Behind The Mask Project: Featured Submission



  • [youtube:1paca67i]

    Funny, the video's been removed... maybe we're getting close? Also, is this the only suit this man has? It does seem like a costume, since he's always in the same outfit, or maybe he needs to go shopping with Katherine who also needs a new dress since she always wears that same blue one.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    PureLove, I KNOW this is serious, but there is also a lot of entertainment added to this hoax. It has more than one layer. This 'old man' moves like MJ, although you see he tries his bast to be slightly different. Some movements give him away. That suit is so horrible that you can't possibly see his body structure and he's not THAT tall. I bet this is something he would enjoy doing, being around people without being Michael Jackson, just being one of the rest, having a few laughs.

    I think that guy is Mike, and so far I have no doubts. His smile in one of the videos made me think so, his moves are highly suspicious and the shoes don't help. Remember what Marlon said: MJ loved going out disguised as an old man, but he would always wear those loafers.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I wish this old man can do the moonwalk at least we can judge more. I do see Purlove point and I do see Souza point. My point is I am lost. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I honestly don't know. I looked at the video about 5 times today. Michael is faster in twirling this old man is a little slower. I guess we shall remain and see.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I wish this old man can do the moonwalk at least we can judge more. I do see Purlove point and I do see Souza point. My point is I am lost. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I honestly don't know. I looked at the video about 5 times today. Michael is faster in twirling this old man is a little slower. I guess we shall remain and see.

    Of course he's slower, he's supposed to be an old man! Hahahahahaha!

    Funny how people say that his moves are off as a possible disguise, but the Billie Jean in TII is not what it should be because "MJ was 50 years old!" Sometimes I just don't get it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I wish this old man can do the moonwalk at least we can judge more. I do see Purlove point and I do see Souza point. My point is I am lost. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I honestly don't know. I looked at the video about 5 times today. Michael is faster in twirling this old man is a little slower. I guess we shall remain and see.

    Of course he's slower, he's supposed to be an old man! Hahahahahaha!

    Funny how people say that his moves are off as a possible disguise, but the Billie Jean in TII is not what it should be because "MJ was 50 years old!" Sometimes I just don't get it.

    I don't get it either.. at least I am not the only one <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    ITS NOT MJ.........his name is John Edwards and he is a professional dancer...he gets in wherever he can.... He was dancing in many flashmob videos, and in Hollywood can read more about him here:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    And how can you be so sure this John Edwards is real? I find only recent stuff about him, and he seems to dress more modern than in both MJ videos where he dresses as if he lives a 100 years ago. Marlon said Mike liked to disguise as an old man. I think it might very well be him. If you think otherwise, that's fine, but you can't be sure either.

    I was thinking the same. Is there more info and pics on this man? I am always a little skeptical when it comes to these "one picture" "one website" etc kinds of finds with little information. That link that was posted, if that's all there is, still isn't enough to convince me who he really is. Need more proof !!!
    He also reminds me of the mayor (aka Michael) from the ghosts video.
    I was just thinking of posting the info about John Edwards, but then I saw 2goodtobtrue's post. It seems that the only way that the older gentleman in the HT video could be MJ rather than John Edwards is if John Edwards and/or one or more of the people connected to the company that "John Edwards" allegedly works for are to some extent in on the hoax, which seems highly unlikely. (It is so easy for us to rationalize things/truth to fit our own perspectives.) But then again, who knows . . . that man in HT very well could be MJ in disguise.
  • Hi everyone. I'm new!

    I've been lurking for a while, but decided to register today. I hope you don't mind me jumping in head first.

    Someone mentioned Michael's Billie Jean performance in TII being different. Travis Payne actually addresses this, saying that Michael purposely changed it up. I can buy that because I've read Michael's own words where he says he often wanted to mix that particular performance up, but didn't because of the fans wishes. He said something about them (the fans) wanting him to moonwalk in the same part, all of the time.

    On to Mr. Edwards. His bio states he was Deputy Director of Engineering for the Air Force for 30 years (recently retired), and yes, there was a John Edwards who held that position.

    His LinkedIn profile can be found here in more detail.

    Here's an article on his dancing taken from the LA AFB's website.

    It's highly unlikely that this man is Michael, but I can say he moves well for a 66 year old white guy. It's funny though that he's sort of prolific and very visible in many things involving Michael.

    Oh, he does teach at Hype Dance Studio, too.

  • I forgot to add one more thought...

    It's obvious this man sticks out. His ability to dance well combined with his age does lend attention to him; however, perhaps we should wonder who exactly is singling him out, and why.

    The HT video is professionally done, and there's momentary focus on the gentleman. The Official Michael Jackson Flash Mob For Haiti seems to be professionally filmed as well, and Mr. Edwards is certainly center stage in that as well, or I should say he's more prolific in it.

    How often is it that an older man, with limited dance experience, is going to be cast in so many professional videos? I mean, come on. He started taking salsa lessons, then moved to cardio hip hop classes, and now he's dancing professionally in high dollar productions? I wonder how many dancers that are better than him were turned down for the HT video?

    IMO, somebody, somewhere is using him as a decoy of sorts. But why?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787


    It's highly unlikely that this man is Michael, but I can say he moves well for a 66 year old white guy. It's funny though that he's sort of prolific and very visible in many things involving Michael.

    Oh, he does teach at Hype Dance Studio, too.


    I'd seen this video before but had totally missed that the old guy was in it! Thanks for posting it OffTheWall and I'm glad you've joined the forum. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I forgot to add one more thought...

    It's obvious this man sticks out. His ability to dance well combined with his age does lend attention to him; however, perhaps we should wonder who exactly is singling him out, and why.

    The HT video is professionally done, and there's momentary focus on the gentleman. The Official Michael Jackson Flash Mob For Haiti seems to be professionally filmed as well, and Mr. Edwards is certainly center stage in that as well, or I should say he's more prolific in it.

    How often is it that an older man, with limited dance experience, is going to be cast in so many professional videos? I mean, come on. He started taking salsa lessons, then moved to cardio hip hop classes, and now he's dancing professionally in high dollar productions? I wonder how many dancers that are better than him were turned down for the HT video?

    IMO, somebody, somewhere is using him as a decoy of sorts. But why?

    You're right, he does stick out and the camera focuses on him in the first little bit of that video. What I don't understand is why he looks so different in this video as well as pictures compared to the HT and Behind The Mask video, especially the HT video. And where he looks different from the "real" John Edwards, he's always wearing a Dave Dave type hat. I said it before but I think it's definitely a possibility that Michael is Dave Dave-ing John Edwards. For what purpose would Michael do this? For fun, because he can, he likes the older guy disguises (he's been doing that for years), and so he can be present on the sets of his music videos. I do think Michael is "behind the curtain" a lot with the hoax but there would be times when he would probably want to be out there, actively involved somehow and since it's his hoax he probably is. Why not, I say.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I totally agree with you Andrea. Murray has been driving us crazy the same way. Because there's a real person, Michael can hide behind that fact and use it to his advantage. Occasionally he can be that person in disguise, acting like them which takes great skill, and yet be himself a little bit also, and that's why we go crazy seeing the Michaelishness about the person. You called it the Dave Dave syndrome or something like that. In Ghost, Michael's mayor disguise sort of looked like Bashir and Tom Sneddon--a deliberate combo.
  • reveron1958reveron1958 Posts: 514
    Yea not everyone is MJ. Just some old guy flopping around..
    Yeah, who dresses like a 20-year-old in real life, and when he has the chance to appear in a Michael Fucking jackson video, he dresses as if he walked right out of "Titanic". <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Exactly, can it be more obvious? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    If I were casting a video where there was to be a diverse age/gender/race of dancers, then I would cast an older man like Mr Edwards and obviously would have him dressed in an 'old man' costume, not tracksuit and t-shirt.

    Dressed in young attire he would not be noticed and the point of hiring an older man would be lost. Dressed as an 'old man' (he looks just like my father from a distance - RIP) he stands out and it makes it humorous. He is actually dressed older than his age (66) more in keeping with a man in his eighties. This makes his dancing ability look even more incredulous to the viewer.

    This dude seems very energetic and I bet he feels so so young. He doesn't dress like 20 year old in every picture of him. His hands doesn't look ANY like Michael's, his moves doesn't look ANY like Michael's, his body structure doesn't look ANY like Michael's. This guy is way so much taller than MJ. And you can not make someone's legs and arms look longer even if that person wear a 10 inch heels. And why would Michael disguise himself as an old guy and had all these pictures, Facebook profile, joined a dance competition? If you believe this guy is real but Michael also disguises as him, I must remind you that this hoax is not a game or fun play where Michael can pop up everywhere he wants, in his music videos, basketball games etc with a disguise. This is a serious plan that the FBI is also involved. FBI is protecting Michael, would they allow him to appear everywhere with a disguise in the public, especially in these videos which are going to be watched by millions of people? And again I need to remind you that Michael is the man BEHIND the curtain to pull the strings, not the man in front of the curtain or on the stage. I do not see any reason for Michael to appear with the same disguise in 2 of his music videos. Not everything is a clue and not everyone is MJ in disguise. You guys see Michael even in Grace and this proves how much some of you lose it. This is the last time I'm writing about this 'seeing Michael in everyone' issue as it gives me a headache. Some of you see MJ in everyone but can not recognize the real Michael. I used to laugh at these when you guys see Michael in Murray, in Grace and in every old men but it aint even funny no more. Done. Now you can get pissed and jump on me. But all I can say is use common sense.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this great post by Purelove - the voice of logic.

    <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    Once more I'm going to give out my opinion, - this guy isn't Michael Jackson. He is John Edwards, - why would MJ want to be John Edwards? That's blowing my mind! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • I forgot to add one more thought...

    It's obvious this man sticks out. His ability to dance well combined with his age does lend attention to him; however, perhaps we should wonder who exactly is singling him out, and why.

    The HT video is professionally done, and there's momentary focus on the gentleman. The Official Michael Jackson Flash Mob For Haiti seems to be professionally filmed as well, and Mr. Edwards is certainly center stage in that as well, or I should say he's more prolific in it.

    How often is it that an older man, with limited dance experience, is going to be cast in so many professional videos? I mean, come on. He started taking salsa lessons, then moved to cardio hip hop classes, and now he's dancing professionally in high dollar productions? I wonder how many dancers that are better than him were turned down for the HT video?

    IMO, somebody, somewhere is using him as a decoy of sorts. But why?
    How often is it that an older man, with limited dance experience, is going to be cast in so many professional videos? I mean, come on. He started taking salsa lessons, then moved to cardio hip hop classes, and now he's dancing professionally in high dollar productions? I wonder how many dancers that are better than him were turned down for the HT video?

    IMO, somebody, somewhere is using him as a decoy of sorts. But why?

    Thank you for posting OffTheWall and welcome <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I quoted this part because I couldn't have said it better. And about your question that Mr. Edwards could be used as a decoy, I can only think of provoking speculation about Mr. Edwards being MJ or not in order to study all the reactions and investigation on internet because it's part of the project/movie <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I totally agree with you Andrea. Murray has been driving us crazy the same way. Because there's a real person, Michael can hide behind that fact and use it to his advantage. Occasionally he can be that person in disguise, acting like them which takes great skill, and yet be himself a little bit also, and that's why we go crazy seeing the Michaelishness about the person. You called it the Dave Dave syndrome or something like that. In Ghost, Michael's mayor disguise sort of looked like Bashir and Tom Sneddon--a deliberate combo.

    With all due respect to your opinion, if Michael was disguising himself as this particular individual, this man would be one more person let in on the hoax, and he'd have to be cooperative seeing as it's his resume that's getting padded.

    IMO, the hoax itself is a huge risk/gamble with serious consequences if it goes wrong, and I just don't see Michael letting every Tom, Dick, and Harry in on it for the purpose of entertaining, especially if he was in danger.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Those videos with the man dancing also reminds me of the moves of the mayor in ghosts.

    I have seen many videos on youtube this morning about prosthetic makeup masks and some can fool you in a second. The silicon used adapts to your own features as a second skin.

    Michael can be disguised as this old man, no doubt about it. Michael disguised himself as he pleased. This is nothing new.
  • Look, I came to a conclusion that this dude is not Michael Jackson. I will explain, Michael faked his death for what ever important reason, so why would he start spending his time disguising himself, wasting his time to find people he can disguise. We all know he faked his death for something important I would think that he would focus towards that reason, not starting to disguise himself like this Elliot dude. What would be his purpose? I am sure he is taking this opportunity to also rest in peace and quiet. I also know CM is not Michael either. I know some of you will bash me, but it is fine. CM is just a decoy for Michael, that is all, but it is not Michael in disguise. Yes some pictures Cm looks skinnier, fatter, darker, I think it is more photography than anything else. The only disguise Michael disguised himself was DAVE DAVE THAT I AGREE 100%.; blessings.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    This is my personal opinion and it doesn't need to make sense to anyone. We saw Katherine crying a couple of times during her interviews when she was speaking of Michael. The family keeps on repeating how much they miss Michael. And just yesterday I read the kids cried a lot during Janet's tribute at her concert in LA. I do believe the reason of this emotion of the family is because they do not see Michael often and they really miss him. And it doesn't sound logical to me when Michael doesn't see his children, he would disguise himself and dance in the videos. If he could appear like that easily, he would go to see his kids and family. I still believe that this is such a very serious case that the FBI involved and I personally do not believe Michael would disguise himself as all of these people. He has much more important things to do than disguising himself all the time.
  • peggy99peggy99 Posts: 73
    To me it kind of looks like Dave Dave <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • taty_2crazytaty_2crazy Posts: 290
    ITS NOT MJ.........his name is John Edwards and he is a professional dancer...he gets in wherever he can.... He was dancing in many flashmob videos, and in Hollywood can read more about him here:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Yes i agree with u "2good2btrue". <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    This is my personal opinion and it doesn't need to make sense to anyone. We saw Katherine crying a couple of times during her interviews when she was speaking of Michael. The family keeps on repeating how much they miss Michael. And just yesterday I read the kids cried a lot during Janet's tribute at her concert in LA. I do believe the reason of this emotion of the family is because they do not see Michael often and they really miss him. And it doesn't sound logical to me when Michael doesn't see his children, he would disguise himself and dance in the videos. If he could appear like that easily, he would go to see his kids and family. I still believe that this is such a very serious case that the FBI involved and I personally do not believe Michael would disguise himself as all of these people. He has much more important things to do than disguising himself all the time.

    I have to agree with you to some extent on this. I believe Michael hoaxed for very serious reasons too. I don't know if it's him in the vids but I do believe that this person is there for a reason, possibly hired by Michael, if only to remind us to keep hope alive. As far as the kids emotions, I think that they have in all probability seen Michael but not often. Knowing that Michael is not able to be with them daily and then seeing a tribute to him in any case would cause the children to still get emotional. I can become completely overwhelmed when I see anything that is sad concerning Michael and I am almost totally convinced that Michael is not dead. I'm not his child, so I can imagine how it must affect them. They love him so much and probably feel that what ever is happening is not fair. Putting myself ion their place, I understand their exhibits of sadness completely. I cry wile watching sad movies ALL THE TIME, and I know it's just good acting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    Does anyone know why.........this guy.................... wearing same clothes in two different vids NEVER see one clear close up shot of him
    this is really bugging me ...and i wish someone could really look at this,as i am not good at computers lol xx
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    loyalfan, There is a close up shot of this dancer in the last few seconds of the video on this thread. As for having a limited wardrobe, perhaps his clothes are laundry bound.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    these videos are not thrown together...they are carefully done,so i simply wonder why he is wearing the same clothes in both videos,its just odd....every shot is analized,and its more than coincidence
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    What I don't get about the "old man" is why the guy in the videos (wearing the same clothes) looks nothing like who he's supposed to be:


    That person looks more like the six flags guy than the guy in the video.


    Obviously I'm not saying the dancer is the six flags guy. My question is - who is this guy? (Below) Because he sure doesn't look like the guy in the first pic.

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