyond your years?

    Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?

    Do you feel out of place in today's world?

    Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you?

    Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?

    Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?

    Are you a truth seeker?

    Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?

    Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?

    Misunderstood by family?

    Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?

    Are you emotionally sensitive?

    Did you have a difficult childhood?

    Do you often feel disempowered by too much authority?

    If you can answer yes to many of these questions, then you are most likely an Indigo.

    Who Are the Indigo Children?
    Indigo children are the next step in our evolution. Up until recently, we have evolved as a biological species which searched for spirituality outside itself. But, along with the birth of these new children comes an exciting new evolutionary variation. The Indigo children are born with a biological connection to their own spirituality! They are a bridge to the next plane of humanity in which it is understood that spirituality is a fundamental human biological attribute. What does this mean? It means that part of what makes humanity tick is the spiritual seed within each of us. Even those of us who choose not to acknowledge our own spirituality are still contributing to the overall human experience which is spiritual in nature! The Indigos are simply one step closer, biologically, to the God-Self which exists within us and connects us all.

    Contrary to much of the publicized information about them, Indigo children are not smarter, happier, more creative, or "better" in any way than children who do not carry the Indigo resonance. In fact, the only trait that can be consistently found in every Indigo child, that which sets him or her apart from others, is a heightened sensitivity to surrounding energies. The Indigo's body is very much like a chemistry experiment. If too much or too little of one ingredient or another is added, the experiment will fail. Practically, this means that when a child (or adult) who carries the Indigo resonance comes into contact with environmental energies that are not matching and supportive, he or she can easily fall out of balance. Imbalance usually takes the form of physical or emotional illness.

    There is no checklist of attributes which can be universally applied to test whether or not a child carries the Indigo resonance. The name "Indigo" is derived from observations of biofields. Each of us has an electromagnetic field which surrounds and supports the physical body. Within this field are the various "life colors" we carry. Before about 1965, the color indigo was not a life color in the human biofield. A very few people carried a strand of indigo. These few became the parents of the first Indigo children. So, these children are fairly new. However, despite this new indigo color identified in the biofields of these new children, it would be a mistake to spiritually elevate the Indigo children above other children or adults. Yes, the Indigos have some very important work to do in this life, but so does everyone else. In fact, placing Indigos on a pedestal would, paradoxically, contradict the purpose for which they came to Earth and would most likely result in imbalance.

    So, what is the purpose of the Indigo children? The Indigos are very much a transitional generation, placed here as a bridge during this amazing chapter in our collective human experience. Their purpose is to bridge the gap between the old and the new. They are a unique blend of third-dimensional old energy existence, and the imminent shift into the new energy's higher dimensional ways of being. They stand as a beacon of hope for the future, ushering in a time of love, strength, and peace. Many Indigos will have great third-dimensional challenges in this life. Because there are so few parents and educators who understand what is happening, there will continue to be friction between the old and the new. But, just as the struggles of the generations before allowed for the introduction of these amazing new children, so too, will the Indigos' struggles pave the way for the generations to follow. The Indigo children will force parents to re-evaluate their parenting strategies and educators to re-structure their schools. The Indigos will be a force of love which will quietly, but surely bring about changes in the way we relate to one another. They will force changes on a mass scale, away from competition, toward cooperation. And when they're finished, something really exciting will begin to happen…
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