TMZ Live 10-14-10: Zero Evidence

TMZ Live 10-14-10: Zero Evidence
10/14/2010 9:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff



Entire video here: Part 4


  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Thanks for posting this Serenity, I hadn't watched it yet today. I'm so glad Harvey and Mike finally addressed this and told it like it really is!! Thanks guys. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I am SO excited by this!
    Piece by piece.........
    Thank you so much for posting this.
    You made my day!

    Blessings Always!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Ok so I just watched the whole TMZ Live from today - they don't exactly exonerate Michael but they did in fact make the most important point - there was absolutely no evidence that Michael harmed any child. Hopefully some people who thought otherwise saw it and will re-think and realize that Michael was DONE WRONG and that someone was out to get him for whatever reasons (money, to destroy his rep, etc). One of my best friends actually thought all along that MJ was guilty until she was this video:


    I know you all have probably seen it before but his reaction is so genuine and anguished that it really should erase doubt from anyone's mind.
  • Thank you so much for posting this Serenity! This is they type of video that needs to be shared on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and any other social network site out there. This is the truth and it needs to be shouted from the mountaintops. It makes my heart feels better knowing that people in front of the camera are making the truth known now but it still really saddens me that it's taken this long. Is there any true vindication? I'm beginning to wonder.

    Sorry - I wish I was happier. I just feel so bad that it's been 5 long years since the trial and it took Michael's "death" in order to make this happen.
  • I just think it would be great if a TV show would be created that has people like this, who have seen the evidence and know the facts, state on camera for the whole world that they never saw anything that suggested that Michael ever did anything to a child. Ever. There are soooo many people who know the facts, who have seen the evidence and know this to be the factual truth. And I'd just love to see them all (or a bunch of them anyway) on one show stating for the record for the whole world that Michael Jackson was INNOCENT. I know it'll never happen, but it would be nice.
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    It would be a Godsend if all of them can come together and admit that they were wrong and misjudged Michael. I really wish they would have a show or something so that many people who actually thought Michael was guilty and after seeing all the evidence can come together and just say that they were wrong about him and that he is in fact a kind hearted, gentle, loving and caring human being.
  • Thank you for posting :O)
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    That's cool that people are starting to realize MJ was innocent. Now TMZ is backing this up right after Taj MJ's nephew was on Twitter the other day saying that their goal is to clear MJ name. It's like every since MJ supposed death there have been different things happening in stages. First there were the custody battle stories and the question about MJ's kids being his or not. Then stories about illegitimate children. Then the outrageous stories like the stun gun incident and The whole MJ having a boyfriend story. Notice we haven't even heard a peep from that guy since he made the allegations against MJ. Now we're at the stage where MJ name is being cleared. It's like chapters of a book leading to the moral of the story. You can tell MJ was innocent looking at that video. When they ask him those questions his reactions were like Oh my God I can't believe they're even asking me stuff like this. It's like he felt disgusted. Hello if MJ really did those things to children then why do kids love this man so much? Kids know good vs. bad. They are innocent and can see things that we adults can't. My little niece is in love with some MJ.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    What's next? Is TMZ going to announce there is 0 evidence that Michael is dead?
  • When Harvey turned the camera around I was completely expecting to see Michael sitting there in a director's chair... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    What's next? Is TMZ going to announce there is 0 evidence that Michael is dead?

    This has made my day. Zero evidence and yes I agree Uncle Harvey when do we get ZERO evidence MJ is dead. yup no evidence he's dead blah blah that's it. Now, I saw how Uncle Harvey was looking down and away any body language experts who can read into stuff here. Mike is innocent cleaning the reputation of a good man. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Thank you so much for posting this Serenity! This is they type of video that needs to be shared on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and any other social network site out there. This is the truth and it needs to be shouted from the mountaintops. It makes my heart feels better knowing that people in front of the camera are making the truth known now but it still really saddens me that it's taken this long. Is there any true vindication? I'm beginning to wonder.

    Sorry - I wish I was happier. I just feel so bad that it's been 5 long years since the trial and it took Michael's "death" in order to make this happen.

    Something about your question just touched my heart, so I had to reply, I can feel a certian sadeness. Yes there is vindication, God's vindication which is in his time not ours. God's time is not the same as man's, often times that is why some do not believe he exist, because we want to see justice, immediately, and in some cases that just does not happen. But he is ruler of all, and his justice will come to fruition. For those of us who believe, we must not loose faith in the darkest of our hours, or trials, this is the time to hold fast to our faith. God is our light, his light shines forever, I hope this brings you some comfort....
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    Thank you Harvey & Mike!!

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    the second video of micheal .ALWAYS breaks my heart................he is in pain there..............SORRY MICHEAL that ANYONE ever hurt you................i feel ashamed of them for you ...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thank you so much for posting this Serenity! This is they type of video that needs to be shared on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and any other social network site out there. This is the truth and it needs to be shouted from the mountaintops. It makes my heart feels better knowing that people in front of the camera are making the truth known now but it still really saddens me that it's taken this long. Is there any true vindication? I'm beginning to wonder.

    Sorry - I wish I was happier. I just feel so bad that it's been 5 long years since the trial and it took Michael's "death" in order to make this happen.

    Something about your question just touched my heart, so I had to reply, I can feel a certian sadeness. Yes there is vindication, God's vindication which is in his time not ours. God's time is not the same as man's, often times that is why some do not believe he exist, because we want to see justice, immediately, and in some cases that just does not happen. But he is ruler of all, and his justice will come to fruition. For those of us who believe, we must not loose faith in the darkest of our hours, or trials, this is the time to hold fast to our faith. God is our light, his light shines forever, I hope this brings you some comfort....

    Great post themjkiss and the best is yet to come. God bless you.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Thank you so much TMZ.
    The truth was needed. Lets hope other news outlets follow suit.
  • Thank you so much TMZ.
    The truth was needed. Lets hope other news outlets follow suit.

    Tweet that video, spread it like crazy!

    SD, thanks for making and uploading it, I hope you won't get in trouble for it as I know that stuff from TMZ gets removed from youtube channels due to copyright claims.
  • HeartbreakerHeartbreaker Posts: 8,644
    Thank you so much TMZ <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and Thanks for posting this Serenity! You made my day too! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Thank you so much TMZ.
    The truth was needed. Lets hope other news outlets follow suit.

    Tweet that video, spread it like crazy!

    SD, thanks for making and uploading it, I hope you won't get in trouble for it as I know that stuff from TMZ gets removed from youtube channels due to copyright claims.

    Oh don't worry I shall be!

    What do you think of making a #NOEVIDENCE hashtag? Gonna have to look up how it's done, but I think it could spark peoples curiosity!

    Thank you also Serenity!
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    @ Serenitys_Dream
    Thank you very much!!!!! That's wonderful <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Thanks, Serenity, for posting the videos. I sincerely love the last one posted about Mike. I hadn't seen it.

    It is about time that someone (one sliver of the media) is coming out and addressing the fact that there was NO EVIDENCE in the molestation cases. However, isn't it about time that mainstream media start doing the same???? I believe Mike deserves to be vindicated from all the lies (the bullshit) that he has had to endure. Frankly, this has been upsetting to me, and I feel that the wheels of positive change are turning too slowly!!!!! When will the truth become more pervasive to the public masses????? Only then, do I suspect, that true vindication will result!
  • Thank God! Finally somebody speaks this loud and clear! We may criticize TMZ from time to time - but they can do a real GOOD job if they want! <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Finally a breakthrough..... the foundations have been laid to clear his name in a number of ways. Lets hope that they are built upon layer by layer so that eventually the name "Michael Jackson" can be said and not have it be synonymous with child molester. It is a positive step towards repairing the damage that he should NEVER had to suffer. Despite the soul destroying allegations that cut to the core of his very being he has remained a survivor and hopefully this process will lift some of the untold burden he has been carrying around for too many years. He said himself :" People will never know just how much these false accusations have hurt me", yet he always found the strength to continue what he does best and let the 'talent speak for itself'............... and he WILL do this again. Let the healing and justice begin!!
  • Finally a breakthrough..... the foundations have been laid to clear his name in a number of ways. Lets hope that they are built upon layer by layer so that eventually the name "Michael Jackson" can be said and not have it be synonymous with child molester. It is a positive step towards repairing the damage that he should NEVER had to suffer. Despite the soul destroying allegations that cut to the core of his very being he has remained a survivor and hopefully this process will lift some of the untold burden he has been carrying around for too many years. He said himself :" People will never know just how much these false accusations have hurt me", yet he always found the strength to continue what he does best and let the 'talent speak for itself'............... and he WILL do this again. Let the healing and justice begin!!

    themjkiss - thank you for your uplifting message. It was like drinking cold water on a hot day. I needed to be reminded that it's in God's timing, not ours. God bless you.

    BlackJack - your words bring hope to this weary soul and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My spirit becomes overwhelmed with grief whenever this topic is discussed and it's as though my spirit bears witness to his the pain and suffering that he's had to endure.

    I know that these are steps in the right direction and they will gain momentum, which is encouraging to see. I am looking forward to the day of total vindication for Michael.

    No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:37
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Finally a breakthrough..... the foundations have been laid to clear his name in a number of ways. Lets hope that they are built upon layer by layer so that eventually the name "Michael Jackson" can be said and not have it be synonymous with child molester. It is a positive step towards repairing the damage that he should NEVER had to suffer. Despite the soul destroying allegations that cut to the core of his very being he has remained a survivor and hopefully this process will lift some of the untold burden he has been carrying around for too many years. He said himself :" People will never know just how much these false accusations have hurt me", yet he always found the strength to continue what he does best and let the 'talent speak for itself'............... and he WILL do this again. Let the healing and justice begin!!

    Oh my goodness BlackJack you made me cry.
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