Calling all Lightworkers :)



  • OMG !
    I just can NOT believe it.
    What has been posted before is EXACTLY me ! As Jaci said : it's like I'm reading my OWN words. I agree with EVERYTHING posted above. We're the same. WE'RE ALL ONE !

    I wanna thank Michael for bringing us together, for his songs, his speeches, his charity work, and most importantly for sharing his LOVE with billions of people around the globe ! I believe it's the most precious thing.

    My life has completely changed since the 25th June, and more confidant, spiritual, sensitive. My current situation is like I'm living 2 lives in two different worlds. My own world helps to escape the reality. That's why I refuse to leave those forums no matter what will happen at the end, it's my real home. It's here where I can be 100 % myself. I don't like spending HOURS in front of a cold machine but I didn't that through this cold machine, I'll recieve so much love and support which is something impossible in reality <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    I'm usually unheard, misundertood or ignored <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> That's part of my life.

    I'm 14 yrs old and I feel comfortable with FEW people, I'm totally unlike my classmates. They have something different going on in their minds as popularity, money, sex ... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
    I'm not into that, that's why I don't have friends. I have ONE loyal friend, we know each other since the elementry school and we became close the three last years. This year, we are not in the same class, we meet from time to time only. I didn't make new friends since our separation.
    I CAN finally deal with loneliness now.

    While writing this post, I was interupted by my mom who was screaming and shouting because I had my cat in the bedroom. I don't care if she doesn't like animals, I do. I don't want my cat out. I NEED this animal's love. I couldn't bear what she was saying <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I'm SICK, I'm really tired of this world. I can't cope anymore. I almost gave up with humans ! I'm DONE ! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Sweetheart, I just want to give you a hug. I cannot believe some of the things I'm reading, I feel like your post was me when I was in high school. 14 years old was about 7 years ago for me but it feels like yesterday. I had SUCH a hard time socially. In a way, it was alright because I was able to get along with all different kinds of people, I didn't really fit into one group or "clique". It was difficult though because all my friends growing up turned out to be the "jocks" and the "popular kids" in high school so I grew further and further apart from the ones who I thought were my friends. I've learned now that true friends are NOT the ones you've known the longest. And a social life is definitely not measured by how many friends you have. The quality of the relationships is so much more important than quantity.

    I feel for you sooo much because high school is SUCH a hard time for everyone, ESPECIALLY sensitive people like us. There will be many times you feel like giving up, like running away or just withdrawing into yourself. There will be lots of challenges. But please listen to my words and believe them... it's going to be okay! One day, awhile from now but not too long in the scheme of things, you are going to be thankful for those tough times, and you will find a way to live in this world happily. The problem with high school is that everything is almost created for you, there is little choice in the activities done in high school and I really think this is why so many turn to drugs and sex like you say.Our human spirits long for a chance to create things, even if one isn't aware of it. But once you realize that your spirit isn't made for the little box they try to put you in, and once your done with all those obligations, you will truly start to find your way and your painful experiences will only add fuel to your fire that will burn bright for everyone to see.

    The only other advice I have is to start a journal if you don't have one. That helped me so much to sort through my feelings, and often times allowed for creativity to spark. When I was upset, I would just start writing and sometimes the coolest stories or poems were the result, and suddenly a bad day became a good one <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Also, try to keep in touch with the friend you were talking about. It's very hard to do when you don't see each other much, but maybe try to make time after school or something. And if not, try not to close yourself off completely. I know what its like to feel like nobody understands you, and maybe that nobody is really the type of perssn you want to be friends with. But I also found out in highschool that there are a lot of kids just doing whatever it takes to fit in, and that there is something different, something more in their hearts. So instead of joining in with groups of people, I would try to catch people when they were alone (in the library or at their locker or something), and just start friendly conversations. As time went on for me, I made lots of friendships that I never could have anticipated. And sometimes they didn't turn out to be lifelong friends, but just a friend I was supposed to have at that time, in that math class, in that lunch period, etc. It's amazing how we can make heart to heart connections with people that last a lifetime, even when the friendship itself fades away.

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us. If you EVER need a friend to talk to who understands, feel free to PM me. I mean it. I love you already!

    PS - Your mom loves you too. Most parents have just drifted so far from that childhood innocence that it's hard for them to relate to their kids, and animals as well. My mom and I had a very turbulent relationship, but I'm able to see the meaning in it now. To this day she doesn't exactly understand me, but she has accepted me and loved me anyway which means the world.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    I'm glad you guys enjoyed's something I've cherished for years. It also has reminded me of Michael many times...although he didn't write it, I think he would love it as well.

    @Doctor Death...your post has intrigued me. There were many times in my life (even nowadays) where my 'faith' in a 'divine creator' is challenged...yet, I somehow always come back to a 'feeling' that He/She/It does exist...just perhaps in a way that we can't understand. It may be too personal a subject for you--and if it is, I understand. But I would be very interested in knowing more of your 'story', if you are comfortable in doing so, and what finally led you to your conclusion(s).

    With L.O.V.E. always.
  • I too felt so alienated as a child that I actually asked my parents if they had adopted me. Even after they tried to convince me that I was their child and that I was home, I did not believe them and cried myself to sleep many times. At one point it got so bad that I wanted to die.

    WoW! I used to actually tell people "I'm not like them, I was adopted" when I was a child in reference to my family. It used to make my mother laugh so hard because of course I am not adopted. Strange coincidence though. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I also had that terrible feeling of not being understood. Like I was n`t speaking the same language. Through my hole life I have come to see friends as more close to me than my own family.
    I understand this completely! I often have felt that I must explain myself repeatedly as if I am speaking a completely different language and no one is understanding what I mean, no matter how hard I try.
    I also believe that classical music is a direct portal to the divine spirit. I have been painting a few years. At one point I started to listen to classical music while painting and the quality of the paintings went sky high. (IMO) :=) Classical music to me is my way of meditating. You can imagine the smile on my face the first time I read that MJ always listened to classical music ! Don`t have to tell me twice !
    Yes, I also agree with this. I find classical music relaxes me and opens my mind to new ideas and perspectives. I listen to it when I want to be creative or am having a rough time.
    Finishing this off I just want to say that I have never been the big fan of MJ. I loved his music for the beat... loved to dance to his music but never listened to the words. Until he disappeared that is, wow I never knew Mj was so spiritual and he has now moved me with his words more than any other. MJ is now "all" I listen to ( with some classical in between ).
    I had never really listened to Michael's music before June 25, 2009 but the first time I did, I totally got the spiritual messages and also felt moved. I play his songs frequently, they are truly beautiful and have such depth to them.
  • @BeTheChange - I'm crying (Again! haha)... that was absolutely beautiful and you are so right, I feel (once again) that I wrote that myself. It is so true and 100% how I view life. Seeing it put into those words just sparked something in me that I can't explain. This thread itself and the response I've gotten from you all has made me feel like a new person. It's like, acknowledging these things about myself was the first step, but then announcing them to the world and having others feel the SAME as me really just took this huge heavy feeling off my shoulders and replaced it with something a lot more pleasant and useful.

    We need to LIVE THIS! We need to stop hiding from the world, even when it's difficult. Because only light can drive out the darkness. If we sit idly by, where's the fight in that? Omg, that just reminded me of an awesome song. I will post it! More words of wisdom from jaci: Listen to Ben Harper (he's second on my playlist...Michael being first of course!!)! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Here's the lyrics, they remind me of Michael quite a bit!

    Fight Outta You lyrics

    They'll look you in the eyes and stone you
    Then turn and disown you, don't you let them take the fight outta you
    They'll walk all over your name 'til they find someone else to blame, don't let them take the fight outta you
    Secrets hide their lies inside hidden alibis, don't let them take the fight outta you
    They put the world on a hook, it's worse every time I look
    Don't let them take the fight outta you

    I would rather take a punch than not give you a shot
    I'd rather find out who you are than who you're not
    Should have known better than to mistake business for love
    Should have known better than to mistake a fist for a glove

    It will be in your honor 'til you're not needed any longer, don't let them take the fight
    outta you
    Don't believe the headlines, check it for yourself sometimes, don't let them take the fight
    outta you
    The lies you live become you, the love you lose it numbs you, don't let them take the fightoutta you
    They say that you've arrived but that's just a high-class bribe, don't let them take the fightoutta you

    There's always someone younger, someone with more hunger, don't let them take the fight outta you
    They'll say you're the one and only
    Then straight up leave you lonely, don't let them take the fight outta you
    Like a transplant-patient waiting for a donor, don't let them take the fight outta you
    Like a half empty balloon after a party in the corner, don't let them take the fight outta you
  • I'm glad you guys enjoyed's something I've cherished for years. It also has reminded me of Michael many times...although he didn't write it, I think he would love it as well.

    @Doctor Death...your post has intrigued me. There were many times in my life (even nowadays) where my 'faith' in a 'divine creator' is challenged...yet, I somehow always come back to a 'feeling' that He/She/It does exist...just perhaps in a way that we can't understand. It may be too personal a subject for you--and if it is, I understand. But I would be very interested in knowing more of your 'story', if you are comfortable in doing so, and what finally led you to your conclusion(s).

    With L.O.V.E. always.

    I agree, I've been discouraged many times, but I've never really been able to get too far from the feeling of their being a higher power. That's what it is for me, a feeling, a knowing.. not based on logic at all.

    I think there is THE creator, that created us. We then became THE creators, but somewhere along the line, people realized that the concept of creation could be used for evil as well as good, hence the corruption..greed especially. We are still creators, that is what we are meant to be I believe, but we've lost touch with our true potential. We can create our world, and we can create THE world. That is why it's so important for those of us who believe in love and light to keep on creating things with love and light, because the ones who create using fear and darkness surely aren't scared of their power. We cannot be scared of ours, or there will not be a victory. My opinion of course... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Here are a couple other Ben Harper songs... he rocks! I love him, his songs are full of truth and inspiration.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    "With My Own Two Hands"Oh- I can change the world, with my own two hands
    And make it a better place, Oh- with my own two hands
    And make it a kinder place, with my own two hands
    Oh- with my own
    With my own two hands

    Oh- I can make peace on earth, Oh- with my own two hands
    And I can clean up the earth, with my own two hands
    And I can reach out to you, with my own two hands
    Oh- with my own
    With my own two hands
    Oh- with my own
    With my own two hands

    I'm gonna make it a brighter place, Oh- with my own two hands
    I'm gonna make it a safer place, Oh- with my own two hands
    I'm gonna help Jah human race, Yes- Oh- with my own two hands
    Oh- with my own
    With my own two hands
    Oh- with my own
    With my own two hands

    Now I can, I can hold you, Oh- with my own two hands
    And I, and I can comfort you, with my own two hands
    But you got, got to use, Oh- use your own two hands
    Use your own, use your own two hands
    You got to use your own, Oh- use your own two hands
    Oh- with our own, with our own two hands
    Oh, now, now, with our own
    Oh- with our own
    With our own two hands
    Oh- with our own
    Oh- with our own
    With our own two hands
    Come on
    Oh- with our own
    With our own two hands
    With my own
    With my own two hands

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    "Better Way"

    I'm a living sunset
    Lightning in my bones
    Push me to the edge
    But my will is stone

    Fools will be fools
    And wise will be wise
    But i will look this world
    Straight in the eyes

    What good is a man
    Who won't take a stand
    What good is a cynic
    With no better plan

    Reality is sharp
    It cuts at me like a knife
    Everyone i know
    Is in the fight of their life

    Take your face out of your hands
    And clear your eyes
    You have a right to your dreams
    And don't be denied

    I believe in a better way
  • Miss-Zazi95

    You sound like a very sweet and loving young lady. Young at age but an "old and wise soul" !
    Good for you not following your classmates and daring to be unique.

    I would like to give you an advise if I may. Please do not give up on people. There are so many kind and loving souls out there. You have one friend now and I am sure there will come many more. Keep it in your heart that you will find them one day !

    Loving animals is precious. Love is precious. Love and be happy ! L.O.V.E.

    much love
    Thanks for the support and love. I TRY to stay positive and to not give up but sometimes I feel like I'm loosing it. I believe there are kind people but the ones around me are NOT, that's why I choose to not hang out with everybody, I can't trust them, I'm afraid of people <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> When I'm out and I can't wait to be at home and stay as long as possible, it's like I'm hiding all the time.

    I wish I could meet each one of you. You're all nice people. <3
  • Miss-Zazi95

    You sound like a very sweet and loving young lady. Young at age but an "old and wise soul" !
    Good for you not following your classmates and daring to be unique.

    I would like to give you an advise if I may. Please do not give up on people. There are so many kind and loving souls out there. You have one friend now and I am sure there will come many more. Keep it in your heart that you will find them one day !

    Loving animals is precious. Love is precious. Love and be happy ! L.O.V.E.

    much love
    Thanks for the support and love. I TRY to stay positive and to not give up but sometimes I feel like I'm loosing it. I believe there are kind people but the ones around me are NOT, that's why I choose to not hang out with everybody, I can't trust them, I'm afraid of people <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> When I'm out and I can't wait to be at home and stay as long as possible, it's like I'm hiding all the time.

    I wish I could meet each one of you. You're all nice people. <3

    I'd love to meet you too, Zazi. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I can relate to what you're saying. At best I have many associates and now 2 friends. One lives in Tennesee and we've known each other since 8th grade. The other one is a newer friend from college; I met her this semester. She has been very helpful this week, helping me out with business affairs. Both are very sweet. =]
  • Miss-Zazi95

    You sound like a very sweet and loving young lady. Young at age but an "old and wise soul" !
    Good for you not following your classmates and daring to be unique.

    I would like to give you an advise if I may. Please do not give up on people. There are so many kind and loving souls out there. You have one friend now and I am sure there will come many more. Keep it in your heart that you will find them one day !

    Loving animals is precious. Love is precious. Love and be happy ! L.O.V.E.

    much love
    Thanks for the support and love. I TRY to stay positive and to not give up but sometimes I feel like I'm loosing it. I believe there are kind people but the ones around me are NOT, that's why I choose to not hang out with everybody, I can't trust them, I'm afraid of people <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> When I'm out and I can't wait to be at home and stay as long as possible, it's like I'm hiding all the time.

    I wish I could meet each one of you. You're all nice people. <3

    I'd love to meet you too, Zazi. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I can relate to what you're saying. At best I have many associates and now 2 friends. One lives in Tennesee and we've known each other since 8th grade. The other one is a newer friend from college; I met her this semester. She has been very helpful this week, helping me out with business affairs. Both are very sweet. =]
    I'm really happy for you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Friendship is important. Glad that you have 2 loyal friends.
    I hope one day we'll get to meet each other, why not ? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Miss-Zazi95

    You sound like a very sweet and loving young lady. Young at age but an "old and wise soul" !
    Good for you not following your classmates and daring to be unique.

    I would like to give you an advise if I may. Please do not give up on people. There are so many kind and loving souls out there. You have one friend now and I am sure there will come many more. Keep it in your heart that you will find them one day !

    Loving animals is precious. Love is precious. Love and be happy ! L.O.V.E.

    much love
    Thanks for the support and love. I TRY to stay positive and to not give up but sometimes I feel like I'm loosing it. I believe there are kind people but the ones around me are NOT, that's why I choose to not hang out with everybody, I can't trust them, I'm afraid of people <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> When I'm out and I can't wait to be at home and stay as long as possible, it's like I'm hiding all the time.

    I wish I could meet each one of you. You're all nice people. <3

    I'd love to meet you too, Zazi. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I can relate to what you're saying. At best I have many associates and now 2 friends. One lives in Tennesee and we've known each other since 8th grade. The other one is a newer friend from college; I met her this semester. She has been very helpful this week, helping me out with business affairs. Both are very sweet. =]
    I'm really happy for you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Friendship is important. Glad that you have 2 loyal friends.
    I hope one day we'll get to meet each other, why not ? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I was just looking at ur youtube and added u. Your singing is nice. =]
  • OMG !
    I just can NOT believe it.
    What has been posted before is EXACTLY me ! As Jaci said : it's like I'm reading my OWN words. I agree with EVERYTHING posted above. We're the same. WE'RE ALL ONE !

    I wanna thank Michael for bringing us together, for his songs, his speeches, his charity work, and most importantly for sharing his LOVE with billions of people around the globe ! I believe it's the most precious thing.

    My life has completely changed since the 25th June, and more confidant, spiritual, sensitive. My current situation is like I'm living 2 lives in two different worlds. My own world helps to escape the reality. That's why I refuse to leave those forums no matter what will happen at the end, it's my real home. It's here where I can be 100 % myself. I don't like spending HOURS in front of a cold machine but I didn't that through this cold machine, I'll recieve so much love and support which is something impossible in reality <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    I'm usually unheard, misundertood or ignored <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> That's part of my life.

    I'm 14 yrs old and I feel comfortable with FEW people, I'm totally unlike my classmates. They have something different going on in their minds as popularity, money, sex ... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
    I'm not into that, that's why I don't have friends. I have ONE loyal friend, we know each other since the elementry school and we became close the three last years. This year, we are not in the same class, we meet from time to time only. I didn't make new friends since our separation.
    I CAN finally deal with loneliness now.

    While writing this post, I was interupted by my mom who was screaming and shouting because I had my cat in the bedroom. I don't care if she doesn't like animals, I do. I don't want my cat out. I NEED this animal's love. I couldn't bear what she was saying <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I'm SICK, I'm really tired of this world. I can't cope anymore. I almost gave up with humans ! I'm DONE ! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Sweetheart, I just want to give you a hug. I cannot believe some of the things I'm reading, I feel like your post was me when I was in high school. 14 years old was about 7 years ago for me but it feels like yesterday. I had SUCH a hard time socially. In a way, it was alright because I was able to get along with all different kinds of people, I didn't really fit into one group or "clique". It was difficult though because all my friends growing up turned out to be the "jocks" and the "popular kids" in high school so I grew further and further apart from the ones who I thought were my friends. I've learned now that true friends are NOT the ones you've known the longest. And a social life is definitely not measured by how many friends you have. The quality of the relationships is so much more important than quantity.

    I feel for you sooo much because high school is SUCH a hard time for everyone, ESPECIALLY sensitive people like us. There will be many times you feel like giving up, like running away or just withdrawing into yourself. There will be lots of challenges. But please listen to my words and believe them... it's going to be okay! One day, awhile from now but not too long in the scheme of things, you are going to be thankful for those tough times, and you will find a way to live in this world happily. The problem with high school is that everything is almost created for you, there is little choice in the activities done in high school and I really think this is why so many turn to drugs and sex like you say.Our human spirits long for a chance to create things, even if one isn't aware of it. But once you realize that your spirit isn't made for the little box they try to put you in, and once your done with all those obligations, you will truly start to find your way and your painful experiences will only add fuel to your fire that will burn bright for everyone to see.

    The only other advice I have is to start a journal if you don't have one. That helped me so much to sort through my feelings, and often times allowed for creativity to spark. When I was upset, I would just start writing and sometimes the coolest stories or poems were the result, and suddenly a bad day became a good one <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Also, try to keep in touch with the friend you were talking about. It's very hard to do when you don't see each other much, but maybe try to make time after school or something. And if not, try not to close yourself off completely. I know what its like to feel like nobody understands you, and maybe that nobody is really the type of perssn you want to be friends with. But I also found out in highschool that there are a lot of kids just doing whatever it takes to fit in, and that there is something different, something more in their hearts. So instead of joining in with groups of people, I would try to catch people when they were alone (in the library or at their locker or something), and just start friendly conversations. As time went on for me, I made lots of friendships that I never could have anticipated. And sometimes they didn't turn out to be lifelong friends, but just a friend I was supposed to have at that time, in that math class, in that lunch period, etc. It's amazing how we can make heart to heart connections with people that last a lifetime, even when the friendship itself fades away.

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us. If you EVER need a friend to talk to who understands, feel free to PM me. I mean it. I love you already!

    PS - Your mom loves you too. Most parents have just drifted so far from that childhood innocence that it's hard for them to relate to their kids, and animals as well. My mom and I had a very turbulent relationship, but I'm able to see the meaning in it now. To this day she doesn't exactly understand me, but she has accepted me and loved me anyway which means the world.
    WOW ! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> I'm speechless !!
    I had tears while reading your post. I read your reply some hours ago but I was not able to respond. I couldn't stop thinking of what you wrote, it's incredible ! We're so much alike ! Words aren't enough to describe what I feel.
    Your post gave me alot of strenght.

    I use to write whatever it crosses my mind when I'm sad. I wrote some poems. I just realized that it helps alot. I also draw but I'm not so good at that lol !

    I must confess, I sometimes feel like I worth nothing, like I'm nobody. My parents don't like when I tell them that they are wrong, and God knows that I don't mean bad in that. I tell them to not judge people for example but they think I'm disrespectful towards them, but I'm not, what's wrong with me ? They are like ' You kid, don't need to tell me what I should or shouldn't do, I'm a full grown man and I dont need YOU to teach me, I know what I'm doing ' Always HUGE fights about that. Hey but I didn't mean to disrespect you, I was simply trying to ... *sigh*
    I know they love me, but kind of love is that ? No more hugs, no more playing, no more fun with parents ??!! They are too 'serious, old, busy' people to hug their 14 yrs old daughter. Ok I get it. I'm aware that most parents behave as mine, but the other kids don't care, that's why they turn to drugs and other scary stuff, but I DO care about love. I need to be loved, that's all.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    10/10/10 is suppose to be a very powerful day as another crystal in Oregon will be activated' Lightworkers will understand what I am talking about.
    Here is a sweet video in honor of 10/10/10
    <!-- m --> ... u9m8NnWeYY<!-- m -->

    Blessings Love and Light to you all!
  • Speaking of friends, I mzt my friend this evening, we spent about hours chatting and telling jokes, it was great, she wished I could stay, but I had to go home <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    My apologies if my last post was disapointing <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Hello, brothers and sisters. I'll translate the e-mail I sent to a friend for you to understand what it meant yesterday his message to me. But first translate another e-mail to understand why his message is synchronous:

    By the way, I'll tell you something funny that happened to me ...

    tonight that we have just had no, the previous ... I lay down on 2:30, just before sleep began to beat a part of the face with pain and a little voice told me it was connecting me something, opening something for the dream ... and dreamed of many things, many ... but barely remember anything, just the feeling that was important, very important and remembered maps (something old), on Latin America, about getting into college and Drunvalo. I woke up and thought I had slept much, but still it was dark so I figured that would be just before dawn. I get up, grab your mobile and are 3:20 (approximately), so I had not slept for one hour.

    I take the computer, I get to talk to forest (a friend) confused by what had happened and my forehead starts to happen something ... to beat again, with tingling ... I close my eyes, trying to know what happens, if they were receiving information or ... is becoming stronger, and in my temples had electricity, like I was connecting to something ... Part of my forehead and my crown chakra and begin to open and fair part behind my forehead begins to hurt, stabs gave me ... I put on some music and relax and start to feel energy around my head and is working to speed very many ... I think I will get so if in a dream and go to bed (around 6:30 or 7) and I've been sleeping until about 2:30 am today ... I woke up confused, and helpless and feeling a little guilty ... I remembered that when I got up to pee over my dream and I was also ... stressed, as with remorse ... I suddenly felt bad ... I mourn leaving me sitting and I began to think I was well ... xq and was thinking is that this is not what I had to be doing, I did not come here to do this, my life has been a completely different x than it should have come to do. (While I was thinking these things was analyzing it and noting that this happens in the tenth revelation when actors remember their "revision of life"). I can not remember is that I have to do is, is that I can not remember, do not know, do not know ...

    good, and thoughts as well ...

    you think?

    now the e-mail about your message:

    Well, yesterday spoke with Forest and told him what had happened to me (what I told you by e-mail) and we talked about it was my time to remember that and just say that I will not try to get it out by force, I'll try being a little distracted yet so attentive, and will, if I xq effort and blocked me. I come when I had to get a picture, text, video, a dream or was ... and minutes later, less than 5, I am reading a forum mike, new issues and there is one who writes a person who begins to tell about his life and it was like reading me my ... said he had always felt that something had been awakened, he had always felt like that did not fit into this matrix, it was not his place and was lost and was medicated for it xq clear, others did not understand. This person was born on 11 of 11 and yesterday I was watching the day tooodo onces, was born in 86, like me and says he has heard that in that year began to be more potent that change of consciousness. I had always snet certain things and had come here to do something important (like all) but it was not until Michael's death happened that really woke ... when he died he felt he was dying, like me, but thanks to suddenly feel so attached to Michael was able to investigate and this led him to awaken, as it happened to me. He says he was finally feeling what I had come here, I was remembering what he had to do, which was a light worker (like everyone else, no?) But until now had not noticed, but it was, xq now saw their time had come to start what to do. And leaving a link with a small explanation on trabajadopres of light in which they said was very common for these people arrived with a great connection but was also very common at one time may have felt so lost for the injustices of life addictions end up having to cover its high sensitivity and appear to others, but never ceased to feel they had come here to do something big and to feel it again sometime ... and of course, there were no other examples, no? addictions and had to be precisely to cover the sensitivity and the interior so different, no? as I did ... is that it was: O is that it happens to everyone, not just me, but of course ... so that leads me going on these days and tell you that right after I came to this forest because it was ...... hahaha
  • Really the translator is a shit ... I am going to leave it in Spanish and probably you could find a better translator:

    Hola herman@. Ayer tu mensaje me llegó como algo sincrónico por algo que ha estado sucediendome estos días. Para que lo entiendas voy a dejarte dos e-mails que mandé a una amiga y en los que podrás encontrar la información necesaria:

    e-mail 1:

    Por cierto, te voy a contar algo raro que me ha pasado...

    esta noche que acabamos de pasar no... la anterior me acosté sobre las 2:30, justo antes de dormirme empezó a palpitarme una parte de la frente con dolor y una vocecita me dijo que se me estaba conectando algo, abriendo algo para el sueño... y soñé muchísimas cosas, muchísimas... pero apenas recordaba nada, solo el sentimiento de que era algo importante, muy importante y recordaba mapas (algo antiguos), sobre latinoamerica, sobre entrar en la universidad y sobre drunvalo. Me desperté y pensé que había dormido mucho, pero aun era de noche así que deduje que debía ser justo antes del amanecer. Me levanto, cojo el móvil y son las 3:20 (aprox), por lo que no había dormido NI UNA HORA.

    Cojo el ordenador, me pongo a hablar con bosque confusa por lo que había pasado y empieza en mi frente a pasar algo... a palpitar otra vez, con cosquilleos... cierro los ojos intentando saber que pasa, si es que estaba recibiendo informacion o que... cada vez es mas fuerte, y en mis sienes habia electricidad, como si me estuviese conectando a algo... la parte de mi frente y mi chakra corona empiezan como a abrirse y la parte justo de detras de mi frente empieza a doler, me daban pinchazos... me pongo algo de musica y me relajo y empiezo a sentir como energia alrededor de mi cabeza y esta trabajando a muchisima velocidad... pienso que no me va a llegar asi si no en sueños y me acuesto (sobre las 6:30 o 7) y he estado durmiendo hasta casi las 2:30 de la madrugada de hoy... me he despertado confusa, como impotente y sintiendome algo culpable... he recordado que al levantarme a hacer pis a lo largo de mi sueño también me sentía así... estresada y como con remordimientos... de repente me he sentido mal... me he sentado y dejandome llorar me he puesto a pensar xq me sentía así... e iba pensando: es que esto no es lo que tenía que estar haciendo, no he venido aquí a hacer esto, mi vida se ha ido x un camino completamente diferente de lo que tenía que haber venido a hacer. (mientras iba pensando estas cosas iba analizandolo y recordando que esto pasa en la decima revelacion cuando los protagonistas recuerdan su "revision de vida"). Es que no consigo recordar que tengo que hacer, que es, es que no consigo recordarlo, no lo se, no lo se...

    bueno, y pensamientos así...

    que opinas?

    e-mail 2:

    Pues ayer hablaba con Bosque y le decía lo que me había ocurrido (lo que te conté por e-mail) y hablabamos de que había llegado mi momento de recordar eso y justo le digo que no voy a intentar sacarmelo a la fuerza, que voy a intentar estar un poco distraida pero a la vez atenta y que asi saldrá, xq si no me fuerzo y me bloqueo. Que me llegaría cuando me tuviese que llegar en una imagen, un texto, un vídeo, un sueño o como fuese... y unos minutos después, menos de 5, estoy leyendo un foro de mike, los temas nuevos y hay uno que escribe una persona que empieza a contar sobre su vida y era como leerme a mi... decía que siempre había sentido que había estado algo despierta, que siempre se había sentido como que no encajaba en esta matrix, que no era su lugar y que se perdió y se estuvo medicando por ello xq claro, los demás no lo entendian. Esta persona nació el 11 del 11 y yo ayer estuve tooodo el día viendo onces, nació el año 86, como yo y dice que ha escuchado que en ese año empezó a ser mas potente ese cambio de conciencia. Que siempre había snetido ciertas cosas y que había venido aquí a hacer algo importante (como todos) pero que no fue hasta que pasó la muerte de michael que despertó de verdad... que cuando murió sintió que se moría, como yo, pero gracias a sentirse tan unido de repente a Michael pudo investigar y eso le llevó a despertar, como me pasó a mi. Y dice que por fin estaba sintiendo lo que había venido a hacer aquí, que estaba recordando lo que tenía que hacer, que era un trabajador de la luz (como todos, no?) pero que hasta ahora no sé había dado cuenta, pero que así era, que ahora lo veía xq había llegado su momento de empezar lo que debía hacer. Y dejaba un link con una explicación pequeña sobre los trabajadopres de la luz en la que decían que era muy frecuente que estas personas llegasen con una gran conexion pero que tambien era muy frecuente que en cierto momento se sintiesen tan perdidos por las injusticias de la vida que acabasen teniendo adicciones para tapar su gran sensibilidad y parecerse mas a los demas, pero que nunca dejaban de sentir que habían venido aquí a hacer algo grande y en algun momento volvían a sentirlo... y claro, no había otros ejemplos, no? tenía que ser adicciones y precisamente para tapar la sensibilidad y ese interior tan diferente, no? como yo hice... es que fue :O se que esto nos pasa a todos, que no soy solo yo, pero claro... con lo que me lleva pasando estos días y que justo despues de decirle eso a Bosque me llegase eso pues fue...... jajaja
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