


    But of course !! free entertainement here, thank you medium <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • i never said i am from US so Souza please respect my privacy and delete that post, because what you just did is not legal. people, if you have something to ask about Michael, name it here. i will ask my spiritual guide in a channeling session
  • bonitabonita Posts: 172
    i never said i am from US so Souza please respect my privacy and delete that post, because what you just did is not legal. people, if you have something to ask about Michael, name it here. i will ask my spiritual guide in a channeling session

    Medium, can you please ask your spirit guide if Michael will come back to the public. And if so, when.
    Thank you.
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    i never said i am from US so Souza please respect my privacy and delete that post, because what you just did is not legal. people, if you have something to ask about Michael, name it here. i will ask my spiritual guide in a channeling session

    Medium, can you please ask your spirit guide if Michael will come back to the public. And if so, when.
    Thank you.

    and also.. I want to ask my colleague for a date...what will be her answer?
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    @frog.....that's hilarious!!
  • i never said i am from US so Souza please respect my privacy and delete that post, because what you just did is not legal. people, if you have something to ask about Michael, name it here. i will ask my spiritual guide in a channeling session

    Medium, can you please ask your spirit guide if Michael will come back to the public. And if so, when.
    Thank you.

    and also.. I want to ask my colleague for a date...what will be her answer?
    hope someone gets a quita board for christmas <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    or perhaps an magic 8 ball <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • i never said i am from US so Souza please respect my privacy and delete that post, because what you just did is not legal. people, if you have something to ask about Michael, name it here. i will ask my spiritual guide in a channeling session

    Medium, can you please ask your spirit guide if Michael will come back to the public. And if so, when.
    Thank you.

    Since you are a relatively new member of the forum: The forum has an official question list which can be found as a guide as information for new members on the board index. A lot of unanswered questions have accumulated over quite some months without the adequate answers up to now.
    Would you mind asking your spiritual guide to find the missing clues, investigative members of the forum haven't yet been able to solve, despite trying hard for over a year?
    Your endeavor would be appreciated a lot. The greatest gift you could get in return might certainly be the purity of attention of many a forum member.
  • you guys BOB is saint...it is very popular name for the saint or devil...
This discussion has been closed.