
  • Thanks for sharing. Here's another video of Robert Alexander Giles:

  • I blogged about this back on September 8th, 2010, and happened to reread it the other day, and it more or less applies so I'm copying it here:
    Consider this Earth Song thing; the version they showed us at the Grammys that was supposed to be the full! complete! yet before unseen! version was NOT full, complete, or unseen at all… in fact it was exactly the same thing we saw in TII… ok actually a shortened version of the shortened TII version……. and then the REAL full, complete, unseen version shows up randomly on YouTube or Facebook, as if it was delivered directly to the fans instead of being sold to them by Sony (TII) or the media (Grammys).

    This is just one example as well. The weird J5 Facebook page has interesting videos that really genuinely are unseen and available no where else. I can’t explain that away, it just is the case. It’s a little like Michael is handing us his REAL work directly, with no big corporate middle man who has an agenda. No agenda, just entertainment…. if we are just a little patient.

    With the Earth Song Grammys thing and TII too, he’s making them (Sony/media) look like idiots for over billing something and then not being able to deliver on the hype. “See the man you never knew”, huh? what in TII was the MJ we never knew? “Never before, unseen full version of Earth Song in 3D!!” Huh? That was a cut up version of TII Earth Song and the 3D was really poor. The audience leaves feeling let down or cheated. This is in gross violation to Barnum’s philosophy of doing business, one which we know Michael emulated. Interesting to note that P.T. Barnum is remembered in part for the great lengths he went to expose how his competitors swindled their customers.

    I know I felt a little cheated after TII, especially with no Thriller short film. What they showed was like a trailer or teaser short. I know I felt a WHOLE LOT cheated after the Grammys with Earth Song because the marketing hype was so obvious that time, they CUT Earth Song, not showed the extended version! They lied and I was fuming for days over that.

    Come to think of it, this happened with TII too. Remember the full HD version of TII was available to be viewed online for free while it was still in theaters? Not on opening night but before the two week run was finished there it was, one click and you’re watching This Is It in HD, full screen, on your PC, no download necessary.

    You could also get the song This Is It online for free.

    It will be interesting to see if that happens with the “new” album Sony is throwing (up) out in November. Maybe just maybe he’s been trying to prove that in advance of this release too, like: don’t bother spending your money, it’s going to be available free online. F*ck Sony, lol.

    Is it a game?

    I'm wondering the same especially with all these random leaks that are not on the album like Slave To The Rhythm and Blue Gangster that are his vocals and are not overproduced.
  • Honestly, there is nothing in this video that we haven't talked about or speculated on. Many of the answers that the "insider" gave we already know. To me, this person may or may not be an insider but we're not really given any more info, just more to speculate on. This hoax is and has always been progressing daily, we're given evidence that basically proves Michael is definitely alive but then it's always mixed in with "doubts". If we know Michael is alive, ignore the doubts, that's what I do! Whether we have doubts or not, keep the faith, believe it, will it, because Michael will be back.

    Did you watch the other videos in that YouTube channel? There's a 3-part one by an "insider" (not sure if the same person) that does a very good analysis of TII. I certainly couldn't do something like that! I found out that the Amazon girl in TII had a double! There were 2 girls for that role... And this is just rehearsal footage?! That "insider" says TII was always meant to be a major feature film, and gives hints that suggest that Michael is heavily involved with Sony (might even be a Sony executive). She also says that Michael goes by several names in Hollywood. Very compelling stuff, in my view.
  • This is getting deeper and deeper by the minute. I always knew that TII wasn't a coincidental. It was obviously meant to be a film. The voice double though is very eye opening though. It's almost freakish.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Honestly, there is nothing in this video that we haven't talked about or speculated on. Many of the answers that the "insider" gave we already know. To me, this person may or may not be an insider but we're not really given any more info, just more to speculate on. This hoax is and has always been progressing daily, we're given evidence that basically proves Michael is definitely alive but then it's always mixed in with "doubts". If we know Michael is alive, ignore the doubts, that's what I do! Whether we have doubts or not, keep the faith, believe it, will it, because Michael will be back.

    Did you watch the other videos in that YouTube channel? There's a 3-part one by an "insider" (not sure if the same person) that does a very good analysis of TII. I certainly couldn't do something like that! I found out that the Amazon girl in TII had a double! There were 2 girls for that role... And this is just rehearsal footage?! That "insider" says TII was always meant to be a major feature film, and gives hints that suggest that Michael is heavily involved with Sony (might even be a Sony executive). She also says that Michael goes by several names in Hollywood. Very compelling stuff, in my view.

    No I haven't seen the other videos yet - I only had time to see the one posted here when I saw it. I will have to watch those other ones, maybe later today. From what you've said, they sound very interesting - I've always thought TII was supposed to be a movie, that the tour was a ruse. It wouldn't surprise me if Michael is in the higher echelons of Sony, considering he owns a huge part of the Sony/ATV catalogue - he may even own a huge part of Sony itself - it would make sense to me, considering all the movie references about MJ. And about him being known by several names rings true to me because of the various alias he supposedly used for "prescription drugs" - I think that was more of a reference to hidden dealings or something. Thanks for the heads up for the other videos!
  • Yeah, I do find those videos very professional, low-key and believable. That person said, for instance, that there were no real auditions for the dancers (most of whom are primarily actors, actually). She also pointed to the LONG list of cast and crew for TII (available at <!-- m -->http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1477715/fullcredits<!-- m -->) and the significant budget: $60 million! If you look at the credits list, you'll also see many people working on 3D stuff. That's for a sequel that's gonna be released. If TII were rehearsal footage for MJ's archives, the 3D stuff wouldn't be needed. That person also pointed to other things in TII which seem to indicate she knows stuff about the music industry and how rehearsals work etc.

    Here's part 1 of the series I'm talking about (there are 4 parts, not 3 - sorry):

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/user/MJHoaxEvide ... UiXdkqy6iQ<!-- m -->
  • Thank you for sharing this video with us. I am confused because if Michael hoaxed his death (and I believe he did) then wouldn't he have planned this album's release as well as be involved? How is it that he wouldn't have any involvement in that if Sony is a part of this? Maybe I need to hear that again but it doesn't make sense.

    I didn't understand that part either... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    me too
    This "lady" contradicts herself and it makes me feel her opinions are totally invalid! This information is incoherent.
  • This is getting deeper and deeper by the minute. I always knew that TII wasn't a coincidental. It was obviously meant to be a film. The voice double though is very eye opening though. It's almost freakish.

    Yes, it's weird when you can't trust your ears anymore, and you don't know what the hell you're listening to! Maybe Michael will focus on movies and let some of these guys release songs under his name - and split the profits. LOL <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> (scratching head)
  • Okay, so I watched this video and I took notes.

    Q: Where the TII dancers aware that this about the hoax?

    A: No, but the signed confidentiality agreements and knew TII was a movie.

    We know this already nothing new there. This has been posted on the board months and months ago.

    A: The dancers/actors believe Michael is alive but they don't know specifics.

    This "insider" has no way of knowing that, this is a theory and we have discussed this at length before. It is common sense that the less people involved in the actual hoax, the more successful the hoax will be. A need to know basis and only those that are very close to Michael and that he trusts would be involved.

    They way Michael is Dressed in the film TII.
    We already know that TII was filmed as a movie and not as rehearsal footage. We are aware of how Michael dressed in his previous rehearsal and in concert, there are many rehearsal and concert footage videos on youtube. All movies have "costumes" and this is not new information at all.

    Return Date
    The "insider" is not able to answer this just as all of us aren't. They are not a true insider and admits that they have "theories" (that is if this person really exists at all).

    We already know about Elvis and the connections with Michael and the possibility that Eliza's court case may reveal that he is actually alive. This has been extensively discussed on the forums, TS posts, LMP discussions etc. and there are many youtube videos about this.

    Branca and McClain
    The "insider' suggests that they may be removed from handling the estate...hmmm
    There have been many questions previously brought up about Branca & McClain from the very start.The family originally tried to have the removed as executors of the estate. They are also handling the Kurt Cobain estate and Courtney Love has been vocal about their mismanagement of that estate and they may very well be under investigation from wrong doing in that case but we do not know for sure. Hazel and Twiggy have been posting on twitter, a forum and a blog all about this for months and we are aware of issues regarding the possibility of a false will etc. A person who works in the entertainment industry may very well be aware of this situation as are any of us in the hoax world. This "insider" is not providing any further information about this situation, it appears that they only know as much as we are already aware of and IMO this is just their "theory" on the situation. Nothing new here.

    Removal of people involved in Epic, Legacy etc.
    The "insider" says that we should be aware that this is going to take place within the next 12 months and we will Michael's hand in that. If this is to take place and was common knowledge to be occurring within the next 12 months wouldn't the people who are going to be removed also be aware of that? and if not they sure would be now..
    You have to ask yourself if a singer/backup singer/dancer (or whatever this "insider" claims to be) would be privy to that kind of information and would Michael actually tell people he was going to instigate that in the future? Also does Michael have that much power to affect these other companies? How much involvement does he have with those record labels and can he influence the day to day business of them and for what purpose? This again comes across as theory based on possible rumours and speculation but is not a fact at this point.

    We are well aware of the TMZ connection. I wrote a post about the connections months ago. TS used that in one of their updates to show TMZ was an "informer". We know TMZ seems to have information before other media and that sometimes TMZ has unusual stories. This is not new to us at all, it has been discussed at length and we are already following TMZ faithfully. Nothing new here.

    The TII Dancers Crying at the start of the film
    We know this is it was filmed as a movie and not rehearsal footage, we have known this since the movie was released and have extensively discussed it. The "insider" tells us that it was shot out of sequence. well this is how all movies/videos are filmed. Any movie is actually created in the editing process and it doesn't take an insider to know that nor is it unusual. As for the music during these scenes, this is also not unusual, music is in movies to give ambiance, atmosphere and that is point of music in all movies. It doesn't take an insider to figure that out at all.

    People mentioned as "in the know" on the hoax and that Michael is alive
    The insider does not know for sure who is aware that this is hoax. They use wording throughout the video such as "i believe", "my theories" etc. This "insider: (if the exist at all) is telling us their theories, what they think about the situation and not what they know. There is no doubt that some people know that Michael is alive and others have come to believe that he is alive, just as we have. There is the possibility that some people were brought back into Michael's life at this time to expose them for their previous wrong doings; possibly as a pay back of sorts ie Karen Faye, Randy Jackson come to mind. We have believed from the start that Kenny Ortega was involved and that only makes sense since he was involved in the rehearsals, the production of the movie and has given many clues through twitter and interviews. This is not new information and again previously discussed on the forums. These are theories and speculation about who is involved and these are not facts being provided from an insider.

    Everything that was stated about Sony in the video has been previously discussed by us. The "insider" says that Sony will release "Michael Jackson" material for the next 5-7 years ---> 2015 - 2017. We know about the contract that the estate signed with Sony, it was for 7 years so that's not new. This is also implying that Michael will not be returning for at least 5-7 more years...hmm What about Michael saying that we only have 4 years to get this right ---> 2012. If anything that may be a clue to the final return date that has been chosen and TS has said there was are possible return dates but that there is a final date that Michael has chosen to return by no matter what. In essence the "insider" is no more informed about this than we are. They cover their ass by saying that they wouldn't reveal that anyway because their allegiance is to Michael. I say "Oh really, than what is going on with these videos anyway" this person has no direct contact with Michael and everything they are stating is just theories and many of those can be found on this very forum. Later the informer goes on to say that Michael was still working with Sony. Well we already know this too as there was a contract between Sony and Michael in 2006. This isn't inside information at all.

    Branca & McClain Again
    The Insider previously stated that Branca & McClain are going to be removed from the estate implying that they are "bad" and now they are suggesting that these two are involved in the hoax by knowing that the TII was not rehearsal footage but actually filmed as a movie. The "insider" also says that Branca & McClain have enough material for the next 50 years but in actuality if there is this material is not held by Branca & McClain at all but by the estate and the informer previously suggested that these two would be removed from the estate. CONTRADICTIONS! They can not be both bad and involved in the hoax, this is not making sense and the infromer should make up their mind. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Diane Diamond
    This is not new information we are all aware of Diane Diamond, her agenda, her association with Tom Sneddon. She also appeared on Michael's "Hit List" of those who were involved in working against him. Old news!

    David Manning
    The information on this is readily available on wikipedia and other sources. Not inside information.

    "David Manning" was a fictitious film critic, created by a marketing executive working for Sony Corporation around July 2000 to give consistently good reviews for releases from Sony subsidiary Columbia Pictures. Several blurbs posted under the name "David Manning" were written for the medieval action/drama A Knight's Tale (citing Heath Ledger as "this year's hottest new star!") and Rob Schneider's comedy The Animal ("Another winner!"), the latter of which generally received very poor reviews by real critics.

    David Manning was named after a friend of Matthew Cramer, the Sony marketing executive responsible for the insertions. Manning was credited to The Ridgefield Press, a small Connecticut weekly. During an investigation into Manning's quotes, Newsweek reporter John Horn discovered that the newspaper had never heard of him. Horn disclosed the truth about Manning in a June 2001 article in Newsweek, which emerged at around the same time as an announcement that Sony had used employees posing as moviegoers in television commercials to praise Mel Gibson's The Patriot. These occurrences, in tandem, raised questions and controversy about ethics in movie marketing practices.

    On the June 10, 2001 episode of Le Show, host Harry Shearer conducted an in-studio interview with David Manning. The voice of Manning was provided by a computer voice synthesizer.

    Some time after news of the hoax became widespread, actor Bryan Cranston, then a lead in the US television sitcom Malcolm in the Middle, took out a print advertisement in entertainment trade papers recommending his work to Emmy Awards voters. The ad featured positive comments from Mr. Manning as a joke.

    On August 3, 2005, Sony made an out-of-court settlement and agreed to refund $5 each to dissatisfied customers who saw Hollow Man, The Animal, The Patriot, A Knight's Tale, or Vertical Limit in American theatres, under the impression that it would be a great movie due to Manning's reviews.

    I am sorry but IMO this isn't proving anything about Sony and their involvement in the "fabricating Michael's voice" on the album or their actual knowledge of a hoax. I think that Michael has key people involved at Sony but this isn't the entire organization, Michael seems to have specific, individuals involved in different organizations linked to the hoax. The less people involved the more successful the hoax, the more people involve the higher the chances of unintended information being revealed or something being said too early.

    Randy Jackson
    The "insider" states that Randy was Michael's most trusted friend and confidante. I take issue with this statement because I have begun to wonder if Randy is actually in the know and this is for several reasons. This statement has also been written in several tabloids but I am starting to wonder if Randy is a "Judas" figure in all this. Michael was close to Randy prior to 2005. During 2005 it came to light that KF, Randy, Taunya Zilkie (Randy's GF) and others were involved in a fan site in which they were scamming fans. Michael found out closed the site down, refunded the fans money and fired them all. This situation leads me to believe that none of these people are trusted nor close to Michael after this incident. So I will say here that IMO this information from the "insider" is FALSE and reflects badly on their legitimacy.

    "Sparsely used voice" in the new album
    This is feeding into a controversy that already exists and we already know about. In actuality, only 3 of the 10 songs have only been questioned that isn't "Sparsely"; that means 7 of the 10 songs are not questioned as being Michael. This is not a factual statement but purely speculative by the "insider" and anyone else. It also feels like a way of trying to gain credibility by reiterating statements that have been made by others and confirming the beliefs of some people. Confirmation through already held and publicized beliefs; "oh yes, this insider says that I am right in what I thought about the new album, so they must be telling the truth".

    Robert Alexander Giles
    This impersonator seems somewhat famous in his own right for his voice. I don't know if he had this before the hoax began or after as I was not an MJ fan and I have never heard of him before. He looks nothing like Michael so it's pretty doubtful that he is actually in the movie TII (but of course I could be wrong :lol). If there were going to use doubles in the movie, to try and fool us, they would have wanted people who looked similar to Michael wouldn't they?


    Here is his website: http://www.ultimatemjtribute.co.uk/

    The fact that he exists doesn't mean he had anything to do with vocals on the new album and the vocals have supposedly been Forensically analyzed by at least two professionals. It is possible that someone was used to complete the songs but anything is possible. The 'insider' has not provided proof that this is the case though and they are not an expert in Forensic voice analyzation. Again, this is just speculation and providing a possible person who may have been involved. A lot of possibilities but not facts. I would think that a forensic voice analysis, would reveal that the voice had been altered by effects to make it sound like MJ and no reputable examiner would put their career on the line to certify falsely that this Michael, if it wasn't. The reported impersonator who claims to have "possibly" created vocals for the album is named Ricky Galliano and he can't even be sure he actually did that. Seems shady... http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/michael-jackson-impersonator-on-michael_1185856 and he has come up previously on the forums as well.



    To sum it up: These videos are presenting things we are aware of already. The insider doesn't have any information that we haven't previously discovered and is readily available on the Internet. The information is mix of facts, theories, speculations and is nothing new. I make videos too, if I told you I had an informer would you believe me without providing any information about that informer? If I said that I was in contact with an "insider" would it make my videos more believable? If I repeated everything that was already on the forums and presented that in my videos in a chronological way, would you believe that I knew more than everyone else? Would I have more credibility with you even though my source remains anonymous and not even established as an actual source? If I say I have a source, do my theories then become more credible and the truth?

    I could simply say that I have source...
    Do you believe me? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    so serenity......do you reckon we are all being played here........what you say makes good sense to me....i hate the fact that we are being made fools of by people.but i feel sure we are........xxx
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    so serenity......do you reckon we are all being played here........what you say makes good sense to me....i hate the fact that we are being made fools of by people.but i feel sure we are........xxx
  • so serenity......do you reckon we are all being played here........what you say makes good sense to me....i hate the fact that we are being made fools of by people.but i feel sure we are........xxx

    The person making these videos may have been contacted by someone but there may also be no informer. We have no idea what is the truth. If they were, we have no idea who that person is. If there is an informer, they could be a believer, just like the rest of us. They could be someone who works in the entertainment field and has theories but these theories are similar to the ones found on the forums. The problem here is that these videos are presenting this as facts, from someone who has inside information and this is not the truth IMO.

    Someone has been reading and viewing everything that we all have been reading and viewing and presenting this as their very own "inside" information. The videos contain contradictory information and are therefore not giving a clear, coherent picture of the situation and are highly speculative.

    To answer your question, here are some to ask yourself: Do you need to be led or are you a leader already? Do you need to be "informed" about what is really going on here, in this hoax, or do you think for yourself and critically analyze everything that is brought to the table?

    You are only played and made a fool of of, if you allow yourself to be.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    One word for this so called insider: FAKE!!!

    Karen Fake knows about the hoax? Yeah sure! Is that the reason why she curses believers? NO WAY!
    Dancers don't know about the hoax but only know about TII was filmed to be a feature film? Yeah, that must be the reason why they were laughing at the funeral posing next to MJ's LG picture! LOL
    This person didn't tell us anything new. We had already known the things s/he told us about TII. I believe that this is definitely a fake!
  • Thank you for this posting, very well done and interesting. So what she has said it is what we suspected all along it is not MJ singing in the new album.. i can't wait to hear the second part.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Do you think that MJ is behind all the contraversy?

    Wasn't it him who said, "Love a bit of contraversy...bring it on"

    The album "MICHAEL" has received soooooo much attention due to the authenticity of the vocals....is it Michael or is it an impersonator.????? The only way you can find out is by buying the album.

    I say this is the work of a genius! What a great marketing strategy .! Go Michael.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    Well come on Guys!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I really feel everything on that video has been discussed over & over right here on this forum & you could look at this video from either way, but for me it just sounds like something from the whole "Boycott SONY" camp <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Just because this is a well done video does not mean it is more believable <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I enjoy this persons videos they do, they just give information we already know, or know if you done your research more <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Maybe Michael himself is the impersonator in Breaking News, etc. He could be singing in a lower vocal register. not sounding quite like the Michael we have listened to for 40 years but haven't really heard for a decade. Wouldn't that be so Michael?! Someone is definitely stirring the pot....IMHO. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    One word for this so called insider: FAKE!!!

    Karen Fake knows about the hoax? Yeah sure! Is that the reason why she curses believers? NO WAY!
    ehhhh... but we don't really have enough info to decide 100% for sure either way. Maybe she is playing a role as well. It's a distinct possibility, especially after the Breaking News debate and the subsequent statements from everyone that it's real with no further information offered. This debate was purposefully started and the powers that be surely are aware of the BITTER fan war consuming the base and someone should be coming forward with some semblance of explanation for WHY MJ don't sound like MJ... but they don't and they let the war wage on. There's a reason for that and it sure doesn't seem like it's all for L.O.V.E.... much like KF.... but maybe we just don't know the reason why yet.
    Dancers don't know about the hoax but only know about TII was filmed to be a feature film? Yeah, that must be the reason why they were laughing at the funeral posing next to MJ's LG picture! LOL
    Yeah that is strange for sure. But who knows... maybe they are just that shallow, and when the group mentality kicked in, well... human nature, conformity, no real, honest feelings for the loss of MJ in any of them, and it was 70 days after the death, and maybe no one was around when the pic was taken? Cold but... these are college age kids we are talking here and all that respect for MJ might have been largely PR spin and good acting skills. People suck sometimes but MJ isn't everyone's hero.
    This person didn't tell us anything new. We had already known the things s/he told us about TII. I believe that this is definitely a fake!
    That's what people say about TS too (no new info) and I think that's more or less true on the surface. It's only when you look closer or read for content you start to realize what they are exactly saying. Might be a similar case here, just a different medium, voice instead of written word. For example, this Informer told us that the dancers were also listed in IMDb as actors and I did not know that before. I had never seen that on any of the forums, never read it in any blog post or news article, and never heard anyone mention it in any chat or convo, ever previous. Now, I'm not saying I've heard every single hoax related rumor out there but, I've been doing this to an obsessive over the top level since 7/09 and that was brand new info for me.

    I'll stay open minded about it, listen to what they say and throw it up there with everything else and let my brain keep trying to make connections out of the now 546576195970 and 1 loose ends.

    I think we (myself included) ought to be real careful about saying anything is definitely this or definitely that... rather things are more likely then others or most likely of all known possibilities. Like many others have pointed out here lately, all we are going on is theory in the vast majority of what we do here. Theories stand until they are dis-proven. The problem is we are researching an ongoing event and trying to understand and decipher what already did happen as well as predict what will come to pass in the future. Things change, new information comes out, we need to stay open minded.
  • so serenity......do you reckon we are all being played here........what you say makes good sense to me....i hate the fact that we are being made fools of by people.but i feel sure we are........xxx

    The person making these videos may have been contacted by someone but there may also be no informer. We have no idea what is the truth. If they were, we have no idea who that person is. If there is an informer, they could be a believer, just like the rest of us. They could be someone who works in the entertainment field and has theories but these theories are similar to the ones found on the forums. The problem here is that these videos are presenting this as facts, from someone who has inside information and this is not the truth IMO.

    Someone has been reading and viewing everything that we all have been reading and viewing and presenting this as their very own "inside" information. The videos contain contradictory information and are therefore not giving a clear, coherent picture of the situation and are highly speculative.

    To answer your question, here are some to ask yourself: Do you need to be led or are you a leader already? Do you need to be "informed" about what is really going on here, in this hoax, or do you think for yourself and critically analyze everything that is brought to the table?

    You are only played and made a fool of of, if you allow yourself to be.

    Thank you, Serenity. Great analysis. I, too, have no idea if this person is legit but they aren't telling us anything we either don't know, haven't speculated about, or can't find on the internet somewhere. I will listen to what they say but hold the information at arms length.

    Another contradiction that this person made, if I can point it out, is that she says to listen to legit news sites (media), not tabloids. But she also said that TMZ was in on the hoax. Hmmm...last I checked, TMZ is a tabloid, right?

    Also, doesn't it seem odd that she says (in the beginning) "what we're doing is very important to me..." IDK - that just seems very self-seeking to me. I hope I'm wrong.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Sadly, the line between tabloid and legit news is quite blurred. I can't tell anymore. Most networks list TMZ as a source I know that.
  • We need to tread carefully before we assume that the "insider" is correct. Michael has stated many times before (as well as TS) that we need to base our conclusions on evidence---logic and facts and not merely emotion. Do you recall the quote, "Just because you see it in print, or hear it on tv---doesn't make it true"????? Same goes for this medium (Internet video), frankly.

    I am particularly bothered by the "insider's" contradiction to Teddy Riley's opinion that the tracks are all authentic "Michael". After all, are we more apt to believe an individual who is a known friend and associate of Michael's....and one who is clearly not afraid to stand up in front of the world and take ridicule for it OR some "insider" who hides behind a false image and synthesized voice?

    Clearly hype is being generated and timing is everything in marketing. Did you ever find it highly suspicious that this video is released so close to the Oprah interview? No coincidence, I suspect.

    Without hesitation, I will be tuning in to Oprah on Monday only to hear what Teddy has to say on the matter. At this juncture no one else is important.
  • Thanks for sharing. Here's another video of Robert Alexander Giles:


    Is it just me???? I don't think he sounds like MJ. I can tell the difference. Can you?
  • Thanks for sharing. Here's another video of Robert Alexander Giles:


    Is it just me???? I don't think he sounds like MJ. I can tell the difference. Can you?

    michaelsupporter - I agree with everything you said in your previous post, and I can also tell the difference between this guy and Michael.
  • who is the target audience for this video us or non believers?

    can i ask a silly question. the faces that have been given to these voice, are they just random or can they be customized to fit real people?
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