HERE IS THE LINK from MJHoaxEvidence
very interesting and there is more to come!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
love You all lots 'Keep The Faith' and "It's all for love' L.O.V.E!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
New Zealand!!


  • ScreamScream Posts: 203
    Thanks for posting this and giving me the confirmation about "Michael".

    They are ripping the fans off.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    why is michael allowing this.?????????????????
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    I got about 2 minutes into the video and had the urge to ebay a speak n' spell and mash the ' E T I C U P' buttons.
  • <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Ok before we all start thinking we are being conned!

    We need to think about the evidence being presented, to me its a bit like the media presenting things, but with no evidence, its all hearsay, dont get upset! I could have made this video with some electronic voices and said what I believed was the truth <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Dont mean to say its the TRUTH. Just cause you read it in a magazine, on the tv screen or video screen dont make it factual. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Just my opinion, but you are of course entitled to your opinion also <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With Love as always.

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Thankyou for sharing this...I am now even more confused then before. I wish I could believe everything in this video. I want to soooo much, but I've become very cautious and find it hard to trust anymore........I hope this is all true.. God bless you xoxoxo
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This is the guy she is talking about......not much in the looks, but he does sound alot like MJ.

  • Has Karen Faye ever said anything like that? "Michael is alive for ME"...I can't remember..??

    All I remember is her biting my head off on twitter telling me Michael is dead and to deal with it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Other than that, this info feels like it's legit to me... but no way of really knowing. I think it all makes a lot of sense though...
  • Interesting about the voice double. You know, that would make so much sense. Especially for those of us who have been listening and scrutinizing every line of every song. We've all said that sometimes it sounds like Mike, and sometimes it doesn't... Hmm.
  • This is the guy she is talking about......not much in the looks, but he does sound alot like MJ.


    You're right... he wouldn't fool anybody based on his looks but wow, that voice. He's got it down. I'm amazed. I have no doubt now that there could be doubles used on the new album. In my opinion though this particular singer is almost TOO good though to the point where we might not be able to tell the difference, kinda scary. He's not perfect live, but I would imagine in a studio setting (when he doesnt have to dance and get out of breath) he would be even more impressive.
  • ok for one thing about "questions from the insider" all these questions and answers are believable but we have also been told NOT to believe all we hear and read. The answers to the questions asked are a bit depressing. Once again i wish i hadnt watched this video but once again...it fills me with doubt. These kinds of videos actually upset me extremely. I hate being filled with DOUBT. Stop this coaster i want off NOW. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • Thank you for sharing this video with us. I am confused because if Michael hoaxed his death (and I believe he did) then wouldn't he have planned this album's release as well as be involved? How is it that he wouldn't have any involvement in that if Sony is a part of this? Maybe I need to hear that again but it doesn't make sense.
  • OK, I'm confused about 1 thing in those answers from "the insider":
    On the one hand Sony is involved in the hoax and working with Michael, but on the other hand it's releasing an LP which is a rip-off?! Then WHY is this album being released? I don't get it. Is this just a formality (Michael pretending to be doing albums for Sony and getting paid for it), while the fans are told by Randy (the voice of reason) that it's not MJ on the tracks and basically fans shouldn't buy the album? Is it only Randy we should listen to? But again, how can Sony promote something that Randy is trying to sabotage, if Sony is working with MJ?

    Did any of you know of Robert Alexander Giles? I didn't, and he's pretty good indeed...
  • Has Karen Faye ever said anything like that? "Michael is alive for ME"...I can't remember..??

    All I remember is her biting my head off on twitter telling me Michael is dead and to deal with it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Other than that, this info feels like it's legit to me... but no way of really knowing. I think it all makes a lot of sense though...

    KF probably said so many things to so many people that it's hard to verify! I'm not aware of such a statement by KF, but then I don't follow her. I agree that the answers seem legit*, and I personally fail to see an agenda (at least as yet). If she's trying to persuade people not to buy the album, she's pretty much only saying what Randy said... And I feel she has a point about Randy being the best friend to MJ (of all his male siblings - I noticed she said male). She hasn't said anything sensational (like Michael will BAM in a month)... only that we should watch out for developments, the O2 concerts are going to happen, and Michael is being assisted by various agencies (which I truly hope is the case!). I don't think there's any harm in listening to this person and making up our mind as to whether to believe her or not.

    I found the point about Michael's outfits during rehearsals very interesting. I personally never thought about that, and don't recall seeing such an opinion expressed... though who knows, someone might have said it.

    * Except for the 1 point I'm confused about (previous post).
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    This is such an interesting set of videos....thank you for posting!
    The thing that stood out to me was the word, "loyal". She used it to talk about herself and again about Randy Jackson.
    She talked about how, because of her loyalty to Michael, she would not reveal any return dates etc., correct? Is she being loyal to Michael in making these videos? I sense, yes. I think perhaps even this set of secret insider videos is being, "produced". I had my hunches from the first one, and now fully realize it. Michael must be behind these. Not that it's him talking etc...(however....) but, that he is staging it all. It seems scripted for some reason. But, I do get the sense that loyalty is in play with these videos.

    The other thing I want to touch on is the new album. She briefly said something about piracy and downloading of music. One of the things I see happening is just that. The, "leaking" of this music is really interesting to watch. The only songs I have heard off the new album are:
    Breaking News, Hold My Hand, and One More Chance.
    As far as I can tell, these are the ones that TMZ had on their site. It was linked and they played. It seems like there a many, "snippets" and "full versions" to download, however, I am not about to download a thing. I will wait for the album to hear them. I don't want to download something that is not supposed to be out yet. It's not right for me to do that. I have wondered why it seems to be a popular thing to do. Am I incorrect with thinking this? To download a song that hasn't been properly released is wrong....or am I in a cave? Now, that being said I heard parts of Another Day on YouTube way back when.....but only parts and not a download scenario. I never went looking for the whole song etc. Downloading all these MP3s off the new album seems wrong....or do you pay for them, if so who? Unless it's on itunes or something real, I steer clear. I have never opened a download link, so I might be way off base. I just know that when the album hits the stores, I'll buy it. I like what I have heard so far.....through TMZ. However, I even question the validity of that at times. I did feel sort of guilty hearing/seeing the music....why, I don't know. Like I said, I might be way off base....been known to happen, lol.
    Anyways, thanks again for the video....very interesting. Hope you all have a most excellent day!
    Blessings Always!
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    could this be a deliberate ploy on michaels part...to show sony .as asses...................they take the fall......maybe that is his intention.only a thought.love to all.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • ScreamScream Posts: 203
    Interesting observation, I've kind of entertained the thought about it being scripted, too. But I think it's one of those thing's we'll only find out when he returns and everything becomes a lot clearer.

    BTW, One More Chance isn't on the album. It's being released as part of the short-film package.
  • wishingstar:
    Yes, the leaking of these songs is puzzling... It is not Michael's MO (modus operandi), as Akon said in an interview I just watched here somewhere. Akon said Michael wanted to build expectation in people, and to then offer them the fully finalized version of the album (not leak anything ahead of time). I feel that this leaking is giving the fans (well, those paying attention, like us) an extra reason not to buy the album! Hmm.
  • Thanks for posting this and giving me the confirmation about "Michael".

    They are ripping the fans off.

    Michael or not, I don't think 8 pounds (UK) is a huge price to pay for a collection of nice songs. It's the price of a lunch in London, if not less. But of course it's an individual decision whether to buy the album or not.
  • ScreamScream Posts: 203
    I've just bought Another Day from HMV for 99p. I'll try and post it on YouTube for everyone else to make they're own decision.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I blogged about this back on September 8th, 2010, and happened to reread it the other day, and it more or less applies so I'm copying it here:
    Consider this Earth Song thing; the version they showed us at the Grammys that was supposed to be the full! complete! yet before unseen! version was NOT full, complete, or unseen at all… in fact it was exactly the same thing we saw in TII… ok actually a shortened version of the shortened TII version……. and then the REAL full, complete, unseen version shows up randomly on YouTube or Facebook, as if it was delivered directly to the fans instead of being sold to them by Sony (TII) or the media (Grammys).

    This is just one example as well. The weird J5 Facebook page has interesting videos that really genuinely are unseen and available no where else. I can’t explain that away, it just is the case. It’s a little like Michael is handing us his REAL work directly, with no big corporate middle man who has an agenda. No agenda, just entertainment…. if we are just a little patient.

    With the Earth Song Grammys thing and TII too, he’s making them (Sony/media) look like idiots for over billing something and then not being able to deliver on the hype. “See the man you never knew”, huh? what in TII was the MJ we never knew? “Never before, unseen full version of Earth Song in 3D!!” Huh? That was a cut up version of TII Earth Song and the 3D was really poor. The audience leaves feeling let down or cheated. This is in gross violation to Barnum’s philosophy of doing business, one which we know Michael emulated. Interesting to note that P.T. Barnum is remembered in part for the great lengths he went to expose how his competitors swindled their customers.

    I know I felt a little cheated after TII, especially with no Thriller short film. What they showed was like a trailer or teaser short. I know I felt a WHOLE LOT cheated after the Grammys with Earth Song because the marketing hype was so obvious that time, they CUT Earth Song, not showed the extended version! They lied and I was fuming for days over that.

    Come to think of it, this happened with TII too. Remember the full HD version of TII was available to be viewed online for free while it was still in theaters? Not on opening night but before the two week run was finished there it was, one click and you’re watching This Is It in HD, full screen, on your PC, no download necessary.

    You could also get the song This Is It online for free.

    It will be interesting to see if that happens with the “new” album Sony is throwing (up) out in November. Maybe just maybe he’s been trying to prove that in advance of this release too, like: don’t bother spending your money, it’s going to be available free online. F*ck Sony, lol.

    Is it a game?
  • ScreamScream Posts: 203
    Sorry guys, I'm only allowed to download it from the 13th. Wish they'd told me that before they took my bloody money! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    I've been following the vid channel & I find it very interesting & done in a professional manner.

    With regard to the imitator, I think he is very good, but I didn't personally find his voice to be to close to Michaels voice, that I would be mistaken.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    The video of the voice duble is really amazing, i got goose bumps while listening to him, he really does sound like Michael and the "insider's" theory about using his voice in some episodes of TII does sound possible for me, however the worst thing about the "insider" is that we won't know anything for sure:she can really be an insider as well as she can be just a sick troll. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> I wish she were real
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Thank you for sharing this video with us. I am confused because if Michael hoaxed his death (and I believe he did) then wouldn't he have planned this album's release as well as be involved? How is it that he wouldn't have any involvement in that if Sony is a part of this? Maybe I need to hear that again but it doesn't make sense.

    I didn't understand that part either... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Honestly, there is nothing in this video that we haven't talked about or speculated on. Many of the answers that the "insider" gave we already know. To me, this person may or may not be an insider but we're not really given any more info, just more to speculate on. This hoax is and has always been progressing daily, we're given evidence that basically proves Michael is definitely alive but then it's always mixed in with "doubts". If we know Michael is alive, ignore the doubts, that's what I do! Whether we have doubts or not, keep the faith, believe it, will it, because Michael will be back.
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