A united front against YouTube-New Mission,are you in?

SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Ok,so as you know and a lot of you got involved with today,there was an hour where believers,non believers(hopefully)Michael Jackson fans and supporters came together to support Deborah French in her attempt to STOP the sickening videos and accounts on Youtube aimed at Michael.

There was only a few links listed in her tweet but most of those accounts have multiple videos uploaded and hopefully people took it past an hour and carried on flagging and reporting them!


Talking in the thread (linked above) some of us have decided this should not be a one off,nor should it only last an hour.
This step towards justice for Michael,his children,family and legacy should be done monthly as a global effort.
Obviously you can flag a video whenever you like but getting this to be a global mission and having everyone-believers,nons,general fans and supporters and event Michael's personal friends-Brett Ratner,etc involved,united together would make a big impact on how youtube operate their website.

They are quick enough to remove videos which have content breaking copyright so they should be able to monitor ALL content at ALL times.
Moderators should be monitoring the site 24hrs a day and words which cause offense to people should be blocked.

Michael gets a lot of stick as it is and if we as a global community can help to erradicate some of that,then I don't see anything bad about it or anything to stop us.

How does everyone feel about this being not just a forum mission but taking it outside and getting as many people involved as possible?
Anything is possible,if you BELIEVE it is.
All thoughts welcome and I hope to see you jumping on board.

Lets bring the rain and kick some fucking ass.

Much L.O.V.E
Sin xo

Original tweet from Deborah French

On Friday 4th February 2011, @DeborahFrench said:

Would you like to take part in a youtube experiment? One designed to do something about the horrific amount of hate videos on youtube featuring Michael Jackson.

A simultaneous targeting of these videos on is planned for Saturday, Febuary 5. Times are detailed below.

Many groups on FB and many here on twitter including @MJJJusticePrjct, @mjsarmy1, @support4mj, @777MJJ, @Luna_respectMJ, @Qbees and many, many others here -- are coming together to promote & participate in this action to try and remove certain youtube videos & users from youtube.

We are hoping you will join us. Here are some simple instructions to accomplish this task.

1: WHEN and WHERE:

WHERE: Youtube
DATE: Saturday Febuary 5, 2011

12:00 PM -- 1:00 PM EST
11:00 AM -- 12:00 PM CST
09:00 AM -- 10:00 AM PST
5:00 PM -- 6:00 PM GMT

2: WHAT:
After you have signed in and /or created your Youtube account, please go to the links below & follow these instructions:

1 Dislike the video (thumbs down)

2 Move across to the Flag icon to your right & click
on it.

3 A drop down box will appear. Select 'hateful or
abusive content.'

4 From there, move your cursor across to the right
and select -- 'Promotes Hatred or Violence'

5 Another drop down list will appear:

- age

- colour

- disability

- ethnic origin

- gender identity

- national origin

- race

- religion

- sex

- sexual orientation

- veteran status

The above list is double-talk by youtube as reporting these kind of videos does not really fit into the categories they show. Personally, I select either race or sexual orientation as these abusive users are promoting an untrue and false lie about Michael Jackson and sexual abuse, and are often racist. Your choices here are not ideal but youtube will not accept your report if you do not make a selection.

3: Who:
Target these Links:









Please Note:
With users -- House of Pain & ultra Propofol -- feel free to work your way through their entire video catalogue, as well as flagging and reporting their home channels.
Results will not show immediately as it takes time for youtube to process reports of abuse.
But if we all do this today & at other dates in the future, we may seriously impact the effort to cleanup the hate on youtube. Other efforts to deal with persistent youtube abusers in relation to MJ are also happening offline.


  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I agree with you. I was shocked at the s**t on there about our Michael. We are "fanily"and it is up to all of Michael's loved ones to protect him. (although I do hope they don't track our ip's and retaliate...) Tell us what to do...I'm still flagging <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • There are HUNDREDS of videos and you sure think it's useless and endless...

    But if HATE had the time to load them on the web, L.O.V.E sure has some more time to flag them all and stop them !!!

    I'm in for this, let's show them how stubborn MJ supporter's can be too !!
  • I totally agree. If those seeking to defame Michael can take the time to create, load, or spread hate, then surely all of those who believe in love, truth, and justice for all can spend the time to stand up against the bullying, hate, and defamation of character against Michael.

    There is a group that gathers to pray every month at the same time for Michael and his family. This is no different except we are showing our support in another tangible way.

    There comes a time we all need to stand together and say "enough". THIS IS IT - This is the time. We need to be that voice for Michael and I'm proud to be a part of this. If we could choose the same time every month it will help to remember and plan ahead.

    This type of bullying goes far beyond Michael but he is the easy target and this needs to stop. We need to put love back in the world.

    Blessings on your day. I think I will end any comments when disputing those videos with "It's all for L.O.V.E.".
  • Should be done every WEEK, to prevent them from having 29 days to be seen.

    If you spend 30 minutes doing FF on Twitter every friday, sure you can give 30 minutes for MJ in your week !

    Put yourself some MJ music for motivation and go for it, flagging as much as you can, and as much as you can cope with.
  • Should be done every WEEK, to prevent them from having 29 days to be seen.

    If you spend 30 minutes doing FF on Twitter every friday, sure you can give 30 minutes for MJ in your week !

    Put yourself some MJ music for motivation and go for it, flagging as much as you can, and as much as you can cope with.

    I totally agree - knowing how much time I've spent just on this site alone...I can find the 30 minutes per week to attack haters on youtube.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Well as I said it is up to the individual,but I have said monthly so,say the 5th or 7th of the month it is a Globally recognised event.
    Everyone has a spare 30mins in the week to do it but realistically,monthly will work better for everyone.

    There is NOTHING stopping ANYONE doing it everyday if they have the time,more often the better!!!!

    I hope you see what I'm trying to say...I FULLY agree to doing it weekly but people find excuses and whatever so I thought having an anchored date that everyone knows will ensure it's followed through.

    J4MJ could go to fl every week but it's the same thing,people would start resenting the journey there and emotional toll so they go the 3rd of every month which is when they believe Michael was put into his final resting place and everyone knows about it,what date etc.

    Am I making sense?
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Should be done every WEEK, to prevent them from having 29 days to be seen.

    If you spend 30 minutes doing FF on Twitter every friday, sure you can give 30 minutes for MJ in your week !

    Put yourself some MJ music for motivation and go for it, flagging as much as you can, and as much as you can cope with.

    I totally agree - knowing how much time I've spent just on this site alone...I can find the 30 minutes per week to attack haters on youtube.
    Yes @voiceforthesilent @whatyourheartsays
    I can do that, now I that know how to do it. These haters are sad individuals and as @StevieBTheTruth said on Twitter A person hates u for 1 of 3 reasons. 1.They wanna be you 2.They hate themselves 3.They see you as a threat #RealTalk
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Brilliant topic Sindrella, it's an awesome idea, there are a lot of sick videos on Youtube, horrible facebook pages which humiliate Michael, they really suck, on my facebook account i'm a member of a group called MJ Supporters against Hate and Racism-http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=100757199965467, so they regularly send me links to report-youtube links, disgusting facebook pages about MJ, other horrible pages, i report them several times a week, i do it regularly,so i think it's time to make those ignorant fools stop the garbage they're spreading about MJ, every time i come across to an MJ Hate group or page, i take it personally and immediately report it(them),my suggestion is whoever can, let's post as many links as we can and report them on a daily basis, if you agree with me, i can post the links each time i come across to them.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Yeah MM it was quite disturbing to see some of those videos earlier,lots of people didn't even know they existed so it was also a learning experience in the worst possible meaning of the word.

    I am suggesting the 5th of every month,since today is the 5th-the first one and it also has the link with 'V'

    What do you think?
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I'm in 100%. Time to kick the hate out and bring the truth in.
  • ImageImage Posts: 108
    I am with you.

    I make report of pages full of hate that are on facebook; many other members of a MJ italian forum often or always make report.

    Bye and thank you, when I can do something concrete, I'll do it.

    We trust you MJ, we are on your side; we are against hate.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm in, but I think we should get the non-believers on board as well. Can someone make a thread on MJJ Community? I would if they didn't hate me that much lol.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I can message J4MJ and see what they say?
    One of them,A UK member runs a MJ radio session on a Saturday so I will pm her and she what she says.
    The people who run it though seem to have a problem helping and 'fighting' when it wasn't their idea............funny that isn't it...I thought it was about Michael not them.
    Go figure..


    Lets do it and see what we can accomplish as a forum!

    Maybe this should be a global thread Souza?
  • ImageImage Posts: 108
    I'm in, but I think we should get the non-believers on board as well. Can someone make a thread on MJJ Community? I would if they didn't hate me that much lol.

    The italian forum I referred in my post is a non-beliver one; one years ago there were many belivers, but now many are not belivers; however they combat so much to defend MJ.
    This is not a very big forum, but anyway it's better than nothing.

    Much love.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Yeah MM it was quite disturbing to see some of those videos earlier,lots of people didn't even know they existed so it was also a learning experience in the worst possible meaning of the word.

    I am suggesting the 5th of every month,since today is the 5th-the first one and it also has the link with 'V'

    What do you think?

    The 5th is a good idea Sind. I'm totally in.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Maybe this should be a global thread Souza?

    Consider it done!

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    On Friday 4th February 2011, @DeborahFfrench said:

    Would you like to take part in a youtube experiment? One designed to do something about the horrific amount of hate videos on youtube featuring Michael Jackson.

    A simultaneous targeting of these videos on is planned for Saturday, Febuary 5. Times are detailed below.

    Many groups on FB and many here on twitter including @MJJJusticePrjct, @mjsarmy1, @support4mj, @777MJJ, @Luna_respectMJ, @Qbees and many, many others here -- are coming together to promote & participate in this action to try and remove certain youtube videos & users from youtube.

    We are hoping you will join us. Here are some simple instructions to accomplish this task.

    1: WHEN and WHERE:

    WHERE: Youtube
    DATE: Saturday Febuary 5, 2011

    12:00 PM -- 1:00 PM EST
    11:00 AM -- 12:00 PM CST
    09:00 AM -- 10:00 AM PST
    5:00 PM -- 6:00 PM GMT

    2: WHAT:
    After you have signed in and /or created your Youtube account, please go to the links below & follow these instructions:

    1 Dislike the video (thumbs down)

    2 Move across to the Flag icon to your right & click
    on it.

    3 A drop down box will appear. Select 'hateful or
    abusive content.'

    4 From there, move your cursor across to the right
    and select -- 'Promotes Hatred or Violence'

    5 Another drop down list will appear:

    - age

    - colour

    - disability

    - ethnic origin

    - gender identity

    - national origin

    - race

    - religion

    - sex

    - sexual orientation

    - veteran status

    The above list is double-talk by youtube as reporting these kind of videos does not really fit into the categories they show. Personally, I select either race or sexual orientation as these abusive users are promoting an untrue and false lie about Michael Jackson and sexual abuse, and are often racist. Your choices here are not ideal but youtube will not accept your report if you do not make a selection.

    3: Who:
    Target these Links:









    Please Note:
    With users -- House of Pain & ultra Propofol -- feel free to work your way through their entire video catalogue, as well as flagging and reporting their home channels.
    Results will not show immediately as it takes time for youtube to process reports of abuse.
    But if we all do this today & at other dates in the future, we may seriously impact the effort to cleanup the hate on youtube. Other efforts to deal with persistent youtube abusers in relation to MJ are also happening offline.

    Thank you and good energy to our work this Saturday!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Thank you Purelove!!! I meant to copy the actual link over into here but forgot

    @Souza thank you!!
  • jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    is impressed by the pro-Michael army going on a mission to bring decency to You Tube content. A truly Herculean effort rooted in love
    1 minute ago

  • Some more motivation :

    just tweeted

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    is impressed by the pro-Michael army going on a mission to bring decency to You Tube content. A truly Herculean effort rooted in love
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    Some more motivation :

    just tweeted

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    is impressed by the pro-Michael army going on a mission to bring decency to You Tube content. A truly Herculean effort rooted in love

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Some more motivation :

    just tweeted

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    is impressed by the pro-Michael army going on a mission to bring decency to You Tube content. A truly Herculean effort rooted in love
    GOING on a mission...so I assume he saw the thread, because the other mission has passed already.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Some more motivation :

    just tweeted

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    is impressed by the pro-Michael army going on a mission to bring decency to You Tube content. A truly Herculean effort rooted in love
    GOING on a mission...so I assume he saw the thread, because the other mission has passed already.

    Jerm even actually used the word MISSION, as in the title of this thread. **All wave at Jermaine***

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Pffft Jermaine,stealing my words.aha
    WITH THE L.O.V.E JJ <3!

    I want these to trend in March

    Good Job everyone!
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